
The editorial staff #racist #conspiracy dempart.wiki

[From "Tunisia: Jewish Kabbalists targeted by Mujahideen while praying for the genocide of Palestinians at Ghriba synagogue (🇺🇸)"]

The set of CNews will echo with the vengeful imprecations of the Jews. One can already hear Gilles-William Goldnadel threatening the Quai d’Orsay for its support of « the terrorists »

Before being stunned by the Jewish media organ during this long day about « indiscriminate terrorism » and « anti-Semitic hatred », here are some facts that deserve to be brought to the public’s attention

This Tunisian soldier knew exactly what he was doing when he targeted the synagogue of Ghriba, whose main pilgrimage is linked to the rabbinic holiday of Lag Baomer[…]
Lag Baomer celebrates Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, a fanatical agitator who during the Roman presence in Judea called upon the Jewish masses to shed the blood of racially « unclean » goyim. His activism and the ascendancy he enjoyed among the Jewish masses led to the widespread Bar Kokhba insurrection in 131 AD

His goal: to exterminate the non-Jews in Judea and Galilee and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem to give glory to Yahveh over the accumulated heaps of corpses. In short, what we now call Zionism[…]
Rome sent eight legions[…]with the mission of stopping Jewish barbarism once and for all[…]Half a million Jews were liquidated, all terrorist outbreaks eliminated[…]
Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai is also one of the inspirers of the Zohar, a key work of Kabbalah[…]
These rabbis were acting as political commissars, like their descendants in Russia, 18 centuries later. While they fanaticized the Jewish masses with their violent calls for genocide, they did not conduct armed operations[…]
The Jews celebrate the victory of the Jewish race against the nations of the world, implore Yahveh to facilitate the extermination of the goyim who resist them[…]
Shimon Bar Kochba’s bloodlust was such that Jews were convinced that he was the machiah

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