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Bombshell evidence has just been uncovered by Attorney Jay Sekulow, proving that Barack Obama, in his last days in the White House, set up a coup by a secret executive order to overthrow President Donald Trump, and that coup is going on right now. Sekulow, while investigating the General Mike Flynn scandal, discovered what Obama hoped would never be found, and you’ll be shocked to learn about the smoking gun.

After Donald Trump won the presidency, Barack Obama and his minions in the White House hatched a plan to ensure they could keep enough power to eventually overthrow the new president. Obama accomplished this by signing an executive order on January 3rd, 2017, with only 17 days left in office.

According to Jay Sekulow, a well-known attorney who heads the American Center for Law and Justice, Obama set-up a plan for the intelligence community to target President Trump through a secret executive order that Sekulow has uncovered.

Specifically through the use of a lame-duck executive order, President Obama authorized multiple intelligence agencies to have access to Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) including phone call intercepts. [via Conservative Treehouse]

Obama expanded who could investigate and have access to highly classified information. Before Obama’s order, only the National Security Agency (NSA) had clearance to order a phone tap or access the top secret information, but Obama gave 16 different agencies access and power to investigate whatever the hell they want. That includes Obama loyalists, who are still in positions throughout those 16 different agencies. This is how they took out General Mike Flynn, and it was an act of espionage when they did it.

The new rules were issued under section 2.3 of Executive Order 12333 after approval by two Obama Administration officials: Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Director of National Intelligence Director, James Clapper. [via ACLJ]

So, in the beginning of January, when Obama wrote this executive order, in effect, he was setting up a shadow government against Trump. Obviously, these orders would never affect Obama’s presidency since he was leaving office in 17 days.