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Is there place for same sex attraction within the ethno nationalist/fascist community?: With A Focus On Men

There is of course a blatant straight froward answer for that question, but really someone who asks this isn’t asking if there is really a place for them in the movement. They aren’t even asking what the movement thinks of same sex attraction. They already know without doing much of any research what the movement thinks of homosexuality. What they really want to know is why they feel they are attracted to individuals of the same sex. Now the specific reasons for same sex attraction differ slightly between men and women, but the concept and reasonings as a whole remain universal. And because I am a man Id like to focus on mens attraction to other men and leave the explanation of women’s attraction to other women for a woman to explain/write about. Because simply a woman cannot teach a man to be a man as much as a man can teach a woman how to be a woman.

Lets start off with the term bisexual (bi). What does that mean? Well if we use a dictionary and todays definition and uses of sexual orientation it is simply the attraction to both men and women. However as much as it makes things easier for some to define every difference that exists, I don’t recognize the term. So moving forward any attraction to the same sex wether you also like women or not will be defined as homosexual.

My observation of the type of man who has messaged me about this topic over the past year or so have been men who have submerged themselves into the more degenerate side of ethno nationalism. To make it more clear, picture the type of guys/groups when I say “Neo Nazi”. Who do you think of? Yes them. Now those who message me are typically the ones who are beginning to either consciously or subconsciously make a move from the “Neo Nazi” culture to the more “Traditional Nationalist” culture. Something inside them is making them question wether or not homosexuality is a moral or even an effective decision.

First of all, men are tribal by nature, no matter how far you go back until very recently (last 75 years) men have always been able to practice this. Even today they are still tribalistic, the only difference is with how “big” the world is today. Tribalism can be hard to experience. Looking back into tribal societies and even all the up into the 1900’s you find that men did everting with other men. The only time men were really with other women was when they were at home with their families. Men fought, hunted and worked together every day all day. Only really seeing a woman when they went home to their wife. So naturally in todays time our minds still desire that male experience. We as men want to be surrounded alongside men we feel are worthy. Modernity doesn’t allow for this experience. So what begins to happen is men start to look for this wether its via sports, gangs, political groups, etc we crave to be around men we can respect, test and trust.

The problem starts when there is a loss of control of emotions and a misunderstanding of experiences once in an all male environment. Because men don’t get that constant exposure to masculinity often they will begin to think they have feelings or some sort of sexual attraction to another male. The reality is they don’t, however that exposure to masculinity can be overwhelming and you feel this way, because you are confusing admiration and respect for romanticism. Basically in this situation these men feel the same as a woman does when exposed to raw masculinity. With physical attraction being normal in the sense of respect (male to male) its ok to look at a guy and think he’s attractive. All this is, is a form of admiration and respect for the physical shape he’s been able to achieve or the genetics he was gifted at birth. Its important though to know that, thats what you feel and not that you have a “sexual feeling” for him. What you should get from this paragraph is that when around groups of men don’t become confused by friendships or admiration. Failing to recognize this appropriately is number one reason men fall to homosexuality.

To conclude I want to touch on the issue of homosexuality and the desire to also have children. What I mean by this is many have mentioned that they like men, but would still be willing to have babies with a female. The big issue I have with this is its extremely unclear what someone means when saying this? Within the White Nationalist community wether you are pagan, christian, muslim etc. The idea of having kids with random women just to have kids is extremely counter productive. So when I read or hear that a gay man wants to have children all I can assume is that you better be saying you’ve checked you are free of sexually transmitted diseases and you have made the final decision to be straight and start a loving family with a woman you plan on being with forever. Once you choose the family life there is no sleeping around period. Especially with other men. For a white future the nuclear family needs to be the strongest its ever been.

Concerning topics like homosexuality its extremely important that we discuss more often why same sex attraction happens and what we can do to better understand it to precent other men from falling victim.

#homosexuality #bisexual #white nationalism #white nationalist #traditional nationalist #14/88 #14 words #14 codes of the aryan ethic #theracerealistanswers #stop white genocide #white men

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