
I'm counting my blessings, I've found true happiness, 'cause I'm getting richer, day by day...

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

Correct Magnetic Alignment - In this meditation we will intend to correct the magnetic alignment in our body to the highest optimum function, as we address our left side as the magnetic principle which works in our body as the receiver of consciousness energies, as this is the passive force of the female principle. Now bring your focus on your spinal column, connecting the spiritual energetic link from your tailbone running up into the back of your skull and neck. Intend to strengthen the connection between your tailbone and the base of your skull, see the clear and strong white vertical channel being strengthened every time you work on your inner pillar with the 12D shield. With every shield practice, creating the strong and clear inner central vertical channel moving from up your tailbone connecting into the back of your skull and up and through the top of our head. Feel the strength of this white pillar aligned to your spinal column, and intend to make it even stronger. Focus on your spine, we focus on the Skeletal system and bone matrix for Sound and Magnetic Transduction. Focus a moment on the sensation of your Soul body, move your awareness into your heart, go deeply into your heart and ask to communicate directly with your soul now. Intend to connect and communicate with your entire soul body with loving and peaceful intentions. I send all of my love and invite my Soul Body, my female principle to guide me with all that is needed now to unite us into unity, wholeness and direct connection with my highest divine source. Spiritual Body Soul Triad Harmonics, DNA Seed Code Activation for correct Magnetic Alignment. (35:13 minutes


E. J. Preston #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #psycho #mammon amazon.com

(Curiously categorised in Books > Business and Career > Finances)

Jesus Was a Republican

What does it mean to be a good Christian? If you go to church, does that do it? If you give to charity, does that do it? If you bring your friends to a prayer group and get them involved in the church, does that do it? What if you see a homeless man on the street and you buy him a meal or even get him a job? Does that make you a good Christian? The answer is no. Kind acts are important but at the core of what makes someone a good Christian is not an act or two. It's all about the values. A good Christian will dedicate him or herself to following a strict adherence to the values set forth by Jesus Christ. This book explores precisely that question: What did Jesus believe when it came to Taxes, Abortion, Homosexuality, the Death Penalty and Guns and this book will conclusively demonstrate using Holy Scripture that Jesus, were he alive today, would most certainly be a Republican. Moreover, he would denounce the Democratic Party and would never view them as good Christians.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon amg-news.com

The political landscape of America stands at the precipice of an unprecedented transformation. As the nation grapples with its current leadership, whispers of a monumental event have begun to circulate, a scenario known as “CASTLE ROCK.” This event promises to shake the very foundations of governance, spotlighting President Biden’s administration and shifting the tides of power dramatically. As tensions mount, the military prepares to step in, ready to overturn the election results, and restore Donald Trump to a heroic status—a savior in the eyes of his supporters.
Amidst the political upheaval, a major event unfolds—a [FAKE] global war scenario designed to activate militaries worldwide. This simulated conflict serves a dual purpose: to prepare the global defense apparatus and to create a smokescreen for the real events transpiring behind the scenes. In real life, the police and court systems will rule the land, but with a twist.
When Q Said “Do Anons Know What Is About to Be Unleashed”. The enigmatic figure known as Q predicted an unparalleled unleashing of events, and this is it. Dog comms, grounded planes and trains, power switches to Tesla Free Energy, and the bombing of 34 satanic buildings and dams mark the beginning. Bitcoin servers are turned off, erasing 99.5% of crypto, particularly China coins. The world is thrust into a WW3 scare event with nuke sirens blaring, a water event, stock market crashes, and global martial law.
CASTLE ROCK Scenario: Quantum Systems and Project Odin. The CASTLE ROCK scenario comes into full play with the activation of Quantum Systems and Project Odin. NESARA/GESARA and the RV unfold, flipping the election via FISA military courts, leading to military tribunals, confessions, and a ten-day movie revealing the inauguration. This event brings about a return to 1776 principles, reversing the 1871 Act of England and the Balfour Declaration, and activating all militaries under the CASTLE ROCK scenario.

LTC Robert Maginnis #fundie #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon skywatchtvstore.com

Out of this World Book
By: LTC Robert Maginnis
Out of this World brings the unfathomable to life thanks to an open eyed and detailed analysis of the science and theology brought to our doorsteps by the real possibility that unidentified flying objects are manned by extraterrestrial beings that are likely much smarter and far more spiritual than earthlings. Are they a threat to our national security and to our faith in God? Do they come peacefully or as conquers?

For decades US Government officials have denied what many citizens now believe that alien beings are among us and our government knows much more than it has revealed to the public. Do we really have alien craft and “biologics” as Congress was told by former officials?
Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism Book
By: LTC Robert Maginnis
Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism examines what current American leaders like President Joe Biden and his globalist allies intend for America and the world, an outcome that may well usher in the prophetic end times. The evidence for this possible result comes from an objective review of the histories of past Marxist- regimes, accounts that are juxtaposed with the contemporary political proposals by those who seek a global “Great Reset” that could produce a radically different America which becomes subordinate to a godless, totalitarian one-world government ruled by the Chinese Communist Party.

Kings of the East Book
By: Robert Maginnis
China is out to eliminate America and the western world and impose their communist culture on the entire planet. How do we know? Their history, economic power and coming military superiority backed by their rigid focus on instituting a one-world government under the Chinese Communist Party, a plan which is coming together now and is exposed to the world. Is there time to reverse their maniacal advance against freedom and democracy? Bob Maginnis reveals the danger and opportunity ahead in China’s New World Order.

<3 of 4 books in set - $45.00>

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

Ascension Timeline Rebellion
We are living through a great transition and ascension process, from a dark aeon to a new aeon.


1. ES Ascension Class – June 2023

Ascension Timeline Rebellion: We are living through a great transition and ascension process, from a dark aeon to a new aeon. Many of the themes that were seeded by dark forces tens of thousands of years ago, of human subjugation and enslavement are being reasserted in an attempt to maintain control. Yet, most of humanity is unable to connect the dots or consciously participate in collapsing this timeline, as we move toward a collective awakening. With the return of Solar Dragon level consciousness and the restoration of many of the Aeonic Couples in our system, our ground crew is strengthened in collaboration with Guardian Host. A tipping point has been reached and through a recent sequence of gridwork projects more detail is being uncovered about humanities true history, design and purpose, as well as those who have tried to harness, desecrate and enslave the various tribes within the angelic human race.

With the return of the 11th Tribe Atlantian Dragon Queen Merida, the Triple Solar Reisha that embodies the original Emerald Founder Records for the Celtic Arthurian Grail Lines, the timeline wars, clearings and spiritual body retrievals have been focused upon the cluster of timeline trigger events that were set into motion during the Ascension Timeline Rebellion approximately 22,000 years ago. (2:03:45 minutes)

2. ES Ascension Meditation – June 2023

Securing Triple Silver Cords and Daath Deliverance: In this meditation we will address corrections to Emerald-Amethyst Awakening to secure the Triple Silver Cords inside our sacral center, heart center and brain center, and extract any remain imprints of Daath System overlays.

To proceed with this meditation, it is suggested to ask your higher self if you are ready to continue with this energy clearing in the form of asking Yes or NO (38:36 minutes)

Jesse Watters #dunning-kruger #elitist #mammon yahoo.com

Fox News’ Jesse Watters said he thought getting paid $20/hr was around six figures annually.

In a PBD podcast episode that aired on Saturday, Watters and host Patrick Bet-David discussed California recently raising the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20/hr in the state. Bet-David asked Watters for his view on the law. The Fox News host responded by asking Bet-David to work out the math.

“If you're making $20 an hour to work at a fast-food restaurant, is that six figures?” Watters asked.“No, 40 grand … Just two-x it and add a few zeros,” Bet-David replied. “$40k a year, full-time.”

“Okay, 40k a year. So and then if your husband or wife is also there you're making a hundred thousand dollars as a family … both working at McDonald's,” Watters said.

“80 grand,” Bet-David replied.

“That is crazy,” Watters said. “Because that job really doesn't require much so it's inflating the entire labor sector.”

Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia) #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Global Currency Reset Tues. 11 June 2024 Wolverine:

God has sent me on this journey and now I cry, for I have the official news: It has been confirmed that the release of funds for currency exchanges and historical assets began after 12 noon EST on Tues. 11 June.
Funds will become liquid after the 800 is released to you on Wed. 12 June.
The last of this is a banking formality. Everything is done. The wait is over. What has been said so many times by so many that is going to happen has now happened!
C’s losses have already begun with the 27 Asian elderly and rogue families. It has started first with the Elders who are the trigger for all exchanges and redemptions.
Once the closing process begins for Zimbabwe dollar and the Iraqi Dinar, which are part of the first currencies to cross the International Monetary Fund, and which revalues the currencies, all currencies will continue to close until all IMF SDR currencies are revalued.
Congratulations you have made it. This is real. It has started.
I also received a message from the director of the CIC, which is the actual foundation for Mauricio. Right now, he is currently with the President of Colombia, handing out the documents and everything to the president so the funds can be released – I am not sure if it is televised or not, but it is happening right now! I just received a photo shoot!
I am beyond words right now! I am really, really, emotional.
What we need now is for the Tier4B notifications to start coming through, which will be tomorrow Wed. 12 June.
It is a privilege to have known these people (Marucio’s Team) who have changed my life. Especially my wife…. (sorry guys it has been hard, Wolverine is choked with emotion at this point). God bless you all, and hopefully, I pray to God, that that Opera will be released to you. Take care, have a beautiful day. Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia)

William Henry #ufo #magick #mammon williamhenry.net

APRIL 13-14, 2024

Behind all myths, and at the heart of every ancient mystery school, there is one beautiful message, a timeless truth that mystic traditions point to: we are all cosmic heroes… Starwalkers … advanced, inter-dimensional beings, capable of journeying into deeper realms of consciousness of both the internal and eternal frontier. This is our true human nature. More, our earthly lives are preparation for our (return) journey to higher realms. Preparing and transforming with knowing and purpose is the mark of the Starwalker.

Are you ready to expand your consciousness, to follow the ascending path from ‘starseed’ to Starwalker?

Are you ready to embrace “spiritual technologies” to awaken the divine within and break through to the next level of your cosmic journey?

Join ascension scholar, as well as ANCIENT ALIENS and Gaia presenter, William Henry, for (t)his inspirational and empowering Starwalker journey hurling through the blessed cosmos, awakening the greater being within you and exploring the realms of incredible possibility for (y)our world. A journey with possibilities and healing…of body, mind, and soul.
Starwalker : Origins brings you authentic + soul activating teaching about human transformation and ascension that date back to antiquity and connects you to the divine being within and ways to live better in our changing world.

All the while connecting with your soul tribe…

And picking up the Starwalking tools you need…

to succeed and rise and shine in the days to come.

The tools of the Starwalkers:

• A vehicle of higher quantum consciousness for surfing the changing tides of our times.

• The divine power of the stars.

• A tool to attune to universal consciousness, raise your vibration and shift your reality.

• All held together by light work, love, compassion and cosmic unity consciousness.
Just $372 per person.

Refunds are not available for any reason. Thank you for your understanding.

Dr. Thomas Horn/Terry James #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon skywatchtvstore.com

Summoning the Demon Book


In recent years, astonishing technological developments have pushed the frontiers of humanity toward far-reaching morphological transformation that promises in the very near future to produce what the book of Revelation describes as the living “image of the beast,"

Will this mysterious image become realized through the emerging technologies of transhumanism, artificial intelligence, technological singularity, and the ungodly ambitions of a hive mind?

The dynamic changes detailed in this book unveil how godlike machines with the capability of crossing over species and extradimensional barriers put in place by God will soon be ushered in.

As a result, vast numbers of believers could be paralyzed by the staggering supernatural implications. But is there a way for citizens to be prepared for what is coming?
Trajectory Book

Today’s society and culture are increasingly saturated with evil, Genesis 6-level activity. Delusion and deception (deceivers and demonic influences) assault this generation through reprobate thinking.

We only have to consider how this so-called woke insanity with its cancel culture is affecting people who have been inculcated with anti-God, anti-America-as-founded education—how social, mainstream news and entertainment media and even the commercial industry and U.S. military suffer from the upside-down thinking flowing from humanity turning its back on God.

Tracking the Approaching Tribulation Storm, projects through seventeen Bible prophecy experts a vivid, in-depth picture of what is happening. Each contributor, with superlative analysis of the issues and events of this end-of-the-age turbulence, lights up in radar scope-like magnification the boiling, end-times clouds approaching from across the prophetic horizon.

Radionic Tech LLC/Dr. Thor #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon radionictech.com





This is the most powerful Scalar Energy Unit ever made and will be for many years to come. Not only a powerful tool of influence and empowerment, it connects you to a strong royal hertiage of Justice & Success like nothing else. Buying this Unit includes initiation into the Order of The Dracul. It is the first serious step to extreme power and ascension by becoming Light Being! All great tools are connected to great Spiritual Forces that empower them. King Arthur had Excalibur, The Atlantis King had a Sadmar Tool, Thor had Mjolnir, now you have the Extreme Force Unit! This is not only a Tool it is a way life, a master tool of healing, ascension and success like nothing else! This is the ultimate tech for those that want to change their life and help the world while ascending to the next level. Ascension is NOT given it is earned through achieving high states of consciousness. Here is your 50th century Master Tech to save mankind and bring great success to yourself and family!!

Clarence Thomas #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist #mammon news.bloomberglaw.com

US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decried “the nastiness and the lies” he and his wife Ginni have “had to endure” in recent years.

“There’s certainly been a lot of negativity for my wife and I in the last few years,” Thomas said Friday at a conference of the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Point Clear, Alabama. “But we choose not to focus on that.”

Thomas was the focus of controversy over Supreme Court ethics in 2023, after reports emerged that he accepted luxury travel via yacht and private jet from billionaire businessman and conservative political donor Harlan Crow without disclosing the gifts publicly. The justice also sold real estate including his childhood home in Georgia to Crow and failed to include those deals in his annual financial disclosures. ProPublica received a Pulitzer Prize on May 6 for its role in uncovering the financial connections.

On Friday, Thomas recounted a conversation with a friend during a walk around his neighborhood years ago. “That’s before they started attacking my friends,” Thomas said. “I hope I still have some.”

Thomas also described Washington as a place where “people pride themselves in being awful.”

“It is a hideous place as far as I’m concerned,” Thomas said.

“It’s one of the reasons we like RVing,” he added. “You get to be around regular people who don’t pride themselves in doing harmful things merely because they have the capacity to do it or because they disagree.”

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, May 23, 2024 – A new Golden Age era of WEALTH and ABUNDANCE is about to commence for non-western nations

- The challenges of verifying reality in a world of virtual and artificial information. (4:57)

- Ivan Raiklin's deep state target list and legal action. (10:33)

- Promises of mass arrests of deep state officials. (19:07)

- US Empire's criminality and coming collapse. (25:33)

- The impending collapse of the US #dollar and the rise of the #BRICS currency system. (49:26)

- Economic collapse and how to prepare for it by transitioning assets to #gold, #silver, and #crypto (55:27)

- EPA dictates and emissions regulations in agriculture. (1:07:12)

- US-Ukraine conflict escalation and potential WW3. (1:18:14)

- Potential global conflict and historical narratives. (1:23:43)

- Using organic soil products to grow food. (1:29:30)

- Hitler's alleged Zionist and communist ties. (1:37:29)

- Neoconservatism, Zionism, and plans for global conflict. (2:01:13)

- Jewish and Christian beliefs, with a focus on prophecy and end times. (2:13:39)

- Zionism, Christian Zionism, and the Rapture. (2:20:45)

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #mammon amg-news.com

In a world rocked by uncertainty and economic turmoil, there emerges a beacon of hope, a glimmer of light promising a return to simpler times. Welcome to a journey back to 1955, where prices reign supreme, and the American dream is within reach for all. Brace yourselves as we delve into a transformative era, where the resurrection of forgotten laws and the embrace of suppressed technologies propel us towards a future that defies the constraints of the present.

The Great American Reset: A Journey Back to 1955 Prices. In the annals of history, certain years stand out as pivotal moments, shaping the course of nations and the destiny of humanity. Among them, 1955 shines brightly, not just as a bygone era, but as a beacon of hope for a world grappling with chaos and uncertainty. As the winds of change sweep across continents, the eyes of the world turn towards ChongQing and Wuhan, where the seeds of a new dawn are sown.
Quantum GESARA: The Dawn of a New Era with Blockchain Elections – TRUMPSARA

In an age of incredible technological advancements, the world is on the cusp of a paradigm shift that will reshape our lives forever. Quantum Financial Systems, Quantum Voting Systems, Quantum Healing, Quantum Physics, and now, Quantum Internet – the power of quantum technology is infiltrating every facet of our existence. Welcome to the age of Quantum GESARA, where a revolutionary transformation is set to disrupt the established order and usher in a new era of governance, transparency, and prosperity.
The advent of Quantum GESARA and its Blockchain Elections – aptly dubbed TRUMPSARA – heralds a new dawn for humanity. We stand on the precipice of a monumental shift in the way we govern, conduct elections, and manage our economies. As the MOAB detonates and the world embraces a new economic paradigm, the possibilities are limitless.

Eli Regalado #fundie #mammon theguardian.com

‘The Lord told us to’: US pastor says he stole $1m from Christians to remodel home

A Colorado pastor who is charged with stealing more than $1m from his Christian community in a cryptocurrency scheme has admitted to the fraud but argued that God instructed him to carry it out.

Eli Regalado and his wife, Kaitlyn, are charged with creating and selling their cryptocurrency, known as “INDXcoin”, to Christians based in their home town of Denver, Colorado, allegedly telling would-be investors that the Lord had told him people would become rich if they invested, the state’s division of securities announced in a press release on Thursday.

But INDXcoin was “practically worthless” in reality, prosecutors said in the statement. Investors lost millions of dollars while the Regalados used their investments for lavish living.

In a video statement about the charges, Eli admitted that the couple had squandered $1.3m that was raised through cryptocurrency.

“The charges are that me and Kaitlyn pocketed $1.3m,” Regalado said in the video published to INDXcoin’s website on Friday. “I just wanted to come out and say those charges are true.”

Regalado added: “A few hundred thousand dollars went to a home remodel the Lord told us to do.”

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

[Commenting on a reference to Revelation in Ghostbusters, a Legend of Zelda image showing a crucifix, and similar items]

Those last works of Christendom had been inviting Gen Y to look deeper for the Truth & Beauty that inspired those media. So the real crisis was Gen Y missing that invitation. Instead of illumination, Gen Y were benighted with geekdom. Instead of entering into the true Mysteries of which their beloved pastimes were shadows, they fell into the Pop Cult. Now, like abusive exes, the Pop Cult high priests don’t want their aging supplicants anymore.

Geekdom is dead. It’s been dead for years; it just wasn’t broke yet. The media megacorps behind Pop Cult IPs have known the ship was sinking since the middle of the last decade. They just wanted to squeeze the last few drops of milk from the cattle before bringing in your replacements and leaving you to rot. Reality is giving you a wake up call.

The 1980s creators who still had an artistic vision to share have long since been replaced by corporatist bugmen who hold you in contempt. But the postwar artificial bottleneck has been circumvented. Newpub and indie film and gaming have made end runs around the old gatekeepers. And many are drawing inspiration from the pre-1980 classics that retained healthy Christian themes.

I for one have been producing that kind of morally grounded but not preachy; action-packed but not gratuitously brutal entertainment for years. Now you can get first access to my works in progress each month. Join my elite neopatrons now to read the first draft of The Burned Book as it’s written. Join on Patreon or SubscribeStar now.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Shocking truth about open borders HUMAN TRAFFICKING revealed - An interview with Miguel Casas

- Firearms training, Filipino martial arts, and the importance of faith. (0:01)-

- Immigration and asylum at the US-Mexico border. (35:17)

- Immigration, border control, and human trafficking. (40:35)

- Dreams and visions related to sheep, wolves, and the end times. (44:25)

- Potential threats to the US, including foreign invaders and domestic terrorism. (51:24)

- Child trafficking and how to identify and stop it. (1:01:07)

- Firearms safety and education. (1:04:11)

- Firearms training and knife craftsmanship. (1:07:46)

- Cannibalism and eating humans, with some cultural and historical context. (1:12:48)

- Firearms training, safety, and fun. (1:15:13)

- Gold-backed currency and its benefits. (1:21:16)

GalacticAlchemyGirl2 #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy #mammon etsy.com

The J-Seals Removal Session

- Original Divine Blueprint restored
- the removal of these J-seals is the most important thing a person can do at this point in time
- better connection to Higher self
- assists in the DNA activation process
- receive much more intuition from your Higher self and you can start making your free-will choices in line
with the Higher self
- a natural light will be restored, not only to us, but the Earths Crystalline Grid
The J-Seals (Jehovian Seals) are referred also as the Death Seals and are located at the planetary level. They were placed in the Earth's grid about 200,000 years ago, and every human being born has the 7 seals within their own energetic grids. It is especially important to have these 7 seals removed to restore our organic imprint for optimal health and well being. All beings have these seals. Since the Earth and our bodies are built the same energetically, and they share certain energetic connections and we inherit these Jehovian Seals at birth. They are located on the left side of the body. The removal of J seals is a distant healing session where we remove the 7 unnatural J-Seals. These seals may manifest dis-ease in their respective locations.
Apart from the J-Seals there are other implants and seals which affect your DNA template. These seals and energetic implants also include the Templar Seal, the Templar Axion Seal, the Cell Death Programs (Apoptosis), the Crown of Thorns, Avalon Seal, KCU’S – Karmic Containment Units, the Zeta Seal and the Tower of Babel Seal.

Other implants removed:

Arrchon genetic engineered entities or Suppressor Parasites (SPE's), Chest/Heart harness, Dodecahedron mind control harness, Fleur de lis artifacts, Distorted DNA seed code artifacts, illuminati and reptile implants, vampire and predator implants, Distorted Arc Codes, Vesica Pisces implant, Solar Cross, Breeder implants, Predator implants, Reversal polarity, Gender splitting, Genetic experiments, etc...and more.

<Digital - $45.12>

The Spirit Science #crackpot #magick #mammon youtube.com

Money and Spirituality DO go together! Come and discover how you can transform your spiritual financial paradigm today 🔮 https://www.spiritmysteries.com/SMM

Light is an essential building block of everything, if not the singular building block which creates all things. Even though from our vantage point, it may appear as though we are dense physical beings, all of the particles that make up our existence are merely a mass of light vibrating much slower and tighter together.

MadameRedWitch #magick #sexist #mammon etsy.com

Extreme Gentleman Spell, Strongest Manhood Magic, Virility & Masculinity Transformation, Become The Irresistible Aura, Black Magic

The gentleman alpha male is a figure that radiates presence, casting a light upon the surroundings. He stands at the center of society as a confident and reassuring leader. His existence ripples through the air like a breeze that commands attention. In his eyes, there is a light that gleams with determination and wisdom, a glow not only emanating from the depths of his inner world but also guiding those who follow him.

The gentleman alpha male is not defined solely by physical strength but also by the powerful vision and emotional intelligence within his mind. This influential leader is someone who understands responsibilities, faces challenges with courage, and inspires others. At every step, he possesses a stance that narrates an epic, casting light upon his surroundings.
In the realm of a community, the alpha male mirrors a work of art, demonstrating the strong bonds, collaboration, and celebrations of success. Ultimately, he seeks balance and harmony not only in the external world but also within his own being. He is a true leader who has found his powerful roots, inspiring those around him and embodying the integrity of an artistic composition.

With this ancient and powerful spell, I will make your aura incredibly and irresistibly intriguing.

You don't need to do anything extra. Just sit back, have full faith that your desires will come true and watch with pleasure the changes in your life one by one.

I will perform this 2 days ritual for you and I will use various special materials for you. So please do not ask for a refund because I will not accept it. The spell cannot be broken or undone, keep that in mind and think twice before you buy. Remember, the effects start immediately, but it may take some time for you to see more clearly.


Anna Maria Riezinger #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon paulstramer.net

To the best of our knowledge, understanding, and belief, the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a computer regeneration system using reconfigured DOS components and was developed by a renegade CIA Operation called "Crimson Gate" operated out of Wright-Patterson AFB; it was also allied with a CIA cell operated out of North Carolina, which Kim Goguen was a member of. Kim was the AI enhanced operator chosen by "Marduk" as his Successor.

Everything about the QFS system is tainted by fraud and malevolence and lies from its onset.

They propose to use our gold based on the False Supposition that all the "Birth Registrations" secured from Americans without the benefit of full disclosure, and maintained as totally Unconscionable Contracts against the babies targeted by this vile scheme --- were valid and unopposed.

It is not possible to object to something if you are unaware of it.

We have protested ourselves and we have protested for all others entrapped by this perverse and grossly self-interested scheme promoted by the British Territorial United States of America and their Roman Co-Conspirators.
As the rightful and lawful and only holders of all survivorship interests related to the States of the Union and all derivatives and franchises and subsidiaries thereof, we wish for an end to interference from the "Galactic Council" which has no business here, and from characters that have been dehumanized, like Kim Goguen.
Therefore we decree that these refugees must now be escorted off our planet, where they have created unwelcome and destructive practices seeking to displace the natural inhabitants and caretakers. Their presence here has resulted in much environmental damage, death, and destruction. Our hospitality and tolerance are at an end.
Let them all be gone no later than thirty (30) days from the day of this issuance:

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

Clare Ellis #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

The Blackening of Europe is a critical analysis of the historical and ideological origins of the European Union, with special regard to the consequences of these developments for the indigenous Europeans who presently risk becoming demographic and political minorities in their own homelands.

Broken into three volumes, Volume I. Ideologies and International Developments traces the seeds of the present-day EU to its earliest theoreticians and to the societies and historical dynamics that helped to bring it about and shape it. From Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi to the Fabian Society and the Frankfurt School, from tensions between Europe and the Middle East to the ambition to weld Eurafrica, from Kant, the cosmopolitans and the Enlightenment liberals up to neoliberalism and neoconservatism, the first volume of The Blackening of Europe provides one of the first thorough analytical critiques of the European Union from the point of view of the rights of indigenous Europeans.

<Amazon paperback available for only $249.50>

Judy Byington/Charlie Ward #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Restored Republics: The White Hats Have a Plan. That Plan was to eliminate the Bildeberg Deep State Cabal Khazarian Mafia which had their own Plan of eliminating 90% of Humanity they called the “bottom feeders.”

The White Hats formed their Plan after the assassination of President Lincoln.
The Plan became more formally organized with President Kennedy.
The Plan was run by the White Hat Global Military and was based on mainly use of the Marines and Navy.
There were roughly 200-300 Generals and Admirals which guided thousands of Military personnel in support of The Plan.
The counter offensive of The Plan began before Trump was elected. They followed the Law of War Manuel.
The Plan was now at a point where Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming (NCSWC).
You are now asked to play a leading role in that Plan to help it succeed.
Trump’s Executive Orders, Charlie Ward


● Confiscated private and corporate assets
● Seized the NYSE
● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption, human trafficking


● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States choice


● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence Khazarian assets confiscated
● Among the top 3 executive orders – many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed

13818, 13848 and 13959

● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!
● DS money will be used up quickly
● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.)
● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London – all dead
● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it’s the mafia and it’s seizing all the Rothschilds central banks
● Brexit has severed the Vatican’s ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets
● We’re going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

In this meditation we are intending to identify any residue or remains of the Caduceus network that may have impaired our optimum lightbody function and Diamond Sun embodiment potentials, during this lifetime and other lifetimes. We intend to extract and dissolve false Alien Machinery connected to the 7th Ray reversal links made into the planetary Caduceus network, that feeds reversals and lunar forces. This may be an advanced meditation, we ask newcomers to ask this question of their higher self. Beloved Paliadorian Krystal Star host, through the Personal Christ and Paliadorian cell, please oversee the reintegration and healing correction of my Soul identities, monadic identities and Avatar identities in all evolutionary timelines involving the Caduceus Network, including 7D Violet Reversals, and All Reversal current used by lunar-moon chain forces, to be returned to rightful owner and that all my body parts, genetics, entire DNA template and consciousness signature is restored to the original soul spirit occupant and God source creator, in the krystal eternal light architecture. From the truth spirit residing within my diamond heart, I call back now all that is my god given power and human right in alignment to Natural Laws. Beloveds, we ask to identify and locate all Stations of Identity, spiritual body parts and DNA records that have been co-opted or are being used by lunar forces and alien forces on and off planet that are running negative forms, AI timelines, and/or Qlippoth current for perpetuating Metatronic Reversals in the parallels and other timelines throughout the multiple dimensional layers of the Caduceus network.

Beloved God self, is this meditation in alignment to my highest and divine expression in this moment, yes or no?

If you received a no answer turn this meditation off.

If you received a yes, please continue.


Todd Schlanger #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon washingtonpost.com

Many of Truth Social’s investors say they’re in it for the long haul. Todd Schlanger, an interior designer at a furniture store in West Palm Beach who said Trump had been one of his customers, said he’s invested about $20,000 in total and is buying new shares every week.

Schlanger said he now watches his stock performance every day hoping for positive signs. In a Truth Social post last week, he encouraged “everyone who supports Donald Trump and Truth [Social to] buy a share everyday” and asked, “Do you think we have hit bottom?” (The stock has slid about 25 percent since that post.)

He suspects the recent drops in share price have been the result of “stock manipulation” from an “organized effort” to make the company look bad. There’s no proof of such a campaign, but Schlanger is convinced. “It’s got to be political,” he said, from all the “liberals that are trying to knock it down.”

Alexander Zharkov #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

Today Alexander will teach a technique for SSP <Super Soldier Program> veterans to recover their memories. Begin with 7 deep breaths to get comfortable and then perform a mantra 144 times a day for 40 days. Maintain the intent that you will recover your memories and or energy potential. It’s better to do the meditation in a group of 12 people on a Ley Line, or with a Quartz Crystal.

Alexander is an expert in increasing vital energy. He is also a Parapsychologist, Healer, Positive Psychotherapist, Business Coach, Author of training courses (Discover Your Purpose, People of Light, Master of Light) and the Author of the book “Discover Your Purpose,” Author of transformation games “Creators of the Universe,” “Duality,” “Reverse Synthesis,” “Chaos Algorithms,” “Crystal Sorcerers,” author of the “Development of Consciousness Abilities” deck, author of the “Initial Cap Transformation” method. Guide-conductor of sacred tours to places of Power, Founder and head of Crystal Energy, member of the Ukrainian Association of Psychotherapists, member of the Ukrainian Association of Psychosomatics of Reproductive Perinatal Psychology, Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine, Ukrainian Association of Family Medicine, member of the National Psychological Association, member of the Ukrainian Association of Functional Medicine, member of the Association of Child and Family Psychologists of Ukraine, member of the Independent Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians of Ukraine, and member of the International Guild of Writers.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon exopolitics.org

There is a behind the scenes power struggle between the Deep State and pro-disclosure factions in the US national security system over the extent and pace of revealing the truth behind UFOs. The failed UAP Disclosure Act for 2023 is an example of this factional struggle which led to the gutting of the Act’s most meaningful provisions despite its initial bipartisan support in the US Senate. The Disclosure Act’s gutting puts an end to a “Controlled Disclosure” plan based on the gradual preparation of the US and World populous. Consequently, the door is now open for an unpredictable type of disclosure described as ‘catastrophic’ by a retired US Army Colonel, Karl Nell.

The most widely understood form of ‘catastrophic disclosure’ is where whistleblowers come forward to reveal all they know about special access programs involving non-human intelligence and retrieved spacecraft being secretly studied in corporate and military facilities. However, it’s worth mentioning that there are other types of catastrophic disclosure. One is some kind of false flag alien event that will be used to shock the general public into believing we are under attack by a non-human intelligence.

Another form of catastrophic disclosure is the emergence of non-human intelligence comprising both extraterrestrials or Inner Earth civilizations (aka crypoterrestrials) into public awareness through them parking their spacecraft over major urban centers. Then there are ancient space arks that are activating and are destined to eventually rise into the sky to share their advanced technologies for the benefit of all humanity.

In Saturday’s webinar, I will go into detail into what to expect as 2024 unfolds with very high prospects of some kind of catastrophic disclosure occurring. I will go into detail into the different scenarios, how it impacts different communities, and provide the latest info on how space arks fit into the picture.

Samuel Alito #transphobia #elitist #mammon slate.com

Similar concerns are raised by a Monday report in the Law Dork newsletter, which published a disclosure form documenting two stock transactions that Alito made on Aug. 14, 2023. On that day, per the form, Alito sold between $1,000 and $15,000 of stock in Anheuser-Busch and bought between $1,000 and $15,000 of stock in Molson Coors. Why is this significant? Because Anheuser-Busch makes Bud Light beer, and August 2023 was the height of the backlash against Bud Light for having engaged in a promotional transaction with social media personality Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender woman. Molson Coors makes Miller Light and Coors Light, Bud Light’s competitors.

Selling BUD and buying TAP at the time would not have had much value as an investment decision. (As it stands today, it would have been a money-losing move, with Molson Coors having lost about $10 per share in value while Anheuser-Busch has gained the same amount.) Your correspondent is not a registered financial adviser but understands that it is generally not considered advisable to rack up transaction fees selling and buying relatively modest amounts of stock in individual companies; the justice’s other disclosures do not portray him as a particularly active trader.

What seems more likely is that Alito—or the enigmatic Mrs. Alito—made the beer conglomerate swap in order to make a political point about an issue that had become a controversy thanks to the furious viral efforts of right-wing media figures like Kid Rock and “Libs of TikTok” proprietor Chaya Raichik.

Stargate Experience Academy #magick #ufo #mammon thestargateexperienceacademy.com

Join Us In Slovenia!

September 5th - 8th, 2024
10am - 6 pm Each Day (Local Time)

Are you feeling a deep inner calling
to elevate your consciousness and
shift into a new empowered version of yourself?

We invite you to join us for Accelerated Ascension, a 4-day personal transformation journey, hosted by world renowned channels, Asil Toksal of Evolution One, and Prageet Harris and Julieanne Conard of the Stargate Experience.
Connect with your inner mastery
and remember who you truly are

Over the course of 4 days, you will join thousands of others around the world in a high vibrational energetic field in which great transformation can happen, so that you can step into the greatest version of yourself and experience the vast potential you hold within.

Together, in collaboration with one another and the sacred geometric structure known as the Stargate, Asil, Prageet, and Julieanne’s channeled energies become amplified and reach everyone intending to receive, wherever they are, as these energies transcend space and time.

Empower your life in these changing and shifting times, enhance your sense of aliveness, and accelerate your awakening so that you can start to experience more and more of that which you truly are.

Broadcast from Portoroz in Slovenia, you will receive gentle support to activate your Ascension Templates, and deepen and build upon previous templates received, allowing you to bring the fullness of your spiritual being here and become a powerful creator of your own reality.
Join Us For Accelerated Ascension III
On the Mediterranean Sea in Slovenia!

When we all come together in person it creates a HUGE boost in our individual elevation and creativity! This venue has a space for 1100 people, and it will be amazing to experience these strong amplified energies in person!
Early Bird Price
Until June 30th

Regular Price
After July 1st

Limited number of these
tickets available!

<Food and Accomodations not included of course>

Sharaz Hossein Quantum Intuitive Coach #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #mammon quantumintuitivecoach.com

What is Pyramid Power Activation?

This modality was inspired by the use of Sacred Geometry – Pyramids. Every angle that exists in the physical universe emanates a wave pattern in nature. These waves can be resonance or dissonance to objects or biological life. It consists of a Nubian (Russian) Pyramid. Quantum Sound Therapy, Miracle iQube (this device produces Scalar Energy using 6 phase healing frequencies).

Pyramids are harmonic resonance devices that has been around for 1000s of years. Powerful in both subtle and physical body healing.

Every cell in our body contain crystalline structures, all capable of holding a charge. There are many liquid crystal structures in the collagen network comprising all of the space between cells, these too are capable of holding a charge.

The amazing thing about Scalar energy is that it is capable of carrying information; it is also capable of imprinting DNA.

Using a Miracle iQube in Pyramid Power Activation is an integral part of activating your healing in the physical body from a DNA level.

Because scalar energy transcends space and time, it flows through all dimensions carrying the imprint to your subconscious mind and beyond. Working on healing your light body as well.
During the activation process, using this modality, it allows for a deep connection with energies within the person receiving the session. I work with data/memory removal from the energetically blocked areas.

This modality is evolving as more is shown to me through Divine Guidance.

After a session of Pyramid Power Activation one’s experience varies, this always fun for me when I listen to what they have to share with me.

The benefits comes from a combination of the pyramid, scalar energy, sound healing and Divine energy. After a 60 minute session in a pyramid one can experience the following:
Each session is $100.00.


Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon grrrgraphics.com


Blinken attended. Like Biden, he his answerable to those unelected leaders at Davos, not American citizens. None of the Davos creeps were elected. Did you vote for Gore, Kerry, Schwab, or any of the other climate change shills to hector you? Of course not. Yet they think they can get you to pay a carbon tax to ’save the planet.’

You are invited to join me on SubscribeStar- a Pateron alternative, for exclusive cartoons and behind the scenes look at GrrrGraphics, Click to Join!

The control freaks are now saying anyone who resists the climate change agenda are spreading ‘misinformation’ and must be silenced. It all sounds crazy, but they already succeeded when they rolled out Covid. We could not say anything to counter their shutdowns, mask-wearing, and so-called ‘vaccines.’ If anyone tried they were kicked off of social media. (GrrrGraphics was kicked off of Facebook during this time).

William Henry #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon williamhenry.net

APRIL 13-14, 2024

Behind all myths, and at the heart of every ancient mystery school, there is one beautiful message, a timeless truth that mystic traditions point to: we are all cosmic heroes… Starwalkers … advanced, inter-dimensional beings, capable of journeying into deeper realms of consciousness of both the internal and eternal frontier. This is our true human nature. More, our earthly lives are preparation for our (return) journey to higher realms. Preparing and transforming with knowing and purpose is the mark of the Starwalker.

Are you ready to expand your consciousness, to follow the ascending path from ‘starseed’ to Starwalker?

Are you ready to embrace “spiritual technologies” to awaken the divine within and break through to the next level of your cosmic journey (whether on earth or ‘out there’)?

Are you ready to join a world / community of and for Starwalkers?
Daily we are warned about the dangers and challenges of A.I. Many are rightly growing suspicious of it. There is no conspiracy to hide the truth about how ‘dark’ A.I. can be or that we must protect ourselves spiritually from its impact.

At the same time we are inspired by the possibility of first contact with benevolent or angelic ETs. Then there are those who say we are dealing with demons in our world and in our minds.
Additional topics we will embrace include:

Revelation / Exploration of the outer and inner worlds (the Self).
The Diamond Body / Rainbow Light Body and the ultimate plasma power bar.
The Alexandrian priests of Serapis, the Serapeum and Starwalking in Ancient Egypt.
Hathor’s Alchemy links to higher worlds / consciousness.
The resurrection of the body, the immortality of the soul and Starwalking
A.I. and Disclosure : Combatting the rise of anti-spiritual alien (archon) intelligence.
And more.
Just $372 per person. Buy 2, get 1 Free until February 1, 2024.

Doktor Lucifer #magick #god-complex #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Occult writers and conspiracy theorists both agree that a special relationship exists between Lucifer and the Illuminati. However, no book has ever been written that sufficiently explains how Lucifer is the celestial gatekeeper of the Illuminati Portal used in the rituals of the Elite to establish contact with aliens more commonly known as Watchers.
Only Doktor Lucifer is brave enough to reveal the dark secrets of success. Doktor Lucifer sold his soul to Satan in a blood contract to function in the New Age of Illuminatiam as the most powerful black magick spell caster. Doktor Lucifer speaks with authority. He reveals everything that was purposefully left out of Illuminatiam: The First Testament of the Illuminati, but this information is not for everybody.
If you are actively seeking the Light emanating from of the Illuminati Portal, Doktor Lucifer’s book is a must read. The book compliments his new music single released on iTunes under the same title. In Live Illuminati: Sell Your Soul with Black Magick Spells, the world’s most powerful black magick spellcaster sheds light on the secret of how to follow the Light of the Illuminati Portal, and walk in the footsteps of the most powerful people on the planet.

<$6.66 of course>

David Sereda #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon davidsereda.co

David Sereda Started Lightstream Technologies in Sedona, Arizona in 2007 with his wife Crystal Sereda. They developed the company from the ground up with their own designs and technology. David Sereda is the inventor of the technology, a well known self taught scientist.
David has studied Meditation, Yoga, Vegetarian diet, world religions, ancient history, Physics, Math, Astronomy, Alternative Zero Point Energies for over 40 years. In school, he presented his Physics teacher a time dialation theory which his techer admitted was way beyond anything he had seen since Einstein! In 1990, David began working with MIT physicist Dr. Bogdan Maglich and teamed up with him to promote and fund Maglich's non-radioactive fusion power technology. David Studied fusion power for over 10 years. Then Maglich appointed David Sereda as Director of the Los Angeles Based "Tesla Foundation" under whcih David became a Tesla Technology expert and spoke in the united States Congress with Maglich and Company on Fusion Power.
In the year 2006, David Sereda developed a technology not unlike a small nuclear fusion chamber to fuse frequency programs into crystals, and found that these frequencies could be stored in a crystal lattice if the secret to opening the lattice and closing it could be found. He found it worked and the thousands of people who wore the pendants treated with the etchnology could feel the vibrations and confirmed this on human energy field aura camera testing!
​Next, David came up with the theory that the staff of Moses, and other legends was used as an antenna to extend human consciousness. Knowing the formula for an antenna is the height of the antenna x 4 = a full wavelenth and the speed of light divided by this wavelength would be the frequency Moses used to contact and receive from God, if we knew the exact length of the staff of Moses, ISIS and Jesus et all, we could know this sacred frequency.

Ethan White #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon gazetteller.com

The clock ominously counts down to an event of biblical proportions, known simply as “THE EVENT.” This name, while evocative of apocalyptic disorder, actually conceals a carefully planned disruption intended to overthrow the foundations of a longstanding, secretive authority.
In a sudden, calculated strike, these bastions will crumble—not by conventional weaponry but by something far more precise and fearsome: the Rods of God and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). This celestial arsenal, looming ominously in orbit, is set to deliver justice from the heavens, shattering the infrastructure of the invisible empire.

As these dominions fall, so too will the world’s technological leashes. The electric grid will flicker out, plunging the world into a primal darkness. This blackout, however, paves the way for a radiant dawn: the activation of Tesla’s suppressed technologies of free energy, heralding an era of unlimited power for all.

The digital empires that have commoditized our personal freedoms will face their reckoning. Bitcoin, along with the vast majority of cryptocurrencies, will evaporate as their servers are obliterated. Only the resilient ISO20022 coins, sturdy with the backing of precious metals, will survive the purge, emerging as the phoenix from the ashes of digital speculation.
Simultaneously, a stark transformation of governance will unfold. Military tribunals will rise to the fore, replacing a compromised judiciary. In secretive courts, truths will be unveiled and sentences rendered, not over weeks or months, but in days filled with confessions and revelations. High-profile figures will stand accused, their crimes laid bare in marathon sessions of judicial reckoning.

This upheaval extends to the very core of financial systems. The Rothschild legacy of central banking will dissolve into obscurity, replaced by Rainbow Treasury Notes—currency grounded not in speculation or conflict but in tangible value: precious metals.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #mammon real-vampire.com

Quarter Master Armoury Real Vampire® Bone Generator®

All Psychotronic Crystals® have the capacity to be Vampire weapons. If you have a Psychotronic Crystal® this Bone Generator® turns it into a Vampire Sword. Unlike non Real Vampire® goods and Services who’s power depends on how much charge you put into them all Real Vampire® Science is all powerful as it uses the power of the enemy to power it. The more powerful your enemy the more powerful the Real Vampire® becomes. So hunting and psychically preying on the Rothschild Nazi (North Atlantic Zionist Illuminati) gives the Real Vampire® the most power in the minimum space of time. Similarly a Psychotronic Crystal® needs power.
This Vampire Psychotronic Crystal® Bone Generator® turns the 34 BSRI-Engine into Vampire Swords for the Crystals:

Psychotronic Crystal® Rings become Wolverine-like blades issuing from your hands
Psychotronic Crystal® Orbs become maces to crush the energy body of enemies
Grail Stones Psychotronic Generators® become Vampire Axes to chop up the energy body of your prey
The Awareness Psychotronic Crystals® become Vampire Spears
The Ultimate Psychotronic Crystal® Golgotha Crystal Skulls become a set of Vampire Blades that span the Earth to enable you to get any where to feed the Real Vampire® in you
Earth Burners become flame throwers to burn the energy body of your victim
The Vampire powers sucked out are the ones in the Psychotronic Crystal®. So the Money, Wealth Psychotronic Crystal® sucks out money energy, the Love PC love energy…
The more Psychotronic Crystals® you have the more Vampire Mind Over Matter® Weapons you have to use to fuel your Real Vampire® 24/7 with no effort…
We have entered the world where all avenues of life, contact, sight, pictures, TV, CCTV, computers… all enable the Real Vampire® to suck dry its prey. Dracula had to fictionally bite his target now a Real Vampire® can use all of the Matrix to suck dry and damage, kill his prey.

Ethan White #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #mammon gazetteller.com

Amidst this backdrop of transformation and turmoil, the Earth, referred to as Gaia by those who sense its living essence, marches towards a higher state of existence. This journey, however, is mired in confusion and obfuscation. The narrative of progress is fragmented, a kaleidoscope of potential realities and divergent paths. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) and the Global Currency Reset (GCR) are at the center of this maelstrom, their true implications shrouded in secrecy and speculation.

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) and the Emergency Alert System (EAS) stand as beacons of the old and new orders, respectively. The transition from one to the other, facilitated by the Starlink network, symbolizes the shift from the shadowy manipulations of the cabal to the transparent governance of the ‘White Hats’. Yet, even as we edge closer to revelation and redemption, the truth remains elusive, accessible only to those with insider knowledge.

The currency of information is as volatile as that of money. Reports swirl, half-truths and partial revelations creating a tapestry of intrigue. The promise of financial liberation for the masses hangs in the balance, with the mysterious M1 button serving as a metaphor for the activation of a new, equitable system.

Amidst this whirlwind of change, a figure emerges, polarizing yet undeniably influential: Donald Trump. His potential appearance at the Super Bowl 2024, a spectacle watched by millions, is teased as a moment of revelation. Trump’s critique of Joe Biden’s absence from the Super Bowl interview underscores a battle not just of personalities but of paradigms.

The suggestion that Trump could use this platform to announce the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) is more than a political maneuver; it is a symbol of the impending transformation, a signal to the world that the old systems are crumbling.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Back in December, veteran, former congressional candidate, and ardent Christian Michael Cassidy made national news for destroying a Satanic statue installed in the Iowa state capitol. Now, two months after ridding Iowa’s legislature of the demonic idol, Cassidy faces a felony charge.


Left unexplained by prosecutors is how using rights endowed by their Creator to deny and revile that Creator doesn’t constitute an abuse on those individuals’ part. They have likewise been silent on the Satanic Temple’s brazen violation of God’s absolute right to universal praise and adoration.


As of this writing, Michael Cassidy’s earthly fate remains undecided. But considering that the felony he faces is for hating evil, his eternal reward is less ambiguous. As King David sang in Psalm 36: 5-6,

"Commit thy way to the Lord, and trust in him, and he will do it.
And he will bring forth thy justice as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday."

To get first access to an epic tale of divine servants battling demons in an acclaimed fantasy world, join my elite neopatrons. Margrave and higher level subscribers get exclusive monthly looks at my new writing. Sign up now to read the first draft of my dark fantasy novel-in-progress, The Burned Book.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #sexist #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Sequestering the Naamah Satanic Spirit of Idolatry: The Shopping Mall, Media Whore Demon Goddess.

The brown strange matter/energy Jewish race have as their Gods the Chaos Kabbalistic Gods of Evil that follow Feigenbaum period doubling of Chaos Theory, non linear dynamics. Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth, doubles to four lower forms down the scale these being Amalek, Samael, Lilith and Naamah. As the Samael versions of the Jew God sits astride the Serpent Lilith and forms one couple of Satanic damnation, Amalek (the Other God, Source of All evil, revenant archetype of all the fouled Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth creations called Edom) is a Reptiloid, hence the Reptiloids of David Icke fame, his mate is Naamah, who unlike Lilith is human looking even though beneath she is a Reptiloid. As all fallen females descend from her anthropormorphised form as Naamah sister of Tubal Cain, she is in fact the most important key to Zion’s power of Evil.
We know Triangles of Art are used to invoke Demons as they are the Supernal Triangle of Shekinah, Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth manifest in the Matrix, wormholes from hell to enable the chaotic Evil to manifest in the Matrix. So we see Naamah anchors the whole Satanic Chaos process in light energy matter, so the Sister of Tubal Cain, the human avatar of Evil is not Lilith but Naamah. So all the shopping mall, media whores, ball breaking bitches in the West are the clones of Naamah. As a Psi-Lord I still have my balls, so break the Western sow who imposes the Shopping Mall mentality of the Rothschild Satanists on the Western eunuch.
As all Western females are lesser copies of the Jews, Naamah clone this Bone Generator® Service gives the Psi-Master male or bull dyke total control over the Western female. Use the Left hand Bone Generator® to pull out the Naamah Judaic Satanist essence and the Chaos entity is shredded to supply the energy.

<$600 with Certificate>