
Senator Alex Antic #conspiracy #wingnut tnc.news

Australian Liberal Senator Alex Antic has blasted the World Economic Forum (WEF) for influencing world governments, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet

Antic, who is a member of the conservative faction of the Liberal Party, accused the WEF and founder Klaus Schwab of being “steeped in authoritarianism and Marxist ideology”

“It’s an ideology which is creeping into governments across the world,” said Antic. “When speaking about the Canadian parliament, Schwab himself said: ‘We penetrate the cabinets. I know that half this cabinet—even more than half—are actually young global leaders of the World Economic Forum. It’s true in Argentina, it’s true in France—now with the President, who is a young global leader’”

Antic was referencing a 2017 interview where Schwab directly stated that “half of (Trudeau’s) cabinet” were WEF Young Global Leaders[…]
Antic went on to criticize the WEF for using “so-called systemic racism” and other progressive issues to hide an “anti capitalist and anti free market” agenda, including advocating for extreme lockdown measures

“You don’t have to be a political philosopher to figure out that, if you own nothing, the state owns everything,” said Antic. “There’s a word for this: it’s ‘communism’. The World Economic Forum and its affiliates shamelessly promote the abolition of private property”

Antic was also one of several Australian senators who voted for a bill that would prohibit discrimination based on COVID-19 vaccination status in 2021

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