
Caamib #sexist #psycho newdeconstructions.blogspot.com

They should however realize that if they admit that if ancient Athens subjugated women that it could only do so because of technological progress. In that sense technology will keep shaping new institutions who will give a different role to women. If the Ancient Athenians were able to adapt themselves to technological advances, so should the incel as well be able to adapt itself to its current technological environment and not blindly want a day and age where technology has regressed just because modern-day technology poses serious questions on how we ought to treat women. This is what it should mean for the incel to improve himself rather than blaming women for his incapacity.

I actually agree with most of this, aside from the idiotic last sentence. Technology itself is not to be blamed. The change in people's mentality is. Just like technological progress around 500 BC enabled Athenians to control their women better than less developed tribes did current technology could enable us to control women 100x better than Athenians did. We could track them with various electronic monitoring systems, for example.

So, the technology itself isn't to be blamed, as good use of technology would enable men to control women in far more effective ways than Athenians did.

However, this doesn't mean that men should improve themselves in a way a naive liberal like you sees it. Scum like modern Western women don't become attracted to men because they're good people, they're attracted to scum. I don't think somebody like yourself would see humiliating and killing women as improving yourself, yet it is exactly what these modern Western women are attracted to.

If men want to actually improve improve the gene pool and society they must improve these things by once again tightly controlling their women using new technology like electronic monitoring equipment.

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