
Katherine #fundie christiananswers.net

knew little about Pokemon. My first exposure was when my son won a Pokemon GameBoy. I let them watch the show. Then my 9 year old began to play and it was all he did. I became concerned and watched the show for myself. It was appalling. The boy was "possessed" (their word). He was levitating. An evil ghost was trying to take them away. Two of the older boys were becoming charmed by this ghost. The girl tried to scare the ghost away using various charms, garlic, etc, and finally pulled out a cross. I do not like the cross being on the same level as just another charm. It belittles what Jesus did for us. I threw the GameBoy cartridges in the burn barrel, much to the dismay of their classmates. I just could not in good conscience promote this by giving them away. It is not just a cartoon, and they ARE directly assaulting our children and beliefs. We are influenced by what we see. Just ask the advertisers.
--Katherine, age 45

Tim #fundie christiananswers.net

For older kids, this might be ok. But for our 4 year old we saw some episodes we did not feel comfortable having our child watch. Arthur (the program) tends to occasionally get on a soapbox on current issues. One episode I saw made those not in favor of "Harry Potter" type books look like fools: as if we were back in the day of book burnings and witch hunting. As one who firmly believes Potter's teachings are not in line with Scriptural principles, it comes as a slap in the face. I don't want my child being brainwashed with some of the producer's ideas of reality.

Eddie Reynolds #fundie christiananswers.net

[on the TV show, Futurama]

Not only does this show contain sexual innuendo, blasphemy against our faith, and promotes the false belief in alien life forms, but it also takes place in the year 3000 (by which time the rapture will most likely have come)...

Christian Answers #fundie christiananswers.net

[In a list of physical evidence that "contradicts" the earth being billions of years old.]

Evidence for a rapid formation of geological strata, as in the biblical flood. Some of the evidences are: [...] thick layers of “rock” bent without fracturing, indicating that the rock was all soft when bent; and more.

Gabriel Nix #fundie christiananswers.net

Negative - I took my family to see this movie and was very displeased. Although my expectations for secular movies are not high, I draw the line when they try to undermine religion and highlight atheistic views. “Happy Feet” was based on this premise. Working from beginning to end, the movie destroyed the belief in God (the penguin version of God) and lifted up the “free to do as you please” world—loosed from consequence and sin. The movie attempts to shape and mold our children’s minds into a belief that religion is narrow-minded and ineffectual, while strengthening a sense of scientific explanation and atheism. Before I give something my approval, I first ask myself if God would approve of it. In the case of “Happy Feet,” I believe God is greatly displeased. If something displeases God, then we also should be displeased.
My Ratings: Very Offensive

Eric Ellington #fundie christiananswers.net

Avoid -- I watched this show the other night and I was appalled. The character Jack (played by an actor who went to my college) especially is bad because he is the "funniest" gay character and is therefore the most appealing to young children. Also, he is played by a handsome young man, ...I fought to suppress my attraction to him. I am a reformed homosexual who is now married to a wonderful woman, and people like me don't need such horrible filth on TV to tempt us back into sin.

John Walker #fundie christiananswers.net

Avoid -- I can't believe that christians have not viewed this show as a more serious threat. Christian faith and values are constantly a viciously targeted at every turn. The show is filthy and subversive. It only gets away with it because it's a cartoon and knows how to occasionally act as if its mocking tone is playful. Anyone who believes otherwise needs to see such episodes where Homer has a crayon removed from his brain thus rendering him a genius. One of his many revelations that follows is his proving the God does not exist. He presents this finding to Ned Flanders and Ned has to agree that he is correct! This is not playful on any level. Avoid the Simpsons at all costs.

Sylvia Soules #fundie christiananswers.net

I took my 10 year old and my 12 year old to see this movie, and I regret it. My 12 year old daughter has been struggling with her faith and with doubt lately, and I don't think this movie helped any. “Happy Feet” is just another example of how “Hollywood” is pushing it’s agendas on our children. The environmental theme was way too strong (don't get me wrong, I believe in being good stewards of the creation), and I definitely didn't appreciate the way they made fundamental Christians appear. The “celebrate your diversity” theme was also very strong. I was almost expecting Mumbles to come out of the “closet” at the end. God has given us all special gifts and talents, but not to misuse at the expense of our Biblical values.

Evelyn #fundie christiananswers.net

..."Highlander" may have an interesting premise and writing, but my Spirit was very unsettled when I watched this program for about 2½ episodes. What was particularly disturbing was the decapitation of the lead character's "enemy" and the "POWER SURGE" that the Highlander-guy received as a result. This is clearly and blatantly SATANIC! Please, fellow Christians, be aware that satanists believe that 'essence' released by the death of another soul - especially a 'pure' one (like a child's) gives the satanist (or Highlander in this case) the 'power' of the dead person's spirit' - each time becoming more powerful, just like on the Highlander. Satanic masses can involve rituals like this 'drinking in' of power, and many innocent (kidnapped) babies have died because of this... if you don't believe me ...talk to your local group that deals with the occult. Please stay away from this program. It's too easy to become overly fascinated by the 'style, and good looks' of this program (not to mention the actors). God bless!

Ray Comfort #fundie christiananswers.net

<article about witnessing to atheists>

While atheism is the ultimate intellectual suicide, I can understand why some people are tempted to believe that there's no God. The previous night I had listened to a CNN report that scientists had discovered why human beings are more intelligent than animals. I was intrigued with their assumption, and listened to how scientists believed that 20 million years ago we developed larger brains. They predicted that the human brain will continue to grow, giving us larger heads. This will mean that future generations will see more Cesarean births. I admired the newscaster's ability to remain straight-faced.

Paul S. Taylor #fundie christiananswers.net

The ancient, original "dragon" legends must have come from memories of dinosaurs. Scientists agree that legends are almost always based on facts, not just pure imagination. It cannot be an accident that so many separate peoples of the world tell such stories.

"Dragon" legends and pictures can be found in Africa, India, Europe, the Middle East, the Orient and every other part of the world. Dinosaur-like animals have been drawn, written about and told about since the beginning of recorded history.

Dragon. Copyright 1994 by George Barr. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. Sometimes people in olden times made up scary or funny stories about these animals. This made the "dragons" and their hunters seem more special. Some of the stories really got wild and crazy.

Most of the dragon legends are full of exaggeration, magic and marvelous deeds. But this is not true of all of them. Many stories seem rather believable.

Did some of these storytellers see live dinosaurs? Which stories are based on real encounters? And which are merely fairy tales based on the stories of others? Will anyone ever know for sure?

John Talley #fundie christiananswers.net

[negative comments about the movie "the last mimzy", all the other negative comments are just as rediculous]

I guess I must have seen a different movie than the rest of the reviewers. This movie is very offensive to me and my family. (1) Eastern religion was shown in a very positive light. (2) It talks about people from another planet. (3) At the end of the movie the little girl is described as the mother to all the other planets people. (4) The teacher and his girlfriend were living together. (5) The teacher's girlfriend was also a palm reader. (5) The children got special powers from someone other than god. I want to end this review by saying this movie leads non-believers to think that other religions also lead to heaven, they don't.

John Wade, IV #fundie christiananswers.net

[Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker gets a 2/5 Christian rating in a Fundie game review]

This, unfortunately, is the reason that I have a bad taste in my mouth when I think about this game. I'm going to take a lot of heat for what I'm about to say, but I'm honestly disappointed in the spiritual content of WW. The Great Faeries somewhat resemble the Hindu goddess Shiva. Link gains the ability to "possess" certain objects and even a few specific people. resemble Every few minutes it's "the gods this, and the gods that...", the Windwaker contains "the power of the gods", you get a certain ability from the wind god and the ability to travely quickly through cyclones from the cyclone god, and the Tower of the gods has the G in gods capitalized (yeah I know, it's part of the name but still...), and the two sages when mentioned are said to be praying to the gods. The only redeeming thing from the entire gods issue is in one instance you have to kick the cyclone god's butt (which I really enjoyed). What really did it for me though, was that there is a point in the game where it is required to seek out two sages to pray to the gods for the master sword to be reenergized. The game actually says something along the lines of "your prayers were answered and the master sword regained some of its power!" And for people whom would try to say "oh it's just fantasy" try talking to your pastor about it and see what he says... be sure to tell him about the Temple of the gods and the two wind gods, and the praying sages. But I'm a "thou shalt have no other gods before me" kinda guy, so I took this game back and asked for a refund. Yes, I've already been criticized for this, and surprisingly mostly from Christians. For those that think a 2 is too harsh, I would have given this a 1 except for the fact that I felt this game didn't deserve to be placed in the ranks of Diablo and Grand Theft Auto III. If it weren't for the praying bit, I'd have given this a 3 and would probably still have the game.

Paul S. Taylor #fundie christiananswers.net

The Flood and the changes it caused in the environment are the main reason dinosaurs died off. However, sinful people may have caused dinosaur deaths in an even more direct way.

Man has often been responsible for killing the last animals of a kind. The mammoths and mastodons were wiped out by hunters. It could be that in the ancient time, people also killed dinosaurs for meat or because of the problems these animals caused. Maybe some killing was done just for sport.

Paul S. Taylor #fundie christiananswers.net

Noah did not have to go out and find the animals. God brought each one. This probably included a young pair of each main type of dinosaur. Perhaps God just included the basic types of dinosaurs He first created; not every variety that had developed since Creation.

Young dinosaurs would be small and easier to care for and would use less food. It would have been foolish to fill up space on the Ark with the oldest, biggest adults.

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