All Christianity sucks and arguing about the best form of it is like specifying what kind of cancer you would rather get.
It may well be that many elements of Christianity are positive, but if a recipe calls for 10 good ingredients and a nugget of dog feces, either you stop using the dog feces or you get rid of the recipe altogether. And since Christians cannot omit the crap while still calling themselves Christians by their own doctrine, the whole soup is tainted IMO.
This is a byproduct of Christian fundamentalism. When a stereotype is actively reinforced, some people will view that stereotype as true for everybody in a group or culture. If we try to disprove the stereotypes, we could decrease hostility between religions.
Not all of us are like Westboro Baptist.
Perhaps the same could be said of all religions. Each religion has people who help others without trying to spread their belief, and each religion also has fundamentalists and extremists.
What a surprise, an anti-religious fundamentalist gets submitted and it gets voted down.
If this had said "All atheism sucks", it would be voted up.
I think maybe some of the voters don't quite understand that being areligious doesn't make you immune to fundamentalism.
What's wrong for Person A is wrong for Person B.
Not all of it, only the more fanatical sects. You know, the kind who say they're the only true religion, and the abuse cases tell a different story.
Some people are good Christians, but they would probably be good people, anyway.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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