
Lew Rockwell #fundie lewrockwell.com

The power of Labor unions has faded since those dark days, and few people (outside of university economics departments) believe in Marxist exploitation theories anymore, but we are still saddled with anti-work laws that stunt young people’s lives.

Instead of harassing small businesses, I have a better idea. Let’s raid the Department of Labor and toss the slothocracy out on the street. Maybe they can get some real jobs in fast-food restaurants. . . as long as they’re willing to compete with America’s young people newly enfranchised by the repeal of all child-labor laws.

Scott Lazarowitz #fundie lewrockwell.com

Jeepers, it's too bad that the government's monopoly in law and justice has created a criminal racket in and of itself in the business of persecuting people for behaviors that harm no one. Usually, a "crime" is something in which there is a victim.

But this sure is bringing back memories of when former New York U.S. attorney and horse's ass Rudy Giuliani was persecuting financier Michael Milken. What was Milken's crime, and who were his victims, Mr. Giuliani? Milken's crime was making a lot of money, but some public "servants" such as Rudy didn't like that.

The welfare state in America has created generations of people, especially those who feed at the public trough, who feel great resentment and envy toward someone who gets rich honestly (as opposed to getting rich by feeding at the public trough). In fact, Milken wasn't even involved in "insider trading," according to Milken's website, which clarifies the many myths surrounding Giuliani's persecution of Milken.

Jim Grichar #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

he time has long since come for the Congress to abolish the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, also known as the FDA. Contrary to the baloney put out on the various pages of its web site, which would lead the unwary taxpayer into thinking that the FDA is actually protecting him or her from some hazard, the FDA has outlived any usefulness its partisans and bureaucrats have claimed for it. Getting rid of this bureaucratic dinosaur would save taxpayers nearly $1.7 billion (the proposed fiscal year 2004 budget), lead to reductions in the prices of food and drugs paid by consumers, reduce lawsuits over product liability, and reduce the number of lives lost and lives shortened due to a lack of drugs and medical devices.

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