
JOOM #racist resist.com

All forms of media in America and indeed many other parts of the world now, are owned and controlled by Jews. It's so bad that no actor can get work of any kind unless he first passes the ass kissing test. He has to just about sell his soul to these monsters before he's accepted. And regardless of who you are or how talented you are, a Jew actor will always and forever get priority on any role up for grabs, regardless of whether or not he has any talent. If he's uncle Joseph's boy, he gets the part. All our news is heavily censored to be pro-Jew and pro-Israeli, whether we like it or not. We give billions yearly to Israel through Jew controlled politicians, even though it doesn't need it. Israel is the richest nation in the middle east. But if a Jew can get into your pocket, he's going to do it, regardless of need. It's called greed. And as everyone knows and has known since time began, greed and Jews are synonymous. You can't hardly think of one without the other. We still say things like "He Jewed me down." And for good reason. Ever done business with a Jew? You'll invariably come away with a sore butt. There may be honor among thieves but when it comes to business dealings anything goes as far as a Jew is concerned, especially where a white gentile is concerned. I wasn't born hating Jews. In fact I came from a Fundamentalist background where they were considered our spiritual brothers. It was only after I went out into the world and learned first hand of their greed and treachery that I woke up to the truth. But sadly the majority of whites around the world are still blind to what these beasts are up to. And it's going to be the death of them if they're not very, very careful...

I take no pleasure in hating anyone or pointing an accusing finger at any person or group of people. I've got a lot of more pressing things to do with my life and time than dwell on those characters. Nothing would make me happier than for them to straighten up their act and leave me and everyone else the hell alone. But what the world doesn't seem to grasp is that the entire global economic crisis we are now facing was caused by and is being maintained by none other than these greedy bastards. The news is packed with stories about the rising debt that's now crushing all of the nations of the world. Millions upon millions of hard working, honest people are being thrown out of work and out of their homes, with no hope for tomorrow. All because our governments owe these monstrous national debts. But what they never talk about..ever, is just who all this money is supposedly owed to! THE JEWS!!!

His Cosmic Holiness Banjo Billy, Grand Rabbi of the Kikenvermin and Al Mahdi to the Ragheads #racist resist.com

Now close your eyes real tight and don't peek because I am going to tell you some Jewish secrets.

All of Judaism revolves around the Jewish penis. In fact, without the Jewish penis, there would be no Judaism. It is the Jewish penis that drives the seething intellect of the Jews and gives their demented lives its only meaning. And they are as proud of their Jewish penis as a songbird is proud of his warble. For example, the ADL, that famous and mighty Anti-Defamation League of B'ad Br'eath, call themselves the "Sons of the Covenant". They are so proud of their penises!

But what is this "covenant" that is in the title of their organization? It is the age-old story found in the Bible where the Jewish god promises that if the Jews would cut off their cocks, then He would be their god and they would be His People. But hey! They were Jews weren't they? So they made a deal: not the whole cock, just the foreskin! And so, to this very day the Jews in the ADL advertize their special "covenant" with god by putting their penises to the forefront in the title of their organ-ization. So you see, if a big group of kikes like the ADL advertize their pricks in the title of their organ-ization, then you know that their wee-wees must be a very big deal to all of them.

So, why are the Jews so infatuated with their mangled weenies? Again, the rabbis are to blame. From the moment a baby Hymie is born, if it is boy, it is destined to have his whole life orbiting around his pee-pee. Oy Gevalt! How could it be otherwise? After his eighth day of life, the baby Hymie is taken to the mohel rabbi to have his foreskin cut off with a butcher knife. Oy! Do those mohel rabbis love little baby cocks! While the kid is screaming to high heaven with blood gushing out of the wound, the mohel immediately clamps his rubbery lips around that little kike's cock and starts sucking out the blood. Ick! Didn't I tell you to keep your eyes closed? But it's true! Then he spits the blood into a goblet of wine and all the Jews take a drink. Ugh! Those holy Jews are disgusting. But they claim to be God's People so how can you not believe them? Only a devil would tell such a lie, but these are Jews!

Anyway, in the immoral teaching of the rabbis, this screaming little oven magnet is taught to cherish his cock and to become a blood-sucker all in the same lesson. And with that chopped off portion of his penis, he is reminded of his specialness as a Jew forever. For the rest of his life, every time he goes to the toilet, he is reminded of his Jewishness. Every male Jew is reminded of what it is to be a Jew every time he urinates. Every Jew piously bows his head over his cock, looks down and meditates upon what he is missing ... and he tries not to miss while he is pissing. This is Judaism in action, a religion that combines their penises with the Jewish god as a lifelong exercise in Jewish piety and potty training.

So, do you see why Jews are so messed up? For Jews, their god and their pricks have a special place in their hearts. And anything that they can do with their pricks, to a Jew is a holy and a special "covenant" with their god.

Tom Metzger #racist resist.com

The desire to propagate ones own kind is natural. It is rare in nature that this drive is limited. The question is, does nature cull out those it finds unfit for reproduction? Homosexuals must be encouraged to separate their lifestyles from the community at large. Homosexuality must not be taught as a positive lifestyle. The homosexual population is quite small and not the major threat to Aryan survival. The right-wing is obsessed with this subject and devote too much time and money to this segment of the population. Closet homosexuals have existed for thousands of years. The best that Aryan heterosexual society can do is to limit their collective influence and keep the closet door shut. This issue must be approached from a genetic view.

Tom Metzger #racist resist.com

All systems are oligarchy. There is no other. They ad trappings such as the silly Democracy title but all governments are rule by the few no matter what you call them. It follows that we desire a White Racist non Colonial, Non empire White nation who ever supports that we will support. We are also White Pan Aryanist or Pan White supporting Whites all over the World. We will fight race destruction through thick and thin and never CO exist voluntarily with it.

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