Mothers Grim #transphobia

🇺🇸Cutting to the Chase:YouTube’s Bearded and Breastless Transmen, a Salesforce in the Making 1
Chase Ross is a woman who has appropriated male sex characteristics through drugs and surgeries. She is described as “transgender,” which is also referred to in the industry, as a female to male or an FTM. Once a young victim of the gender industry herself, she has been transformed into a victimizer of the next generation. YouTube is Chase's biggest avenue to stardom as one of social media’s top "transgender" influencers. This series of three posts delve into Chase’s online persona, her FTM friends, and the online businesses that have exploded in recent years. These posts will take a deep dive into the products, drugs, and surgeries required for membership in the novel and trending FTM lifestyle.[...]

Part I: Introduction to Social Media Influencer Chase Ross and Friends

“Hey everybody, it’s Chasey Poo,” are the seemingly innocuous words Chase Ross often uses to greet her unsuspecting followers on YouTube. Do not be fooled for the topic du jour is quickly followed with titles like “Transgender Children,” “need a binder?,” “How to Use Your Growth for Sex,” “bottom surgery consultation,” and “Anal for FTMs” where it becomes quite obvious what this is all about. Chase is one of many YouTube influencers impacting stressed young females. They are the older (and supposedly wiser) voices beckoning young people into the trenches of the bearded and breastless “transman” identity, a medical identity that has only recently come into being, and one that has seen absurd increases over the last decade. The opportunity for a social media influencer with such a huge audience to beguile, capture and take advantage of young females is both profound and profoundly disturbing. Hypnotized by their charm, followers become believers confusing fantasy for reality.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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