
MMAFather Dating MGTOW, anti-Marriage/Divorce-Rape #sexist #psycho bgplayer.info

Paternity Fraud is like Evolutionary Rape & Murder, Emotional Abuse and Financial Fraud all at the same time but there are no laws protecting men. Instead France banned paternity testing under "Protect the Family Peace" law because they know 1/3 kids tested have the wrong father.

What would happen if men started killing their ex-wives and the judges that Divorce Raped them? Would it encourage the legal system to change? Right now neither women, nor lawyers, nor judges, nor politicians have any incentive to fix the broken system. Men have their house stolen, made homeless, forced to pay alimony while she fucks other men in his house etc. It's sickening slavery cuckoldry. People should get nothing from each other after a relationship ends.

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