
johnyBgood #conspiracy foxforum.blogs.foxnews.com

Tonight there is great divide struck smack thru America.

On one side there is the Obamahama (or whatever he is) lovers who have chosen destruction & desolation for all “we the people of the United States.

On the righteous side, is the true patriotic pro-American anti-Obama Republicans.

The GOP party lost tonight because because the black panthers woudn’t let our fellow McCain supporters stand in line to vote.

I call for a recount.

We all know this election was stolen from us by the deep and wide voter fraud encouraged by Obamahama supporters.

I think my best option now is to dissolve my corporation, ship my assets to Central America set up shop in a Free Trade Zone, and export manufactured products to the socialist controlled United States of America.

How’s that sound you ^*^($*%*8 Obamahama supporters. It’s a good thing you have your socialist Hero at the helm because your going to need it after your employer realizes where his best interests are served.

Reap what you sow!

Betty #fundie foxforum.blogs.foxnews.com

[Link between Obama and Lucifer (foxnews)]

This is just the begnning of the bad things that will happen if Obama is elected. The media is full of radicals that are trying their best to control their feelings to their viewers. Yes, the Devil is among us and its Obama and his radical friends.

Please wake up America!!! Can’t you see the evil all around the Obama team. We will all be in a full recession if Obama is elected. He is a great speaker but his speeches are all lies. He tells one after another. God help us all if Obama is elected. Yes, again, I do believe he is the AntiChrist. People flock to see him and listen to his lies. Obama even worships himself.

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