
John Signorino #fundie #wingnut ancient-life.quora.com

The whole goo-to-you evolution story is just a fairy tale.

Life only comes from life, the Law of Biogenesis. Life takes matter AND information. Matter can't create itself naturally (1st law of thermodynamics) and order cannot come from disorder (2nd law of thermodynamics). Information, which is immaterial, only comes from intelligence.
Information is also subject to the 2nd law in that you cannot get an ordered sequence of information naturally.
There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to creation, order, and information.

---"It should now be clear where the follies of evolutionary views lie. If someone presents a model for explaining the origin of life, but he cannot say where the creative information characteristic of all life forms came from, then the crucial question remains unanswered. Somebody who looks for the origin of information only in physical matter, ignores the fundamental natural laws about information; what is more, he scorns them.
Just look at ATP synthase that’s needed for all life forms. Its amazing design is required for life and with no life, it couldn’t have done your fairy tale of evolving into what it is and does. None of this stops you goo-to-you evolutionists though, you’re all in to support your goo-to-you evolution god no matter how absurd, how unsupported, how unscientific, and even how embarrassing.

They claim no god but it is so clear they made their god, their goo-to-you evolutionary god. Their god performed miracles…naturally. When you show them that is impossible, their god then turns into the ‘god of the gaps god.’ Also known as ‘we just don’t know everything yet god.’ They will ignore the hard evidence that we know that shows for sure it’s all impossible in hopes the laws of nature will somehow change down the line so they can be right. That will not happen but their judgment with their Maker, God, will happen and then each second they wasted in their life not admitting the evidence for God, they will have severe regret. They’ll realize it’s too late then and they will pay the price for their sins since they didn’t accept God and His gift of salvation by His son, Jesus Christ. It’s all one big joke to them as they pretend to be so ‘scientific’ but their empty pride will end in FLAMES.

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