
Colombie #fundie mb28.scout.com

It seems to me that this alternative discipline psycho babble is a relatively new phenomenon. For generations parents have spanked their kids and society seemed much safer and much more orderly. I think there is definitely a correlation between lack of physical discipline and a society that degrades itself to a godless society. Remember when the phrase "wait 'til your father gets home" put fear into the hearts of children. It was a respectful fear that should be exuded towards all authority figures. In summary, I believe more kids these days need a good spanking. Maybe we would have less of the Columbines (school shootings) and rebelliousness in the world if more Fathers acted like fathers.

canes1222 #fundie mb28.scout.com

[From a thread about The DaVinci Code.]

I am so secure in my beliefs and faith.

No one can shake me, at least not anymore. I went through a period of thinking my faith and trust in Christ was a bunch of hogwash. I gave up everything I knew. But I went searching. I went searching to those of the faith and those who didn't believe. I researched, had months of sleepless nights, and after all the anguish, came to a conclusion. Christ is the Son of God, came to this earth, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified, rose on the third day and will return someday.

No matter how many books or movies come out to say I'm wrong, I'm secure in my beliefs and know the truth. No one can ever again convince me otherwise.

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