
Father Zechariah Lynch #fundie #wingnut inklesspen.blog

[From "The Cosmic Significance of Tsar Nicholas II"]

The Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II is[…]one of the most significant saints of the past century and of our “modern” times[…]
One could easily speak on the deep personal attributes of Tsar Nicholas II, his profound faith and piety, his devotion as a husband, father, and ruler, together with his heartfelt concern for the well-being (physical and spiritual) of his country and the people God had entrusted to him[…]
As a husband, father, priest, and pastor, I am continually inspired by this priceless man, whose portrait hangs in my office

Despite the virulent propaganda promoted by the communists[…]the Tsar was a man of deep conviction, righteousness, and a just ruler as St. John of Kronstadt testifies[…]
The understanding that clearly emerged[…]that the Cesar (Tsar) was ordained by God for the good and godly ordering of governmental affairs became a bedrock of Christian society[…]This God-ordained earthly authority worked in harmony – in symphony – with the Church[…]
The modern secular ideal of government is based on “Enlightenment”[…]French Revolution made no attempt to hide the fact that it desired the complete overthrow of “throne and altar.” The brutal history of bloody secular revolutions has always set as primary targets royalty and clergy[…]A very enticing motto was created – rule for the people and by the people[…]The people are deluded into thinking that they are the source of authority for those who rule[…]
Subjective and nebulous ideas such as “human rights” and “equality” replace the objective realities of Christian charity and love. The tyranny of fallen human perversions and passions become the dictators of human existence[…]
Maybe the world was no longer worthy of such an ideal[…]After the martyrdom of the Tsar, the world entered into a time of unheard-of global chaos, socially and morally

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