A. Franco, former Nuncio to Ukraine, committed crimes not only against morality but also against the Church and the nation. He usurped Church power by promoting Lubomyr Husar, who had been excommunicated for 17 years, to the post of Head of the Church in spite of a protest by three Metropolitans. Husar proclaims heresies, promotes homosexuality and is the founder of the Masonic group “The First of December” which has organized a coup against the legitimate government. The Church structure established by him is apostatical. He keeps the common believers in darkness and in heresy and leads them into temporal and eternal self-destruction.
It is publicly known that the whole Vatican is under God’s curse by reason of heresies denying the Divinity of Christ and by reason of pernicious syncretism which hundreds of thousands of martyrs fought against. The curse is on the Vatican also because of its approval of the abomination of homosexuality and paedophilia.
We propose that the Government of Ukraine should see to it that the current Nuncio is exiled for his participation in a coup. He was obliged to warn and admonish the representatives of the Roman and Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine not to organize a coup leading to a homodictatorship and autogenocide of Ukraine.
Apostolic Nunciature in Ukraine is harmful to the true Christian faith as well as to the nation, since it promotes heresies, syncretism, homosexuality and paedophilia. Therefore it must be abolished. We propose that the Secretariat of State should not wait until the Government of Ukraine justly exiles the Nuncio, abolishes the Nunciature and exposes the crimes committed. Remove the Nuncio Yourselves and abolish the Nunciature!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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