none #fundie
Because females generally lack upper body strength, any attempts to rebel by raising the upper body are minimal. Nevertheless, if the wife attempts to use her free hand to protect herself or otherwise interfere, it can be pinned to her back or side with the hand that would otherwise wrap around her waist. If more control is required, it may be achieved by the husband leaning more of his torso weight on her back.
Pinning a rebellious wife's inside leg also prevents assuming a mulish *ironing board* position - with the legs extended - since it is almost impossible to do with one leg. As the spanking withers any rebellion, the woman's legs will naturally relax as her resistance fades and she accepts her fate.
If a wife absolutely refuses to cooperate in allowing the necessary area to be exposed, the sting of a firmly applied doubled man's belt or solid wood paddle (resembling the width and thickness of a man's hand and about twice as long) will sufficiently penetrate jeans, slacks, or skirt to get deliver the desired message if given sufficient time to sink in. An old-fashioned oval-shaped solid wood hairbrush might also prove adequate for the purpose.