
Paleocrat #fundie #wingnut #homophobia paleocrat.blogspot.com

"I am a Christian Reconstructionist, a Paleoconservative, and a strong advocate for a homosexual death penalty. But here I want to attempt to put forth not only what “should” be done but also what, at present, is more “probable” to be done.

What should be done is to reinstate a homosexual death penalty. Truth be told, if we were to obey God’s Law concerning the sanctions against homosexuality we would have no “crisis.” The debate would be gone. At least from the homosexuals themselves. Their defenders could debate over whether or not to put them to death but not over whether or not we should alter God’s sacred definition and structure of marriage."

[Paleocrat is the host of a small-budget college radio talk show. Here's his youtube account: http://youtube.com/user/paleocrat ]

The Paleocrat #fundie paleocrat.blogspot.com

We, especially as Christians, must begin to take America by the horns and demand change. It is our responsibility as God’s reforming agent to confront the world and declare Christ as King, requiring that every area of life submit to his Lordship. For he alone can perform the surgery America so desperately needs in order to truly become “America the Exceptional.”