DeAnna Lorraine #wingnut #dunning-kruger
Today was the first day basically that the governor of the state that I’m in right now—the governor of Texas—issued an executive order saying that we will no longer have or need a mask mandate in all of Texas. And he ordered businesses to open at 100% capacity. Fully open! Yay!
Today was basically day one, and that’s why I’m wearing a nurse’s outfit because I’m going around and I’m videotaping me going to different stores, restaurants, department stores, bars, etc., and videotaping people’s reactions to me not wearing a mask and having them try to educate a doctor or a nurse on how masks save lives.
Tell me - a doctor or a nurse - how masks somehow save lives, and how they work and how they’re necessary after never needing a mask, ever.
So I want to videotape and I’m going to be starting to videotape people’s reactions, and I’m sure there’s going to be some. And I’m going to keep insisting I’m not wearing a mask, and here’s the data behind why masks DON’T work. Here’s why masks don’t work, here’s all the data and the studies backing it up. But you go ahead, you Walmart store clerk. You go ahead, you grocery store bagger, and you tell me something that I don’t know already — you try to school me on something that I went to school for.