
Seo Helrune #dunning-kruger #magick seohelrune.com

The One-Eyed God on the Road

This all brings me to some of the possible omens I’ve noticed recently. There have been multiple strange conversations with neighbors about an increase in shadow people that “don’t move like shadow people” in the street. (Less “dart-y”, more “people-y”.) Friends have told me about incidents where they have an experience of “pareidolia” that sounds like glamour, and that leaves them in doubt of what is actually “real”. Other friends have told me about seeing critters that aren’t there. People are telling me about the disturbing dreams and messages they’ve received of late. Some of these things I’ve also experienced for myself.

These, to me, all have something of an otherworldly feel to them. As does the recent killing of the white stag by armed police in Bootle, UK.

But I’ve also noticed that a certain one-eyed god seems to be getting around a lot more nowadays too. More people (some of whom have never interacted with him before) are now telling me about their interactions with him and asking for advice. An entire Heathen community performed a days-long ritual in his honor, erecting a 20ft god post. And for two Wednesdays in a row now, there’s been news that’s felt pointed in either its direct association with him (such as the announcement of this hoard of bracteates), or associated symbolism (such as the suspected electrical fire at this “Midgard’s” church on the island of Grímsey). Then today (as of the time of writing), this video of a Spiritualist who allegedly channeled Odin was shared in a group chat I’m on.

I’ve followed the Old Man for over a decade and a half now. But even though I am very much “Team Odin”, I also know he has a tendency to become more prolific during “interesting” times.

With this in mind, this new rise of the Spear God doesn’t exactly fill me with comfort in our time of plague, climate crisis, and burgeoning far right movements.

SEO HELRUNE #magick seohelrune.com

Otherworldly Bleed, Consensus, and Magic

A few years ago, back when this idea of the otherworld bleeding through began to make its way into Pagan/Witch discourse, I had a curious incident at the side of a river with a witchy friend. Both of us had noticed the uptick in otherworldly activity. We were both also getting messages from multiple people. Often from people who didn’t ordinarily experience our kind of strangeness, and that stood out.

I wondered what the effects of this otherworldly “bleed” would have on magic and what we humans can do with magic. Naturally (because I’m an idiot like this), I grabbed a stick and drew a sigil I use when creating portals into the sand and silt of the riverbank.

The effect was almost instantaneous: a shifting sensation that used to take more effort to achieve.

I closed it and scrubbed it from the sand almost as soon as my friend and I noticed the shift.

I’m a firm believer that most things have their season. And if the blog John Beckett posted this morning is anything to go by, then this subject’s season has come. In "The Currents of Magic are Getting Stronger", he makes the same observation I did at the side of that river.

We also cannot ignore the fact that most of the discussion on this topic is coming from US sources. I’m not saying that strange things aren’t also happening elsewhere—but we also cannot assume that just because this stuff is happening here, it’s happening everywhere.

If Cotton Mather is to be believed in his "Wonders of the Invisible World", early colonizers in what would become the US also drove out “devils.” He even goes on to blame the apparent preponderance of witches in Salem on a counterattack by the devils, thus retaining that link between witches and the Otherworldly in his interpretation of events.

The otherworld is bleeding through, the devils are coming back, and they’re bringing us witches with them?