
Aussie Mama 4 Jesus #fundie aussiemama4jesus.blogspot.com

I hear most people say that Christmas isn't important anyway because apparently "Christ was not born anywhere near December 25th." I guess I must be one of the few that believes He was indeed born on or near December 25th. I believe that the devil, who is the master of corruption, then went and tried to make the Christians think it was a pagan holiday

Aussie Mama 4 Jesus #fundie aussiemama4jesus.blogspot.com

Sometimes a friendly debate on a subject can be beneficial. However, I do not feel that it is right for me to debate or speak on doctrinal subjects with a man. So if I get any comments from someone I know is a man, I will most likely not respond. I will also not be reading blogs written by men anymore unless my husband has seen it and approved. My husband is my spiritual leader, not any other man with the exception of my pastor who is also a spiritual leader but is not the head of my household. Nothing that I write is intended for men, or to teach a man, for that would be wrong.

Katy-Anne #fundie aussiemama4jesus.blogspot.com

I believe that the Authorized King James Bible of 1611 is the perfect, pure and inspired word of God. (Psalm 12:6-7). I believe that there was inspiration from God involved with the translation of the King James Version. (2 Timothy 3:16) Anything in the King James Version that may seem like it disagrees with the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts corrects the Greek and Hebrew. I do not believe in finding out the meanings of Greek or Hebrew words. The King James Bible is perfect in English, and to try to correct it with the Greek is adding our own private interpretations to Scripture.

Katy-Anne #fundie aussiemama4jesus.blogspot.com

I mean, this is why when the rapture happens everybody will be geared up for all the stupid reasons people come up with for what happened, because they are used to fantasy. Fantasy is a trap of the devil and he's getting everyone ready by getting their minds so in tune with fantasy and science fiction so that he can explain away anything to do with God at the time of the rapture, give other explanations that will sound reasonable because people are so used to the fantasty mindset that they just accept it.

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