
Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

It boggles the mind that young women at a Catholic university could reach the age of reason and yet appear unashamed in a state of brazen immodesty before the King of Kings. Did their mothers not teach them? Did their fathers not discipline them?


How is this even a discussion? Young women are publicly displaying, at Mass, sights reserved for their future husbands only. Young men have sex rubbed in their faces ever minute of every day, and it's not as if these skanks are oblivious to it. They're willingly participating in it.


These callous witches know what they're doing. The entire purpose of wearing tights in public is to draw male attention with sex. They value dopamine hits from strangers above young men's eternal souls. They are stumbling blocks to their brothers in Christ.

Enough. Priests and bishops, the confessional has no doubt acquainted you with the massive epidemic of young men enslaved to sexual sin. How can they combat these loathsome vices when you allow them no respite from temptation, not even within the walls of Holy Mother Church?

Announce that leggings are forbidden starting next Sunday. Any woman in leggings who presents herself for communion after that point can be assumed to be giving scandal obstinately and willfully. As such, she is in a state of mortal sin. Deny her communion.

If your female congregants can't bear to part with their hooker pants, make chapel veils mandatory again. Have the ushers hand them out to every woman who walks in the door. If a woman presents herself for communion without a veil...you guessed it.

And for the sake of all that's holy, Notre Dame, ban Irish 4 Reproductive Health. Not only are they heretics, their spelling is a disgrace to the university system.

If female congregants don't like these proposals, they can find somewhere else to troll for johns. I recommend the lot behind the bus station.

Of course, I don't expect any of these common sense and frankly morally obligatory steps to be taken. The childless Boomer hags who run most parishes share their younger counterparts' satanic contempt for men. They just can't squeeze into tights anymore.

To Millennial women who complain that they can't find a good man: Do you not understand that we find you not just distasteful, but monstrous? You treat men as sources of attention, pleasure, and resources, yet you dismiss men's concerns with ever shriller calls for rights you already have.

A record number of men under 30 have stopped having sex altogether. Do have any idea how hard it is to deny that basic masculine drive? For today's sex-addicted men, it's like going without food or water. Congratulations, ladies, you are so awful that some men are doing the equivalent of starving themselves rather than be with you.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Until about a century ago, Christianity was taken for granted as dominant faith and moral pole star of American life. The notion that a mother had a right to murder her child, that two men could marry, or that a boy could become a girl would've been seen as sick humor at best.

Now find me a major motion picture, best selling Big Five novel, or prime time TV show not made by people who celebrate all of the above. You'll have a hard time, as the last holdouts are rapidly being exiled from the industry.

Yet more people worship Luke Skywalker, Mario, and Thor--the comics version--than worship Jesus Christ.


We can't hope to deprogram the pop cultists unless we've got something better to offer them.

A number of independent creators are working hard to produce fun, exciting entertainment that doesn't insult its audience. But it's not easy when you're up against Hollywood and their fellow travelers in Big Tech. That's where readers like you come in.

The crowdfunding campaign for my new martial adventure novel Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40 has just five days left. The campaign's met its first stretch goal thanks to you, and one more big push can get us to 500% and fund the audio book.

That's an important milestone because audio is the fastest-growing segment of the publishing market. Lots of folks lack time to read, so having your books in audio is a must to reach them.

Now's the time. Claim amazing perks like exclusive trading cards, signed books, and personalized short stories! Help us get the stellar Combat Frame XSeed to the widest possible audience in audio.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

As with all approved "comedians", Maher's job is to perpetually tell coastal urbanites the only joke they'll tolerate, because it strokes their all-consuming vanity: "You are morally and materially superior to those rubes in flyover country. You're on the right side of history."

Maher's brand of compulsive back-patting also serves to salve urban bubble dwellers' inescapable realization that they're essentially parasites living off the flyover rubes' useful labor.

The cosmopolitan jet set's deep, festering resentment over their total dependence on normal people also drives their compulsive need to viciously mock real America's beliefs. It's why we have nine-year-old drag queens shoved in our faces on TV.

The main focus of our elites' diabolical hatred is, of course, America's traditional Christian faith. Hence the relentless push for same-sex "marriage" and transgenderism and the merciless persecution of those who object.

Most people who wake up to the spiritual nature of the current conflict attribute the problem to a sudden rise in anti-Christian sentiment. Another red pill moment is understanding that this is a reversal of cause and effect.

An anomalous rise in secularism/nu-paganism isn't to blame for renewed persecution of the Church. Matters have only deteriorated to this point because widespread apostasy has made the Church vulnerable.

Ask yourself: If a majority of Americans truly followed a robust, traditional Christianity, would the Clown World circus still be in town?

To ask the question is to answer it. Anytime before the cultural revolution of the 60s, the freak show would've been run out of town on a rail.

Here's the red pill that's hardest for ex-normies to swallow: The West's decline is a direct consequence of the Enlightenment thinking that overturned centuries of tradition ca. 300 years ago. Clown World was baked into the Classical Liberal cake.

The advent of Liberalism started the countdown to the day when our store of Christian cultural capital ran out. When a people toss out a worldview based on objective truth and embrace a philosophy based on compromise, fallen human nature takes over, and this is the result.

But that's not the last pill in the bottle.

The Leftist death cult that is the ultimate logical conclusion of Liberalism tries to replace absolute truth by attempting to absolutize freedom. Thus, it's at odds with reality. God is undefeated. Clown world is destined for a fall.

That means what comes next, by necessity, will bear little resemblance to the neoliberal order we've known our whole lives. Clinging to Liberal concepts like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and blank slate equality only holds the door to Clown World open.

Here's the real choice:
You take the blue pill. You go back to sleep and persist in delusions like absolute freedom and equality. Clown World marches ahead on squeaky shoes.

You take the red pill. You wake up and embrace the fact that Christianity, in its traditional orthodox form is a necessary pillar of Western civilization. You realize that error has no rights and live your life accordingly.
I should have mentioned that there's also a time limit and a gun to your head--to everyone's heads. Either enough of us take the red pill to turn this clown car around, or the West lapses into a dark age--not the fedora-tipping fake kind, the real deal--from which no light can emerge.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

I have been presented with the ultimate intersection of Hollywood diabolism and Boomer propaganda in the 1998 movie Pleasantville.


The header image of this post is a frame from Pleasantville wherein the female character pictured actually plucks an apple from a tree in a garden and gives it to the protagonist. This scene precipitates the chain of events leading to the whole town's irrevocable expulsion from the 1950's paradise kept and tended by benevolent patriarchs.

Now, you might call that an implicit critique of the characters' descent into fornication, adultery, and rebellion. It would be, had Pleasantville been written from a Christian point of view. It is not. The rebellious townspeople's eating of the forbidden fruit is strikingly portrayed as an unalloyed good in the visual language of film. Not only to those who partake change from dreary black and white to vibrant color, their rebellion is directly analogized to Atticus Finch's defense of Tom Robinson in To Kill a Mockingbird.

The pursuit of knowledge divorced from the good is not the biblical message. No, that narrative has a far different pedigree.

That satanic monument proclaiming "Knowledge is the greatest gift" resides in the Illinois State Capitol. Its placement next to a Christmas tree perfectly represents the public mockery of America's cultural traditions perpetrated by Hollywood Boomers in the form of propaganda flicks like Pleasantville.


I remember when Jack Black thanked Satan at some awards show or other about ten years ago. Trying to convince my friends it wasn't just a harmless bit of fun proved fruitless. If only I'd known then what I know about rhetoric now.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

[Discussing the film The Conjuring 2]

The facts in the real life case, as in the film, are that a young girl and her family experience strange phenomena in their North London home after she plays with a Ouija board.

Obligatory pneumatology PSA: legends, folklore, and old wives' tales often contain a kernel of truth. The universally negative portrayal of Ouija boards and other methods of communicating with spirits is one nut that Hollywood's blind squirrels reliably manage to find. DO NOT play around with this stuff.

And to head off the skeptic's favorite sophomoric objection: it's not that a mass-produced toy is magic. It's that the chosen end of seeking undue power over preternatural beings and phenomena is inherently evil; not the specific means used.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

An interesting phenomenon, from my perspective as a theologian, is the number of people who've started asking if the cultural Marxists who seem hellbent on destroying Western civilization are possessed by demons.

The question would have been laughed off as recently as five years ago, even among most Christians. But the cultural degeneration that is readily apparent on college campuses, in the media, and in government has now grown so severe that even self-described secularists have been voicing suspicions that the inquisitors of political correctness are possessed.


Extraordinary demonic activity may occur in various ways. Some refer to these phenomena as "stages", but they're more properly called "areas", since they don't necessarily follow an orderly progression.

The areas of extraordinary demonic activity are:
External physical attacks: pain and/or harm inflicted by a demon.
Oppression: various external torments that often masquerade as extreme bad luck.
Obsession: uncontrollable, irrational thoughts induced by demonic activity.
Infestation: refers to demonic attachment to a place, an object, or even an animal.
Possession: one or more demons takes control of a person's body (not the soul).
Subjugation: voluntary submission to demonic influence.

Do SJWs/Cultural Marxists display signs of demonic activity in any of these areas?


One of the most puzzling attributes of cultural Marxists is the striking dichotomy between their destructive, malevolent forms of political expression and their relative normality in other areas of their lives. Who doesn't have a friend or relative who conducts himself as a sane, rational, and emotionally well-balanced citizen at all times--except for when he's engaged in politics?

Many SJWs even perform regular acts of objective moral good, such as loving and caring for their friends and families and charitable volunteering/giving. Yet without batting an eye, they can immediately turn to defending infanticide and advocating for bigotry against straight, white, Christian males. How to explain this Jekyll-Hyde dynamic?

Looking at the description of demonic obsession, it's not difficult to map these symptoms to typical SJW behavior. Their ongoing preoccupation with critical and intersectional theory, their seemingly involuntary spouting of absurdities (e.g. calling Christians a greater threat to Christian civilization than Muslims and cultural Marxists themselves are), and tragically, their penchant for self-destruction, would indicate that they are demonically obsessed rather than suffering from full-blown possession.

An explosion of demonic activity
Dioceses around the world are reporting an alarming rise in demonic activity. Even worse, there aren't nearly enough exorcists to answer every cry for help.

Fr. Amorth cited the decline in faith as a leading cause of this diabolical epidemic. Human beings are creatures made to worship God. When people abandon faith in Him, they must fill the void with something else, and Satan is eager to oblige.

SJWs definitely fit the profile of people who've rejected God. They profess blind faith in the unlimited malleability of human nature and in government's competence to oversee the molding of persons into enlightened supermen. If such errors aren't demonically inspired, they're certainly of diabolical origin.

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