
Phil Phillips #fundie witchvox.com

"[The Rainbow Brite] cartoon series is laden with occult symbolisms. Rainbow Brite lives in Rainbow Land with her friends, the Color Kids, and Sprites, the happy little workers who manufacture Star Sprinkles... The very basis for this series, the rainbow, also causes concern for many Christians. Although many people collect rainbows, primarily for their colored beauty, few realize their significance. According to the Word of God, rainbows are a symbol of God's everlasting covenant that He never again would destroy the earth by flood. But for New Agers, those who uphold the tenets of the New Age Movement or Humanism, the rainbow holds a different meaning. New Agers use 'rainbows to signify their building of the "Rainbow Bridge" (antahkarana) between man and Lucifer who, they say, is the over soul.'...Humanism is contradictory to God's Word. Thus, any toy or cartoon series that employs symbolisms from the New Age Movement is also in contradiction to Scripture."

Phil Phillips #fundie witchvox.com

Yoda tells Luke in Return of the Jedi. 'Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.' Although this statement does have similarities with Jesus' teachings, it also contains elements of other religions: Taoism, Islam and Judaism. In fact, the idea of identifying God as a 'force of nature', is pantheistic and dualistic. both of which are against God's teachings... Any practice that does not have glorifying God as its root, but glorifies Satan or other gods, is occult. Yoda does not talk about following Jesus Christ. Instead, he urges Luke to rely on himself and use the power inherent to his mind to do 'good'. This is a contradiction to God's teachings...He is taught to handle situations on his own, not needing God's assistance.

Johanna Michaelsen #fundie witchvox.com

Little girls won't have any problem at all accepting the concept of the Mother Goddess or that they themselves can become goddesses, because for years they lived the fantasy of Wonder Woman and of She-Ra, Princess of Power...Take She-Ra's name, for starters. Ra was the name of the ancient Egyptian sun god, and one of the early names of the Mother Goddess, who is worshiped today by thousands of Witches and Neo-pagans

Phil Phillips #fundie witchvox.com

The occult images found in the Care Bear series are extremely subtle. On the surface, the Care Bears teach the children to express their feelings, especially those of love, to others. At first, these sound like very good ideas, but, they are Humanistic principles, which are in contradiction to God's teachings. Magic and Eastern religious ideals also are prevalent in this series.

Jack Chick #fundie witchvox.com

[Commenting on the Orion Nebula]

Its a heavenly cavern so gigantic and brilliantly beautiful that words cannot describe it. It was found by gigantic lenses plus long exposures of photographic plates. Astronomers agree its huge opening is more than 16 trillion miles in diameter... Its exquisite beauty and luminous colours are unlike anything on this earth. Professor Learkin at Mt Lowe observatory fives us the following description: 'for the depths of the Orion Nebula appear like torn and twisted objects and river masses of shining glass, irregular pillars, columns of stalactites in glittering splendor and stalagmites from the clear walls of ivory and pearl, studded with millions of diamonds and shining stars'... This could well be the entrance into the glory of Heaven, that we'll pass through at the Rapture.