
Michael #dunning-kruger #fundie shadowtolight.wordpress.com

What is Secular Privilege?

When trying to better understand what white privilege is supposed to be, I discovered a series of articles that help by providing concrete examples, such as What Is White Privilege? Here Are 9 Everyday Examples by Suzannah Weiss. As I was reading through these, it occurred to me that the social justice movement has been suspiciously silent about a another form of privilege that may be just as extensive – secular privilege.

Let me use the first seven examples of white privilege from the Weiss article to show they could just as well represent examples of secular privilege.

1.Your Wages Aren’t Lower Because You are Religious

Atheists and agnostics have a higher household income than members of most religions.


While the Pew data don’t measure religiosity itself, it is worth noting that the religious group with the highest household incomes also happens to be the least religious.

4.Most Products Are Geared Toward You

A secular person can go into any corner convenience store to buy beer, cigarettes, lottery tickets, or other secular goods and walk out with something that suits them. Religious people will not find religious items so readily available (like pocket Bibles or kosher food), reminding them that in the eyes of mainstream culture, they are invisible.

6.Beauty Standards Aren’t Rigged Against You Because Of Your Faith

Many religious women express their faith through modesty of dress. Some refuse to wear pants or makeup and others cover their heads. Yet the beauty standards of most women’s magazines, fashion designers, and the various ads found throughout the media portray women who are scantily dressed with lots of makeup.

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