
Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

[Commenting on a reference to Revelation in Ghostbusters, a Legend of Zelda image showing a crucifix, and similar items]

Those last works of Christendom had been inviting Gen Y to look deeper for the Truth & Beauty that inspired those media. So the real crisis was Gen Y missing that invitation. Instead of illumination, Gen Y were benighted with geekdom. Instead of entering into the true Mysteries of which their beloved pastimes were shadows, they fell into the Pop Cult. Now, like abusive exes, the Pop Cult high priests don’t want their aging supplicants anymore.

Geekdom is dead. It’s been dead for years; it just wasn’t broke yet. The media megacorps behind Pop Cult IPs have known the ship was sinking since the middle of the last decade. They just wanted to squeeze the last few drops of milk from the cattle before bringing in your replacements and leaving you to rot. Reality is giving you a wake up call.

The 1980s creators who still had an artistic vision to share have long since been replaced by corporatist bugmen who hold you in contempt. But the postwar artificial bottleneck has been circumvented. Newpub and indie film and gaming have made end runs around the old gatekeepers. And many are drawing inspiration from the pre-1980 classics that retained healthy Christian themes.

I for one have been producing that kind of morally grounded but not preachy; action-packed but not gratuitously brutal entertainment for years. Now you can get first access to my works in progress each month. Join my elite neopatrons now to read the first draft of The Burned Book as it’s written. Join on Patreon or SubscribeStar now.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Our corporate overlords and their SJW minions have ruined movies, TV, music, stand up comedy, video games, tabletop games, and knitting. Now Warhammer 40k fans are in for a taste of their shrill, forked lash.


Let the demoniacs have their ill-gotten gains. We don't need them now that indie creators in all fields are hard at work producing fun content that doesn't insult its audience.

Do your part. Support indie science fiction today!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Back in December, veteran, former congressional candidate, and ardent Christian Michael Cassidy made national news for destroying a Satanic statue installed in the Iowa state capitol. Now, two months after ridding Iowa’s legislature of the demonic idol, Cassidy faces a felony charge.


Left unexplained by prosecutors is how using rights endowed by their Creator to deny and revile that Creator doesn’t constitute an abuse on those individuals’ part. They have likewise been silent on the Satanic Temple’s brazen violation of God’s absolute right to universal praise and adoration.


As of this writing, Michael Cassidy’s earthly fate remains undecided. But considering that the felony he faces is for hating evil, his eternal reward is less ambiguous. As King David sang in Psalm 36: 5-6,

"Commit thy way to the Lord, and trust in him, and he will do it.
And he will bring forth thy justice as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday."

To get first access to an epic tale of divine servants battling demons in an acclaimed fantasy world, join my elite neopatrons. Margrave and higher level subscribers get exclusive monthly looks at my new writing. Sign up now to read the first draft of my dark fantasy novel-in-progress, The Burned Book.

Brian Niemeier #crackpot brianniemeier.com

It’s noteworthy that Satanists are growing more active and brazen in a time when you’re not supposed to talk about demonic influence seriously.

Sure, you can make Church Lady jokes. But raising the possibility that the Evil One is involved with the overt increase in evil these past years isn’t tolerated in polite company.

Even prominent Christian personalities downplay a phenomena that we know with certainty from Scripture and Tradition are real. They give reasons for walking on eggshells around the devil topic, and those reasons amount to “We’d rather turn friendly fire on our brethren than be disliked by the Church’s enemies.”

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

The sympathetic devil trope has become such a mainstay of popular fiction as to be a Pop Cult zombie meme. Audiences – even pro writers – now take for granted that a demon could choose to do good or even repent and gain salvation. Few people see anything weird about that idea, which is featured prominently in the works of Nail Gaiman and Arthur C. Clarke, but attained full cultural penetration through anime and manga.

“So what?” many of you are asking right now. “It’s fantasy. Anything’s possible! Why can’t our demons be different?”

For one, let’s remember that a lot of the same folks who claim the fantasy genre gives carte blanche to make archetypal villains sympathetic get up in arms over heroic orcs.


We not only know for a moral certainty that demons exist based on Scripture, their existence is a logical conclusion from the hierarchy of being. Here we have nonliving matter (rocks and stuff), living but non-sentient material beings (plants), living, sentient, but non-sapient material beings (animals), living, sentient, and sapient matter-spirit composite beings (men), and the Spirit of Life, Logos, and Being Himself (God).

Sharp readers noticed a major gap in that progression. Nature abhors a vacuum. And just as a missing atomic number on the periodic table is a sure indicator of an as-yet undiscovered element, a blank space in the spectrum of being isn’t empty. We just can’t see what’s there.

And what’s there is living, sapient, purely spiritual being. AKA angels. And as every second-grader before the Millennial generation used to know, demons are evil angels.


For an action-packed, harrowing tale with irredeemable villains you’ll love to hate fighting for the highest stakes you can imagine, back my new dark fantasy novel. You’ve got just 4 days left to get the book early and take your pick of exclusive perks at bargain prices.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

Today’s tale of high strangeness once again comes from Doc Strangelove on X. And this time, it’s cautionary.

"Ok so in my old unit we had one of our guys decide to do a ouija board for Halloween. Everyone in our squad except another guy said no thanks.
The night he did that he got choked by something he couldn’t see and things started moving in his barracks room. This happened consistently and it got so bad he finally convinced them to move him to a different room.
Every new guy setup in the room reported almost the exact same experience and it was like that for years after he did that ouija board.
It’s not worth the risk."

Thanks again to Doc for the hair-raising Ouja nope. To be honest, it’s baffling that anyone still needs to hear this message by now. Everyone from accomplished exorcists to New Agey Reddit Zillennials urges people not to mess around with Ouija boards. It’s the one thing the sage-and-crystals New Agers get right.

Now, some smart guys are still gonna say, “Lol, Ouija are made and marketed by the same company that makes Monopoly and Play-Doh. Are you afraid of a board game?”

To which I reply that any company who games their contracts to steal IP from their licensees betrays a degree of familiarity with how demons operate.

For a fun and fictional tale of necromancy and Faustian contracts gone wrong, back my new dark fantasy novel. You’ll get the book before launch and have your choice of exclusive perks – including the chance to influence the story!

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #racist #sexist brianniemeier.com

Yesterday I stumbled across this compilation of TV commercials someone had taped on a Saturday morning […] What's most striking after the initial wave of nostalgia subsides is how different--i.e. degraded--Current Year TV programming is compared to 30 odd years ago.
Yes, your dad could say the same about TV 60 years ago. That should be a wake-up call.

Here's what stood out to me:

* No cuck-mercials. The trope of the befuddled manlet husband standing knee-deep in water while the kitchen sink geysers behind him and his omni-capable wife rolls her eyes had not yet darkened our screens.
* Looks like America: The US was 70% white in 1984. That was the year Reagan won the kind of landslide the GOP will never see again. The commercials reflect those demographics. Most of the actors in them are white, with a black or Asian kid thrown in the mix. Absent are families composed of Anglo trans lesbian dad, disabled Maori mom with Indian kid and Laotian kid living in Wisconsin. The ads come off as mainly trying to sell products to their audience, not demoralize them.
* Commercials aimed at boys depict action, conflict, and camaraderie. Commercials aimed at girls portray nurturing, consensus-building, and emotion-primary communication.
* The seeds of destruction had already been planted, though. True to the 80s stereotype, these ads push unmoderated consumption and materialism. One Barbie commercial sells girls the lie that they can "have it all" with hassle-free corporate success, romance, and a family.

These commercials from long-lost America will likely serve as inkblot tests for those who view them. What do you see through this window to the past?

Giant robot action torn from classic 80s anime!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #ufo #mammon #conspiracy brianniemeier.com

OK, at this point, everybody who’s not a Project Blue Beam psyoped bugman gets that aliens are demons, right?


Again, demons are the more parsimonious answer, given we know that we are ruled by a diabolical Death Cult. And demons are more than willing to be mistaken for aliens. Exorcists like Fr. Chad Ripperger point out that demons’ #1 rule is “Anything but God.” They’re happy for you to fixate on extraterrestrial life if it distracts you from the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

[Tweet by Elon Musk: "The scariest answer to the Fermi Paradox is that there are no aliens at all"]

No, the scariest answer is that aliens are demons masquerading as E.T. and they’re here to lead you into eternal hellfire. Musk’s tweet wouldn’t even be possible if not for self-referential reductionist materialism. Which is also self-refuting since materialism is non-material. He needs to grow out of his nerd rapture phase.

We already know for a moral certainty that men are not the only rational beings in the universe. On the contrary, the cosmos teems with trillions of intelligences, the least of which makes the highest-IQ bugman look like a special ed student. And a third of those pure intellects is waging a proxy war on Logos Himself using us as pawns.

Have a nice day.

And read a sci fi-adventure story that takes the threat of damnation seriously.

[Followed by a link to his book]

VMDL598 #crackpot brianniemeier.com

I’ve been wondering about the creepy clowns that started showing up all through 2016, that soon after seemed to disappear, (I note that the last I ever heard of them was when they started to harass people in a wal-mart in one of the poorer sides of Amarillo, which might have explained the sudden disappearance.) knowing that they have been around since the 80s makes me more than a little disturbed.
If the clowns that you described were indeed a heralding of the clown worlds coming, then logic may lead to these creepier clowns being a herald to the clown worlds deprivation showing to be deeper than was thought.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Until about a century ago, Christianity was taken for granted as dominant faith and moral pole star of American life. The notion that a mother had a right to murder her child, that two men could marry, or that a boy could become a girl would've been seen as sick humor at best.

Now find me a major motion picture, best selling Big Five novel, or prime time TV show not made by people who celebrate all of the above. You'll have a hard time, as the last holdouts are rapidly being exiled from the industry.

Yet more people worship Luke Skywalker, Mario, and Thor--the comics version--than worship Jesus Christ.


We can't hope to deprogram the pop cultists unless we've got something better to offer them.

A number of independent creators are working hard to produce fun, exciting entertainment that doesn't insult its audience. But it's not easy when you're up against Hollywood and their fellow travelers in Big Tech. That's where readers like you come in.

The crowdfunding campaign for my new martial adventure novel Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40 has just five days left. The campaign's met its first stretch goal thanks to you, and one more big push can get us to 500% and fund the audio book.

That's an important milestone because audio is the fastest-growing segment of the publishing market. Lots of folks lack time to read, so having your books in audio is a must to reach them.

Now's the time. Claim amazing perks like exclusive trading cards, signed books, and personalized short stories! Help us get the stellar Combat Frame XSeed to the widest possible audience in audio.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #crackpot brianniemeier.com

[From a discussion about "Bigfoot expert Bob Gymlan" finding strange audio recordings on his computer]

One bold but hard-to-dismiss claim that’s been made is that Lucifer’s original purpose as the Lightbringer was to enlighten men about the natural world. Since he fell, he’s twisted that intended purpose. So almost all technology has been corrupted.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #homophobia #transphobia brianniemeier.com

Tolkien wasn’t writing to convince anyone. He told stories to tell stories. And he understood that he was telling stories to a Modernist audience. Sad but true, the overt Christian imagery of a Poul Anderson or even a Robert E. Howard is alien to a large plurality of modern readers.

And we got here because the Death Cult knew better than to beat normal people over the head with sodomy, crossdressing, and atheism right off the bat. Instead they delivered their twisted themes through symbols.

In fact, the Death Cult relies on symbolism. Each of their stated positions is a symbol. That’s why they can switch them out as quickly as Benny from The Mummy (1999).

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Equality – another evil concept peddled to children – does not exist in any measurable form among individuals. Someone who’s 5′ 4″ is not going to excel in the NBA. If your IQ is 89, you will not be founding a successful tech startup. Diversity is real, though not in the warped sense the Death Cult intends. There is a hierarchy of being in which every on the spectrum of ability is filled. This full expression of possibilities inherent in the human condition honors God and man. The serious mental and larger societal problems we’re seeing stem from denying the natural order.


The cure for Nickelodeon syndrome is a healthy dose of humility – the virtue by which one makes an accurate assessment of his ability and submits to the cosmic order accordingly. The surest and fastest way to grow in virtue is to petition God for it. But since Millennials have been taught they don’t need God since they’re Him, few are taking this route.

What’s clear is that generations X and Y are being passed over for leadership so Boomers can hand the reins over to their Millennial clones. The tragic spectacle of foreign policymakers taking cues from Reddit suggests that the handover is already in progress. If you thought that rule by demented fossils was bad, just wait until the self-entitled neurotics who can’t boil water or change a tire take charge. For a vision almost as scary, read my hit horror-adventure novel.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon #racist brianniemeier.com

The picture above looks like a cheap green screen effect from a local TV station weather report. In fact, it's a still from what the Cult media is presenting it as legitimate footage of Joe Biden. With a boom mic that would have to be larger than his head. Watch the original video to get the full, unconvincing, effect:

Now, some are claiming that this obviously doctored footage is a deception to hide Biden's conjectural incapacitation or passing. Others say that the fake is so obvious, it must have been released on purpose as some kind of psyop. As usual, the simplest explanation is usually the right one. In this case, that explanation is that Americans--including those who work for the government--are getting dumber.

This brain drain should surprise no one. Geezers like Puppet Pal Joe aren't exactly renowned for their intellectual aptitude. The up-and-coming generation of Washington leadership is notable more for hailing from corners of the world with sub-90 IQs than any actual accomplishments. The ability to convincingly use Adobe After Effects will be among the least significant competencies lost by our rulers in coming years.

The post-future of Combat Frame XSeed grows closer every day. Get the inside track on the Collapse with the five thrilling novels, the top secret short story collection, and the newly unveiled roleplaying game!

Alex #fundie #transphobia brianniemeier.com

There’s no joke to be had in stating the self-evident, immutable truth that Rachel Levine is a man. If someone wants to fire me, ban me, threaten me, or even kill me for not kowtowing to the Father of Lies and his Death Cult, so be it. By bearing false witness against my neighbor, I’m already in direct violation of a commandment handed down by our Lord and Savior. This is, and always has been spiritual warfare. Making 2016 Sargon/Crowder type of anti-SJW humor just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

Alex #fundie brianniemeier.com

My 2 year-old daughter just received a belated birthday present from a friend of my wife. The present in question was a Belle costume from “Beauty and the Beast.” Yeah, she’s not going to be wearing that one anytime soon. The only queen we venerate in our household is the Queen of Heaven.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon #wingnut brianniemeier.com

The Left only hated Trump because they sensed that Conservatives made him a stand-in for Christ.

At the end of the day, the one thing the Death Cult is enraged and terrified by the thought of you doing is turning back to Jesus Christ.

Don’t keep Him waiting.

I wrote a military thriller series about a world where many people returned to Christ. That world also has giant robot fights.

Experience it now:

Brian Niemeier #fundie #racist brianniemeier.com

Anytime you see a member of the hierarchy invoke “the sin of racism,” it’s a good bet his statement is more influenced by the World than by Church doctrine. You won’t find racism per se listed as a sin in any Catholic moral theology manual. [...] Scholastic theology teaches that race is real, it’s more than skin-deep, and the variety of races extant in the world is a natural good willed by God. [...] Honoring one’s race is a good ordained by God.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #racist #crackpot brianniemeier.com

One little prayer chain in front of a church was all it took to make the Death Cult admit what we’ve known for years. The motive underlying their war against straight, white men is diabolical hatred of Christ.

The occupational government of the economic zone once known as Ireland telegraphed the Cult’s plans for Christians even harder.

[Quoted news report: "Pro-life campaigners and advocates for religious freedom in Ireland have expressed dismay following the news that the Irish Government intends to introduce fines and prison sentences for people who pray, hold signs, or try to persuade women not to have abortions while they are within the vicinity of an abortion clinic. The proposed legislation would mean that individuals would not be allowed to express pro-life views within 100m of abortion clinics while also prohibiting silent prayer, the holding of placards, and any peaceful offers of alternatives to abortion."]

So the country whose constitution begins “In the name of the Most Holy Trinity,” is now making prayer against child sacrifice punishable by jail time and fines up to 3 grand. The use of abstract bug measurements in their laws was a red flag. The Bible stipulates just weights and measures. Justice is tied to reality, and the metric system don’t real.

NIGELTEAPOT #fundie #sexist brianniemeier.com

what you perceive as “ai” are just demons infesting computers. your line of “reasoning” to attack the messenger falls right into the intended trap laid out for you.

freemasons believe that you give “consent” to every evil by doing nothing when they surreptitiously warn you what they are planning to do. there is also no such thing as an evil that doesn’t harm other evils, and so when those dolls are panicking you should listen (like when birds fly in the forest or deer get spooked though you can hear nothing).

As I have said many times:
“ the devil operates by reactions. the devil cannot make direct orders, as no one would listen, and has no power to compel or do anything; therefore the devil makes groups insufferable by corrupting their weakness so that a “reactionary group” comes to destroy the former. the reactionary group is the devil’s goal (if a corpse can have a goal, that is).

ex. feminism. the devil HATES women, more than you could imagine. therefore in an attempt to wipe out women once and for all, the devil made weak women stupid, demonic, and insufferable. the goal being that frustrated men would “react” by giving the feminists all their worst fears in revenge; which is what the devil wanted all along.”

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Most historically literate people realize that Christianity is an essential pillar of Western civilization. But Satan’s role as our accuser means he loves tempting God’s people to sin and then calling us out for hypocrisy. No one would fall for the wignats’ spiel if every Christian lived Christianity. That scandal, in its various forms across Christian sects, has given many who’re sympathetic to Christianity pause.

Hang out on Christian Twitter, and you’ll soon come across seekers saying, “The Death Cult’s enormities have me convinced that demons are real, so there must be a God. But every Christian denomination seems tainted with some flavor of wokeness, cuckery, or cringe. If only there were a based Church, I’d join in a heartbeat.”

Such statements betray the same shallow, consumerist attitude that underlies wignat attacks on the Church. Modern liberal democracy and capitalism promised everyone unlimited license. Individual preference became the measure of all things, including religion. You see it in the phrase “marketplace of ideas.” Liberalism frames politics as the same kind of consumer choice as shoe shopping. Material preferences are enshrined as absolutes, so everything is politicized and commodified. That is the tainted ground from which the Woke Cult grew, and the wignats’ ambitions will be choked if they try to plant in it.

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

[On Facebook introducing an “Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist?” warning message]

As I pointed out in the comments on yesterday’s post, a hallmark of authoritarian regimes is their need to make everybody inform on everyone else. Facebook, the online marketing firm to which the state has long outsourced its censorship work, has now dropped any pretext of being an open forum where people of varying opinions can freely discuss ideas. Instead, they are issuing Stasi-style calls for their users to rat on friends and family members suspected of heresy against the Death Cult.

On the odd chance you still had a Facebook account for some reason, that reason no longer exists. Delete your Facebook account. Don’t wait for your Funko Pop-Cultist college roommate or your three mask-wearing wine aunt to turn you in. Facebook has openly declared itself a surveillance state contractor. Get off their platform now!

For those who used to follow me on Facebook, you can find me on Gab. And if you want a fun read that puts the white-knuckle thrills back in sci fi anthologies, find it in Combat Frame XSeed: Classified Intel

Brian Niemeier #fundie #racist brianniemeier.com

And you still get Christian parents who, even when informed of the outright Satanism rampant in schools, say “We’re sending our kids there to witness to their peers.”

Somehow they don’t see that’s like sending their kids to a remote island to evangelize primitive heathen cannibals alone.

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie brianniemeier.com

A fascinating development in Death Cult doctrine and liturgy has unfolded over the past couple of years. Whereas before they relied on projecting their collective sins onto imaginary scapegoats in elaborate media morality plays and immolating their neighborhoods as burnt offerings to Diversity, a new Death Cult sacrament has been instituted by the high priests in white coats.

MacIntyre likens the vaccine to Leftist baptism, but in form and matter it’s closer to another sacrament of initiation–Holy Communion. We see it in the vaccines’ relationship to another Death Cult sacrament, abortion. Previously, that highest of infernal rites could only be performed rarely, only by female cultists, and at relatively high cost in time, effort, and resources. Now, everyone can partake in the fetid fruit of child sacrifice, easily, often, and for free.

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #fundie brianniemeier.com

No strongman is coming to turn the clock back to 1988. This isn't your country anymore. It's not a country at all. It's a giant international airport concourse.

The cultural, political, and economic institutions are fully in Death Cult hands. That Cult will not countenance heretics in their ranks. We can't overthrow the Cult's anti-morality at the ballot box. Nor will arguing on their terms defeat them. We were warned where abandoning Christianity would lead. Now we've arrived at the inevitable end of that road.

America is under divine judgment. The chastisement can no longer be averted. But it can always be mitigated if we repent and turn back to Jesus Christ.

At the very least, we can stop giving money to people that hated Him first.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #fundie #racist #mammon brianniemeier.com

Seeing highly skilled but clannish and nepotistic invaders taking our high end jobs, low-skilled invaders taking our blue collar jobs, and unemployable savages beating and raping our women gives our rulers a rush of vicious glee. They firmly believe we have it coming, so they double down.

And yet, not even widespread noblesse malice fully explains the reckless hate directed at us by our rulers or the sadistic cruelty with which they not only seek to disenfranchise us, but to systematically remove all sources of joy from our lives.

Regular readers of this blog are aware of the premeditated alienation of their own audiences currently rampant in Hollywood and the comics industry. There can be no other motive for throwing a rock through a stained glass window than diabolical hatred of Beauty itself and the Truth that beauty reveals. We now know what we're ultimately up against. The enemies are sin and Satan.


Do not pay to see any new Hollywood films. There is, bluntly speaking, no excuse for paying the major studios, Netflix, etc. to insult you. Entertainment alternatives abound. Archive.org has a free library of classic movies you couldn't exhaust in a lifetime. They've also got tons of music and even books and short stories from the pulp era. If you'd like more contemporary reading material, find and support indie authors like yours truly.


If you have the talent and inclination, I strongly encourage you to begin producing works that will assist in preserving and rebuilding Western culture.
Self-publish a science fiction novel in the tradition of the pulps.
Get some friends together, rent a camera, and do some guerrilla film making.
Record and release a rock album that retains the genre's blues roots.
Produce an independent comic featuring virtuous men performing acts of real heroism.
Start a podcast or a vlog dedicated to some aspect of traditional Western culture.
Blog daily, offering constructive criticism aimed at helping other artists improve.
If you're not artistically inclined, support the creators who are.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

The Devil has a vested interest in convincing the world he doesn’t exist. St. John Paul the Great reminded the world of Satan’s existence in no uncertain terms. And he built up the Church’s arsenal to fight Satan in the world.

Not only is denying JPII’s sainthood a cowardly slander against the faithful departed, it’s a serious attack on the authority of Holy Church herself. Canonizations of saints are counted among the Church’s infallible pronouncements. So denying an officially promulgated canonization betrays doubt in the Church’s indefectibility. TradCaths should be aware that we already have a simple, direct, and precise term for such a position, and that term is “Protestantism”.

In addition to battling Satan, John Paul the Great worked to heal the rift between Catholics and Orthodox.

For a glimpse at a future world where the East-West Schism has been healed – and there are giant fighting robots – read my hit mecha thriller:

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Attention, parents who still send their kids to the state-run indoctrination centers anachronistically called "schools": You've had years of warnings. If finding out that the fanatics you entrust your kids to for seven hours a day plan to brainwash them into hating themselves, hating you, and worshiping demons isn't enough to wake you up, you deserve what is rapidly coming your way.

"But that story's from California!" I hear you rationalizing. "Everybody knows they're crazy out there!"

As California goes, so goes the country. State-mandated devil worship is coming soon to a school near you. Our satanic rulers won't top until public schools in all fifty states are Death Cult seminaries. It was inevitable once they'd banned prayer to the One, True God.

Your family has two choices: home school, or die.
Yes, you might have to go down to one income.
You might have to share one car.
You'll probably have to cancel all those streaming services.
You may not be able to eat out every day.

So what? How is the choice of keeping all of those dubious luxuries or ensuring your child's intellectual and spiritual health any choice at all?

It's not as if creators who don't hate you aren't working night and day to provide you with quality alternatives to debased mainstream entertainment.

Support my work now:

[Link to a Kickstarter for his book]

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

The last president of the United States has left the White House, and with his departure comes the end of politics dating back to America's founding. The hooting and gamboling from the Death Cultists who finally ended the American experiment says it all. They are simultaneously patting themselves on the back for saving democracy while forbidding anyone who disagrees with them from speaking.

For a perfect object lesson, see the shuttering of Parler. It was the preferred social media site of mild Baby Boomer MAGApedes. The victorious democrat party and their Big Tech bag men have now declared such people to be on par with tattooed skinheads. The enormity of that anathema snaps into focus when you consider that by the Left's own definition, they now share a country with 165 million violent extremists.


What democrats' increasingly paranoid spasms should do for normal people is finally open their eyes. We're not dealing with well-meaning but misguided people who disagree with us on tax policy. The US is not a one-party state. The leaders of that party are spiteful maniacs who hate half the country. Those same paranoid madmen have nigh unlimited resources which they are using to crush their enemies.


Trump was never going to be the savior. We already had a Savior, and turning our backs on Him is the real reason we're facing chastisement. Trump was only ever going to buy us time. He gave us four years to prepare for merciless persecution. Did you use the time wisely?

The author nails the problems we are dealing with in modern pop culture, and how to deal with it. Don't feed the Death Cult!

[Followed by a link to his book]

Brian Niemeier #wingnut brianniemeier.com

[Responding to an anti-Trump open letter to the publishing industry: "As members of the writing and publishing community of the United States, we affirm that participation in the administration of Donald Trump must be considered a uniquely mitigating criterion for publishing houses when considering book deals."]

Now that the Death Cultists are feeling their oats over slaying their orange bogeyman, they're planning an unprecedented sacrificial orgy to appease their gods. In their primitive cosmology the only explanation for their 2016 defeat is infidels angering the spirits with their -isms, so atonement must be made by offering up the unbelievers.


The cultists do not hold the same standards as normal people. They don't even pretend to anymore. And it's not hypocrisy to harm your enemies and protect your friends. That's been the Cult's viewpoint for years, and that's why they've been winning.

That's also why smart authors who care more about money than validation now avoid oldpub like the plague. Note that the letter says nothing about how these publishers plan to reach more readers and sell more books. That's what sane people in an industry on the verge of collapse would do. Instead, they're purposefully alienating 160 million people. No Titanic tickets for traitors.

Some people still think that Cult-coopted industries are out to make money. A glance at the signatures on that letter should disabuse you of that fiction. Guys like [Chuck] Wendig and [Charlie Jane] Anders have no organic readership. They'll go back to the D list the second the Cult's influencers stop boosting their signal. If you're still an oldpub author at this point, your whole career is a humiliation ritual.

Brian Niemeier #homophobia #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

[On a high school teacher curating a collection of LGBT books for teenage students]

The witch has curated a collection of demonic spell books. Color me surprised.

That last bit about smut helping students figure out who they are and relate to their peers is pure diabolical perversion. Children are not sexual. That is part of what it means to be a child. Healthy presexual persons don’t need sex books to help them relate to fellow presexual persons. Saner civilizations understood this fact. Western society used to, until we let corrupted institutions like mandatory state schools raise our kids.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it until non-Cultists get it through their thick heads:

Failure to home school is child abuse.

That’s not an exaggeration. If you still send your children to public school, you’re complicit in child abuse, and you belong in prison. How much longer does your child have to suffer because you let your wife play office making PowerPoints in a cube farm?

Enough, already. You can stop the cycle any time. Start by not paying people who hate you. Read how here:

[Followed by a link to his book]

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Many will call the mobilization of a police state to persecute Christians a perversion of democracy. Those people are incorrect. The Death Cult holds democracy sacred. Democracy derives its governing authority from popular consensus. A core function of government is enforcing public morality. Therefore, dissenters from the democratic consensus are not only considered threats to the government’s legitimacy, they’re vilified as evil.

The crowning irony is that the system sold to us as governance by popular consent isn’t responsive to the average voter’s will at all. Instead, it serves the interests of the economic elite. Which makes sense, when you consider that they have the money and influence to shape public consensus however they want. That should tell you what Death Cultists mean by “Our Democracy.”

Christians must wise up to the fact that we are now outside the consensus and are therefore enemies of the regime. And we’d better wise up to it fast.

Affiliate offer: The system is so responsive to corporate interests that there’s no longer a substantive division between big business and government. The corporatist regime has shown it has no qualms against destroying your livelihood for diverging from the consensus. Now is a good time to start a side hustle – or more than one – to generate some independent income streams. Let my friend and client Adam Lane Smith show you how to start your $4K home business. Take his livelihood-saving course now.

Brian Niemeier #racist #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

It’s hard to think of bigger governments, in the sense of the scope of government power, than monarchies. Yet not even the most tyrannical king would seriously entertain the notion of replacing his subjects wholesale with a foreign people. A king ruled a nation, which was a large extended family. He had skin–and blood–in the game.

The crisis overtaking the West arises from the fact that our leaders no longer have the least thing in common with us. The democracy hailed by the Lincoln Project has enabled the ruling class to insulate themselves from all accountability for their actions. After all, their logic goes, you voted for them, so you deserve the blame for their misrule.

It’s not the size of the government that counts. It’s the quality of the people in it and their degree of attachment to their constituents. Our corrupt oligarchs won’t voluntarily part with one iota of power anyway, so the solution to the size and malice of the government is the same. In pro wrestling, when a faction comes to dominate the ring, three outcomes are possible. The faction sways the audience and rules as a personality cult, another faction rises up to bring the cult down, or the whole company collapses under its weight. Which fate awaits us remains to be seen.

But you can get a compelling and fun vision of the post-collapse future right now. Claim any perk tier in my Combat Frame Ƶ XSeed crowdfunder and get XSeed S and SS today.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Frequent readers of this blog are aware of what I call the Witch Test. For our purposes, a witch is a shill for the Death Cult who uses Christian teaching as a convenient stick to beat Christians. Half the time they claim to be Christian themselves.

The Witch Test calls the impostor’s bluff by challenging her to do what every Christian is commanded to do: publicly profess faith in Jesus Christ. Even though the Death Cultist could simply lie and make a false profession of faith, she somehow never does. This persistent phenomenon hints that the witch’s motives aren’t strictly human.

Again, no test subject has yet said, “Sure, I believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now here’s why you’re a racist chud for not cheering black James Bond.”

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut brianniemeier.com

Even ten years ago, you could maybe give infanticide shills some benefit of the doubt about really thinking they were helping women or the planet or something. But now their leaders have spent years saying, “Yeah, we know these are human lives. We want to slaughter them by the millions because we get off on it.”

Anybody who doesn’t demand the total outlawing of all abortion at all times is a barbarian inside our gates. These people can’t claim ignorance or good intentions anymore. They just want to kill babies.

You can’t live in the same society with people that morally retarded. Imagine trying to hold honest elections and maintain 21st century infrastructure working alongside the villains from Apocalypto. And now you see the real crisis Western society invited when we turned our backs on Christ.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #conspiracy brianniemeier.com

[Replying to comment: "I was pushed into getting vaccinated by my family who constantly worried that I wouldn’t be allowed to go back to work if I didn’t... I hope that I’ve done the right thing"]

There’s no question that all of the vaccines materially cooperate with the grave evil of infanticide. In the case of someone who receives it now, particularly for free, the cooperation is pretty remote. Still, even remote material cooperation in grave intrinsic evil is usually sinful. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s statement essentially said that taking the vaccine with the motive of protecting one’s health and others’ sufficiently mitigated that evil.

However, that statement was made in December of last year, before the vaccine’s effectiveness turned out to basically be a coin toss–like all previous coronavirus vaccines. The CDF was reckoning with an effectiveness rate of 98%. Subsequent information calls for re-doing the moral calculus.

Brian Niemeier #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

The national leagues – in particular the NFL – have degraded into vehicles for our rulers’ hatred of white people. TV commercials during Monday Night Football, let alone the Super Bowl, inundate their audiences with contempt. Like every other pop culture institution, professional sports has been weaponized by the ruling secular cult.

Some might just shrug and say that sportsball has always been cringe Boomer bait. Yet if you’re a member of Generation Y or older, you remember the days before the dark times. It’s been 30 years since Super Bowl XXVII. That means there have been more Super Bowls since that one was played than from the event’s inception till then. But that one game played in Pasadena in 1993 set the pre-Ground Zero high water mark. In fact, if you want a milestone that marked the start of the High 90s, you can make a good argument that Super Bowl XXVII was it.

To be precise, the Super Bowl XXVII Halftime Show starring Michael Jackson was it.


Crass documentaries aside, spending a few minutes online is enough to exonerate Jackson. The all-out hit job the media did on him now looks like the model for more recent unpersonings. MJ blew the whistle on some of the same sleazy record industry practices that cost Ye over a billion dollars. And he suffered a similar fate, losing his longtime, lucrative Pepsi deal, getting banned from Dubai, and having to cancel agreements to contribute music to the Addams Family Values and Sonic 3 soundtracks.


Remember, folks: the same media machine that killed Michael Jackson hates you. Don’t give them your attention. Learn how here:

[Followed by a link to his book]

Brian Niemeier #fundie #crackpot brianniemeier.com

Several attributes of demons follow directly from their non-material nature.

* Being made of no parts, they’re effectively indestructible.
* As pure intellect and will, they’re really, really smart and ferociously determined.
Having no physical properties, they don’t take up space.
* As a consequence, they don’t need to “move” or “travel”. Though not omnipresent, they can be anywhere they think about without traversing physical distances.
* Therefore, it’s less accurate to say that a demon can “get inside of” someone/something and better to describe its activity as “attaching itself” to a person, place, or object (remember: a demon is “located” wherever it focuses its thought).
* How can nonphysical beings interact with the physical? Probably not that differently from the way your own spiritual faculties can affect your body (e.g. psychosomatic and mental illness).

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #mammon #conspiracy brianniemeier.com

["Public Schooling Is Child Abuse"]

Not long ago, dissidents were called tinfoil hat schizos for warning parents that the state would come for their kids. What everybody missed is that the state didn’t have to come for our kids. Most of us surrender them into the government’s clutches for eight hours a day, five days a week. Don’t abandon your kids to people who hate you.

The ruling Death Cult enshrines sterility as a major article of faith. So it uses the schools to proselytize to your kids. Normal people taking back the education system is unlikely. The cultists are too entrenched. That’s why reclaiming the culture is so vital. Parents who home school often vent their frustration at taking serious steps to protect their kids, only to have degeneracy a tap or a click away.

But now, newpub and neopatronage are paving a way to carve out a healthy entertainment market for our kids – and us. Support creators who want to entertain you, not brainwash you. Back Combat Frame Z XSeed now:

[Later, in the comments]

Of course, we know the regime’s next move will be to outlaw home schooling, just as was done in Germany. Families should prepare accordingly.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #fundie brianniemeier.com

[On OnlyFans banning porn]

News of a Christian group successfully pressuring megacorps to put the brakes on grave evil is such a long-lost cultural artifact as to evoke Gen Y nostalgia. Predictably, news of harlotry and onanism being slightly curtailed sent Libertarians to their fainting couches with a bad case of the vapors. Cries of “They’ll take this excuse to ban Conservatives!” ring hollow since the Big Banks have shown no need to make excuses. Rolling back Clown World means learning how to take a win and to stop making the perfect the enemy of the good.

[LAter, in the comments, after OnlyFans overturned the ban]

Our side loves mocking the Left’s effeminacy, yet you never see them give in to demoralization over one setback like this. The Right has been forfeiting the culture war for so long it forgets what war actually looks like. An offensive captures a field. The enemy counteroffensive retakes 3/4 of it. If that back-and-forth is happening, it means blows are being exchanged instead of one side continually pummeling the other. Gird your loins.

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger #mammon brianniemeier.com

In the midst of this civilizational decay, it’s easy to forget that the gradual but snowballing affronts to human nature that brought us here were billed as steps toward a sexy, gleaming utopia. The myth of progress is as central to the Death Cult as salvation is to Christianity.

Which makes sense. Because the Fall is so self-evident that any religion claiming universal moral authority must address it. The Cult’s techno-priests foretold that advancements like the integrated chip, hormonal birth control, and the world wide web would help us build a post-racial, post-capitalist, post-religious world.

In the fulness of time, they said, science would conquer the last enemy: death.

What we got instead was a nihilistic pseudo-religion that’s overseen the first decrease in American life expectancy in ages. But with free porn and government Cheetos.

The Modernists set out to cut science off from the Christian metaphysic that incubated it. Medical experts’ apocalyptic response to what should have been a modest public health emergency showed how that experiment went.
Another reason for hope amid the accelerating decline is that the Death Cult went all in on tech. Their equalist dogma and bugman-ism isn’t creating the total, managed regime they sought. Somehow they missed that replacing intelligent producers with low-IQ idols wasn’t a recipe for earthly paradise. It was the setup for a Resident Evil sequel.

So the Death Cult’s despotic system will fail and take millions down with it – just like all the rest.

Get prepared and get holy.

And for a glimpse at the other side of the Collapse …

The big robot action of Mobile Suit Gundam meets the espionage thrills of Tom Clancy.

Read it now:

[Combat Frames XSeed Book Cover]


Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut brianniemeier.com

The Death Cultists’ false faith in diversity blinded them to the necessity of demoralizing the Afghan population to cement their occupation. On a level cultural playing field, the Cult’s moral vision proved inferior to Islam.

That is why the Death Cult and its Pop Cult acolytes have worked tirelessly for decades to sever the West from its Christian roots. No moral vision can outshine that of Christianity, because only the Church teaches the fullness of Truth. If a majority of Americans still possessed the full clarity of their Christian moral vision, they would have the resolve to conquer the Death Cult through spiritual warfare.

Learn well from the example of Afghanistan. A small, outnumbered and outgunned minority can defeat a materially superior enemy–but only if they have the strength of their convictions. Few Americans have sufficient conviction to cancel Disney Plus and Netflix. Which makes it all the more urgent to stop funding people who hate you.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Reacting to omens saying that the Council of Black Wizards may restrict sacrifices to Moloch, Death Cult witches plotted to desecrate Catholic churches over the weekend. But the sub-pagan hordes were turned back at Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York by twelve men who stood on the church steps praying the holy rosary.

The strong of heart and firm of faith may watch the video here.

Not much was known about the valiant sons of Holy Mother Church who faced down the frenzied coven. Until Cozy.tv host Dalton Clodfelter interviewed the church defenders’ leader. The man of the hour is a working class New Yorker, and both he and his interviewer are young men used to the coarse parlance of their generation, so be prepared for salty language.

Brian Niemeier #racist #fundie #wingnut brianniemeier.com

The righteous backlash against critical race theory, for instance, armed dissidents with the rhetorical silver bullet “antiwhite”. The Death Cult operates by claiming the moral high ground, and pointing out that they’re antiwhite unequivocally exposes their feigned moral authority as unwarranted. It’s a form of Witch Test that antiwhites fail for the same reason witches do–they just can’t hide the hatred that defines them.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

What then, do zombies represent? You could argue that they’re manifestations of the fear of Western civilization ending. And that’s fair. It also explains why the zombie apocalypse was the first ubiquitous entertainment sensation after Cultural Ground Zero. People sensed that our artistic capital was used up, so the only thing people could come together over was the mutual observation that everything was falling apart.

But that’s a major symptom, not the root cause. The zombies might have been stand-ins for third-world invaders, collapsing social trust, and younger generations’ rejection of tradition. But then what was the underlying ritual/chemical/virus?

[Photos of a vandalized statue, a drag queen talking to a child, and a woman expressing happiness at being vaccinated]

It was a force that encompassed all dyscivic outcomes, so it is the sum of all errors and the sum of all fears. The answer is Modernism and its disastrous consequences. Stop to think about it, and you’ll see that the zombie is the perfect avatar of the Modernist. Succumbing to the apocalypse vector frees him to indulge forbidden urges, but at the cost of his humanity.

For decades, Modernist heretics promised us that a bright, sexy utopia was just around the corner. All we had to do was change one little part of the Church’s Tradition. Then another. And another …

Cultural Ground Zero was when people started to realize that there would be no shiny earthly paradise. Instead, they’d sold their inheritance for antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis and hobo camps. Of course the real zombie outbreak would take the form of a heresy. It’s right there in the “apocalypse” keyword. “Apocalypse” means “unveiling”. A lot of folks saw their true selves in those movies and despaired. But there’s always time to turn back and embrace the Traditions the West abandoned in our hubris.

It’s tricky, though. Because Christ will forgive any sin but despair, because despair is the refusal to accept that mercy is possible.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #homophobia #mammon brianniemeier.com

It’s no secret that the Anglo branches of the Anglican Communion have joined with the World through the Flesh and severed themselves from the True Vine. The Episcopal church in my town still has big BLM and sodomy banners out front.


Regardless of the current pontiff’s personal views, a decisive advantage of having a supreme, visible head on Earth is everyone knows where the buck stops.

Butt stuff has already been anathematized by ex cathedra definition. Even if some worldly bishop or synod tried to bless gay unions, the attempt would de facto negate itself. In an ecclesiological sense, they’d just place themselves in schism. Remember, the gates of Hell won’t prevail. But the dead branches will separate themselves from the Vine.

For a look at a post-future whose reunited Church theologians look back at our era and shake their heads while laugh-crying, read my hit mech thriller:

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #transphobia brianniemeier.com

The only difference between public school and home school curricula is home schooled kids aren’t taught to hate, mutilate, and kill themselves.

Unless their parents decide to teach them those things.

In which case, every sane person would agree those parents belong in prison.

Which leads to the inescapable logical conclusion that all parents who still refuse to home school should be imprisoned for child endangerment.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Then again, the abandonment of parental instruction started decades before the schools started mandating devil worship. This widespread neglect has run up a bill that is now coming due.

* Many members of Generation Z do not know how to address an envelope.
* The skilled tradesmen who maintain our crumbling infrastructure are retiring, and no one is replacing them.
* Much of our digital architecture was created by men who are nearing retirement, retired, or dead. When the last of them go, there will be no one who knows how essential code and processes work.
* Most young men cannot find young women who know how to cook spaghetti without burning it.
* Large swaths of Millennials and Zoomers are de facto heathens whose only knowledge of Christianity comes from Reddit and Netflix.


In America today, the children who are lucky enough to not be murdered before birth can expect seven hours of Death Cult indoctrination five days a week for twelve years–and that’s before college. Judges can now order their chemical castration at the bidding of demon-ridden mothers.

CantusTropus #fundie brianniemeier.com

White Wolf has been woke long before being woke was even known outside of fringe academic circles. The older Vampire the Masquerade and Werewolf the Apocalypse books are full of explicitly anti-Christian drek, especially the initial supplement about the Furies, which explicitly states that the Abrahamic God was made up to oppress women or something.

Also, a bit of a tangent, but while we’re talking about actively immoral gaming, I should mention Shin Megami Tensei, which I once heard snappily described as “what your Fundamentalist Mom thought Pokémon was”. In other words, a series where you actively tame demons, and God (explicitly the Abrahamic God) is nearly always portrayed as an evil superfascist who wants to destroy all human freedom or some nonsense. Lucifer is also nearly always portrayed at least somewhat positively, and while admittedly he’s not always a good guy, he is sometimes portrayed that way. Garbage that I’m glad didn’t get popular in the West (until the spinoff “Persona” series, at least, which removes most of the overt demonic messaging and is at least somewhat better, albeit still drenched in dangerous nonsense.).