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Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is a liberal seductress/harlot/nominal Episcopalian degenerate who supports same-sex "marriage" and rejects the lordship of Jesus Christ. Matthew 5:28 says that "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Swift is known for her sensual performances in public venues that would have made former President Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton blush. These performances are rife with scarce attire, which prominently display Swift's legs and rump, as this is an abomination unto the Lord. 2 Timothy 2:22 says that " Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart."

Swift was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, moved to Wyomissing, to a stockbroker and a stay-at-home mom. Swift moved to Nashville as a young teenager to seek entry into the occult. When doing so, she signed any semblance of decency to Big Machine Records, who released her eponymous debut album in 2006, which flopped critically and commercially.

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"President" Barack Hussein Obama has a pro-abortion record. He supports Roe v. Wade.

On November 5, 2008, he selected Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff, who has a 0% pro-life record according to National Right to Life. Obama picked former Sen. Tom Daschle as his Health and Human Services Secretary on November 19, 2008, who also had a record of supporting abortion. Daschle subsequently asked that his nomination be withdrawn for unrelated issues.

Around that time, Obama also appointed Hillary Clinton, who has a record of supporting taxpayer-funded abortion, to be Secretary of State.

Obama released a statement on January 22, 2009 reaffirming his support of Roe v. Wade which allowed for nearly unlimited abortions and has resulted in over 50 million abortions since 1973.

Obama overturned pro-life conscience protections placed by President Bush that made sure that medical staff and centers would not have to perform abortions. The Obama administration shut out pro-life groups from attending a White House-sponsored health care summit on March 5, 2009. On March 9, Obama signed an executive order forcing taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research. He reversed an executive order that would allow for embryonic stem cell research without harming human life.

On March 11, 2009, Obama supported the unlimited right to abortion at a United Nations meeting and denied any negative effect that can come from abortions. On April 14, 2009, the Obama Administration released a statement saying that pro-life people engage in violence and extremism.

Obama stated that he would support an abortion for his own daughters because he would not want "them to be punished with a baby".

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Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen (born September 23, 1949, in Long Branch, New Jersey,[1]) whose nickname is The Boss, is an American rock musician/liberal activist.[2][3] A favorite of liberals, he is one of the top selling recording artists of all time.[4]

He played the Super Bowl halftime show in 2009. [5]

Springsteen is known for his liberal anthems, such as "Born in the USA" and "We Take Care of Our Own".

Springsteen supports the reelection of Barack Hussein Obama in 2012, though he will not be on the campaign trail for Obama this time, perhaps because of the lack of enthusiasm for Obama this time. He supported John Kerry in 2004 and Obama in 2008, campaigning for them though saying he wants to promote his new album and that it was bit of an accident that he campaigned during the Bush years. [6]
Political Activities

To the thrill of the lamestream media, Springsteen was critical of the use of one his song "Born In The USA" by Ronald Reagan's campaign in 1984. The song is actually a protest song against the Vietnam War; the Reagan campaign mistakenly assumed it was not a protest song. Springsteen campaigned for John Kerry in 2004 and Barack Obama in 2008, and criticized then-President George W. Bush[7] He is now a high profile advocate for same-sex marriage in New Jersey. [8]

His 2009 album Working on a Dream featured a title track that was about the coming of the Obama Administration and how the American Dream was being restored, consistent with Springsteen's support of Obama in 2008 and critcism of Bush in 2004.

Springsteen released Wrecking Ball in 2012, which is an overly political album. The first song on the album, "We Take Care of Our Own", is critical of Americans, claiming that they are selfish and not willing to, as Springsteen puts it, "take care of our own". It is similar to "Born in the USA" in the regard that it has been mistaken for a patriotic anthem, that due to the upbeat nature and the chorus, some believe it to be a patriotic song saying that Americans indeed take care of their own. The album, Springsteen claims, is in support of the blue collar worker. This album came out after Springsteen became overly political supporting liberal causes. The song "We Take Care of Our Own" is on the list for music for the Obama campaign.

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A liberal is a morally bankrupt individual who does not have the moral clarity that is only present in Sacred Scripture. They are typically against traditional marriage, for deviant family units that are far removed from the nuclear family, against life for the unborn, and for corruption in the world that results from the degradation of traditional values that the nation's founders had.

Liberals include such individuals as former President Barack Hussein Obama, former Secretary of State and current sad loser Hillary Rodham Clinton, her husband and former philanderer in chief Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton, and noted heathen/seductress Taylor Swift. These individuals are quite clearly morally bankrupt, and their influence in modern society has led to the coarsening of American culture, to the point that America is catching up to secular Europe in vulgarity.

Marxists such as Obama and Swift claim some form of Christianity, but are usually atheists in hiding. Obama was classified as a non-denominational Protestant, but besides going to the hateful "church" of "Rev." Jeremiah Wright, Obama has shown no interest in the Lord. Swift is a nominal Episcopalian, a liberal denomination that allows practicing lesbian "bishops" and "priests."

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"Gay rights are human rights."- Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton (born October 26, 1947) is an American loser of elections, who rose to fame as the First Lady and wife to former President Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton. Her main move was a failed push for Crazy Bernie style health care, which failed because the American people were too wise to buy into the notion of government controlled health care. She moved to New York after being First Lady to run for the US Senate, because she knew that she would have lost that bid in her real home state of Arkansas. Clinton ran for President in the 2008 Democratic Presidential primaries, and lost to then-Senator Barack Hussein Obama, who was an unknown community organizer beforehand. Obama offered Clinton the secretary of state position, and she took it, because it was a consolation prize for losing. Her main action as secretary of state was allowing four Americans to die in Benghazi, Libya, because of her liberal lack of moral clarity. As a nominal Baptist, Clinton has no idea about the truths in the Bible. In 2016, she barely was able to fend off a primary challenge in the Democratic Presidential primaries by Crazy Bernie Sanders because the media, DNC, and other agents ensured her weak sauce victory. Clinton was unable to win an election that was rigged in her favor and lost to Republican Donald Trump in the Electoral College. Clinton won the popular vote by over three million votes because of illegal votes in looney liberal California.

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This Land is Your Land is a communist folk song written by Woody Guthrie in 1940, and initially recorded in 1944. It has been recorded by performer/liberal activist Bruce Springsteen, liberal folk singer Bob Dylan, and British socialist performer Billy Bragg. Despite the communist sympathies of Guthrie and this song, it is generally regarded as one of America's favorite folk songs and was at one point being considered as a suggestion to be the national anthem.[1] Communist Pete Seeger has stated that Guthrie was also a communist; however, Guthrie's membership in the Communist Party is debated (though he has always been associated with United States communist groups), and his daughter called him a "commonist, not a communist."[2]

One of the last verses of the song implies that there should be no such thing as private property.

As I was walking, I saw a sign there;
And on the sign said "No Trespassing";
But on the other side, it didn't say nothing;
This land is made for you and me.

An alternative is:

There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me;
Sign was painted, it said "Private Property";
But on the back side it didn't say nothing;
This land was made for you and me.

Another verse implying a need for welfare is:

In the squares of the city, In the shadow of a steeple;
By the relief office, I'd seen my people.
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking,
Is this land made for you and me?

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