
thoughtsandreplies #fundie thoughtsandreplies.tumblr.com

Ppl wanna look @ u like a monster if u think Muslims shouldn’t be in the west.
They assume you must be motivated by hate because such assumptions means the absolute least amount of work on their part. Culturally you don’t just get to dismiss ppl who’re branded as ‘haters’, you’re expected to.
People whose religion is ignorance & slander do not know or do not care that Islam’s ‘prophet’ was an illiterate warlord pedophile who admitted to being deceived by Satan, & had his critics assassinated used treaties as mere tools of deception to conquer, and established (sex) slavery, & piracy as pious acts.
If you mention these indisputable facts you will be demonized. That they are facts lends not even the resistance of vapor to your being denounced.
And so the topic of the necessary legal mechanics & cultural creeds required to keep a nation from implosion are never even considered outside of the already benighted. Bin Ladin is made not a religious leader but a political one lying about “One of the world’s great religions”.
In the last 100 years people in the west have become astonishingly ignorant of the Bible to the point where they make the attempt to compare the Old Testament to Islam. Whilst the historic context shows Judaic & Biblical values to be the basis upon which all decent western values are based There is no such context to Islam or Islamic Texts even pointing to relative decency or improvement much less something attributable to a Loving & merciful God, no matter how much they proclaim Allah so. But Islam is closer to Baal or Moloch worship than it is to Judaism or Christianity.
#NotAllMuslimsAreIslamic There is no other religion that risks turning you into a murderer merely by increased piety Except maybe Shintoism.

thoughtsandreplies #homophobia #sexist #fundie thoughtsandreplies.tumblr.com

[ Heterosexual marriage has its downsides, too, you know. The currently-high divorce rate is a great example of this, as is the high rate of adultery amongst heterosexuals. But does that mean that heterosexuality, in and of itself, is wrong? Of course not. So why think that homosexuality is wrong, then, just because it has some downsides? It seems like the only real argument you have against homosexuality is that it goes against the Bible. But since when is everyone required to follow the Bible? ]

There is a reason there is no such thing and never will be any such thing as ‘gay marriage’. Because marriage is definitively the bringing together of a man and a woman to secure to their children their natural parents.

David Blankenhorn’s Protecting Marriage to Protect Children Sept 19, 2008
Marriage has always been a partnering of opposites, male and female, and to pretend two gays can be married is to not know what marriage is. 

HeroicNews: Why Marriage can Never be Gay, Dec 28, 2013

It is critical for healthy child rearing to have stable consistent parental relationships from either side of gender dimorphism. Daughters need respectable fathers to learn to expect to be treated with respect. Boys need mothers to teach them the value of respecting the weaker sex. And children learn by watching all the time their parents, without their even realizing it. And absent the dynamics of a opposite sex relationship a hideous void rends asunder their formative years. 

CBS News: Kids of gay parents fare worse, study finds, June 12, 2012

The divorce rate statistic that’s been going around for the past few decades is actually a wanton deception. Thomas Sowell explains it best:

“In a given year, the number of divorces may well be half as large as the number of marriages that year, but this is comparing apples and oranges. The marriages being counted or only those marriages taking place within the given year, while the divorces that year are from marriages that took place over a period of decades. To say that half of all marriages end in divorce, based on such statistics would be like saying that half the population died last year if deaths were half as large as births. Just as most people were neither born nor died last year, so most marriages did not begin or end last year. “-Thomas Sowell’s The Vision of the Anointed

CNS News: How Does Gay Marriage Hurt Us? Here’s How! June 17, 2014

Marriage is a religious and cultural institution and just like most people in western society know nothing of how fundamental the Christian world view has shaped our society, so too are most ignorant of how Marriage supports society.

To garner the beginning of an understanding just look at the repercussions of the destruction of the Black Family. [which btw was on the rise when the socialism of the Great Society destroyed it]

Just as you cannot demonize heterosexual relationships because of their particular failures, you cannot attribute homosexual relationships with successes they are by nature incapable of achieving, specifically because of the natural differences of the sexes which cultural revolutionaries so ardently try to deny the existence of— 

Masha Gessen Gay Marriage Activist, “Marriage shouldn’t exist” Apr 23, 2013

It seems like the only real argument you have against homosexuality is that it goes against the Bible. But since when is everyone required to follow the Bible?

Take note, and look back at the exactly ZERO times I brought up the Bible. 

In my previous post I explained the morality of LIBERTY, the definition of mental illness, and various statistics. In this post I’ve explained the nature of marriage & why homosexuality must fall short [gender dimorphism] marriage’s relevance to child rearing, faulty divorce statistics, and noted the definitive repercussions when the family is dissolved. [We absolutely know that a child is less well off without both a father and mother, period].

Nowhere did I ever suggest an ironfisted theocracy. =/ I said, in toto, Liberty trumps your feelings. & Homosexuality is unhealthy. 

You seem to be inventing what you think I’d say rather than reading my words. =/

As you can’t get that much clear, I don’t see the point in distinguishing between universal nature of one thing [homosexuality] and the failings of another [marriage] within individual instances and or trends in a relatively small time segment of cultural revolution. =/ 

Humans are by nature flawed. To point out the nature of homosexuality and it’s unachievable virtues, and those same virtues found redonkulously in TradMarriage is not to overlook the failings in particular TradMarriages.

Of course [since you brought up the Bible out of the blue] ancient Jewish wisdom teaches that love of yourself is only the basis on which to grow. The Golden Rule: Love thy neighbor as thyself, is the next step. And courage requires reaching out to ‘other’s. 

In homosexuality this natural development of human morality is squashed. Getting along with a life partner so different as to be another gender altogether is the natural means to forcing human growth. 

And just fyi, the likes of J.D. Unwin have studied anthropological matters which to me suggest the probability that fidelity in TradMarriage relates to measures of advancement in civilization itself. 

BUT without the Bible you really have no idea where we would be, AT ALL. Classical Liberalism was of Christian derivation, esp. the Christian Philosophy called “Scottish Common Sense”. There never would have been any kind of abolition movement. The world before Jewish laws of the old testament giving indentured servants specific legal rights shows only a glimpse of what the imminent pagan world was like. They had to institute laws against child/human sacrifice because it was a real normal thing going on. 

Every Atheist in the world cannot lift himself off of his intellectual belly without the moral foundation of Christian pluralism.The golden rule is the basis for the non aggression principle. Civil rights are derived from Natural Law a Biblical concept. 

thouhtsandreplies #homophobia thoughtsandreplies.tumblr.com

[ So basically, you want to pretend that homosexuality can be cured, even though there are many, many homosexuals who have gone through reparative therapy and been harmed by it? Why don't you seem to care about how harmful reparative therapy is? Also, mental illnesses are inherently harmful to the person who has them, and they prevent people from being able to live a productive life. You cannot say the same thing about homosexuality, since many gay people live safe, happy lives ]

Having a belief is not a pretense.
Those men who identify as former homsexuals, if they were pretending and I don’t believe they were, would be the one’s who would know.
The existence of failed attempts does not prove the absence of successful attempts. The question is not ‘does it work’ but do people have the RIGHT to try it if they so desire!

You can’t find out if it works if you stop the attempts altogether. =/ Duh.

Would you say that surgery is never successful because sometimes it isn’t? That is your logic. And it doesn’t work. Why don’t you care how harmful surgery is!!! When did you stop beating your wife? Why don’t you care? That’s called a loaded question..

You’ve attributing to me, a pejorative indifference. You are wrong. Please learn to ask a question without assumptions in the question. Recognize before the question is asked that you have made an assumption and ask distinctly for confirmation or denial of that assumption. WRONG WAY: Why don’t you care!?
RIGHT WAY: Do you, or do you not care? If not why. If so, what leads you to your conclusions through said caring.

To answer the questions you SHOULD HAVE ASKED: 
Of course I care. What I have is logical priorities rooted in a fundamental goal of LIBERTY, which dwarfs the kind of emotional blindness you’re working from. You don’t stop someone from doing something JUST because you think it’s bad for them. That kind of logic would justify the outlawing of homosexual activity on a strictly scientific basis.
Are homosexuals free individuals capable of making their own choices? 
Or should reparative therapy by outlawed because they’re not?

There are nuances beyond this dichotomy, but first acknowledge the dichotomy, and the stupidity of the latter.

“mental illnesses are inherently harmful— and they prevent people from being able to live a productive life.”

Although homosexuality can CLEARLY be said to be ‘inherently harmful’ when practiced [biologically or psychologically], that’s not the definition of mental illness. 

A mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling or mood. Such conditions may affect someone’s ability to relate to others and function each day.

Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors. Many people have mental health concerns from time to time.

We happen to have knowledge on a number of trends among homosexuals. Lesbians have a strong tendency to engage in domestic violence. The Atlantic: A Same-Sex Domestic Violence Epidemic Is Silent: Nov 5, 2013 

Monogamy is basically unheard of among [male] homosexual couples. SLATE: Most Gay Couples Aren’t Monogamous Promiscuity is the norm and due to biological facts creates a much greater risk of STD infections among gay males, which is the reason the vast VAST majority of AIDs patients are gay [or drug users]. CDC warns gay men of ‘epidemic’ HIV rates by Thaddeus Baklinski Mon July 08, 2013

But your definition is wrong. 

If you want to be redundantly clear, one’s mental health is in a state of illness when one is mentally ill, but that’s not what you said. And people with minor mental illness lead productive otherwise happy lives all the time.

Do you really think that the lives of anyone with OCD or Turrets is ruined & they’re all miserable and incapable of being ‘productive’? =/ 

When I put it like that it just sounds silly.

thoughtsandreplies #homophobia thoughtsandreplies.tumblr.com

[ If homosexuality were normal and natural in humans then wouldnt all/most humans be natural fully functioning hermaphrodites? ]

Hermaphrodites themselves are rare and only 11 cases of fertility in true hermaphrodites have been reported as of 2010. So if that was the norm, humans would die out. 
Naturality is not defined as whatever occurs in nature, except by materialists. To a moral outlook suicide is unnatural, [in spite of lemmings] and so are other inherently self destructive and or excessively risky behaviours. The overwhelmingly unhealthiness and riskiness of homosexual activity is well established.
As for the terms, hermaphrodite or intersex, it is a biological condition of anatomy, which has nothing particularly to do with same sexual attraction, at least not in that the former is any outcropping of the latter; it being a complex mutation and there being no gay gene discovered as of yet.
Personally I am of the belief that homosexuals require a biological proclivity and a certain amount of personal choice. 
But to the point, that which is destructive to human continuance cannot benatural. But in the way in which suicide and arsenic are natural ie Material Occurrences. 

thoughtsandreplies #fundie #homophobia thoughtsandreplies.tumblr.com

[ People like you are the reason I prefer the term "Straight supremacist" when talking in reference to anti-gay individuals. It doesn't downplay exactly what you are. ]

Homosexual activists took the term gay that meant happy for themselves. They took the symbol of the rainbow which was a sign of God’s covenant with the earth to make their plight look equivalent to that of the non-white races. So I won’t be surprised that you propaganda ridden activist would do something so hateful and stupid as attempt to demonize those who disagree with the homosexual act as unhealthy, as if they were racists. And muddy the language to make us sound like we are against homosexual individuals themselves rather than their lifestyle for their own sake with the phrase ‘anti-gay’. It’s quite to be expected. Homosexuality was never disproven to be a mental illness scientifically, it was activists that got it removed as such. So it’s no wonder that the unreasoning attacks against any criticism continue on that tack. Critical thinking has been abandoned when it comes to the whole left’s libertine views.
But consider it more thoroughly; your language is wrong and you are attacking people who hate-not with the implications inborn in your language that they do. This is deeply dishonest.
One ‘lifestyle’ is definitely more moral than the other. This basic reasonable judgement cannot be tossed out with the assumption that this means all straights are better than all homosexuals with your kurt little phrase ‘str8 supremacy’. That is dishonest unreasoning nonsense.
If you love the truth at all you will examine carefully such language and put it where it belongs, in the rubbish bin.

thoughtsandreplies #fundie thoughtsandreplies.tumblr.com


If #BlackLivesMatter, why are we called racist when we point out the major causes of Blacks dying? Like Abortion & Black on Black crime.
If #BlackLivesMatter then why am I denounced for pointing out the black owned businesses, their livelihoods, that are destroyed by riots in the name of criminal thugs whose own choices put them on a path of destruction, and who are venerated as innocent victims only for their skin color.
#BlackLivesMatter? Yes they do, but so does THE TRUTH.
This hashtag movement is all about racial victimhood and shaming the innocent, not telling the truth or solving the problems.
So maybe I should just focus on pointing out the Modern Holocaust and put the Undeniable Statistical FACTS that will automatically get me called racist, on the back burner for a while.
There are just too damn many h8 & race mongers meeting any criticism with a wall of lies.

Ah, really? Then lets point out that the would-be epidemic of cops killing innocent blacks is a complete fabrication and the number one killer of blacks is blacks. [of course the concentration of blacks in inner cities with gun control laws aka a disarmed law abiding populace amidst an armed criminal element, probably has a lot to do with it].
IF YOU CARE ABOUT BLACK LIVES THE MOST [well then you’re by definition a racist but] THEN YOU SHOULD POINT OUT THEIR NUMBER ONE KILLER, oh wait, abortion is greater than the so-called murder rate. INCONVENIENT that.
And most importantly when someone points out the numbers they are not championed as trying to put out the fire, but rather shouted down as racist for derailing a racist anti-police agenda laden hell hound, propagating myths through a persistent ignorance of how the justice system works, and scapegoating.
The term unarmed black teen is purposefully misleading bullshit propaganda. An unarmed teen can assault a cop and go for his gun, get shot dead, being fully responsible for his fate.
White thug did it recently enough, and didn’t make national news. It’s proven a black thug did it and the vast majority of blacks believe the myth of ‘hands up don’t shoot’.
The very premise of the slogan “Black Lives Matter” posits on its face that the person you’re saying to doesn’t think they do. Which just goes to show how heavily racist that movement is.
And to denounce the addendum that “All Lives Matter” is to pretend that one saying it must believe blacks are toasters, or to wish to illicit a superior attention based on skin color alone, ie Racism.
Sadly the solutions to the blights in the ‘black community’ have all been figured out for decades. It’s all just too hard to hear for culture raised on victimhood. And it’s far too easy to drown out the hard truths with comforting lies that lays the blame at the feet of others.

ThoughtsAndReplies #fundie thoughtsandreplies.tumblr.com

on black youth being racially profiled

Now do one Where skiiers are all moody and upset about not wearing their Skii masks except on the hill. A plain hoody is a circumspect method of masking your identity.
These court cases all show evidence no one ever hears about over this Propaganda. Trayvon Martin & Michael Brown were evil thugs who attacked people and were shot in self defense. If you’re being attacked and the attacker goes for your gun? YOU GET TO SHOOT THEM, Period. And to think it should be any other way is COMPLETELY INSANE.
The thing that killed em was the same thing that’s causing riots in the face of attempted peaceful protests. CRIMINAL CULTURE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. More specifically their own damn choices.
no one gives a shit about skin color, and they haven’t for quit a while now.
Nobody except racist blacks trapped in a victimhood and criminal culture perpetuated by an ever growing ignorance, enabled by stupidity like this.

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