
Rodney Hand #sexist theheadofhousehold.com

7 Signs your girlfriend or wife is wearing the pants:

1) You have to ask her to have sex

It has sadly become the status quo that most men have to ask their wives to have sex with them.

Men speak of “getting lucky” with their wives, or their girlfriends “putting out”.

Every time I hear this, it disgusts me to the pit of my stomach – as it should disgust you!

Modern men forget that they have natural common-law conjugal rights, that were only persecuted from the 1970s onwards. In fact marital rape was only established in English law from 1991.

The most insidious part of this status quo is that by asking for sex, men instantly eliminate the #1 component of erotic tension – power.

What happens in a healthy relationship: you screw her at any time and place of your choosing, at your will. The very act of taking her against her will, makes her wet for you immediately.

2) You routinely cook dinner or do the washing up

Many otherwise healthy men routinely cook for their wives. They have been fooled into thinking “I enjoy cooking”, as they attempt to self-rationalise their shameful femininised behaviour.

Think about it from a different perspective. What other, more enjoyable and masculine activities could you be doing whilst your wife is cooking for you? You could be spending the time working on your business and other entrepreneurial activities, earning money! You could be be fixing up those odd jobs around the house that need doing. You could be training martial arts, preparing to defend your family against attackers, or teaching your son the importance of integrity and accountability! Why would a masterful man waste his valuable time in the kitchen?

Take a close look at what your wife is doing whilst you are cooking for her. Is she perhaps watching television – diluting her awareness of life in a sea of pitiful and malignant tripe – or wallowing in a glib and vapid ocean of foolish jibber jabber on Facebook? Or – let me guess – she is at work, or doing something relating to her career. All whilst you fill the traditional female role of staying in the kitchen and cooking food!

Sure, I enjoy cooking from time to time – I am an awesome chef. But I reserve my cooking skills for that rare occasion when I wish to demonstrate my mastery in that skill. My time on a routine basis provides a mu h more valuable return if invested elsewhere.

Don’t fool yourself that you enjoy cooking so much that you sacrifice your valuable time and thus your potential opportunities in life to do it. If that’s the case, become a professional chef. Professional chefs are the only exception to this rule.

What happens in a healthy relationship: the woman does all the cooking and cleaning and constantly looks for ways to improve her cooking to please you.

3) The world revolves around her career

This is a case guaranteed to be all too common!

If a couple has no children, there is no issue with the women having a job. However, this does not mean the entire world should resolve around her and her work!

If a couple have children, the women must put her career on ice until all the children are at school. Then, if she wishes, she can re-enter part time employment.

If the focus of her life is directed towards her job, what energy will she have left for you and the family?

Elevating her ‘career’ onto a special pedestal is the same as saying “I am more important than you”. For a women to prioritise her job is self-serving and narcissistic. By investing all her time in this ‘career’, she is investing all her time in herself.

In the natural world, a woman sacrifices herself for the long-term benefit of her family. She deploys her natural nurturing and care-giving instincts, for the betterment of the bloodline.

What happens in a healthy relationship: if the women works, it is a distant last-place to the needs of the family. Her world revolves around you and she loves it.

4) She expects you to follow her orders

I see it day after day. When you remove the veil from your eyes and behold the truth, you will see it too.

Men walking in the supermarket, as if on leashes. Their wives walk them as if dogs.

Whilst you unwittingly entered the relationship placing your trust in the theory of “equal rights”, the practice is far different. Women will rush to fill the power vacuum left in the absence of your natural male dominance and will literally begin to tell you what to do. It may start slowly, but it is a rapidly descending slope.

This may come in the form of direct orders, or dominantly phrased rhetoric questions, e.g., “Could you go and do this for me, honey?”

The reality is that women want to be told what to do and if you assert yourself as a good husband in this regard, she will be happier than ever before.

What happens in a healthy relationship: she does exactly as you tell her to do and if she needs something of you she requests it politely and respectfully.

5) She continually nags you

There is nothing more insidious in a women than nagging. This is exactly why men must spank their wives, to combat such emasculating and rude behaviour.

The media has steadily fed men the lie that “nagging” is somehow natural and expected. We have been programmed to believe that a wife is naturally a ‘ball and chain’ that will constantly ‘nag’ her foolish husband, who is ‘deserving’ of this derision. The implication is that the husband is weak and is being justly apprehended by his wife for this fact.

In fact, the complete opposite is true. A man takes the lead in providing for his family and his wife is there to offer her every assistance to him. A good wife is like her husband’s Personal Assistant and should be continually thinking of ways she can help to drive forward the direction that the man has set for the family.

What happens in a healthy relationship: she continually supports your every effort with practical assistance where she can

6) She talks down to you

This can start so slowly that many men do not even realise it is happening.

What would be gasped at 50 years ago as unforgivable petulance and disrespect, is now routinely acknowledged as expected behaviour.

The situation is compounded by subliminal programming from the media, where men are portrayed as buffoons and women as heroes. I stopped listening to the radio or watching the TV a long time ago. Next time you are watching some ghastly shite via these mediums, pay close attention to the dynamic between male and female co-presenters. Chances are, the women openly mocks the man, deriding him and reducing him to an emasculated caricature of a true male.

Many men are so used to being on the receiving end of this disgusting behaviour, that it may come as a shock to them to find that a true woman does exactly the opposite. Rather than talking down to her man, she praises his leadership and valuable male characteristics. She looks upto him and regularly reminds him of what a great job he does providing for her and the family.

Can you imagine what you would be capable of with a women like this behind you?

This is still the norm in non-Westernised cultures such as Singapore and India.

What happens in a healthy relationship: she lovingly praises and supports you, like your own personal cheer leader.

7) She won’t allow you to make decisions

One of a man’s most fundamental roles in a relationship is as the decision maker. He is entrusted to consider the greater good of the family. He is entrusted to follow his instincts for the long-term prosperity and survival of his bloodline. Whilst a man may often seek his woman’s input or guidance on major life decisions, ultimately the decision is his.

By claiming ‘veto’ rights on the basis of an ‘equal relationship’ where “everybody contributes the same”, the sly women establishes an unhealthy power framework where she has eroded the man’s most fundamental and valuable contribution to the relationship. A relationship is not a jury or a council committee, where votes are taken. A relationship is an exchange of power and resources, based on agreed terms.

Millions of modern men are living unhappy and emasculated lives, as they have naively forfeited one of the principal tenets of their masculinity: the ability to lead and direct a family.

The truth is that a good women wants to be lead by a good husband and will trust in him to make good decisions.

What happens in a healthy relationship: the man makes the decisions, based on his strategic direction for the family and in consultation with his women where he deems fit.

Rodney Hand #sexist #psycho #mammon theheadofhousehold.com

Your Life – As Nature Intended

Are you?

Tired of meeting dis-respectful, rude and brat-like women?
Feel as if you belong in a previous era – like the 1950s?
Know you’re a good man at heart, but feel like the world’s gone crazy around you?
Feel as if the experience of wearing the pants in a relationship has somehow passed you by?

Sure, I felt that way too.

Until I manned up and taught myself the life skills that enabled me to:

Walk my household like a man and stuff my cock down my woman’s throat at any time I please
Be bought constant supplies of baked goods and nourishing dishes
Fuck my woman like a sexual object at any time I please, in any way I please
Have sex so intensely mind-blowing my vision blurs when I reach orgasm
Put my woman over my knee whenever I see rude or impolite behaviour
Have my woman thank me for spanking her and beg to suck my cock afterwards
Lead my relationship and set mutual goals – like a good-hearted, caring and traditional husband

I wrote this book to help the everyday man with his biggest dilemma: brainwashed women who believe in equal relationships and feminism.

What you will learn:

How to use Sexual Normalization to bring you and your woman back to your inner monkey natures
Exact techniques on how to use Forced Cock Worship to create an emotional bond of intimacy more powerful than any other
Detailed instructions for how to Verbally Reprogram your woman into agreeing to a submissive relationship role
What your woman really wants from your Leadership, but can’t put into words
Penile strength training secrets to get erections bigger and harder than you thought possible
Vaginal strength training secrets that will literally change your life
Exact methods of how to dictate your woman’s vaginal training regime
How to have the true mindset of a traditional male head of household
How to dispense discipline like a secure traditional husband and not a insecure, domineering asshole.

And the Bonus Program:

“Sassy to Submissive in 6 Weeks” – exact instructions on how to have your new girlfriend Intellectualize and Rationalize a submissive relationship role and then sign a Relationship Contract


Relationship Contract Template – for a Modern Male-Led Relationship®


The techniques and methods in this book are extremely psychologically powerful! When you play with fire, be careful not to get burned. Use at your own risk!

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Rodney Hand #sexist theheadofhousehold.com

Why all modern women secretly crave a spanking

1) Her social role conflicts with her innate biological role

Women are born from their mothers’ wombs and when they die they return to dust, just as any being born of God.
To pretend that any man or women is more than a biological creature with innate biological programming is idiotic.
The primary purpose of a women’s life is to receive a healthy man’s seed, create a healthy offspring and nurture this child until it can provide for itself.
Women have been taught by feminism gone wrong that they should go out to work and prioritize themselves above their biological role. They are taught it is acceptable to produce offspring and then pay other women to look after them.
Every women that indulges in these practices is in a state of inner turmoil. Her superficial and pseudo-dominant social role is in direct conflict with her submissive and maternal inner-nature. When you place her over your knee, you bring her back one step closer to that innate biological role, where she is controlled and over-powered by a dominant male figure.
A spanking evokes primal emotions that women living in today’s sick Western society crave more than ever before.


3) She craves a strong dominant father figure (Daddy Issues)

Did you ever hear the phrase “Men marry their mothers and women marry their fathers” ?
It’s origin is in Jung’s theory of the Electra Complex.
Well, it’s true.
The unfortunate reality is that many modern Western women were raised without a strong father figure. The result of which is that the women has unresolved ‘daddy issues’. This is not in itself a bad thing, as it can form the basis of powerful sexual fantasies.
Subconsciously, modern women crave the staunch discipline of the strong unyielding father figure that they never received as a child. They act up, being rude and disrespectful in every day life, subconsciously yearning for somebody to call them out on their behaviour and teach them a lesson.
b]When you spank your women, you directly fulfil her sexual and emotional craving for a dominant father figure.


5) She craves release from the pressure of control

Today’s women is at boiling point.
Many healthy, strong, dominant men have sexually submissive fantasies. Many top CEOs will hire expensive dominatrixes to take control of them in the bedroom after office hours.
The reason is simple: it is a release from the constant pressure of being in control, that their egos demand in day-to-day life. If a man spends 15 hours a day being in charge, it will be exciting to him to relinquish that which his ego holds so precious.
The same theory applies to modern women. Since so many modern women have invested heavily in their careers, they spend the majority of their day being in charge. They are forced to constantly control the world around them, which is in direct opposition to their submissive nature and innate biological role to nurture and care.
When a women arrives home with her head spinning after a day in the office, she wants nothing more than to relinquish control. She is bound to be cranky and rude after a day in the office. A spanking will calm her down and put her in a position where she is not in control. This is where she rightfully belongs and where she craves to be placed.

6) Society provides her with no viable end-goal

What has been the clear and transparent end goal of human society, since time immemorial?
To survive, successfully breed and bring up a healthy family capable of procreating the bloodline into the next generation.
In our hyper-indulgent, post WWII society we live in a time of unprecedented gluttony. Today’s spoilt woman has no need to think of survival. And where she should be thinking of how to take advantage of the peacetime and raise the best family possible, she has been programmed by the media to think only of herself and her career.
Modern women’s daily priorities are at direct odds with her ancestral maternal imperatives. This leaves her with with a huge gap in her soul and prone to depression.
She subconsciously craves to be reconnected with her ancestral imperative and to have a clear goal placed in front of her by a dominant male leader.
When you put her over your knee, you put her in a primal place where she is no longer required to be in control and is one step closer to her natural human state being guided towards survival and prosperity.