
NeoColumbia #racist nationstates.net

Everyone who hates the U.S. Government is a Russian puppet to you it seams.

Also the Turks have been launching airstrikes against the PKK instead of ISIS.
Much to the dissapointment of the U.S. government.

XD Good on them! This is a Golden opprotunity for Turkey to remove the the cancer of Kurdish belligerance, the people throwing a fit only care because the kurds were fighting against ISIS and they want to make the kurds their new pet nation, but why should Turkey care? The Government seemed close to declassifying the PKK as a terrorist group to suit their interests anyway.

Seems like some Race war in Turkey may be on the horizon.

The Nationalist Republic of America #racist nationstates.net

Okay, I'll agree here. But let's look at their supporters in the American government. The politicians who demand that Israel must be a nationalist Jewish state, yet view America as some open-border safe haven for the entire world. I'll admit though, many of these people are white Americans.

Funnily enough, Israel and Japan will be the last First World nations on Earth to experience cultural marxism, as their non-white, non-Christian status seems to give them a little freebie in the eyes of SJWs.

Ieperithem #fundie nationstates.net

The democratic process better work soon or it isn't going to work at all. Demographics are not on our side. If we don't vote them out now, we will have to shoot them out later.

I disagree. If they remain in power for too long despite the myriad forces likely to unseat them(they're intent on antagonizing the tech sector that got them where they are, they're overreaching to an absurd degree which has spelled disaster in the past, and the youth are becoming jaded with them[particularly the ones likely to pursue economic power and useful skills]), there's still the matter of them being unable to create a fiscally stable government. As a rule of thumb, a party with half of voters but eighty percent of gov't housing recipients cannot survive without those who voted against it, nor do they likely have the wealth, collective intelligence, or even basic physical fitness(http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-05/study-finds-correlation-between-fiscal-conservatism-and-big-biceps) to attack and loot us.

If you feel as if you're getting deja - vu, it's because this was/is the exact case of Detroit. The left achieved political dominance, and their media heralded a brave new era. Quickly, things came to pieces and the city became a hellhole, with all useful members high - tailing it to the edges and then declaring them separate jurisdictions. Today, these suburbs and outer cities are wealthy, successful, and largely crime free, and contain many people as well as much wealth. So it would be with America, with the vast areas of red declaring themselves separate, enjoying the flow of fleeing contributors from the brain - drained blue cities, and quickly returning to everyday life. The only thing that would truly change would be that we'd have slightly(and I mean very slightly, look at a map of congressional districts if you get the time) less land, and we'd still have all of the good parts so it's no big problem.

If you're worried about the UN or some other international bogeyman stopping this from occurring, consider that the ivory tower cosmopolitans still dislike the idea of a global economic crisis that would get them hung by their people, and that their best(And by best, I mean only) means of averting this is by not only enabling but facilitating this 'velvet revolution'.

Marathon #fundie nationstates.net

Now I'm going to try and bash every aspect of atheism there is. First off... evolution. Evolution is one of the main, retarded things atheism revolves around. It's proof in comparison to Creation is squat. I always here about you morons beliving in stuff like 'Ape-man. Half human, half-man.' in museums. You'll all 'dazzle' at the skeletons in those museums... but never look at the little picture and summary of the creature. In the little picture... it shows the skeleton. For some reason... about one or two bones are shaded in dark. Those shaded in dark bones are what they have found. Did you know that half-brained friends that rant on and on about finding 'Nebraska man'. They made up a whole skeleton... from just one freaking tooth. I'll stop bashing if you stop bashing Christianity.

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