
Jon Garvey #conspiracy #fundie potiphar.jongarvey.co.uk

On GB News last night someone had found a recent House of Lords report stating, as a matter of fact, that renewables will never be able to replace the energy supply we have, and hence outlining how (not if) the people will have to reduce their consumption of energy. It’s not just that they will have to pay to install heat pumps instead of gas boilers – they will have to get used to colder houses, because the inadequacy of the latter is already assumed. Foreign travel will not just be too expensive – it will be restricted (in line, of course, with the G20’s recent support for digital vaccine passports, despite their demonstrated uselessness as a public health measure). Local travel, too, will be limited by the inability of most to buy, or charge, electric cars.

None of this appears to be intended as belt-tightening necessary to get us through all the threatened climate tipping points until the new clean energy system is up and running. Rather, the future is all permanent sackcloth, ashes and low energy consumption by design.

Now that makes some kind of religious sense if you buy into the idea that we are guilty of raping Mother Earth by our greedy consumption of fossil fuels. I wrote about that myth here, and it’s surprising how even many Christians accept what is actually a thoroughly pagan idea, and an irrational one at that. Earth’s bounty, including fossil fuels, was given to us by God to use. But like so much of the Great Reset the myth seems purpose-made to impoverish the poor, especially, and reduce them to servitude. Why does Satan hate the poor so much (perhaps it’s just making people poor he enjoys)?