
Erven Park #fundie #homophobia catholicapologetics.info


The Bible is unerring and where it reveals God's pronouncements on consequences to the human creature given to a particular offense, it shall be done. There is no question! God quite distinctly gives the cause and effect of the sodomite condition that He informs stems from self-love (idolatry). The effect of this is to grant the offender his indulgences but to such a degree that it becomes a self-destructing curse. God withdraws significant internal (ontological) sustenance and he is "handed over" to an overwhelming concupiscence, which becomes the master.

There are emphatic assertions made on both sides of the issue of remedy for the sodomite condition. Some testify to their successful extrication from the culture and can give as witness their current normal lifestyle, even to successful and happy marriage and the blessings of children. There are others of the sodomite culture who vehemently declare that a true sodomite cannot become heterosexual in preference or practice. Ironically, there is truth in both of these allegations. This is not predicated on the premise that there are two forms of the sodomite condition, however; there is only one.

The answer to this seeming quandary lies in the choice of means taken in seeking the remedy. There is only one door leading to cure and that is the same one he had chosen to depart from God through. He must first recognize and acknowledge his error and offense and return through that door to the arms of the loving God who awaits him.
Those sincerely seeking remedy, then, must go by the path to God and repentance. Those organizations or groups that do not profess and follow such a course may afford succor but not a cure. As formidable as the sodomite affliction is, miraculously the "Divine Physician" who holds its remedy -- God, is also infinitely merciful, and He who holds all healing as but a matter of His divine will. Good news indeed!

Mario Derksen #fundie catholicapologetics.info

If God doesn't exist, nothing matters.

If God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter if you're good or bad, if you help in emergency efforts or are one of those people who fly planes into buildings. It doesn't matter, if there is no God, whether you donate selflessly to a Pro-Life organization or if you are an abortionist. It just doesn't matter. If this is all there is to life, if no one ever has to give an account of what he's done, if there is no one who rewards and punishes, what's it all matter? Why not just look out for yourself, maximize the pleasures and minimize the pains of life? Why not have fun and let everyone else suffer? Who cares if someone is being treated unjustly, as long as you're feeling great? I mean, if there is no God and I simply cease to exist after death, whether I've been a Mother Theresa or a Howard Stern, a St. Nicholas or a Mao Tse-Dong, why not be totally selfish and leave everything and everyone else behind?

This might seem shocking to many. But if you really think about it, it's true. It doesn't matter how many children die each year if there is no God. There is no reason why I should help anyone or care for anyone at all. Common sense and compassion, which we (hopefully) all possess, compels us to reject such an idea that nothing matters and that we should only watch out for ourselves. But there is no reasonable answer to why we shouldn't, if God does not exist.

Pretty much any atheist, I certainly hope, would be totally repulsed by the idea that there is no reason not to look out only for ourselves if there is no God. But why? It cannot be demonstrated rationally , so the only basis the atheist has for maintaining at least a minimal account of morality is emotion. It just doesn't seem right to hurt other people, to steal from others, to cause pain to the innocent. It just doesn't feel right. But there is absolutely no rational reason an atheist could bring forward to defend his living an at least minimally moral life.

John Vennari #fundie catholicapologetics.info

Evolution Must be Combatted

The utter incompatibility of Darwinian evolution and Sacred Scripture must be recognized. If belief in Adam and Eve is destroyed, then our entire Catholic Faith falls to pieces.

Because, if evolution is true then Adam and Eve did not even exist.

If Adam and Eve did not exist, then there is no such thing as original sin.

If there's no such thing as original sin, there is no need to be redeemed from original sin.

If there is no need for a redeemer, then there is no need for the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity to become Man and die on the Cross for our sins.

If there is no such thing as the Sacrifice of the Cross then there is no such thing as the sacrifice of the Mass, etc., etc., etc.

Evolution: Critical for the Atheist Agenda

Why is evolution kept alive? Why are we not told that Darwinism is dead? That there is devastating evidence against the theory of evolution? Because ___ if evolution is taken away, practically every major world view of our modern day will have nothing to support it and will come crashing to the ground. Modernism. Communism. Secular Humanism. Eugenics. The New Age Movement and even the atheistic United Nations ___ are all based upon the theory of evolution and could not survive without it. Take evolution away, and it would destroy the entire godless superstructure of our modern world in which all these erroneous ideas and institutions reign supreme.

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