
Pastor James Brandt #fundie #magick #homophobia revivalchristian.org

You need to know that Satan and evil spirits are very strategic. Jesus said in John 10:10a that it is the thief that comes to steal, kill, and to destroy. That is the goal of our spiritual enemies, but how they go about to accomplish that in a person’s life is very much planned out and strategic. Satan and evil spirits tempt a person in the weak areas of their life. Where do these weaknesses come from in a person’s life? There are many different ways that demons gain entrance into a person’s life: generational curses, evil soul-ties, doors of sin that you opened in your own life, or something that someone did to you, such as molestation, rape, abuse, rejection, and abandonment to name a few.

Generational curses trip many people up in life---including Christians. Simply put, generational curses are legal rights or open doors for demons to torment a person and a family line with a weakness to a specific sin or an infirmity until it is broken in the Name of Jesus. How is it that a Pastor of a mega-church falls into the sin of homosexuality? The Bible says that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination in the sight of God (Lev. 20:13; Romans 1:26-27). I can guarantee that a person that is homosexual has one of two things happening in their life or both. First, many times if you dig into the family history of a homosexual, you will find out that several family members had that same weakness in their life; a generational curse is present in the family line. Secondly, that individual was molested, raped, or abused, which caused them to turn to a perverted and sinful lifestyle. God loves the person, but He hates the sin and expects them to repent and seek spiritual help. Just because a generational curse is active in your life, you still have the ability to resist the sin. It is simply a legal right for the enemy to torment you in your life until it is broken in the Name of Jesus.

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