
Lew Rockwell #racist #wingnut #pratt #homophobia #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

There is an even more significant issue involved in the persecution of the South than knocking down monuments, terrible though that is. The government can prosecute people who hold the wrong opinions! You must believe the “official” narrative about the evils of the secessionists, or you can be put in jail! <..> Using laws that are supposed to protect our rights to freedom of speech and thought in order to force people to do the will of the government limits the people’s response to this tyranny. And when our response to this government tactic is focused on the issues involved, such as the danger of the ‘vaccines,’ rather than the use of the legal system to stifle dissent, our efforts waste what little time remains to us before we are in Orwell’s 1984! The point that should be made constantly is that people are being persecuted for holding opinions contrary to the government’s established position.
Some people might object, “Say all you want about the constitutionality of secession. Wasn’t the War between the Sates fought to end slavery? Wouldn’t slavery have continued indefinitely without the War? The answer to these questions is “no” and “no.”

High tariffs, not slavery, was the dominant theme in the conflicts that led to the War between the States. Revenue from tariffs was by far the main source of the federal budget, and as most international trade was conducted using Southern ports, the Southern states were in the unenviable position of bearing the principal cost of the federal government, while increasingly losing power to the North, owing to the North’s advantages in population and industrial power.
But what about ending slavery? The dominant opinion in the pre-war South was that slavery was an evil system, and that through peaceful evolution, blacks could be educated so that they could assume their place as free residents.
Let’s do everything we can to end the perversion of history by today’s witch hunters. Hurrah for the South!

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho lewrockwell.com

As readers know, I often make reference to Putin’s forbearance, that is, to his tolerance, patience, and self-control. I admire Putin’s forbearance which persists despite Putin never receiving any recognition or credit for it. My concern is that Putin’s forbearance does not serve him or Russia well. The reason is that the Western world no longer recognizes or values the moral code that once defined Western civilization. Today in the Western world there are only two values–money and power.

It has been a long time since any American or European military leader said anything resembling what Robert E. Lee told the soldiers who comprised the Army of Northern Virginia:

“We make war only upon armed men, and we cannot take vengeance for the wrongs our people have suffered without lowering ourselves in the eyes of all those whose abhorrence has been excited by the atrocities of our enemies, and offending against God to whom vengeance belongs.”
If Russia had delivered blitzkrieg to Ukraine, the governments of Europe would be disengaging from NATO, not trying to join it. Washington would gain recognition that the neoconservatives’ policy of American hegemony was extremely costly. It would be possible for voices to speak in favor of a more restrained policy.

Instead, what we have is a narrative of Russian loss and defeat, and not a single country the least bit scared of offending Russia. Weapons, money, diplomatic support for the Ukrainian Nazis is flowing in from the Western World. Yesterday the national newspaper in the capital of the Western World, the Washington Post, editorialized: “The world must not forget Mariupol’s defenders. They are heroes.”

The “heroes” are the Neo-Nazi Azov thugs, a collection of war criminals, many of whom are likely to be tried in Russian courts for war crimes. This editorial should tell us all we should know about the depraved West. Does it tell Putin anything?

Andrew S. Fischer #ableist #wingnut lewrockwell.com

In New Jersey not long ago, I went to play miniature golf with my fiance. I’ll call the place “Golfville.” After we’d paid, we discovered that the course consisted of nothing but flat, straight, unchallenging par-2 holes. I immediately complained to the management, and the response was that a NJ law requires any new miniature golf course to be wheelchair accessible!

In other words, I mused, only crappy miniature golf courses can now be built – which means no one who isn’t handicapped will want to play, effectively killing the pastime – just so a handful of theoretical miniature golf “diehards on wheelchairs” can play.


I understand the desire to include the disabled in recreational activities, and this is not a bad idea. (I’m sure that if I were wheelchair-bound I’d be complaining about all the things I couldn’t do and all the places I couldn’t go. Would I have the right, however, to demand access to everywhere I feel like going?) What I don’t understand is that the federal government has any business telling mini-golf entrepreneurs what they can and can’t do with their own property, that it can define what a “socially integrated experience” is, and then it can force all of this down everyone’s throat in order to include a small minority which may or may not have any interest in the activity in the first place.

If there were, in fact, a demand for wheelchair-accessible mini-golf courses, wouldn’t businesspeople be building them? The disabled from miles and miles around would descend like locusts upon such places, and their owners would make fortunes! Forced compliance would be unnecessary if the need actually existed.

So, as old mini-golf courses wear out and new ones are built, nine holes out of eighteen will be tepid at best, effectively killing the fun for the non-disabled 99% of players. An alternative would be to build two courses, one for the disabled and one for the non-disabled. Twice as expensive to build, but too bad for the entrepreneur…. Of course, all of this will really improve people’s attitudes toward the handicapped.

Boyd D. Cathey #wingnut #sexist #racist lewrockwell.com

But back to the protesters at the Raleigh City Council: Almost all of them were identifiably women (?), and they were some of the ugliest, foulest looking creatures I’ve ever seen—anywhere: Purple stringy hair, 300 lb. female monsters, bulging out in all the wrong places, downright nasty, their noses festooned with ringlets, their mouths spilling out threats and imprecations and demands. If anyone—any rational person, that is—were sympathetic to their position, just their presence there would have probably quashed that sentiment and discouraged a sympathetic response.
That set me to thinking: How did those women become such foul harridans? Certainly, they weren’t that way as toddlers or young girls. And my thoughts centered on two causes which I believe have gotten us to where we are today here in central North Carolina: First, our perverted educational system, abetted by the collapse of the nuclear family and the church, and, second, a massive in-migration to the Tar Heel State since Governor Luther Hodges back in the late 1950s had the idea of establishing what became known as the Research Triangle Park centered around the three major universities in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill. This, in turn, began a six-decade process of attracting highly-paid technocrats, who brought with them their neoteric beliefs on everything from politics and morality to child rearing…. But very little of the Southern “rootedness” and “social bond” communitarianism that had characterized my neighbors when I was growing up.
Our national decline can be traced to a number of factors, including the infiltration and perversion of our educational and entertainment systems, massive immigration (and not just from overseas), the nefarious results of the “civil rights” bills of the 1960s, and, yes, the long-range effects of the 19th Amendment. Humanly speaking it may be impossible at this point to reverse it. Yet, we must continue to try. And may God help us!

Erwin J. Haas MD MBA #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Science” comes from the latin word “sciencia” meaning knowledge. In English it has come to be shaped by one of two intellectual brassieres; The one, broadly understood is “Truth,” and refers to what everyone knows. The other, call it “empirical science,” refers to the process of debunking nonsense and error. These two entities exist in a kind of intellectual codependency.

The first kind, truth is the totality of what is “known” or commonly believed. You can find written descriptions by googling anything that you think may have come to someone’s attention. I suspect that the AI mumbo jumbo means that the software reaches out to grab anything that is already “known.” This kind of science ranges from useful and vetted reliable dogma that was derived from the empiricism that gives the word “science” its unassailable clout to magic. We trust in the physical sciences like mechanics, the cell theory in biology or molecular theory. It is the science used in engineering and in the work world.

Another body of knowledge concerns conventions, like driving on the right side of the road or of using double entry book keeping. I have no problem viewing religion, the common law and the social conventions of a culture as useful knowledge.

Beyond this knowledge degenerates. The social sciences- psychology, sociology, management theory, economics, drug rehab, economics and the like start with a few observations that may or may not be well founded but are then elaborated by bulking them up with hard to refute assertions and then pasting the fluff together with statistical scams. These are the fantasies of the academy; people are making good money misleading everyone else. Related are political scams like global warming, the wars on terror, drugs, poverty and international relations. The whole covid 19 snow job with its “science” was cobbled together from theories that were never tested and yet were enforced and funded by governments.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

I have often wondered what Roman citizens thought as they watched the Roman Empire fall apart culturally, politically, morally, and militarily. Cicero, quaestor, praetor and Counsel of Rome, tried to save the Roman Republic. For his efforts he was chased down and murdered. As Cicero was, perhaps, the most famous Roman, his murder stopped efforts to prevent Rome’s descent into tyranny.

The same thing is happening today to those who attempt to arouse us to our danger. Julian Assange, for example, has been imprisoned contrary to every known US and UK law for a decade without conviction for simply doing his duty as a journalist and reporting the crimes of our rulers, the crimes of the corrupt vermin we continue to return to office and power over us. No one has done anything about it, not even his fellow journalists.

When truth is punished, a country dies.

Rome survived for centuries after its essence had departed, because her enemies were weak in comparison. Rome destroyed itself. As many or more Romans died in civil wars fighting one another than died repelling barbarian invasions, Roman military might ended in self-destruction.

The enemies Washington has created for America are not weak. Russia alone, China alone, perhaps even Iran alone, is a match or more for America. The three together constitute a vast over-match of US military capability. Yet Washington continues to increase hostilities with these countries. The mindlessness of my government is unbearable. Such utter stupidity.

Once the moronic Biden regime’s economic sanctions and the US loss of the reserve currency role finish off the US dollar, America is finished. We will be a third world country, and the rest of the world will punish us for the sins of our government.

Try to tell this to an American.

Jim Quinn #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Well that sure was a weekend of lies, misinformation, disinformation, and laying the ground work for the next stage in their Great Reset plan. The regime media is dutifully propagandizing the masses with the utterly ridiculous tripe that somehow rock throwing Hamas “terrorists” completely surprised the most militarized country in the world, launched 5,000 rockets, slaughtered hundreds, took over Israeli military bases, and are winning this “war”.

And almost immediately regime media mouthpiece – the Wall Street Journal – has proof Iran was behind the attack. Being a card carrying “conspiracy theorist” (aka critical thinking individual), I don’t believe one iota of what is being reported. The timing of this is impeccable. The Ukraine debacle is reaching its endpoint and a few congress critters refuse to fund this Biden money laundering operation any longer.

Biden’s impeachment hearings are underway. The economy has begun to tank. Biden’s poll numbers are atrocious. The invasion of the southern border goes on unabated. Democrat run urban shitholes are becoming more lawless, dangerous, and bankrupt. The national debt is rising at a rate of $1 trillion per month. This Fourth Turning has begun to accelerate into the violent, dangerous, and likely bloody phase, where an incompetent, dementia ridden, empty vessel, who is being handled by mediocre minded, diversity hire, neocons, could destroy our country for good.

Walter Gelles #wingnut #quack #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

The US/NATO War Against Russia

Depleted uranium (DU)
from the USA and EU—
Satan’s gift which keeps on giving
to poison the unborn and the living.
Like landmines left behind in Vietnam,
DU is part of the US Empire’s plan
to destroy Russia, “rebuild” Ukraine.
The puppet Zelensky dare not complain.
Long-range missiles, long-range plans—
gifts from the US warmonger clan
to the tyrant-thug who’s wrecking his nation
and leading us to nuclear annihilation.
Z. used to be a porno comedian
banging his member against a keyboard.
Now he’s a swindler begging for grift
and even Congress is getting bored.
It’s the Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse
except there’s no diplomacy
and Biden’s senility is getting worse
while Kamala Harris longs for his hearse.
This absurd war is an obscene crime
planned by Washington for a long time.
End this fiasco, you Congress cowards!
The Doomsday Clock’s at the midnight hour.

The Scamdemic Is Over

No more lockdowns.
No more masks.
No more vaccines.
Don’t even ask!
No more mandates.
The People win.
The tyrants lose.
Your Covid vaccines cause massive harm.
Stick them in Gates’s or Fauci’s arm
or Albert Bourla
or Stéphane Bancel…
Pfizer, Moderna

Weather Balloon

Climate change
is mighty strange.
It used to be called global warming
but there is no man-made global warming
so they gave it a brand-new name
yet it’s still the same—
the same gigantic globalist hoax
to rob and deceive gullible folks.
If you question the fraudulent liars
they call you a “climate denier.”

The crooks who brought you the Covid scamdemic
are the same crooks behind the climate change scam.
At risk: Every child, woman, and man.
Resist the hucksters any way you can.

VN Alexander #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

You may recall that, during the thick of it in 2020-2021, Covidians were immune—no, that’s not the right metaphor—they were allergic to facts. They did not respond well even to the common sense statement that, since the C0Vld-19 shots hadn’t been through long-term trials, it might be unwise to take one.

Like terrorized lab animals dosed with flight, fight or freeze chemicals, some cannot unlearn what they got from the news in 2020. They suffer from PTSD. Like veterans who jump at the sound of a car backfiring, associating any loud noises with bombs raining down on them, they are still in the midst of the War on C0v1d. Today, if you happen to say, I will not comply with any new mask or vax mandates, they will imagine that you are the Nazi fascist enemy. That’s just how their brains work now.
Facts don’t work on this crowd. You can send them all the carefully researched articles, documentaries, and books on the topic you can find to straighten them out, but they won’t be convinced; they are not even able to read them. Their minds have been closed and certain doors are bolted shut.

However, through narrative, an author can get inside readers’ minds and show them a new perspective. Satire, subtle satire, is particularly effective because it first lures brainwashed readers in by reconstructing the skewed reality that they are used to and then slowly introduces a few details that can dispel the illusion.
Covidians need to return to 2020 and relive it from a different perspective. This is what fiction can do. We don’t have enough good fiction writers on the right side of history these days. The “literary” crowd is churning out identity-politics clichés— propaganda, not artful fiction.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

We are currently living in a grotesque environment of absolute ignorance by the bulk of society so fantastic, that it leads to not only the expectation and embracing of absurd conduct, but also to the full and total normalization of heinous and criminal behavior, violence, theft, gross immorality, and perversion. Obviously, there has always been crime, and the most violent crime, has always been committed or sanctioned by the State itself.

During the past few years, the amount of openly allowed violent behavior has been allowed to rise to monstrous levels, but the theft, immorality, perversion, brutality and disorder, have escalated out of control over the same period. This extreme behavior was for some time happening simultaneously all around the country, and has been ongoing in some regards for years. It began in this cycle with the fake ‘covid’ lockdowns, as the group improperly called “Black Lives Matter,” (BLM) were allowed by this government and its so-called enforcers, to run amok, causing destruction of property, businesses, committing theft, burning, looting, violence, and in some cases death. The bogus claim of ‘racism’ was implemented to excuse this horrid behavior. Another criminal group call Antifa, followed the same pattern, and both are little more than terrorist groups.

To add insult to injury, bring in the depraved transgender nonsense, the promotion by government and media of the so-called ‘LBGTQ+’ crowd, under the ridiculous and idiotic moniker labeled ‘pride,’ and more disorder, perversion, and child abuse is the direct result.
A violent and immoral society can only breed more violence and immorality; leading to the normalization of criminal behavior, which in turn leads to the downfall of all societal cohesion. Allowing a top-down governing system to exist, one that sanctions violence, commits violence, protects the felons, and facilitates crime in order to divide, is anathema to any free society of normal human beings.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #racist #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

It is natural human proclivity to run and hide from critical thinking, in what has become a society consumed by spurious headlines, ignorance of fact, and extreme propaganda, but fear not the truth. Understanding the culture war that seems to be perpetually ongoing, is not as daunting as it may appear. <...> It is imperative to expose the constant lies fed to the collective herd, and to isolate them so as to discover the legitimate truth, so that the State’s false narratives can be abandoned once and for all. Once this awakening occurs, if in fact that is even possible today, and a psychological escape from the insanity of this supposed ‘civilization’ materializes, one’s mind will be free of fear, anxiety, confusion, and hate. It is a wonderful state of being in which to dwell.

We are in a culture war, and the antagonist in this nefarious plot, and evil enemy of all sane thinkers, is the State, its controlling ruling class, and all those who would support, recognize, and enforce, its mandates and illegitimate laws. This includes those who would expect all others to live and act as they do, to blindly accept what they accept, and to bow to authority instead of depending on self.
Transgenderism and homosexuality are not normal. Rioting is not normal. Censorship cannot be normal in any free society. Mutilation, perversion, and degeneracy are not normal. Killing babies and exploiting children are not normal. Theft, looting, and property destruction are not normal. Mass homelessness is not normal. Abandoning and destroying family is not normal. It is impossible to blend all these things with all the good in life, and expect to retain any semblance of normalcy. Competing cultures of this magnitude have to completely separate in order to survive. In any case where unlimited ‘tolerance ‘and ‘diversity’ are demanded, and right and wrong have no meaning, no moral or compassionate ‘civilization’ can exist.

Brandon Smith #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

I recently went to see the movie Sound Of Freedom with the expectation of a moderate level of political commentary or religious pontificating, given the rabid and widespread attacks on the film by the leftist media. All I knew going in was that the indie production was about child trafficking and that the mainstream media HATES IT.
But there’s something more going on here than mere envy on the part of leftist journalists. The campaign against the movie is far too coordinated and far too expansive (global). It is as if these people are interconnected and they all agreed together to try to subvert the film, or they were all ORDERED to subvert the film.
So again, there are few if any valid criticisms to make about the production itself and the story is largely accurate. Why are leftist journalists raging against this movie? I think because it sheds light on the fact that pedophilia is not only about isolated cases of loners stalking school playgrounds, it’s an international industry worth billions upon billions of dollars, and there are very rich and powerful people involved in that industry (including people in mainstream journalism).

They don’t want people to consider the pervasive nature of this criminal underworld. They want people passive and unaware. For some reason, they want people to assume that child slavery is a conspiracy theory.

Another issue to consider is that the political left has been aggressively targeting children with sexualization for the past several years, primarily through the imposition of trans ideology. They are turning the sexualization of minors into an activist movement. <...> We all know what the end game of this movement is – The normalization of pedophilia.

Leftists may be consciously or unconsciously hostile to Sound Of Freedom because when they see the organized networks of child groomers on the big screen, they see themselves.

Capt. Randall #wingnut #transphobia #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

I see the widespread wearing of hoodies as protection from goin crazy. Aside from being inexpensive go-anywhere wear with a kangaroo pouch, they deliver a modicum of anonymity that fits social media’s shift to impersonal relationships. Having never owned a hoodie, I decided to purchase one on-sale for the heck of it…and wow, I loved it! It’s like being snug under a comforter, it’s like a kid’s blankie, it’s a tent, a mobile shelter, a cocoon, a habitat… err habit once reserved for meditative monks and those braving very foul weather. I felt secure with my head, face and throat protected, sounds muffled, peripheral vision cut-off… all warm and comfy like being swaddled, like being a turtle or armadillo. I could be wrong, but doesn’t that little socially-popular edge of personal confidence help keep neurotic demons at bay? Maybe hoodies are indicative of a “leave me alone attitude?” And so my observations revealed what appears to be an outward symptom of our malaise.

I do see people being driven batty, feeling confused and outta control…that’s anxiety… that’s stress which unabated progresses to depression, addictions and even suicide. Stress cripples genetic expression and executive function! Why are 40million Americans on antidepressant drugs? Why do they willingly ingest fentanyl? Maybe hoodies are a subconscious psychological crutch that helps one function out on the crazy streets? The actual state of the state is obviously corrupt and riddled with inane contradictions. Once affable acquaintances now seem stingy, grabby, defensive and worried over their survival. Must I adopt woke-correct speech and look in my shorts to see if I’m a boy or a girl? In my hoodie I’ve become the proverbial Three Monkeys; See-No-Evil, Hear-No-Evil, Speak-No-Evil.

Helena Glass #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo lewrockwell.com

The world is now unsustainable. Not enough food, not enough water, not enough oil & gas, not enough housing, not enough enough… Immigrants are supposed to fill the void of excess deaths in developed countries as we transition to AI. Once achieved, the migrants won’t be needed any longer. So what happens?

The US unemployment rate is low because workers died. In California, the vast majority were Hispanic. In NY the vast majority were elderly. Now across the US and UK the vast majority of deaths are among the working age group 18-45.
We are now being warned of five separate threats that could annihilate earth:

1. A new, deadly pandemic created in NIH labs across Africa that will have a death rate of 40%
2. Earth will be hit by solar winds wiping out satellites and the global electric grids causing widespread famine, disease, crime and death.
3. The aliens are here and ready to make themselves visible for the general public.
4. AI will turn on humans and destroy them
5. CERN will create a black hole that swallows earth.

So what do our esteemed governments suggest we do to mitigate against these catastrophes? Eat fake meat, drive electric cars, and be 100% carbon free. Not too sure but I doubt CERN, the aliens, the biolabs and AI give a rats dang about these ‘nonsolution solutions’.

The fact is – solar winds have been a phenomena forever, aliens have been buzzing us for decades, and the pandemics are all man made viruses to boost Big Pharma Profit margins. So what are our Leaders actually doing to mitigate catastrophes? NOTHING.
What is possible/probable – is this singular reverse polarization event recreates weather – altering animal, plant and humanity. And no amount of Bill Gates weather seeding can alter the earth’s core! He just has the world’s largest ego and a death wish. So stop using those aerosol sprays and stop cows from farting and stop driving cars – because the reality of weather is built into the universe NOT PEOPLE.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Yes, I am a white heterosexual male, and I do not give a damn who likes it or not! In case many of you have lost all your brain cells, not one human on this earth has any control whatsoever over what color, ethnicity, culture, or country in which he is born. It is completely out of his control, and therefore, each should be proud of, or at least aware of his background, regardless of what that background entails. Each has to make his own way in life, successful or not, and cannot change his color or biology, no matter what effort is taken. This also includes biological gender, as that also cannot be altered in such a manner as to defy natural biology, no matter what efforts are pursued. So let the hate mail from ignoramuses commence, as this will expose the idiocy that consumes most of the proletariat today.
The most prolific racism in this country today is becoming black against white, but in reality, it is every ethnicity, every culture, and every idiotic ‘identifying gender’ with multi-labeled acronyms, (2SLGBTQI+) plus, plus, of course, as new designations surface regularly, against white people. (The explanation of this bullshite is astonishing) It is about every color, media outlet, government, many so-called ‘entertainers,’ leftist politicians, and a multitude of white hypocrites; all committing racism against white people, especially white males, as discussed earlier. This form of racism today is illegitimately viewed completely in reverse. But fear not, with this level of racism against white people, they (everyone else) may yet get the hate they tend to crave so much. Why would that ever be desired?
The only true slavery that exists in this country today is the slavery of the masses by the State. There are no black slaves, white slaves, brown slaves, or any other in any real sense of the term, as actual slavery ended in this country well over 150 years ago, which means that no one living is or has ever been a slave. The past is gone.

Restoring Truth #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #ableist #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

This week, far out in America’s heartland, Lizzo repudiated law and mangled grammar in one easy stroke. The heavyweight singer counseled kids at her recent Nebraska concert, “Don’t let any laws tell you who you not.” She pronounced herself a “safe space” for transgendered children in a state that just banned gender mutilation surgeries. If you’ve seen Lizzo, you know that’s plenty of space.

This morbidly obese entertainer—doubling as the face of body positivity—prances around in lingerie that showcases her flesh in a most appalling fashion. Like all people in the “people in larger bodies” movement, she pretends that her obesity defies the laws of nature; in her shameless universe, extreme overweight is both sexy and healthy.

Her statement supporting transgenderism was no surprise given the unholy consortium of causes that embody the left. A motley crew has gathered under one nasty and ever-expanding tent to champion every illogical idea and sexual proclivity that comes along. Abortion activists, pansexuals, socialists, satanists, transgenders, the proudly obese, and pedophiles—to name just a few— have joined forces against everything good, beautiful, and true.
More than their unifying craziness, though, they’re drawn together by their common hatred for a God whose created order and sovereignty will not bend or cave to their wishes. They resent the gnawing shame they feel under his gaze. Rejecting his authority over bodies, they hope to destroy him—finally free to soak in the glory they chased.

Our cultural elites only play supporting roles in a drama that opened long ago. As children, we think Satan is a horned devil, but according to scripture, he was beautiful and esteemed among angels. But he would not submit to the kingship of God; it was a glory he craved for himself. His hapless attempts to topple the throne still fuel his rage against the King, and he seethes at the image of God in lowly man.

Restoring Truth #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

For anyone who’s paying attention, it’s easy to apply Solzhenitsyn’s prophetic observations to our own era of politicized agencies, surveillance, leftist institutional control, and demonization of various categories of Americans. We, too, have intelligence tasked with monitoring speech and enforcing illiberal rules. New and invented accusations are levied to keep people in line. Are you transphobic? Are you a “white Christian nationalist”? Many innocuous things are now expressions of white supremacy. Maybe you are are a threat to democracy.
Pretend for a moment that we in America have now realized Solzhenitsyn’s wise prophecies, and that you are now suspected of being an enemy of the state. You are a threat to the government’s ugly project of turning every city into a third-world encampment, because you like safety and sanitation. You are privileged because you think you should reap the harvest you sowed in your labor. Your Christian beliefs are a threat to the humanistic fantasies of an omnipotent state run by politicized organs of artificial intelligence.

The list of possible offenses are many: you’re a member of a conservative church; you’ve “liked” social media posts critical of transgenderism; you follow The Babylon Bee; you donate to a conservative think tank; you live in a red state; you have more than three kids; you didn’t receive a Covid “vaccination”; you have an American flag flying in your yard; or maybe you download a lot of country music. Aren’t all of these things pleasures of those on the right?

These who hamper progress must be charged with various crimes, such as racism, transphobia, religious hate or even insurrection; your employer must therefore fire you or face troubles, and you must go through a lengthy (and doomed) court process. If you will just cooperate, though—perhaps say the right things, donate to the right causes, or stay silent in the face of insanity—your life doesn’t have to be so hellish; at least, not just yet.

Tom Luongo #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

So, the Democrats and their Davos benefactors have finally done it. They have finally found something they can indict President Donald Trump on. Apparently 34 somethings, which makes for great headlines.

The usual suspects have been thrown their chum — both TDS patients and MAGAtards. The social media war is now in full swing. And, frankly, it couldn’t be more tiresome.
This is a case so legally tenuous that even the Federal Government, famous for being able to convict a ham sandwich, wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.

Because indicting Trump for any of these petty things is nothing less than the end of politics and a declaration of civil war.

Davos through the Democrats have been running a culture war for decades to stamp out the past. It is quite Leninist.
But, ‘just not done’ is exactly the thing being indicted here, not Trump. Trump is just the fulcrum on which all of this rests.

This is just the politics of envy taken to its ultimate conclusion. Racism, sexism, ageism, transphobia, LGBTQT+BBQ Sauce rights are all the same political position. They are all about tearing down the old institutional order.
Did I mention these people have the epistemology of weevils?

Again, in the South we say, “Some people just need killin’” Well, to the puritan mind, “Some societies just need killin’.”

That’s why Trump’s indictment signals the end of politics as we believed it operated. The key word there was ‘believed.’ We are dealing with people who see those that disagree with them as irredeemable.

You voted for Trump? Twice? Burn in hell you fascist!
Davos knows this is it for them. 2024 in the US or bust. George Soros said as much at Munich this year. This is why Trump needs to be indicted even though the case is legally illiterate.

Look, the conservative commentators who think that indicting Trump will only improve his chances of winning the election are wrong. It doesn’t matter that he can run for office from jail.

Alastair Crooke #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

The inflection has begun. It has been messaged by the Financial Times (FT) and The Economist – the two media that so faithfully transmit any ‘replacement narrative’ to the globalist sherpas (those who carry the baggage up the mountain, on behalf of the mounted nabobs).
On the surface, it is possible to read The Economist piece as a plea for more money and many more weapons. But the underlying messaging is clear: “Anyone who underestimates Russia is heading for defeat”. The Russian force mobilisation was a success; there is no problem with Russian morale; and Russia is preparing a huge winter offensive that will start soon. Russia has huge reserve forces (of up to 1.2 million men); whereas Ukraine now has 200,000 who are militarily trained for conflict. The ‘writing is on the wall’, in other words. Ukraine cannot win.
Media headlines moved on seamlessly from Afghanistan to Ukraine, scarcely with a backwards glance. And already, a diversionary ‘tethered goat’ is being prepared to grab compliant western MSM attention, as the Ukraine meme is quietly shelved, and Serbia’s ‘aggression’ against Kosovo becomes the new ‘aggression’.

Serbia may strike the western Ruling Class as ‘low-hanging fruit’ with which NATO could burnish its tarnished image (post-Afghanistan and Ukraine). Simply put, Serbia daily is being threatened by EU and US officials: Join with Europe in sanctioning Russia; recognize formally Kosovan independence; abandon the Serbs who have lived in Kosovo for centuries; join the EU and NATO – as a part of an anti-Russian bloc; and ‘no’, all those past legal accords have no import, and will be ignored.

The crux? The clear majority of Serbians favour Russia. It is an island surrounded by NATO and EU states. The government in Belgrade is proposing to send 1000 Serbian police to Kosovo to protect the rights of the local Serbian population, but NATO may want to use this as a pretext to show off its military muscle.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #conspiracy #quack lewrockwell.com

It is a sad state of affairs when one considers that the 21st century will most assuredly dwarf the 20th century in deaths at the hands of the governments and the ruling monsters who control those governments. <...> It will get much worse in my opinion in the future, although hiding deaths behind the cloak of lies concerning fake viruses, bioweapon injections, and other poisons, with the many other accompanying causes of state murders, will not likely be reported as democide.
No one knows the full risk of these bioweapon killer shots, nor does the ‘public’ understand any of the deadly long term ramifications possible. If this were not enough to eliminate much of the world population through murderous policies, economic collapse is still assured; or at least highly likely in the near term. Farms are being taken over and destroyed, all under the fake insanity called ‘manmade climate change,’ this guaranteeing even more food shortages.

There is also possible mass sterilization due to many factors, not the least of which is the poisonous ‘covid injection’ that has been taken by billions. Toxic chemicals, poisons, GMO foods, other genetic manipulation of humanity, heavy metal nanoparticle distribution thorough injections, fake and tainted food, weather manipulation, cloud seeding, poison spraying, deadly high frequency radio waves, and of course war on many domestic populations, are happening simultaneously.
Everything mentioned here is connected; everything is related in one way or many. This fact must be understood so that each new feigned state warning, menace, or risk is not seen as a new threat to fear. There is one agenda and one threat, and that is for the rulers to gain more money, power, and control of everything in life in order to bring about a technocratically controlled earth; a one world order controlled by the few. Everything else is but a smaller part of the whole, a sub-plot if you will, but this tyrannical plot is intimately intertwined.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

What in the world has happened to the human animal? What has happened to man? Why is it acceptable to be lorded over, to be allowed to exist, to be told what to do and what not to do, to be metaphorically and in many cases literally chained by draconian mandates, to be restricted as to what to say and what not to say, and to be controlled by the malevolent dregs of society called ‘leaders’ and rulers? Is this the true nature of man, or is this deranged state of mind the creation of evil intent by those seeking the power to dominate others? But if it is a designed and contrived effect of long term indoctrination, dumbing down, and a propagandized conspiratorial plot, then it can be reversed, and therefore, this voluntary slavery could be eliminated in favor of mass freedom.

As was pointed out by Jacob Hornberger recently, there was a time in our history when there was no income tax or IRS, no government welfare, no drug or medical laws, no immigration controls, few economic regulations and restrictions, no foreign wars, no passports, no three letter enforcement agencies, no government controlled markets, no foreign military bases, few if any government bureaucracies, little if any mandated ‘public’ schooling, no unbacked currency or central bank, and absolutely no gun control. Things were certainly not perfect, nor was any utopia present, but better times did exist in this country, and people were for all intents and purposes, temporarily free. This was a superior time, and should be instructive of what could be, instead of what is today.
Yes, those who lived in this country in past times did have a much more free society than exists today, but even then, there were attacks against the sovereignty of the individual by the state. The aggression against liberty levied by the ruling class over time has increased greatly, but only because it was voluntarily allowed.

Milan Adams #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #quack lewrockwell.com

The blood oath is fundamental. Biden and most of his cabinet and most courts and congress have probably taken it. That’s why they are excluded from mandatory vaccines.
These people swore an oath or to represent citizens, but their true loyalty is to Satan (Communism.).They are traitors and should be treated as such.

Worldwide the vaccine passports is leading to a Chinese Communist social credit system where your every word and move are monitored for political correctness.

Like our “leaders,” the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)are Satanists.
We now face persecution from this evil red dragon in the form of medical tyranny.We’re dealing with PURE EVIL.

The Final Choice is Good or Evil. What Choice Will Those with a Blood Oath Make?

The ultimate and final choice is between Good and Evil.

The Chinese say, “you can’t stand in two boats”; as the boats move apart, you will be forced to choose one boat or fall into the water. Those who have taken a blood oath are conflicted between doing what is Good or following a path that stops at no Evil.

The way to discern good or evil is to evaluate it against Truth, Compassion and Tolerance; this is the characteristic of the cosmos. Those who adhere to these universal principles are good. The ones who deviate from Truth, Compassion and Tolerance are wicked.
The CCP requires a blood oath to join; it has brutally persecuted many groups in China since coming to power in 1949, killing an estimated 60-80m people who were opposed to communism.
The CCP is against Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. Now, the CCP and those aligned with it are utilizing every means at their disposal to persecute the entire world. Good people everywhere now face persecution from this evil red dragon in the form of medical tyranny.

The Good Citizen #wingnut #transphobia #quack #racist lewrockwell.com

The light and the darkness. The kind and the cruel. The strong and the weak. The brave and the cowards. The thoughtful and the Ukrainian Borg.

Zis invasion is a great opportunity to reset zee world. Zee more civilian deaths for zee cameras and refugees, zee more zee west will sanction Russia destroying zee dollar’s status and zerby zee global economy, zee better it will be for zee Forse Industrrael Revolution.
Schwab 6:66

Ukrainian Borg Alliance Meeting Day 7 – Zoom Room 38218832PX12
Dobrogo Ranku everyone! That means good morning in Urainians. My name is Piper, my pronouns are ze/zir and I just want to talk about, like my feelings lately. I really was antiwar but then I started seeing images of the Ghost of Keev and like all those Ruskie planes he shot down in one day to earn the ace fighter badge and now I’m totally inspired. I’m thinking about starting a GoFundMe to raise money for a new aviator suit for him since the one he’s been wearing for like a week is probably all sweaty and I highly doubt they have tide pods there or even washing machines. Do they even wash clothes in Urainia? Probably in the rivers.
Ukrainian Borg Alliance Meeting Day 11 – Zoom Room 45418432GE23
Hello everyone. My name is Finley. My pronouns are ve/ver. I’m from Seattle. I was one of the original Chaz occupiers. Now I work for the city of Seattle doing just basic humanitarian work to assist with the temporarily sheltered and abode challenged peoples of the community. It’s mostly handing out free syringes and soon thanks to President Biden, crack pipes, because why discriminate against any recreational drug users? What’s that? Oh, right, Ukraine. So, like I’m totally antiwar but just the evil nature of Putin has made me all for this one. I didn’t mean that. Stop giving me those looks! What I meant to say is that I’m against this invasion like one hundred. But I’m totally for bombing the shit out of all Russians. I’m so for it okay?

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

The leftists who control Washington, D.C., with brain-dead Biden as their figurehead, want to impose a totalitarian dictatorship on America. The tyranny of Covid vaccines, mask mandates, and lockdowns, and preparations for war in the Ukraine are the latest signs of this, but the leftist plans have long been in the making.

Ordinary Americans don’t want this, and their resistance has generated to so-called split between Red and Blue States. Actually, the leftists control a few big cities through corrupt machine politics and pandering to minority and immigrants mobs, and the rest of the country resists them. The leftists are determined to crush this resistance. As Bill Sardi explains: “Democrats ‘own’ the cities (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, Boston, etc.); Republicans ‘own’ the space (rural land). That is maybe why fires razed through rural areas in California as the Red zones were burnt to the ground. This may have been a covert attempt to force Republicans to move into cities.”
Even if we succeed in rolling back the current totalitarians, this won’t be enough. There is a structural problem in the American government that won’t go away, even if the current mob in Washington is replaced with “good guys.” The government is too big. The American population is around 330,000,000. States like California and Texas are bigger than many countries. How can a nation that vast be governed by a few people? The situation is even worse if we think about the division between the Reds and the Blues that I mentioned before.
The Federalists thought they knew better, and they gave us such nonsense as Madison’s claim that an extended government was a “cure” for faction, not one of its main causes. The tragic result of their efforts was the terrible War Between the States. Let’s not make that mistake again. Let’s try peaceful secession while there is still time.

Gary Barnett #wingnut #quack #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

We are now at the threshold of hell concerning our natural rights and freedom. This evil government and its controllers have destroyed our sacred lives through lies, deceit, theft, plotted divisive policies, torture, isolation, dystopian mandates, crippling orders by executive fiat, and murder. This is not hidden; it is open and exposed, but the people have ignored the blatant nature of this conspiracy to take over humanity, and instead have as expected by their masters, acquiesced to every command given. After all this tyranny levied against this society, they now beg for crumbs from the very scum that has enslaved them. This collective and pathetic response can result in nothing less than mass enslavement.

In the face of this obvious and extreme immoral injustice against all Americans, the people clamor for redress by petitioning those falsely claiming authority instead of relying on self and the inherent right to live free. This is akin to asking your master to be your slave, and expecting him to voluntarily comply. This attitude is not only meaningless; it actually emboldens your oppressor, and strengthens his position over you. Weakness in the face of tyranny can only bring more tyranny.
Never comply, never submit, never close any business, never wear a mask, never isolate, and never believe a single word coming from this government or mainstream media. Disobey every state mandate en masse at every juncture or face sickness, slavery, poverty, starvation, loss of power access, total censorship and destruction of free speech, isolation, and the final destruction of this country. If you continue to comply and do nothing, the certain death of millions will occur.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

So many calamities, quandaries, and mysteries swirl in the zeitgeist these days that life in the USA feels like swimming against a rising tide of poisoned guacamole. Nothing has been able to stop that green spewage from the political Left, especially as it desecrates our very language to turn everything up, down, and everything inside, outside. You end up drowning the consensus about reality under the muck. Now, finally, there are political forces gathering to oppose all this deliberate malice and deceit and they will need something like a fire-hose to clean the joint up.

The outstanding feature of this political illness has been the utter lack of accountability for gross insults against the public interest — that is, things that really matter. As Congresswoman Ilhan Omar once put it so obliquely, “some people did some things.” Yes, people are at the bottom of all this mischief against the country and none of them have had to answer for any of it yet. Will it matter if they do? It may not correct all the disasters of recent past years, but it may prevent more disasters ahead as the nation struggles with epic changes to the business model for running everything in this land. Some people will have to do a lot of things to straighten out our agenda.

Everyone is aware by now that the new Congress is assembling several committees to attempt just that. One is the aptly-named panel on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. That’s an excellent name for it because the officials running the engines of state have carried out a war against the people. It is, after all, supposed to be a government of, by, and for the people, not a government against the people.

George Hollenback #wingnut #racist lewrockwell.com

A fond memory of my youth was the enchantment I felt upon first reading Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Ozymandias,” a sonnet about a ruined colossus in the desert that had been erected by a vainglorious despot of antiquity. I later learned there was a second “Ozymandias” composed by Horace Smith, the product of a friendly sonnet writing contest between the two men. After describing the ruined colossus, Smith ponders whether people of the future might view the ruins of a destroyed and deserted London with similar wonder.

I had entertained the idea of producing something in a similar vein if sufficiently inspired by suitable subject material, and the opportunity eventually presented itself. I elected to compose my sonnet in blank verse, fourteen lines, ten syllables per line, stressed syllables following and alternating with unstressed syllables. The setting would be a distant, dystopian future like something right out of Planet of the Apes. I selected tentative venues for submission that I thought would be amenable to provocative, cutting-edge fare, but alas, my submissions languished. I then thought of a venue among whose readership were the kind of literati with whom my piece would most certainly resonate. So without further ado:

George Floyd’s Head

The glacier in retreat left in its wake
Upon the muddy flats a giant head
Amidst the rubble of a city there
That once was grand but now is dead and gone.
Approaching remnants stop and wonder who
The visage represents who merits such
Acclaim to take on such colossal form.
It must have been a man of much renown—
An icon of some potentate just like
Those Olmec heads from even older times!
From on its side they set it up erect
And bend their knees before its pensive gaze;
Respect is due to such a one revered
So much by peers who made his greatness known.

Paul Craig Roberts #racist #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

February is the month we celebrate Black Heritage Month. Try celebrating White Heritage. It would be declared an insurrection, and instantly the FBI would be on the scene rounding up white supremacists and domestic terrorists. White heritage has been characterized as racism, and racism is something to be ashamed of, not celebrated. Universities and public schools have taught white students, their parents, and all forebears are racists who enslaved and oppressed black people. Some cities and states in the US have reparation committees deciding how much money people who have never owned a slave have to pay people who have never been a slave, many of whom don’t even know who their parents are.

After years of indoctrination by Critical Race Theory many white Americans accept that they are the guilty descendants of slave traders. The truth is that the black slave trade originated in black Africa in slave wars between black peoples. The British colonists were merely customers who needed a labor force.
The notion of white privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history. Do the people making the claim that bondage has permanently injured black American descendants of slavery–but refuse to make the same argument for white descendants of slavery–realize that they are saying that blacks are weaker and less resilient than white people?
There you have it. The anti-white left and the New York Times’ 1619 Project have succeeded in branding the US Constitution a racist document written to serve white supremacy. Law schools and bar associations now think this way as do many judges appointed by Democrats. What this means is that the willingness to enforce the Constitution and to live under it is evaporating. What is the future of America, a country where white people have been deracinated, their culture dismantled, history rewritten, black hatred of whites institutionalized, and the governing document discredited?

As Trump would say, “Not good.”

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

There are different types of protest, few of value, but in reality, when protesting authoritarian rule or government, the best and most legitimate response is one of negation of the State, negation of compliance; in other words, complete disobedience and ignoring all aspects of State rule and mandates at every opportunity possible. This approach in fact, is the only justifiable way to stop oppression and tyranny without becoming the same evil that is the enemy oppressor. Self-defense is another matter, as when confronted physically, or when great harm to self, family, or other innocents is active and present, equal or greater force may be required to stop the threat.

In today’s world, a world consumed by contradiction, indifference, immorality, and theatre, protest more often than not is about the show, not about actually putting down the threat of the State. Usually, the collective demonstrations in the streets are meant to gain, temporarily of course, notoriety, herd acceptance, and a day or two of a party-like event. Most would not even be there unless they were surrounded by the crowd, so as to obtain what they falsely perceive as a protective shield of bodies; bodies meant to hide their actual cowardice. As soon as the cameras leave, as soon as the crowd begins to disperse, as soon as their cover disappears, they all run away to their ‘normal (abnormal) existence.
Consider the insane staged Trump protests, where crowds of brainless dolts were running amuck, just as they were enticed and permitted to do. Once over, the State used its plan to arrest and jail protesters, and even kill one of them, while their hero Trump egged them on, just as he is doing again. Consider the horrendous garbage calling themselves the BLM or Antifa, all let loose on society by a governing cabal meant to purposely stoke hate and violence in order to divide.

Eric Peters #quack #wingnut lewrockwell.com

Christmas will never be the same again. For the same reason that America will never be the same again. Millions of us will never be able to look upon some of our fellow Americans – including some of our friends and family members – as we once did, ever again.

The ones who turned their backs on us – and worse – for questioning what we rightly identified as a mass hysteria they embraced. Who feared and loathed us, because we would not wear a “mask” – which we didn’t because we knew that putting it on only fueled the mass hysteria. We didn’t wear the things for their sakes as well as our own. For the sake of calm and common sense.
They told us we weren’t welcome in their homes at Christmas. That we weren’t welcome, period. Unless, of course, we bought in to their hysteria and played along.

Some of these friends and family members would have supported more than just excommunicating us from their homes and lives and from society, generally. When the drugs that aren’t vaccines were rolled out, many were in favor of everyone being forced to take them. Tens of millions of people were effectively forced to take them, being under duress. They were told to take the drugs – or take a hike. Lose your job – or lose your bodily autonomy and your self-respect, having bent knee to a violation of your body for the sake of grubby money.
They then blamed us when they got the sickness they’d been “vaccinated” against. The illogic of that escaping them.

Now we are supposed to pretend it all never happened and sit down for Christmas dinner with these people. It is not quite sleeping with the enemy but it’s not that far from it, either. For, no matter the superficialities, the feigned pleasantries of our previous association, they regard us with suspicion and contempt.

Just as we so regard them.

Robert W Malone MD, MS #wingnut #quack #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

At the moment, there is a very active discussion regarding the increasingly viral video “Died Suddenly”. Other commentators have appropriately noted that the (generally well funded and produced) video includes segments which are misleading at best, falsely imply one or more cause-effect relationship between a sudden death event and vaccine administration, or otherwise employ cinematic license to stoke outrage. I have previously written regarding the business model of Stoking Rage for the up and coming podcaster, and in my opinion this strategy is fundamentally the same as the “fearporn” business model of corporate media.

For what its worth, I hold “our side” to higher standards than I have come to expect from corporate (broadcast and published) media. I reject the assertion that, on the battlefield of the current 21st century unrestricted media and information war which we are immersed in, it is acceptable to employ the tactics of our opponents. I have heard others in the medical resistance community advocate the schoolyard “logic” of “they are doing it to us, and so we have to do it to them”. I firmly reject this.

This is not just an information war, it is a battle over what is right and good versus what is fundamentally evil. Our opponents clearly believe that the ends justify the means, and that ethics – right and wrong- are completely situational and subject to the same logic widely accepted by the “Virtuals” caste; that there is no objective truth or reality.
Repetition has merit in this case; our opponents appear to believe that the ends justify the means, and their cause is sufficiently compelling (in their minds) to justify any actions of censorship, defamation, mis- dis- or mal- information deployed to support their cause. In their minds, they are fighting for a higher cause (Globalism? Utilitarianism? Socialism/Marxism? Totalitarianism? Fascism?) which justifies jettisoning ethics and fundamentals of respect for the integrity and dignity of others.

Kennedy Hall #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist lewrockwell.com

There are some commentators on the Right who believe that the key to fixing the issue with elections is to tighten up the process, which in fairness seems to have worked well in Florida. If we think back to 2000, Florida was the battleground for election mayhem. Since then, they have demonstrated an ability to run an effective and efficient election process. However, the result of that process was a DeSantis blow out, so it is unlikely that states with election shenanigans and Democrats in control will want to do anything about it.

Given the good, bad, and ugly associated with elections, we need to ask ourselves a question: Why do we even think voting is a good idea?

Before I continue, please don’t confuse my meaning and think I am saying that I believe people shouldn’t vote. I believe the process is dubious in many cases, but it is the process nonetheless, and it’s all there is.

However, I believe it would be useful to get to the heart of the mythological, platonic form of “democracy” and consider just how flawed the notion of universal suffrage is, and why it can be so dangerous.

Universal suffrage is a distinctly modern phenomenon, about a century old or so. And it just so happens that the past hundred years have been the bloodiest and most violent in human history.

The regimes that have been voted in have, in many cases, plunged citizens into endless wars, bankrupt economies, redefinitions of marriage, and even into abortion by way of referendum.

This is not to say that we were living in the Garden of Eden before everyone had the “right” to vote. But I also believe we cannot pretend that the universality of voting has not had a hand to play in the universal Sodom and Gomorrah we now face.

We should not be surprised, however, as universal suffrage is a logically bankrupt notion from the jump.

Think: How is it reasonable that a stoned, postmodern-indoctrinated, 19-year-old vegan has the same moral weight in deciding the outcome of an election as Anthony Esolen?

Dr. Naomi Wolf #wingnut #quack #transphobia lewrockwell.com

What is a “woman’s issue,” when it comes to state and national politics?

I have watched in astonishment as the Democrats, over the past 20 months, have systematically thrown away what has in our lifetime been their primary treasure: that is to say, the women’s vote.
But — what is a “women’s issue”?

As a feminist, it has amazed me that the gender politics of what has happened to us over the past two years has gone virtually un-analyzed. Lockdowns and medical coercion, vaccine mandates, the masking of children, the closures of small businesses by force — freedom itself, for Lord’s sake — are all, obviously, “women’s issues.”

(As CEO and cofounder of a non-partisan platform, I cannot tell you for whom to vote. But I can remind you what freedom looks like; and as a feminist, I can certainly do what I have done for decades, and urge women to vote “like women.” The conclusions you reach when you think about how this issue is at play now, may surprise you.)

Who was disproportionately harmed by lockdowns? Masking? Forced mRNA injections?

Women and their children.
This cruelty, misogyny and child abuse are reasons that rage-filled mama bear groups avenging children’s torture, such as Tiffany Justice’s Moms for Liberty, are growing exponentially. Though Moms for Liberty are caricatured as Trumpers, they are nonpartisan — see their website. When they urge community members to “Find your People” they don’t mention a political party. Theirs is a newly defined, awe-inspiringly effective tribal affiliation, deeper than party labels.

I know from being in contact with Moms for Liberty, that there is no way to characterize them politically, since partisan politics is not their organizing principle. Their home page shows women of all backgrounds. Their motto, “We Don’t Co-Parent with the Government,” resonates with moms in regard to any government, whether Left or Right. These furious ladies, now in chapters across the nation, don’t care what your label is.

Pepe Escobar #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Geopolitical tectonic plates are
reelin’ and rockin’, and the sound is heard all around the world, as the twin baby bears DPR and LPR plus Kherson and Zaporozhye vote on their referendums. Irretrievable fact: by the end of next week Russia most certainly will be on the way to add over 100,000 km2 and over 5 million people to the Federation.

Denis Pushilin, head of the DPR, summed it all up: “We’re going home”. The baby bears are coming to Mama.

Coupled with the partial mobilization of up to 300,000 Russian reservists – arguably just a first phase – the raise-the-stakes consequences are immense. Exit the previous soft format of the Special Military Operation (SMO): enter serious kinetic war, not hybrid, against any actor, vassal or otherwise, that dares to attack Russian territory.

There’s a very short window of Chinese-coined crisis/opportunity for the collective West, or NATOstan, to negotiate. They won’t. Even as anyone with an IQ over room temperature knows that the only way for the Empire of Chaos/Lies/Plunder to “win” – outside of the cover of The Economist – would be by launching a first-strike flurry of tactical nuclear weapons, which would meet a devastating Russian response.
NATOstan has predictably doubled down on its tactics since the non-response response to Russia’s demand for a serious discussion on indivisibility of security, in late 2021: it’s always about shelling Donbass.

This could not possibly be tolerated anymore by the Kremlin and Russian public opinion. Thus the partial mobilization – forcefully proposed by the siloviki and the Security Council for quite a while now, with Kostyukov at GRU, Naryshkin at SVR and Bortnikov at FSB on the forefront.

The symbolism is powerful: after so many years, Moscow is finally fully committed to supporting Donbass all the way to the baby bears coming to Mama for good.

Tom Woods #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist lewrockwell.com

The most obvious feature of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is that she is woefully in over her head. She is surely one of the least impressive people in the entire Washington machine (and that’s saying something).

Well, she warned everyone the other day about “extremism.”

What is extremism, you ask?
Here’s her answer:

“When you are not with what majority of Americans are, then you know, that is extreme. That is an extreme way of thinking.”

By this definition, the following groups constitute “extremists”:

* jazz lovers
* vegans
* carnivores
* comic book aficionados
* classical musicians

Let’s be charitable and say she is referring only to political ideas in her definition of extremism. Then outright socialists would be “extremists,” too, and yet I rather doubt the Biden White House is going to caution us about those.

And you know who else qualifies as extremists under this definition?

The entire woke apparatus.
Again, I rather doubt we’ll be lectured to about the dangers posed by this radical minority that favors a complete overhaul of the Western legal tradition and customary social norms in the name of critical race theory and transgenderism.
Not to mention: “extremism” is an empty concept. Extremely what, exactly?

I’m “extremely” in favor of sound money, peace, and property rights, among other things. I’m extremely in favor of them because I am convinced that any reasonable standard of justice and morality requires it of me. How does this make me a dangerous person? (Dangerous to the regime, maybe, but not dangerous in any normal person’s sense of the word.)
Extremism,” then, is a low-IQ word that sinister people use to demonize principled opponents. If you disagree with what I stand for, state the source of your disagreement. Don’t tell me I’m “extreme.”

It’s obvious that the regime is trying to expand the definition of “extremist” to the point where it includes huge swaths of the American population — including you, dear reader.

Tom Bethell #fundie lewrockwell.com

Relativity and the Priesthood of Science

A major turning point in the public's understanding of science came about a century ago, with the introduction of Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. Before then, educated laymen were expected to and usually could understand new developments in science, at least in outline. After Einstein this changed. Science moved beyond the ken of educated laymen. You didn't understand what these new arguments were about? Then stick to your poetry, or perhaps your knitting. Science was becoming a private party to which you weren't invited. (Except that, increasingly, your taxes were expected to pay for it.)

Newton's laws of motion and gravity always were intelligible to the layman, and could be expressed in plain language. Einstein's relativity changed that, in the direction of reduced clarity, intelligibility and vastly increased complexity. I shall go further and say that relativity failed to improve on Newtonian physics in terms of accuracy.

Recently I wrote a book about relativity, Questioning Einstein: Is Relativity Necessary? It was based on the research and arguments of Petr Beckmann, who taught electrical engineering at the University of Colorado after defecting from Czechoslovakia in 1963. He wrote books that were both popular (A History of Pi) and obscure (The Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from Rough Surfaces), and late in life he published Einstein Plus Two (1987).

He argued that the facts that led to relativity could more easily be explained by classical physics — without relativity. His book was in many ways technical, but before he died (in 1993) he reviewed it for my benefit in a series of tape-recorded interviews.

I was already familiar with his newsletter Access to Energy. An excellent popularizer of science, Beckmann could have written a popular anti-relativity book himself and had considered doing so. But he believed that it would be ignored. A technical one just might be accepted, he thought. He was wrong about that. His book was neither attacked nor even reviewed. It sold quite well, however, because he advertised it. I told him that I would write the popular account myself.

I still have my tapes, in which he talks not just about relativity but about his high school education in England, Czechoslovakia's postwar tumble into Communism and much else. The son of secular Jews in Prague, he was among the refugee children, known as Kinder-Transport, who were brought to England in 1939.

He died long before I could write my book. But by then Howard Hayden, with the Physics Department at the University of Connecticut, had accepted Beckmann's arguments. Today Hayden is retired, and the publisher of a newsletter, The Energy Advocate. The help he gave me in writing my book was indispensable.

It came out in 2009. I am glad to say that it just received a favorable review in The Physics Teacher [Feb 2011 issue].

In the course of writing the book I found that many physicists are uncomfortable discussing relativity theory. They believe it is true, but they doubt their ability to explain it. Few can respond to questions if they have not actually taught relativity at the university level. And that is a tiny subset of all physicists.

Special relativity theory (1905) has a special difficulty. It baffles almost everyone, yet nothing more than high school algebra is involved. So it's not the math. It's that we must accept something that is impossible to believe — except on Einstein's authority. If Petr Beckmann is right, we should reject that authority, as indeed we should reject authority in all fields of science.

I'll try to explain that difficulty. But first let me make a simple clarification. What about E = mc2, you might ask. Surely that must be true, and was it not based on relativity? It is the one thing that laymen know about relativity. And here we come to something that the Easy Einstein books (and most of the not-so-easy ones) never tell you. Yes, the famous equation was derived from relativity theory, but Einstein himself also derived it, years later (in the 1940s) without relativity.

A similar adjustment, in which relativity can be shown to be unnecessary, applies across the entire field.

It was the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 that launched special relativity. It involves only unaccelerated, linear motion. If curved motion, acceleration, or gravity, are involved, then we must turn to general relativity (1916), where the math gets much more difficult.

Albert Michelson, the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, attempted to detect the passage of the orbiting earth through the ether (sometimes spelled aether). It is the medium in which light waves travel. Just as sound travels in its medium, air, so light waves need a medium, too. As the earth orbits the Sun at a speed of about 48 miles per second, it should be possible, using an interferometer — an instrument that Michelson had perfected — to detect the Earth's passage through that ether.

Michelson's idea was that there should be a difference in the measured speed of the to-and-fro motion of a light beam within the interferometer — the difference being caused by the forward motion of the earth during the light beam's time of transmission. The difference in light speed would cause a "fringe shift" to be seen in the interferometer, which was sensitive enough to detect such an effect. But no such fringe shift could be detected.

This "null result" threw the world of theoretical physics into turmoil. Michelson, incidentally, never accepted relativity theory.

Einstein postulated — assumed — that the speed of light is a constant irrespective of the motion, not just of the light source, but also of the observer. And that "observer" part was very hard to accept. A sound wave travels at a constant speed in air (of a given temperature and density) whatever the motion of the sound source. Sound from an airplane travels forward at a speed that is unaffected by the speed of the plane. But if you travel toward that approaching sound wave then you must add your speed to that of the plane's sound wave if you are to know the speed with which it approaches you.

But Einstein decreed that the simple "addition of velocities" that applies to sound does not hold true for light. Light waves approach us at the same speed whether we travel toward or away from that light beam. It's important to note that Einstein didn't observe that in any experiment. He postulated it. He said: "Let's assume it is true."

What follows from it?

Well, speed is distance divided by time. When you move toward that light beam, which (Einstein said) always approaches at a constant speed irrespective of how you (the observer) move, then space must contract, and time must dilate to exactly the extent that is needed to ensure that the light approaches at an ever-constant speed. It's a bizarre claim. What Einstein did was take the fundamentals of physics, space and time, and argue that they must be subordinated to a velocity. Yet velocity is a mere derivative — it is space divided by time.

Einstein had resorted to a desperate measure — turning physics inside out. He also decided in 1905 that the ether could be dispensed with. It was "superfluous."

Observed from a moving reference frame, then, space should be observed to contract and time to slow down. Let's go over this with those spaceships sometimes used to illustrate Easy Einstein books (Martin Gardner's Relativity Simply Explained, for example). You are inside your spaceship, so from your point of view nothing about it is moving. So space and time are not affected within your ship.

But if you look out of a window you see a replica space ship passing you and (in accordance with relativity theory) it looks foreshortened because it is moving fast relative to you. Clocks as you see them in the other spaceship are running slowly. By the same token, observers within that spaceship see your ship as compressed, and your clocks running slowly, even though your clocks and structures look perfectly normal to you.

Notice that these weird outcomes are simply deductions from Einstein's postulate about the speed of light. They are not dictated nor confirmed by any observation or experiment. In subsequent experiments, no space contraction has ever been observed. No time dilation has been seen either — although that is a more controversial claim. What has been observed is that when atomic clocks travel at high speed through the Earth's gravitational field, they slow down. But clocks slowing down and time slowing down are two very different things. Only the former has been observed.

And this brings us to Beckmann's alternative. He amends Albert Michelson's worldview in a simple way. Following Clerk Maxwell's lead, Michelson assumed that the ether, the luminiferous medium, was made of a fine-grained substance that fills the entirety of space uniformly. The emphasis is on the last word. The ether was thought to be a uniform entity — equal in density everywhere.

Petr Beckman made a different claim. He argued that the ether is equivalent to the gravitational field, which of course is non-uniform. It is denser at the earth's surface than it is near the moon, for example. The Sun's gravitational field is much denser near the Sun than it is in outer space (where it is still not zero). The light medium, then, is non-uniform.

Obviously, we are predominantly in the Earth's field. Jump up, and you come back down again. To leave that field requires an almighty push — from Saturn rockets. When Michelson did his experiment, with the help of Edward Morley (at the Case School in Ohio) he assumed that his interferometer was moving through the ether at the Earth's orbital velocity. But if the ether is the local gravitational field, then that field is moving right along with us. In the same way, a man's shadow accompanies him as he runs. So the "fringe shift" that Michelson expected to see would not be there, because the relative velocity of the Earth and the ether would be . . . what, zero?

Here we encounter a twist — literally. The Earth also rotates on its axis, and it rotates within its gravitational field. Analogously, if a woman wearing a hoop skirt does a pirouette — assume she has a circular waist and friction is minimal — she will rotate within her skirt. It won't swing around with her.

If this analogy applies to the Earth's field, then a fringe shift should indeed appear in Michelson's interferometer, but it will be much smaller than he anticipated. It so happens that the Earth's orbital velocity is close to 100 times greater than its rotational velocity in the latitude of Cleveland and, for reasons that need not detain us, that figures has to be squared. It follows that the fringe shift that the Michelson experiment generated — a function of the Earth's rotation — would be one ten thousandth of what he expected to see.

There was no way that so small an effect could be detected using 19th century equipment. But modern interferometers and laser beams can do so. In fact the most sensitive interferometer experiment ever conducted, by John Hall in 1979, did detect a fringe shift of the correct magnitude, confirming Beckmann's theory of the ether. Ironically Hall's experiment was done at Petr Beckmann's home base, the University of Colorado in Boulder, and while he was there. But he didn't know about the experiment and Hall didn't know of Beckmann's theory (still unpublished at that point).

Hall was not expecting to see this fringe shift and he assumed the effect was "spurious" — the artifact of a design error in his own equipment. In an interview with me in 2004, Hall (who won the Nobel Prize in Physics but not for this experiment) agreed that his 1979 experiment should be redone. But he is unable to repeat it for two reasons. First, the rotating interferometer that he used had been stored away in the Rocky Mountain Arsenal where the Federal government was making nerve gas; they won't return his machine for that reason. Secondly, interferometer design has changed. The new ones are "fixed" in a particular direction and use the Earth's rotation to sweep across the heavens. What is needed is an interferometer that rotates in the laboratory, as Michelson's did in 1887 and Hall's did almost a hundred years later.

Beckmann's theory, that the luminiferous ether is equivalent to the local gravitational field, accounts for the observations that confirmed general relativity, but does so far more simply. Amazingly, Einstein himself revived Beckmann's idea about the ether in 1916. (For details see Ludwik Kostro's Einstein and the Ether [2000], the first book on the subject). Some of Einstein's allies criticized him for restoring the ether, having abolished it a decade earlier, so it was downplayed.

Beckmann's theory accounts for the bending of light rays from a distant star as they pass close by the Sun — the 1919 observation that made Einstein world famous. If a medium in which a wave travels is non-uniform, it will slew the wave front around in accordance in Fermat's Principle — known since the 17th century. (Waves take the path that minimizes the time of transmission.) We do not need Einstein's "curvature of four dimensional space-time," which, as Edward Teller told me, is not an intelligible idea, no matter how much we may pretend we do understand it.

Finally, we come to the equation giving the perihelion of Mercury's orbit. Einstein derived it in 1915 using general relativity. But Beckmann points out that this equation had already been published by a high school teacher named Paul Gerber in 1898, well before relativity theory was known. Gerber assumed that gravity propagates with a finite speed, not instantaneously as Newton had argued. Gerber's result was publicized by Ernst Mach in his widely read textbook Mechanics. Einstein said that he hadn't seen Gerber's derivation, which anyway was "wrong through and through," he said.

Howard Hayden believes that Beckmann's theory gives the same results as Einstein's general relativity, but by a far simpler method. For various reasons, Einstein's special relativity should be discarded. It gives the wrong results for stellar aberration, among other defects. There is also a real question whether any experiment done on the surface of the Earth (a "spinning ball," as John Hall told me) fits the requirements of special relativity. On the surface of any spinning ball, the effects of acceleration will always appear as long as the experiment is sufficiently sensitive.

At present, the world of orthodox physics is unwilling to reexamine Einstein's relativity, whether special or general. It would fall apart if subjected to real scrutiny, I believe. But in science (and perhaps everything else) the simple should always be preferred to the complex — all else being equal. Such a revision, if it ever came to pass, would also constitute a serious challenge to the priesthood of science. Perhaps that's why the relativists are hanging tough.

Anthony Gregory #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

In the nineteen years since Waco, we have seen the police state explode in every direction and now we are all ensnared. Some groups are always more threatened than others, but no one is truly safe. The prisons have swollen to the largest detention system since Stalin's gulags. The police conduct three thousand SWAT raids a month. The war on terror has made a total mockery of what remained of the Fourth Amendment. Torture has lost its taboo. So has indefinite detention. The feds irradiate and molest airline passengers by the millions. People are jailed for taking medicine, buying Sudafed, sharing songs, and selling milk. The Kafkaesque regulatory state threatens people of all economic classes with crushing fines and a fate in a cage. The public schools, always authoritarian institutions, have become explicit adjuncts of the criminal justice system and military recruitment offices. Every major police department has tanks and battle rifles and drones are being used for surveillance and God knows what else. Each federal department has enough firepower to conquer a small third-world country. DHS alone has ordered enough ammo to shoot every American man, woman, and child. The president claims the right to kill American citizens anywhere on the planet on his say-so alone. And he exercises that power.

Why do some of us continue to fixate on Waco? If for no other reason, because April 19, 1993 was a squandered opportunity if ever there was one. The people could have risen up and said, "Enough!" They could have demanded the military occupation retreat from their own neighborhoods — both the federal presence and its satellite jackboots in the city police. They could have demanded an end to the gun laws, drug war, and federal war on crime, each of which was instrumental in ending the lives of more than twenty children at Waco. They could have turned against the media whose elites stood and applauded the White House as it announced and defended its latest killing spree. They could have seen the federal government for the clear and present danger it obviously poses — the only government that had militarily mass murdered American civilians on American soil since the collateral damage at Pearl Harbor. They could have turned their backs on the killers in DC, refusing ever to believe in their lies again, saving the lives of uncountable Americans, Serbians, Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans, Yemenis, Palestinians, and so many others who would bear the wrath of an unhampered imperial executive in the nineteen years to come, sparing the priceless liberties we have seen shredded on the altar of state power.

Instead, they looked the other way, they yawned, even cheered. There might still be time to turn things around. But the tanks are closing in.

Eric Peters #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

How will our actual world differ from Orwell’s fictitious world when you aren’t permitted (hideous word; how did America get to that point?) to go outside without a Face Diaper occluding your individuality and visually confirming you as a member of the frightened, obedient herd?

Your face will be indistinguishable from other faces. No one will know whether you’re smiling or frowning.

Most of all, no one will know you oppose what’s been imposed, since you’ve been forced to submit to it. Since everyone has been forced to submit to it.

Universal Diapering will eliminate any visual evidence of dissent, making dissent itself seem abnormal.

Everywhere you go, the impression of consent, which implies the legitimacy (the reasonableness) of the thing itself.

That it has been imposed without consent is irrelevant.

Becky Akers #quack #conspiracy #wingnut lewrockwell.com

Medical Marxism

If we have learned nothing else from COVID19, we finally understand the outrageous authority that “Public Health’s” quacks wield.

Though these bureaucrats now hog the limelight while destroying our country and liberty, they formerly scurried on the fringes of government. There they spewed advice (“Quit smoking: it causes cancer!” “Seat belts save lives, so buckle up!”) that we were free to reject until they could persuade legislatures to codify their opinions as law. That itch to control, to force everyone to heed them, should have warned us of “Public Health’s” threat.

Most Americans are subject to three or four “Public Health” bureaus: a “Department of Public Health” often infests cities and counties, and one curses each state as well as the Feds. The latter’s Department of Health and Human Services harbors such agencies as the CDC, the FDA, the Indian Health Service, and the Surgeon General as well as “an elite group of over 6,000 uniformed officers who are public health professionals.” Just what criminals want in a cop: temperature-guns.

At whatever level of government they lurk, each outpost of “Public Health” boasts an atomic bomb’s power: they can and will raze everything in their path, as they’ve proved since March. Collaborating with politicians, they crushed life as we knew it. They bankrupted companies and kicked employees off payrolls with the ruthless abandon of Mr. Potter; the list of institutions and businesses they thereby destroyed is too lengthy and notorious to recite here. As if such crimes weren’t enough, they ordered us to imperil ourselves with masks and “anti-social distancing.” No wonder rates of suicide and addiction have skyrocketed.

And we haven’t even mentioned their enthusiasm for the rioting that’s ravaged American streets. These authoritarians obligingly declared “racism” a “public health” crisis when BLM threw its tantrum.

Unfortunately, most victims of “public health” don’t realize its menace, either because they have only a dim idea of its evil (“They issue birth certificates, don’t they?”) or because they buy “public health’s” lie, that its “mission is to protect, promote, and advance the health of our nation.” Actually, its mission is to protect, promote and advance Marxism.

That hellish philosophy permeates “public health”: it weaves itself into not only its warp and woof but its foundation and all its biases, too. Unlike communism’s more dramatic barbarities (genocide, mass murder, torture), “public health” allows its perpetrators to feel good about themselves. They are “professionals” trying to save us germy, diseased subjects from ourselves (though only “public health doctors” have medical degrees. The rest are mere bureaucrats—and dishonest ones at that). Unlike the Cheka, these hygienic busybodies go home at night without their prey’s screams ringing in their ears. Rather, they congratulate themselves on their compassion, foresight, and superiority. C.S. Lewis damned such relentless despotism: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” Who would dispute that after the last five months?

“Public health’s” Marxism—and logical fallacies—begin with the term itself. There is no “Public,” healthy or otherwise, but only individuals. These folks may share a neighborhood, true. But from that innocent fact “Public Health” leaps to many conclusions, none of them good.

Which brings us to “Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health,” a brochure the “Public Health Leadership Society” published in 2002. It lists “Key Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health” as well as the “Values and Beliefs Underlying the Code.” The latter begins, “Humans have a right to the resources necessary for health. The Public Health Code of Ethics affirms Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states in part ‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family…’”

Any document that quotes from the Orwellian “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” should automatically raise our hackles. And yep, the “right to resources” is a positive one that all lovers of liberty excoriate. You have no right to “resources” of any kind, even those “necessary for health.” You do have the right to earn those resources without masks and anti-social distancing and all of COVIDiocy’s other nonsense–in short, free from “public health’s” coercion.

The second “Value and Belief” prates, “Humans are inherently social and interdependent. Humans look to each other for companionship in friendships, families, and community; and rely upon one another for safety and survival. Positive relationships among individuals and positive collaborations among institutions are signs of a healthy community.”

Not as frontal an assault as No. 1, though that word “community” is suspect…

“The rightful concern for the physical individuality of humans and one’s right to make decisions for oneself must be balanced against the fact that each person’s actions affect other people.”

Whoa! And nooooo, most emphatically. We never “balance” the fundamental and essential right “to make decisions for oneself” against anything else—and those who suggest such an atrocity are almost always totalitarians.

I’ll spare you a blow-by-blow of the ten additional “principles.” Suffice to say that each degrades personal autonomy on behalf of the collective, some more blatantly than others.

Underlying the whole of “public health” is another supremely offensive premise: that human society is an organized “structure” rather than an organic web of relationships arising spontaneously from our interactions with one another. And that edifice must be managed: after all, these are Marxists. “Managing” necessarily involves decisions. Someone must determine all issues, large or small, for our controlled “society.” Will that “society” permit smoking indoors—or at all? Will it require seat belts in cars? And, in COVIDiocy, will it compel the wearing of masks and anti-social distancing? “Public health’s” bureaucrats assume we are too bestial to settle these questions ourselves, so they do it for us. Their literature and training reek of this arrogance. I browsed a cache of “Public Health’s” texts on an empty stomach one day; I suggest that if you brave this library, you, too, delay lunch or keep a barf-bag handy.

Departments of “Public Health” first plagued cities in the nineteenth century. Their coercion and cruelty completely broke with the mores of private, voluntary medicine. They are as much creatures of government as prisons and taxation are.

For example, when Sam Serf falls ill, he solicits a doctor’s services. And he expects to pay for them. The doctor advises his patient based on Sam’s peculiar history, physical idiosyncrasies and circumstances. He addresses the problem that brought Sam to him without intruding into other areas of Sam’s life.

But “Public Health” doesn’t wait for the sick to find it. Rather, its busybodies inflict themselves on everyone within a specified area—even those who are healthy. Nor does it even pretend to understand every person as an individual. Via data, it “examines” the group as a whole and prescribes for it that way, too—regardless of whether Sam’s situation renders its commands harmful or irrelevant to him: witness the “mandates” for masks. Because our taxes pay them regardless of results, the bureaucrats blithely pry into the neighborhood’s affairs, without their guinea pigs’ knowledge or consent, for as long and as deeply as they please.

“Public Health’s” diktats (exercise more, avoid eggs, wear masks, etc.) weren’t as overwhelming a problem when Americans could ignore them. But COVIDiocy has obliterated that freedom. These bullies have imposed their values on us, declaring life and health to be the supreme goods and ordering us to sacrifice everything to them.

Now certainly, life and health are blessings everyone prizes—but more than satisfying work or family or travel or freedom? Some folks would rather die than lose their autonomy; others prize a beloved spouse or child above their own well-being; many choose to spend their health and lives on a career. Those of us who cherish liberty consider existence worthless without it. And Christians should love the Lord their God with all their minds and souls and strength—far more than they love health or even life itself. Ergo, when bureaucrats command us to stay home from worship for our health’s sake, we inexcusably bow the knee to Baal if we obey.

Speaking of Jezebel, Shrillary Clinton once warned, “We need to be as well prepared to defend ourselves against public health dangers as we should be to defend ourselves against any foreign dangers of any kind.”

Especially when the danger is “Public Health” itself.

Peter Koenig #quack #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

This is leading to a total control of every individuum on the planet. It is sold to the public as the Internet of Things (TIT), meaning self-driving cars, robotized kitchen equipment, artificial intelligence (AI) for the production and delivery of everything. What the sales pitch doesn’t say, is how humans would be marginalized and enslaved. To carry this masterplan forward, high frequency electromagnet waves are needed. Therefore, rolling out of 5G is a must, no matter what the health impact on humans, fauna and flora may be – and no matter how it may influence viral infections, like possibly the current COVID19.

WHO remains silent, although they do admit that no independent official study has been carried out on the dangers of 5G – and electromagnetic fields in general. Does that mean that WHO is coopted by the Big and Powerful into this deadly spiel? – Let it suffice to say that unlike other UN agencies, WHO was created in 1948 by the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) – see The Lancet. It might be also noteworthy that about half of WHOs budget comes from private interest sources, mostly the pharma industry, but also others, like telecom giants.

Jim Grichar #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

he time has long since come for the Congress to abolish the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, also known as the FDA. Contrary to the baloney put out on the various pages of its web site, which would lead the unwary taxpayer into thinking that the FDA is actually protecting him or her from some hazard, the FDA has outlived any usefulness its partisans and bureaucrats have claimed for it. Getting rid of this bureaucratic dinosaur would save taxpayers nearly $1.7 billion (the proposed fiscal year 2004 budget), lead to reductions in the prices of food and drugs paid by consumers, reduce lawsuits over product liability, and reduce the number of lives lost and lives shortened due to a lack of drugs and medical devices.

Scott Lazarowitz #fundie lewrockwell.com

Jeepers, it's too bad that the government's monopoly in law and justice has created a criminal racket in and of itself in the business of persecuting people for behaviors that harm no one. Usually, a "crime" is something in which there is a victim.

But this sure is bringing back memories of when former New York U.S. attorney and horse's ass Rudy Giuliani was persecuting financier Michael Milken. What was Milken's crime, and who were his victims, Mr. Giuliani? Milken's crime was making a lot of money, but some public "servants" such as Rudy didn't like that.

The welfare state in America has created generations of people, especially those who feed at the public trough, who feel great resentment and envy toward someone who gets rich honestly (as opposed to getting rich by feeding at the public trough). In fact, Milken wasn't even involved in "insider trading," according to Milken's website, which clarifies the many myths surrounding Giuliani's persecution of Milken.

Lew Rockwell #fundie lewrockwell.com

The power of Labor unions has faded since those dark days, and few people (outside of university economics departments) believe in Marxist exploitation theories anymore, but we are still saddled with anti-work laws that stunt young people’s lives.

Instead of harassing small businesses, I have a better idea. Let’s raid the Department of Labor and toss the slothocracy out on the street. Maybe they can get some real jobs in fast-food restaurants. . . as long as they’re willing to compete with America’s young people newly enfranchised by the repeal of all child-labor laws.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #quack lewrockwell.com

We are currently living in a world that has turned all that is sane insane, and all that is insane sane. That is the essence of a backward world, and one that is self-destructive by design. This is a world where nature and natural law have been replaced by the unnatural and manmade laws that have brought about the eradication of every aspect of quality life. It is a world where the human body and soul are considered the enemy, while poisonous toxins, biological experimentation, and genetically modified organisms are considered man’s healing agents. It is a world where logic is shunned and stupidity accepted, where truth is attacked while propaganda is embraced, where self-defense is prosecuted while violent crime is worshipped, and where compassion and reality have been replaced by false emotion and intellectual unconsciousness. Arrogant confusion and mass ignorance now pass for normalcy, while the death of innocents has readily been accepted by the masses. Society’s moral standards have been abandoned, and have been replaced by hate and indifference.

How could an entire planet go berserk seemingly overnight? How could nearly 8 billion people lose all common sense, self-responsibility, and nearly every flicker of elemental intellect in the blink of an eye? Why has our world been turned upside down? The answer is because this did not happen overnight; it happened over decades, but now we are headed toward total destruction, and that destruction is being voluntarily accepted by the now weak and pitiful bulk of humanity.

It is important to consider that any new Covid vaccine will not only be tainted with several different deadly viruses, but will also be filled with deadly adjutants as well, possibly including mercury, aluminum, and other poisons. In addition, tracking and tracing technology, biological nano-particles, and other unrelated toxins could be an unknown part of any possible gene-altering injection. Whatever the makeup of this vaccine, it is certain that everything in it once given will then be inside the bodies of all those inoculated. Once these viruses and other agents are inside the body, weak or compromised immune systems due to the stress of isolation and quarantine, lack of exercise and sunlight, additional and continued job loss, oxygen stealing masks, and other factors will allow for those newly injected viruses to attack those vaccinated by replicating and causing sickness and disease. This will be especially deadly for the old, sick, and infirmed, but those people are already being murdered by the state due to the inhuman response to this fabricated coronavirus pandemic hoax. This was no accident, and exposes that the ruling elites and the government eugenics agenda is already being implemented.

Peter Andrews #quack #dunning-kruger #ableist lewrockwell.com

there is at least one theory why you could be doing someone a favour by giving them the virus. Evolutionary theory tells us that as a respiratory virus spreads, it loses potency. A successful virus is a mild one, which does not kill its host before they can spread it. This is how herd immunity really works in this context: it’s about the changes to the virus itself. In contrast, when we locked down, the virus had nowhere to go. Instead of getting milder, all of the most dangerous strains came together in the only places where sick people gathered: nursing homes and hospitals. This is why I greeted news that the virus was becoming more contagious with jubilation—it is better that the virus spread freely, at least among the healthy.

if you can suspend your disbelief for long enough to imagine that hindering the spread of the virus is worthwhile, then you might be forgiven for assuming that lockdowns are the way to do it. There is, however, no suggestion, let alone evidence, that lockdowns would pose a problem for a wily virus.

If lockdowns played any part at all, we would expect to see a correlation between the different forms of lockdowns enforced by various regions or countries, and the shape of the death curves there. But we do not—the correlation is zero. Belgium, the UK, New York: strict lockdowns; lots of deaths. Sweden, Japan, Uruguay: light or no lockdowns; few deaths. You can point to opposite examples, but that’s just the point—there is no consistency. And before you try to explain away individual countries with hand waving about ‘different cultures’ or ‘better testing’, there is no correlation with any of those things either.

You could just, you know, leave the pubs open and then open the schools too? But I suppose then there would be a ‘second wave’ in deaths two weeks later. You know, like the second wave that was warned of in May. And then June. And then July. Only in the past two weeks did the WHO finally give up the dream and change its story to ‘One Big Wave’, which doesn’t have the same ring to it. But the second wave fiction has not yet been memory holed—it can be trotted out on demand to force through any further assaults on our remaining freedoms.

All I can do is predict that a second wave in deaths will never materialise, and every day since April I have been proven right. The establishment, in contrast, makes wrong predictions again and again, and are never held to account.

Becky Akers #conspiracy #wingnut #quack lewrockwell.com

No matter. I long ago ceased caring whether masks protect me or anyone else: I will not wear one. Nor would I even if the facts staunchly supported their efficacy: whatever Leviathan orders, I do the opposite as far as possible. Lovers of liberty bristle at mandates, especially those pertaining to something as personal as wardrobe. And when a store, restaurant or church enforces the State’s diktat, I head elsewhere, preferably after explaining why.

Why am I so adamant? Because of what this “fetish object … signifies [about] a person’s politics.” Masks scream, “I’M A SLAVE WHO LOVES MY CHAINS! Kneel with me and lick up the Kool-Aid!” They advertise that the wearer watches too much TV, that he’s foolish and gullible. I’d as lief waltz about the streets in a Che Guevara T-shirt as a mask.

Whether masks help or hurt is irrelevant to Our Rulers: only our deference concerns them. They are determined that we will comply, however senseless or disastrous their commands. Which prompts us to question whether the early contradictions regarding masks were deliberate (Jerome “Obedience is Freedom” Adams announced in February, “Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”). Maybe such inconsistency wasn’t as incompetent as we thought; maybe it was conditioning the sheeple to acquiesce no matter what.

John Ward #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

Is It Time for Civil Disobedience Against The Covid19 Cult of Failed Advice?

This is today. It is not 1933. But the global mob rule we are witnessing is as old as the hills. As old, in fact, as the ancient Greeks who warned that the Herd Instinct, when married to Herd Ignorance, would inevitably lead to the Führerprinzip.

Plato predicted this earlier than most, but latterly George Orwell offered us a more exact description. For some forty years now, the Internationalist bourgeois Left has treated Nineteen Eighty-Four as a blueprint. Bizarrely, the globalist/blocist Corporate State builders have been doing exactly the same.

So for example, the Guardian’s Executive Editor instructed her journalists in 2016 to call Climate Change doubters deniers. This same collective noun is now being extended to Covid19 empiricists. But at the same time, unelected bureaucracies have promoted those like top UK civil servant Sir Mark Sedwill and US Global Pharma creature Dr Fauci to positions of enormous power and influence….using completely unregulated censorship at will to dub contrarian Covid19 commentators ‘Science deniers‘.

In recent years, one socio-political issue after another has been treated to the same formula of rigid ‘framing’. Those with doubts about the multicultural model of society are diversity deniers. Supporters of Brexit are Little Engander globalism deniers….and racists to boot. Those noting the spread of Islamic Jihadism and Pakistani rape gangs are Islamophobes. Critics of some elements of male homosexual lifestyles are homophobes. Attacks on the radical feminist creed are the work of sexists lasciviously obsessed with male rape.

Over time, such framing has trickled down in an even more simplistic form to the mass electorate, creating a knee jerk mode of acceptance I call ‘Estuary pc’….such that, in 2012 I employed a plumber who actually said, “In terdayzz mult-culchural-siety, that is a totelee hunacceptable dibollikal libe’ee”.

The link back to the shot of Hitler Youth at the head of the post is extremely pertinent: for acceptance is now turning into not just unquestioning obedience, but also demands that contrarians be told to shut up ‘for the Common Good’.

During the development of the official coronavirus narrative, we have all been treated to the Holier than Thou fascist who begins with “It’s people like you that…”. Who has not coughed in a queue for shopping and been greeted by glares from others? During the 2016 Brexit referendum, the day after Jo Cox’s assassination Leave supporters were treated to threats, and screams of “murderers” – Nigel Farage (not even remotely connected to the alleged assassin) was accused of being responsible for inciting the attack.

The metamorphosis of ideology into creed is rapidly creating a self-styled mob of Spanish Inquisitors – precisely the sort of bullying that led to the furious Groupthink of Krystallnacht eighty-five years ago. Whether that mob be Momentum, The London Times, Antifa, the New York Times, Channel Four, Common Purpose, Black Lives Matter or the BBC, there is an enthusiasm for – an asumption, in fact – that the Bertold Brecht Weltanschauung of The Good Lie is not only acceptable, it is essential. The naysayers must be silenced.

So much for diversity.

Such does not exactly provide rich soil for the discernment of lies and promotion of more effective (as in, less tunnel-vision) policy. 84% of Brits now see Lockdown and the wearing of masks as ‘necessary to control the virus’, even though the masks on offer are close to useless and lockdown has been shown to achieve little beyond approaching national bankruptcy.

Nor is the climate of ignorant fear a good one in which to put forward obvious contradictions between policies in use and the “science” they are supposedly led by.

And finally, the construction of informed conjecture about the real purposes of whipped-up Covid19 fears is so far beyond the closed mind, it is dismissed at Twitter – the ancestral home of bullying – with insults like “you thick c**t”.

All this darkness accepted, here and there one sees some signs that the largely silent Thinkers – estimated at around 16% of the adult population – are beginning to wonder whether this virus has rather more to do with globalist finance, multinational Pharma profits and surveillance permissions than anything remotely approaching “science”.

This therefore seems to me like a good opportunity to take one overriding element of the majority approach to Covid19 – a fairly easy one to understand – and leave both the Mob and the Establishment with a question they will surely find it impossible to fend off.

From Day 1 of the Covid19 saga, we have been watching a tug-of-war between two sets of medical interests.

The highly regarded French newspaper France Soir has been creating a Covid19 drug-trials niche for itself by raising all kinds of methodological anomalies in relation to the Recovery trials being headed up by Peter Horby. The articles are compelling because the paper’s director of publications Xavier Azalbert is that rare thing, a distinguished scientist who then switched to journalism. But although the telling findings fly over the heads of most of the population, Azalbert’s overview about who the politicians listen to in the field of virology is a fascinating one that, for me, represents a genuine insight.

Neil Ferguson (the man of multi-billion Pound mistakes) is an epidemiologist, and professor of mathematical biology. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Peter Horby is an epidemiologist, and Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Anthony Fauci’s first degree was in classics. He went on to medical school later. The sum total of his clinical experience was a two-year hospital internship from 1966-68. He has never been a general practitioner in his life.

Chris Whitty, UK Chief Medical Officer, worked as a doctor and researcher in Africa and Asia and is a practising NHS consultant. He has never worked in general practice, and his total experience in the current century has been as a Professor, administrator and public sector office holder at Gresham College and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the LSHTM £31 million for malaria research in Africa. At the time, Whitty was the principal investigator for the ACT Consortium, which conducted the research programme. I probably don’t need to remind you of the lingering ethical doubts relating to that “vaccination” programme.

Ferguson, Horby and Fauci also have a long history of being funded by Big Pharma.

In short, the front line of Anglo-Saxon advice to government are all people Low in clinical experience and High in Big Pharma funding. They are model builders, theorists and fund-attracters laden with multivariate conflicts of interest, and little or no depth in the vital process of patient obervation. Their careers, needless to say, are all littered with groundless alarmism, major mistakes in counsel and the belief that vaccination is the answer to every problem….even a virus which, many practising medics contend, is highly unlikely to ever work on a mutating coronavirus – let alone within two years to include drug trials.

This is the tug-of-war team that has a monopoly on access to government. The other team – the practical, experienced medical practitioners – are variously depicted as minority nutjobs, eccentrics, headline-chasers, small-time and narrow deniers – there’s that word again – who are a constant risk to millions of human lives, and must be ignored. In fact, never mind ignored – for the good of the cause, they must be smeared, censored and refused access to the debate.

In fact, it is the Horbys and Faucis that are the tiny minority infecting genuine medical science with their corrupted ideological creeds and flakey models.

So now, here is the $64 trillion question that the Establishment war-tuggers and the hopelessly general political class they blind with science can’t avoid: why are you listening only to atypical academic twaddle-theorists with conflicts of interest who have at best been hopelessly wrong and at worst lied about Covid death stats and ruthlessly manipulated drug test trials?

This is in no way an unfair framing of the question. Ferguson’s death toll estimate was wrong, Horby’s drug trial of HCQ was fiddled, the entire process of lockdown was unaffordably broad, economically unaffordable and incompetent in the area of protecting the vulnerable, there is an inquiry going on into PHE’s massively overestimated UK death toll, and the Horby trials are being redone at yet more public cost. Dr Fauci has deliberately misled the American People about HCQ, and his conduct has been the subject of some excoriating criticisms by the practitioners’ supporter, the American Medical Association.

As I said, for the time being – until such time as the public mood changes – keep it simple. To those who are awake, the reasons why all these dubious activities – the Bigging Up of Covid19 – have been undertaken are clear. Nevertheless, park the power, money, geopolitical and Alt State hegemony madness and focus on this one question: why are you still taking the advice of the folks who’ve fucked up?

Yesterday, Chris Whitty flatly stated that “Coronavirus cases are rising in the UK because ministers pushed lockdown easing measures to their limits”. He openly rubbished Boris Johnson’s plan to get the UK back to normal by Christmas, insisting that “relaxing rules further will absolutely, inevitably lead to a resurgence of the virus.”

Whitty put his foot down: lockdown loosening measures had to be ‘stopped now’ and maybe even ‘pulled back a bit’ because they risk allowing another large-scale outbreak in the future.

This was based on a daily death toll figure of 38. Out of 76 million. In the US on the same day, the light use of lockdown produced 5 deaths. Out of 330 million. Lockdown has been at the very best a questionable policy, and a certain gdp disaster for a Britain that can ill afford one.

Whitty is not interested in even considering that his strategy (which, let’s face it, not a single government anywhere knows how to emerge from) is flawed, that the dangers are wildly overstated, and that Britain must move on or collapse. And Boris Johnson’s Cabinet shows no sign of even considering that Whitty is a Pharma tool and, economically, a dangerous fool.

Laurence M. Vance #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

I have made it clear in my many articles on discrimination that all businesses should have the right to discriminate against anyone on basis and for any reason: race, religion, color, creed, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, facial hair, hair style, political preference, clothing style, age, height, weight, head covering, disability, familial status, martial status, odor, socioeconomic status, religious piety.

Any business should have the right to refuse service to anyone with or without a red shirt, black pants, a bald head, a mustache, a Rolex on the wrist, a gold chain around the neck, leather shoes, or a face mask.

Discrimination means freedom. It is a crime in search of victim. Anti-discrimination laws are an attack on property rights, freedom of association, and freedom of thought.

This doesn’t mean that refusing to admit or serve someone would be practical or prudent, and having prejudice can exact a heavy price. But in a free society, no one has the right to be admitted to or served in any restaurant or business establishment.

So, in regard to my being discriminated against and refused service, here is the $64,000 question: Do we now have the right to refuse service?

Of course we don’t.

If a business owner discriminated against anyone for any other reason than for the lack of a face mask, he would face a federal civil rights lawsuit and picketing, boycotts, and violence by leftists. It is only government-approved discrimination that is lawful—like discriminating against Asians in college admissions.

The hypocrisy of the left on discrimination is appalling.

Since discrimination is not aggression, force, coercion, threat, or violence, the government should never prohibit it, seek to prevent it, or prosecute anyone for doing it.

So, to those restaurants in Orange County that want me to wear a mask when inside your establishment when I am entering, waiting, and walking (even though many who are finished eating and drinking are still sitting at tables and booths talking without wearing masks), I will take my appetite and my money elsewhere.

Brandon Smith #conspiracy #quack lewrockwell.com

Lockdown Restrictions Are A Test To See How Much Tyranny Americans Will Accept

The pandemic lockdowns are a complicated issue, and that is absolutely deliberate. The point of 4th Generation psychological warfare is to present the target individual or population with a hard choice – a no-win scenario. You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I often equate this to the key moves in a difficult chess game; your primary goal is to create a dual threat and force your opponent to sacrifice one piece over another in order to escape with the least amount of damage. Do this a few times and you have won the long game.

There are multiple aspects to the global pandemic which seem engineered to push our society to make “sacrificial decisions”. We can choose to sacrifice the lives of those that are susceptible to the virus, sacrifice our economy, or sacrifice many of our freedoms with the promise that the economy and lives will be protected. The easiest choice is always to give away a little more freedom. We’ll get it all back eventually…right?

Of course, we don’t actually get to “choose” anything when we play along with this game. 4th Gen warfare is meant to eventually take IT ALL from the target population while making people think it was their choice to give those things away.

To be clear, it’s not only the pandemic being exploited as leverage to conjure these situations. The leftist riots are another example of a bought and paid for crisis that is being used in an attempt to convince half of Americans that breaking constitutional principles and instituting unprecedented government power is somehow an acceptable sacrifice. The riots and the virus response work hand-in-hand; one is created to get leftists to demand totalitarianism in the name of public safety, the other is created to get conservatives to demand totalitarianism in the name of public safety.

The solution always ends up being totalitarian government. There are those that would have you believe that this is the only way. The new propaganda meme out there is:
“Silly libertarians live in a fantasy world where freedom is valued over security in times of crisis. We don’t have the luxury of freedom when communist terrorists/deadly virus threaten to destroy the fabric of our society…”

Sound familiar? Yes, this nonsense narrative is everywhere on forums and message boards these days, almost as if someone was paying people to inject it into everyday discussion. The problem is, I’ve seen this all before. Right after the events of 9/11, America went insane for at least a few years, hyperfocused on the threat of terrorists while ignoring the greater root danger of all powerful government. The number of constitutional protections being violated in the name of “beating the terrorists” was staggering, and the number of mostly conservative citizens cheering for this at the time was immense.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

Travel bans are becoming universal, and Americans are getting ever closer to being fully locked inside the walls of this country. An American passport is virtually worthless now, and that was certainly one of the agenda items sought by these cretins perpetrating this fraud. The U.S. Department of ‘Homeland Security’ has extended a ban on travel with Canada and Mexico until late September, virtually shutting off North American travel.

It is important to understand that this insanity in my opinion is staged, and is not what it is claimed to be. While total deaths were similar or less in 2019 and so far in 2020, than in 2017 and 2018, the lies continue about Covid. False death certificates, hospital bribery for claiming more Covid patients, faulty testing, closings of many hospitals when claims of hospital shortages were reported, building of special medical facilities that were never used, wild exaggeration of the predicted deaths, and false causes of death attributed to people dying have been evident. Other than the lies coming from the government and the mainstream media, is there any factual evidence available that would indicate that any pandemic really exists? I have seen no convincing evidence whatsoever that would support the state narrative.