
BCP #fundie uogcc.org.ua

The Charter of a Christian State


1) The State protects spiritual and material values

The primary interest of the State is the protection of the physical, mental and spiritual health of every citizen. It means that the State examines all forms of destructive influences that threaten health, coming from whatever source, eliminates these influences and informs the public about the dangers.

- Evil in the State shall be justly punished and destructive elements eliminated.

- The fight against alcoholism, drug addiction: a total ban on import, production and sale of narcotics.

- The fight against smoking: preventive work with youth focused on eradication of harmful addiction.

- Control of food quality; production of healthy food without chemical additives; ban on genetically modified foods.

- Responsible control of carcinogenic substances, their elimination from the food and pharmaceutical industries.

- Responsible control and ban on destructive youth subcultures (emo and goth culture, rock, heavy metal, psychedelic music, culture of aggression and cynicism, decadent films, instructions for perversion and crime via the Internet...).

- Full control and prohibition of all forms of vaccination which can be a cause of diseases in children (eg. autism, weakened immune system, allergies...).

- Prohibition of psychological manipulation of citizens through psychological weapons, waves, radiation, subliminal messages (25th frame), ultrasound, various new technologies using music, misuse of mobile phones, of the Internet and of tablets.

- Ban on activities of foreign organizations which pursue indoctrination of the population, subversive and destructive activities.

- Ban on Masonic lodges, monitoring of their attempts to infiltrate into the public sector; ban on activities of Masonic organizations (Rotary Club, Lions Club, Orders...).

Synod UO GCC #fundie #homophobia uogcc.org.ua

A. Franco, former Nuncio to Ukraine, committed crimes not only against morality but also against the Church and the nation. He usurped Church power by promoting Lubomyr Husar, who had been excommunicated for 17 years, to the post of Head of the Church in spite of a protest by three Metropolitans. Husar proclaims heresies, promotes homosexuality and is the founder of the Masonic group “The First of December” which has organized a coup against the legitimate government. The Church structure established by him is apostatical. He keeps the common believers in darkness and in heresy and leads them into temporal and eternal self-destruction.

It is publicly known that the whole Vatican is under God’s curse by reason of heresies denying the Divinity of Christ and by reason of pernicious syncretism which hundreds of thousands of martyrs fought against. The curse is on the Vatican also because of its approval of the abomination of homosexuality and paedophilia.

We propose that the Government of Ukraine should see to it that the current Nuncio is exiled for his participation in a coup. He was obliged to warn and admonish the representatives of the Roman and Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine not to organize a coup leading to a homodictatorship and autogenocide of Ukraine.

Apostolic Nunciature in Ukraine is harmful to the true Christian faith as well as to the nation, since it promotes heresies, syncretism, homosexuality and paedophilia. Therefore it must be abolished. We propose that the Secretariat of State should not wait until the Government of Ukraine justly exiles the Nuncio, abolishes the Nunciature and exposes the crimes committed. Remove the Nuncio Yourselves and abolish the Nunciature!

BCP #fundie uogcc.org.ua

The Eighth Pan-Orthodox Council, which is to take place on the feast of the Holy Spirit, 19 June 2016, will launch the process of expulsion of the Holy Spirit from the Orthodox Church. It will de facto be the beginning of gradual spiritual suicide – suicidium. The main initiator of the Synod is the apostate Patriarch Bartholomew and the apostate Patriarch Kirill. Both of them are under an anathema – God’s curse – according to Gal 1:8-9. Through “theological dialogues” with the apostate Vatican, they want the spirit of the New Age to infiltrate the entire Orthodox Church. The Pre-Council Conference conclusions are formulated in a positive light. However, they actually disguise the real intention, i.e. self-destruction of the Church as well as of the Russian and the Greek nation. Other Orthodox nations will likewise be drawn into this self-destruction process.

Merkel has enforced suicidal legislation and sodomism through an incomprehensible text of the Lisbon Treaty. A similar method of positive terms is applied by the Vatican globalists. Unfortunately, the apostate Patriarchs are in unity with them nowadays.

Apostasy of the Church

The planned programme of the Council for all the Orthodox Churches is to conduct so-called theological dialogues with apostate Vatican theologians. The Orthodox Church is thus certain to be infected with the heresies of the apostate Western Church. The Vatican’s programme is primarily the promotion of interreligious dialogue with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other pagans. This so-called dialogue is a betrayal of the Gospel. The Vatican is in unity with the NWO globalization programme whose aim is to create a global New Age religion which worships demons and, in the highest degree, Satan. This concerns the so-called Illuminati at the 33rd degree. Today they control the UN, World Banks, supranational organizations, and through the NWO they incorporate the programme of a global holocaust, so-called reduction of humanity to “the golden billion”. The responsibility for this upcoming holocaust of the nations rests with the apostate Vatican which betrayed orthodox doctrine!

The turning point came at the Second Vatican Council through the infiltration of syncretism and heresies. A similar turning point in the Orthodox Church is to come through the Eighth Pan-Orthodox Council. They will attach the Orthodox Church to the poisoned stream of apostate Western Christianity and establish unity through so-called theological dialogues. It is like creating unity with an infected person. The fruit is death.

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