
Unknown #fundie christianclarityreview.wpblogs.com

Every true Christian has heard the accusation that “Christians just defend the Bible with the Bible” as if that were an evil or a sign of automatic lack of rigorous proof. In reality, it is those who are slaves to non-creating speech that answer the Bible with the more of non-creating speech and continually appeal to the non-creating nature of THEIR speech as evidence of the supposed lack of creation within ALL speech as if their speech was the only speech in total reality. They actually do what they falsely accuse Christians to doing: speak a word which is powerless to create and answer God through us with more of non-creating speech as if it were its own proof of truth simply for being spoken.

Christian Clarity Review #fundie christianclarityreview.wpblogs.com

Oxfam is consistently anti-Israel ( by decrying the “human cost” of Israel protecting itself as siding with “Palestinians” ), pro-Hugo Chavez and nothing more than a socialist platform in the guise of a “Charity” that seeks to place a thought police of its own agenda in the US government and all of Europe. At best it is filled with useful idiots who seek to do good only to to lead by Satanic liars who seek the overthrow of all Republics under a banner of “peace and brotherhood –our way” accompanied by photos and media kits filled variously with people crying in emotional pain in the absence of Oxfam’s policies or smiling after Oxfam has arrived.

All that based exclusively on the lie of free will and the supposed universality/god-powers of non-creating speech and its common sense. The seminaries are infiltrated to specifically preach the lie of free will to make it seem religious duty to “do charity” explicitly as Oxfam and others perform it as “earning heaven”. Yet there is no earning of heaven at all.

So before you rush to buy bees for a poor farmer, a water pump for a village, etc under the auspices of Oxfam as a supposed clearinghouse of such gifts and merchant exchange in a supposed ‘ethical market’ , know very plainly that Oxfam is an anti-Christian /anti-Jesus Christ socialist propaganda tool being empowered by your use of their services as a supposed alternative to Jesus Christ that is being used against you.

Christian Clarity Review #fundie christianclarityreview.wpblogs.com

American presidents have become famous of late for their wives sorceries or approval of immorality. Nancy Reagan consulted astrologers as one case among many. Laura Bush goes on tv with a known lesbian as if okaying the lifestyle – after her husband tried a lame attempt at a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage rather than a constitutional amendment to ban homosexuality. Jackie Kennedy prayed to the host of heaven.

All these, to themselves had and have very good reasons for their absolute loathing of Jesus Christ as He actually is in favor a lie of Who and What He is that they can twist to keep themselves in power as supposed dictators of orthodoxy and acceptable ‘free willed’ behavior patterns before God. All of them have been assigned such by God – to their destruction...

Christian Clarity Review #fundie christianclarityreview.wpblogs.com

[Is Rapture Ready too frivolous for you? Try this.]

There is no free will. It is not a case of “can I use my will this way or that?” or “am I within the bounds of the rules to do this or that with my free will?” There is no free will to use at all. Joseph was blessed of God to be visited by God and God was in Him as Word and Spirit through Abraham.

Therefore, whether the Romanists liar likes it or not, God wrestled against Himself exactly as man would wrestle with his own children in play. and exactly as God killed Himself through the means of the Romans on the request of the Jews at His express counsel to save His people from His Own wrath: in absolute lack of the free will of man.

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