
Jennifer Bilek #transphobia the11thhourblog.com

The Transhumanism in the Middle of the "Gender Identity" Living Room

There is an apparition that is floating around the global institutionalization of “gender identity.” What is it? What is happening? We can see something going on but can’t quite make it out. Why are these changes being catapulted through western cultures, driven by big money and governments? This apparition has a name: Transhumanism. It is the unnamed issue that is sitting in the middle of the “gender identity” living room, which we can’t quite address. All the other tentacles of changes transforming society, wrought in the name of gender, grow out of this apparition, this thing we refuse to name and face.

Transhumanism is the single most important thing to resist if we are to stop the deconstruction of our species. We, as human beings, are sexually dimorphic, and “gender identity” is deconstructing sex. “Gender Identity,” has many different iterations but most of us are looking at the sequences and missing the whole. We need to look at what "gender identity" does and not what it means. It destroys sex as a meaningful category and it is literally desexing children and young people. This is the point of it. This is how it is used by those forcing it into the culture, to normalize our dissociation from our sexed reality.


President Biden recently passed another bill where “gender identity” will override the sex-based rights of women. Our language has already changed to obliterate our sexed reality. Is it plausible Biden doesn’t understand what he is doing? Obama, financially assisted into office by the Pritzkers, who Biden served as vice president, became the first president to use the word “transgender” in a state of the union address. Obama called a special meeting for “transgender” students at the White House, in 2015, earning him the title of “Trans President.”


This forced evolution of our species is upon us. We must understand that gender is a façade to normalize the desexing of our species toward a more complex melding with technology than we have seen thus far. We must be brave enough to face the transhumanism in the middle of the “gender identity” living room or be changed forever.

Mothers Grim #transphobia the11thhourblog.com

🇺🇸Cutting to the Chase:YouTube’s Bearded and Breastless Transmen, a Salesforce in the Making 1
Chase Ross is a woman who has appropriated male sex characteristics through drugs and surgeries. She is described as “transgender,” which is also referred to in the industry, as a female to male or an FTM. Once a young victim of the gender industry herself, she has been transformed into a victimizer of the next generation. YouTube is Chase's biggest avenue to stardom as one of social media’s top "transgender" influencers. This series of three posts delve into Chase’s online persona, her FTM friends, and the online businesses that have exploded in recent years. These posts will take a deep dive into the products, drugs, and surgeries required for membership in the novel and trending FTM lifestyle.[...]

Part I: Introduction to Social Media Influencer Chase Ross and Friends

“Hey everybody, it’s Chasey Poo,” are the seemingly innocuous words Chase Ross often uses to greet her unsuspecting followers on YouTube. Do not be fooled for the topic du jour is quickly followed with titles like “Transgender Children,” “need a binder?,” “How to Use Your Growth for Sex,” “bottom surgery consultation,” and “Anal for FTMs” where it becomes quite obvious what this is all about. Chase is one of many YouTube influencers impacting stressed young females. They are the older (and supposedly wiser) voices beckoning young people into the trenches of the bearded and breastless “transman” identity, a medical identity that has only recently come into being, and one that has seen absurd increases over the last decade. The opportunity for a social media influencer with such a huge audience to beguile, capture and take advantage of young females is both profound and profoundly disturbing. Hypnotized by their charm, followers become believers confusing fantasy for reality.


Mothers Grim #transphobia the11thhourblog.com

🇺🇸Cutting to the Chase:YouTube’s Bearded and Breastless Transmen, a Salesforce in the Making 1
(continued from https://fstdt.com/NZJ4NFZ4MY6NG )
It is not too hard to see how the interconnectivity of influencers and platforms just might permit a freakish explosion of a very bad ideology causing monumental harm to an entire generation of young people. Clicking on FTM Aydian Dowling’s company, point5cc, advertised on Chase’s channel (as shown in the image below) brings up a company called Point of Pride. Point of Pride is a nonprofit under Aydian Dowling’s leadership who got her own start on, none other than, YouTube. Point of Pride has programs to help fund surgeries with a US-based surgeon (even under age 18 with guardian consent). They also have programs offering 12 months of free HRT through Plume (an online drug dispensary founded by MTF Jerrica Kirkley with real estate on YouTube) and free binders through gc2b, yet another trans owned business also with real estate on YouTube. Now amplify this power of the click across each video on each FTMs content and it is not hard to see how a crisis might ensue.
The Internet of Things has plugged stressed-out young females directly into their own undoing. With an arsenal of procured and targeted ads and influencers bombarding YouTube followers, Chase, and/or members of the consortium of FTM influencers, are bound to hit their targets one after the other with their collections of goods and services. Click after click, hypnotized females then fall further and further down the rabbit hole of harmful transgender medical identities. The influencers' business successes speak volumes about the war that has been waged on sexed bodies in the 21st Century.

Mothers Grim #transphobia the11thhourblog.com

🇺🇸Cutting to the Chase:YouTube’s Bearded and Breastless Transmen, a Salesforce in the Making 1
(continued from https://fstdt.com/.XSR.N9ZPL8PK )
The FTM influencers care not one lick about their fans save for the cash flow they provide and the perpetuation of the fantastical business of “transition.” These influencers do not act alone but appear regularly in one another’s content and collaborate on selling the ideology and products to support the illusion of “transition.”

In Chase Ross’s content, regulars, like FTMs Aaron Ansuini, Ty Turner, and Kai Scott make repeat appearances. In what seems a misfit among the females, even the popular MTF Steph Sanjati appears from time to time. Then there are countless other influencers and companies that are linked in some way via advertising like Aydian Dowling and her company Point of Pride or Mason Luke and her company MasonLuke.com. Mr. Mason Luke is advertised as a “transgender man who has been in the adult sales industry for 15+ years.” These influencers indoctrinate teens into the “trans” lifestyle, peddle porn products, and are a salesforce for Big Pharma. They advise young women on drugs, surgeries, or devices with no mention of the physical and mental harm they are doomed to endure by accepting the advice of these charlatans.

Examples of a few influencer collaborations amongst the FTM social media influencers and their cross-marketing can be seen in the chart below: