
Greg Delleney #fundie greenvilleonline.com

"I can't tell you why the good Lord chooses rape to create life, but life sometimes is created as a result of that," he said. "If you go on a web site and Google conceived in rape and you look at all the fine people and they will tell you, 'Why would you say I don't have the right to live?'"

Jeff Templin #fundie greenvilleonline.com

Religious diversity a creation of Satan

Reading Ellen Goodman's column on religious diversity in America made me realize again what a despicable creation of Satan religion is. Religion is probably the best tool of Satan used to draw people away from Jesus Christ. II Timothy 3:5 says, "In the last days men will have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof." John 14:6 says, "No man gets to God except through Jesus."

I'm looking forward to the day when religious diversity is gone and there are only two sides -- the popular side and the right side. Matthew 7:13-14 says the path to destruction is wide and many people will be deceived by it, but narrow is the path to eternal life and few will find it. I hope people choose wisely while "shopping."

Carol Crooks #fundie greenvilleonline.com

The theory of evolution does not and cannot explain so much about the universe that we know. For instance, when and how did water evolve? How does it happen that gravity can hold us to the Earth, and at the same time allow us to step up without any trouble? How did it happen that the Earth is spinning at the exact rate that keeps us from feeling that movement?

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