
Moses David / The Family International #fundie xfamily.org

DREAM OF INDIA!--By Father David DO 1097 11/1/82
--An Exciting Love Dream of a New Young Indian Goddess! Hallelujah! ILY! TYJ!--Come!

1. WELL, PTL! TYJ! IT IS THE EARLY MORNING OF JANUARY 11th, 1982 & I HAVE JUST HAD ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DREAMS I THINK I EVER HAD of one of the most beautiful girls I ever had! She looked so much like dear little Indian Ruthie of the Hindi Lit-Pic & the Hindi MWM Show, "Prem Kiran." So sweet & sexy with beautiful big brown eyes & that long dark gorgeous black silky wavy hair & lovely dark skin, with that gorgeous smile & big sensuous voluptuous sexy mouth! As I say, it looked like her but I don't know as yet, at least, that it was she, but it certainly did look like her, at least from the pictures that I've seen.

2. MAYBE YOU KNOW, RUTHIE, IF YOU VISITED ME IN THE WEE HOURS OF THE MORNING OF JANUARY 11th, 1982, this very happy New Year. Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL! Some of you girls do, you know, & I often make love to you in the night & wake up thrilled with the experience! All you have to do is wish it in Jesus' name & go to sleep in the spirit & ask the Lord to give you a spirit trip to my bed & we'll have a wonderful time together in the Spirit! PG! Hallelujah! TYJ!

3. IF YOU REALLY NEED IT, YOU NEED THE INSPIRATION, THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF IT, JUST PRAY & I'LL LOVE TO HAVE YOU VISIT ME in those beautiful spiritual night sessions. All you have to do is pray & wish it! If you delight yourselves in Him He will give you the desires of your heart, & your dream will come true in my dreams! (Ps.37:4) PTL! Hallelujah! TYJ! Amen.

4. COME ON GIRLS, I'D LOVE TO HAVE YOU!--EVERY ONE OF YOU, IN JESUS' NAME, AMEN! You are all mine anyway, even if you've never had a spirit trip into my arms or a sexual experience with me in the spirit in my dreams. You are in my dreams & you are in my heart & you're part of my spirit, because we're all part of His Spirit! PG! So you are mine & I do have you & you have me, because Jesus has us both! Hallelujah! TYJ! Amen? PTL!


8. BUT IN MY DREAM I BELIEVE IT WAS NOT ONLY YOU, BUT THAT YOU REPRESENTED ALL THE YOUTH OF INDIA. It was as though you were in a sense India herself, but especially India's youth. Not the middle-aged Maharishi in her 30s or 40s of nearly ten years ago, but of young India today--youthful, beautiful, intelligent, hungry for reality, hungry for love, hungry for the Spirit, hungry for the answers, hungry & thirsty for happiness, to drink of the Living Waters of His Word! PG! TYJ! Hallelujah!

9. ALTHOUGH THERE ARE STILL SOME THINGS ABOUT THE DREAM THAT I DON'T QUITE UNDERSTAND, I'm sure they were very significant & symbolic, & I have already begun to comprehend some of this symbolism & significance thanks to the Lord & prayer. In the dream I seem to be a young man again, a young sincere Christian, even a preacher, serving the Lord, & I even seemed to be single again--at first, that is. But perhaps that too was symbolic, just to show that I'm free to love you all & can belong to all of you in the Lord. PTL!

10. WE WERE STANDING IN THE AISLE OF THIS LARGE AUDITORIUM OR CHURCH & I had apparently been having fellowship with you & your girlfriend. We had been somewhere together like on a date or something or out to dinner. I have tried to recall the early part of the dream but it simply doesn't come to me, & when it doesn't, then I know the Lord knows it's not important & it is not necessarily necessary for the understanding of the dream.


36. SO I WAS SITTING THERE BESIDE YOU HOLDING YOUR HAND, thinking how wonderful it was, I was so thankful, since I loved you so much & now I realised that you really loved me & wanted me & wanted me to come with you. I was so glad that you were a Christian, at least in a Christian church amongst Christians in my dream. And though I didn't understand all the hymns & their words, I hummed along showing you that I was in sympathy & that I was familiar, at least, with some of the tunes & the hymns. And you sat there beside me glowing & squeezing my hand & seemingly very happy & glad that I had answered your call, & come, & was with you sitting beside you, clasping hands together in love & spiritual union as well, PG!


40. GOING ALL THE WAY AS FAR AS I COULD GO WITH YOU, at that time, at that moment, showing that I really loved you & I was willing to join you, become one with you, even in your church.--As we may need to do in order to reach these young people, to go to their churches & find them & give them our message & sample of love in order to win them for Jesus & really help them to find a genuine living Lord & life of Love! PG! So that was the end of that scene.

41. BUT NOW THE NEXT SCENE IS EVEN MORE INTERESTING because you & I were on the back porch or veranda, terrace, whatever you want to call it, a lot depending on what country & language you're from, sort of a back patio of a lovely modest home. It was apparently a Family Home of ours with children playing in the backyard, & it must have been now because at least three of the children who were playing there were my own--David & Davida & Techi! They were playing about the yard & coming up every now & then to say something, as children will, & there were other older Family members sitting about relaxing in the beautiful warm evening air which I'm sure must be like India as the cool evening breezes begin to blow.

42. YOU & I WERE SORT OF OVER AGAINST THE BACK WALL OF THE HOUSE NOT FAR FROM THE KITCHEN DOOR, & I WAS HOLDING YOU IN MY ARMS, tenderly kissing you, caressing you, kissing your forehead & your eyes & your ears & even your nose & especially your mouth, as though you were being wooed & won by my love more & more, becoming more & more intimate, closer to me, & we were really really beginning to make love!

43. BUT SUDDENLY YOU PUSHED ME AWAY AT ARMS LENGTH & DELIBERATELY OPENED YOUR SARI, thin enough as it was, showing me both bosoms, as though you wanted to bare your breast & your heart to me right then & there & cause me to make another decision. Would I love you anyway even when I saw what your bosom was like!--Because although your left bosom was beautiful & whole & young & youthful & tempting--bosoms being such an evidence of a woman's love as she bares her breasts to your caresses--your right bosom had been cut away in apparently an operation to remove it for some reason, perhaps a cancer, a mastectomy--I think that's what they call it--& had left an ugly scar. No bosom, the breast completely gone, & nothing there but an ugly scar.

44. I WAS SHOCKED FOR A MOMENT AT THE SIGHT, but you were looking deeply into my eyes questioningly as though, "Are you still going to love me anyway, even though I'm scarred & bruised & broken by the past & only have one bosom left to love you with, will you love me anyhow?"

45. HOW LIKE THE YOUTH TODAY, SO SCARRED & BRUISED & TORN & MARRED BY THEIR PAST, the drugs & the degradation of the sinful lives they have already lived, much more wicked than the youth of their parents. Now broken, scarred, marred, wounded, almost handicapped by their past, they come to us for love & wonder if we will love them anyway in spite of their past, in spite of their scars & wounds & handicaps & the mars of sin which still show up sometimes.

46. I LOOKED FOR A MOMENT STUNNED BY THE SIGHT, & THEN I GRASPED YOU INTO MY ARMS & CRUSHED YOU TO MY BOSOM & loved you with tears flowing down my face! I loved you more than ever! My sympathy as well as my love manifest by my weeping as I really felt for you & my heart went out to you & my heart joined yours as ours bosoms joined--bosom to bosom--as though I were even closer to you & you were closer to me even without that bosom. I held you close to my breast as I kissed you & loved you & fondled your head on my shoulder, & you wept too as we wept together, as we realised that the love we had for each other was truly genuine.


49. SO AS WE ARDENTLY KISSED & MADE LOVE, I FELT MY PENIS GETTING VERY HARD & PRESSING HARD AGAINST YOUR PUM, & you felt it too, of course, & now the decision was up to you, how far you were willing to go in our love. I said, "Shall we go to bed?" And for a moment you hesitated. For a moment it seemed that you even left my arms as though you tore yourself away for just a minute to think & make this heavy decision, because it was against all your customs & your traditions & the customary way of doing things there where such relationships have to be very formal & formalised to please the System & your parents & the older generation.

50. YOU LEFT ME STANDING THERE JUST FOR A MOMENT, STARK NAKED, PENIS STICKING STRAIGHT OUT, a little embarrassed before the other Family members who were there who seemed almost a little bit amused. You tore yourself away for just a moment as though you had to think about it a minute, but suddenly you rushed back into my arms, thank God, & threw your arms around me!--Virtually threw yourself at me & put your head down on my shoulder again, lay your head on my bosom.

51. AGAIN I SAID, "SHALL WE GO TO BED? Do you want to go to bed?" You didn't say anything, you were so overcome with emotion, but I could feel your little head on my breast nodding up & down, & I could see that little black head of yours nodding in consent. And suddenly I woke up & my penis was still hard!--Ha!

52. AND I WAS STILL THRILLED WITH THE MEMORY OF YOU THERE IN MY ARMS & us loving & making love, thrilled with each other's love--genuine love, true love, not just only sex but genuine spiritual love, in love with each other & the Lord, & of course also manifested in the physical relationship of sex as well, praise God! That's the outward manifestation of true love, if there's true love between two people of the opposite sex. Praise God! TYJ! Hallelujah!


58. GO TO INDIA, SHE'S WAITING FOR YOU! She's waiting to be ravished with your love & she'll love you like you've never been loved before in a love like no others!--The love of India! Go & love her in Jesus' name, & she will love you forever! TYJ! In Jesus' name. Amen. (January 18: I saw you again last night, Ruthie!--For the first time on video!--The one Simon brought back from India!--And you were exactly like the India of my dream! Beautiful, dark, vibrant, sparkling, sexy, alive & thrilling!--And with your tiny daughter Simona, Simon's own child on your lap!--We have truly become one! TYJ! GBY! ILY! Thanks!--And thanks to all of you, my Indian children, for your marvellous testimonies & dances on that wonderful video! I'm in love with you all! GBYAKYGFJ! IJN, amen! ILY!--Come with us to India, Dear Ones, & be thou ravished with her love!--Amen?)

Karen Zerby #fundie xfamily.org

Love Words to Jesus:

For those of you who may have a hard time thinking of love words to say to the Lord, we're including the following list of examples. Besides saying these types of words to Jesus, you might even want to say some of these things to your mate or loved one when making love together.

Less Erotic:

I want You, need You, desire You, yearn for You ...

I want You to kiss me, caress me, touch me ...

I love Your kisses, caresses, touches, Words of love, seeds ...

Come! I'm here for You.

Oh please, I want You!

I want Your seeds.

My darling. My sweetheart. My precious Love. My Bridegroom.

Come and lie in the bed of love with me.

I want to be in love with You, Jesus.

Come to Me, Jesus! Be here with me and love me. Let's hold each other and say words of love to each other.

Come to my bed, come to my arms, come to my kisses, to my lips!

Come into me, I want to be one with You.

Kiss me, caress me, love me, fill me completely.

I want to lie in Your arms.

Hold me, I love You. Come fill me.

I want to woo You, Jesus, and to be wooed by You.

I want You inside of me!

Give me Your seeds.

I want to make You happy by kissing You, and by loving You in whatever way You wish.

Your wonderful touches and kisses make me happy.
Please satisfy me.

I want Your kisses. I kiss You.

Touch me, love me. I want to be one with You.

I'm open for You. Fill me.

I surrender to You, Jesus. I'm all Yours. Take hold of me.

I need You, Jesus. I want You, Jesus. Hold me.

You excite me, Jesus, and I want to feel Your love. I want to excite You, too!

Jesus, You're the Lover of all lovers.

Teach me how to love You.

I love You so much, my dear Darling, my wonderful Sweetheart and marvelous Lover, my faithful Husband!

I'm Yours and I'm one with You, Jesus.

I'm in love with You as My Lover, My Husband and My Bridegroom!

I'm all Yours, and I give You everything.

You make me feel so good.

More Erotic:

I'm all naked for You, Jesus, and desperate for Your love! Come to me.

I want to enjoy You, Jesus, to look at You, to taste You, to feel You, to fuck You!

I've got to have You in my arms. I've got to feel Your naked body pressed to mine.

I'm getting so hot for You! I've got to have Your lips on mine!

You turn me on!

Your touch is so tender, it makes me feel so loved, so secure, so warm, so wanted.

You're beautiful, Jesus, and so sexy--sexier than I ever dreamed--so handsome, so naked and so hard!

You draw me near, and my heart skips a beat. I tremble under Your touch.

Your touch melts me. It moves me, stimulates me, sends me.

Touch me through the hands that You made. Possess me!

I'm really getting horny for You, Jesus.

I want to feel all Your love and all Your passion!

Jesus, show me what I can do to You to make You feel good.

I want to excite You and give You pleasure and satisfy You, as You excite and please and satisfy me.

Jesus, I'll do anything for You. I'll do anything to give You pleasure. Let me satisfy You. Teach me what You like best.

I want to show You how hot and horny and passionate I am for You!

I want to enjoy You. I take pleasure in caressing You, kissing You, fondling You.

I want to know You completely--every inch of You.

I want to kiss You everywhere.

I want to suck Your penis.

I want to suck Your seeds!

I'm wild about You! I'm crazy about Your penis!

My pussy is excited for You, Jesus!

I'm juicy for You.

I'm prepared, Jesus. I'm wet. I'm wanting You.

I'm so excited and I'm so horny for You, Jesus!

I want to feel the ecstasies of Your love!

You've got to fuck me now!

Yes, yes, I want more! I want more than words. I want more than spiritual communications! I want to feel it, I want to know it, in my heart and in my body and in my spirit.

I can't wait any longer!--I'm overcome with desire for You, for Your penis, for Your seeds.

I can't wait. I've got to have You, Jesus! Your love excites me! I've got to have You inside me!

I crave You, Jesus. I'm hot for You! My legs are spread to receive Your penis! Enter into me! Give me Your seeds.

I'm desperate for Your big, hard penis! I crave it, because I want Your seeds!

I need Your penis! I need to feel You explode inside me, giving me Your seeds!

I receive Your love, Lord, with open arms and open legs and a receptive heart.

I'm Yours. I give myself to You in complete surrender, for Your pleasure. Do whatever You want with me.

Come into me, Jesus. Fuck me. Make me go, Jesus!

Fuck me! Take me!

Hurry, Jesus! I need You now.

Fuck me long and hard and deep. I want to feel You in the very heart of me. Longer, harder, deeper!

I can't get enough of You. I have to have all of You!

Come, Jesus! Oh please, come!

I can't do without Your seeds. Please give them to me!

Yes, yes! Fuck me, fuck me! Don't stop! Don't stop! I want You! I need You! Give me Your seeds!

Fill me with Your seeds. Flood me with Your seeds. Explode in me!

Give me more, more, more. Don't stop until I have every drop of Your love, every one of Your seeds.

It feels so good to have You inside me, Jesus! I've never known such pleasure, such ecstasy.

Jesus, I'm lost in Your love. With every thrust of Your penis You take me higher and higher.

Don't stop! Don't ever stop fucking me! Let this thrill, this ecstasy, go on and on and on and on forever!

Your penis drives me wild. I'm out of control, but don't stop!

I went for You.

Oh my Darling, my Darling, how I love to fuck You! How I love to be fucked by You!

I've never known such joy and satisfaction as this!

Jesus, You're the best! No other love can compare.

Thank You for wanting me, for desiring me, for exciting me. Thank You for wanting to fuck me and become one with me and give me Your seeds.

Thank You for giving Yourself to me so freely, so completely. Thank You for letting me explore Your naked body in all its majesty--to hold You, to kiss You, to suck You, to fuck You.

You're so wonderful!

"WTF?!" Award

Moses David / The Family International #fundie xfamily.org

Hong Kong Goolagong is believed by The Family to be a sexually ambiguous Australian Aboriginal hitchhiking demon who attacks Christian missionaries who bring the advances of Western civilization to dark-skinned people and Aborigines in particular.
The name “Goolagong” was revealed by David Berg in a coughing fit where “every cough was a word and — every word was shaped like a nipple with all the nerves running up to the nipple.” Berg described the 1981 “demonic attack” as similar to being overwhelmed by smothering female breasts.


Selected excerpts from The Battle Of The Bosoms follow

29. WE WERE LIKE A WHITE SAFARI GOING THROUGH THIS JUNGLE, & this thing attacked me with these words shaped like nipples. Isn't that peculiar? It was like I had to grab every one of them & conquer them, just like a woman. You know, there are female spirits, female devils, did you know that? (Maria: Yes!)

40. IT'S FUNNY, WE WERE LIKE A WHITE SAFARI GOING THROUGH THIS DARK JUNGLE & we kept being attacked by these bosoms, & I kept having to grab each one & squeeze it like I was conquering it. And they were like words.--And this big one I had the biggest trouble with until I learned its name. Each one was a word & it came up in the nipple, & you had to squeeze it to conquer it. See, we have to reach out by the hand of faith & really attack, you see? We can't just laugh it off or brush it aside & act like it's not important.

49. I TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT HORRIBLE HINDU TEMPLE IN CALIFORNIA that stood over the cliff where they had these evil spirit rites, but a girl out of that temple got saved in our church. So we went out & walked around it, & Grandmother just felt a terrible spirit off of that place, so she just rebuked it in Jesus' name! She quoted that verse, "You said, Lord, that if we have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say to this mountain be cast into the sea & it shall be done!" (Mt.17:20.) She said, "Lord, I've got faith that I should cast this mountain into the sea, in Jesus' name!"

50.--AND ABOUT TWO OR THREE DAYS LATER WE PICKED UP A NEWSPAPER & HERE WAS A PICTURE OF THIS HINDU TEMPLE SLIDING INTO THE PACIFIC! The whole cliff had collapsed & the temple was half-buried in the ocean! And my mother just jumped up & down with joy! It nearly scared me silly! My God! Whew! It made me realise those things are very real! I mean, you don't just play around with them or laugh at them or think it's some kind of a joke or foolish superstition!

53. WE WERE WALKING THROUGH THIS JUNGLE & THESE THINGS WERE ATTACKING US, these demonic nipples, words, till finally that one got in my throat, isn't that funny? I mean, it's not funny! (Maria: Oh yeah!--The words got in your throat!)--Till finally you prayed with me & I got that name. I guess in my sleep I must have rebuked it in Jesus' name, because that came back to me, you know? I told you after I woke up.

70. THANK YOU FOR FIGHTING THE BATTLE WITH ME, HONEY! I was really really having a battle! The Battle of the Bosoms! Isn't that funny? I wonder why that symbolism? The bosoms are what nurse the child & carry the milk, like the sincere milk of the Word. But these are all like lies, see? Like they were bosoms that were pretending to nourish but instead they were liars that damn, even the names of evil devils & evil spirits! I love you, Honey, TYJ!

110. "THE BATTLE OF THE BOSOMS"! I wonder if that's got anything to do with denipplisation? They were all cut-off bosoms! I remember one of them was trying to choke me! Come to think of it, I think they do have some jungles in Australia! There was jungle in that film we saw about the alligator hunting around Darwin, & up around the Darwin area are where most of the Aborigines live. The more I think about it, Goolagong was a female demon! We couldn't even dream up a thing like that, it's so far out!

Moses David / The Family International #fundie xfamily.org

Cover Image (NSFW!)

I am for the mini-blouse
Or the see-through at my house
She is such a lovely thing!
To her mounts I love to cling!

I'm a mountain' man, my Honey!
Give me mountains for my money!
Though I oft explore her cave
It's on her mountains that I rave!

Let those mountains be more visible
And their clothing more divisible!
Then they would be safer far
If you'd leave those gates ajar!

To reveal her scenic beauty
Is your Godly given duty!
Clear away that underbrush
And their praise you cannot hush!

Down with front retaining walls
Beauty hidden is what galls!
Away deceit--hypocrisy!
Truth unveil for all to see!

Lift men's minds from out the gutter
And her praises they will utter!
Raise their eyes unto her hills
And you'll cure neurotic ills!

T'would increase their hopes to hail
Beauteous heights without the veil!
You can now her valley fathom
Far above her lower chasm!

Clear the undergrowth away
For that smell of new-mown hay!
Undergirding, pillared column--
You can have your clothing solemn!

Flying buttress, deep crevasse,
There is nothing like her ass!
But I'll show you something better
For a real attention-getter!

Set your mind on things above
That deep cavern that you love!
When I show my lovely miss
Which is why I'm writing this.

I prefer the top to bottom:
Brother, she has really got'em!
The bottomless is not amiss,
But topless heights I like to kiss!

Can't have one without the other,
Like a babe without its mother.
'Bove the bottomless abyss
Stand the mountains you can't miss!

It's each peak so fascinating,
Makes my Love so titillating!
If you'd view ecstatic wonder
Tits like hers can make hearts thunder!

Top to bottom I'm no stranger
But I thrill to mountains' danger!
Top to bottom can be seen
Undulating curves between--
Up and down her tiny crater
Heaves and sighs whene'er I mate'er!

Her volcano off explodes
When we love in our abodes!
It's a holy hole indeed
And within I leave my seed.

Topless, midless, anywhere,
But for bottomless I don't care!
Lest we fall too far therein
And those peaks we ne'er unpin!

Twin peaks draped with fleecy cloud
Very thin and not too loud--
Billowy colour, not deep snow
Lest her lovely lines won't show!

Deep soft snow, howe'er you shape,
Will never cause us males to gape!
Natural pinpoints, clever cleft
That is all that we want left!

Unless she is some old crone,
Can't you leave those peaks alone?
Can't we leave those summits bare
Without all that underwear?

If snow is needed, let it fall
Down within her garden Wall!
For this padding I don't care!
I prefer my mountains bare
Not obscured or capped with snow!
For such trappings I don't go!

Let mountains rise o'er foliage too,
With timberline below the dew
To coverings I have objections!
I like to view the real projections!

Must you think it all so rude
To naturally let her protrude?
To fondle her resplendent beauty
Is our precious pressing duty!

If support is sometimes needed,
Let those peaks be unimpeded!
Buffer bulwarks from below
But leave mountain peaks to show!

Weight not down nor hide the top!
All this hiding's gotta stop!
Lofty shoulder, rolling field,
Let those headlands be revealed!

Arms extended full of grace
No more hidden than her face!
If warmth is needed ere betrothed,
Let her peaks be lightly clothed:
Furry creature, woolly flock,
Loosely wrapped about her smock,
Easy drawn aside by hand
Of the shepherd of her land.

When the summer sun doth shine
And in heat her fires refine,
Quickly melts her fallen snow
And cascading it will go
With the warmth of summer love
Baring mountain tops above!

Like the fleecy misty cloud
Just with vapour her enshroud!
Filmy vapours only flow
From above to vales below!

Only bright and shining tresses
Top our mountain maiden's dresses!
Accent all her naked beauty
With less on our nudie cutie!

She's a beauty with them on
Beauty's self when robes are gone!
Don't conceal her points of int'rest!
Nature's course with clothes thou hind'rest!

Flowers nestle in her hair
'Twined in hollows here and there
Circling round the tower above
All proclaim her joy of love!
Craft displays her lovely wares
Only please the one who cares!

Custom or conformity
And artificiality
Clothe her in hypocrisy
Never let her hidden be!

Methinks there'd be far less desire
To ravish her on lust's cruel fire
In man's relentless exploration
If viewed with open admiration
Her pleasing beauty clearly seen
Would satisfy his sexy spleen!

No need to strip what God created
Nor herself be violated
Open view could satisfy
Ardent longings of his eye!

Nudeness thrills her thankful viewers
Only look and be not doers!
Else she might end on the skewers
Of whose strength goes down the sewers!

You don't wonder what's beneath
Heavy snow or wooded wreath,
All is there for all to see
Mountains' magic majesty!

With each lovely rise and fall
Breath of Spring and nature's call!
Wonders of our God's creation
Defy man's imagination!

No need imagine here their form
Stark reality is borne
'Fore the eyes of mortal men
Naught is hidden from their ken!

With more truth and honesty
Viewers could possessors be!
Insatiable curiosity
Lust for new discovery
Need not strip this pretty maid
It's already been displayed!

Only lower parts need hide,
Upper ones seen far and wide!
Need not lust to rend her veil
See her now you could not fail
Need not dream what lies beyond
For all barriers are gone!

Fantasy doth hide and tease
But undress doth only please!
Fascination doth explore
Man insists on seeing more!

But when rid of all false pride
She has little more to hide!
Strip those bare necessities!
Show those nude realities!

Methinks such open revelation
Tempers tantalised temptation
All is now both known and seen
There is nothing in between!

Evil quests for the unknowns
But her beauty she enthrones!
She doth no more her viewers taunt
Beyond her garden wall to vaunt
To trespass on her property
For all is there so plain to see!

They're not piqued to push their way
Thru' foliage dense to see what lay
Beyond the hedge nor o'er the wall
For all lies bare at beck and call!

Why should I climb my neighbour's fence
When he's not barred my view from thence!
For now I have no need to tread
And trespass to his lady's bed
Nor climb her mounds for better look
Whilst all is clear as in a book!

For naught lies now 'twixt me and thine
To gaze upon thy lovely vine
I need but cast a casual glance
And pass her way with naught askance!

I go upon my merry way
I've seen the entire scene today!
With treasured mem'ry homeward bound
To climb upon my own young mound!

No need to prey and to offend,
This openness I recommend!
You need not honour sacrifice
Just let man's open view suffice!

For oftentimes such wall and hedge
But aggravate, I do allege,
And signs that say, "Do not trespass!"
The more provoke to see, alas!

Where if you'd not obstruct the view
I'd be the more obliged to you!
Let's have no hiding hedges now,
Nor warding walls, to this we vow!

'Twere better far for us to share
Our lovely view of pretties bare
Than hide for us alone to see
In selfishness and privacy!

So let them look in fancy free
Upon your female bon beautie!
Instead of tempting to trespass,
Let's have a look at you, fair lass!

For to look we all are prone--
Just let us see and leave alone!
For if all men are just like me
We like to view our wonders free!

We don't want to bother you,
We just want to see the view!
We'll then pass to other scene
Content with what we've only seen.

Methinks 'twere better to unveil
These hidden beauties ere they pale
And let be seen to all enjoy
So that their loveliness may cloy
And let be shared by every eye
To lessen wont to steal and lie
And trespass on some mountain peak
The news of which is bound to leak!

Let's tread our own and not another's
Or we may have too many mothers!
And so we'll gladly share our own
And hope to view our neighbour's zone!

We'll be most happy to display
Our property that others may
Enjoy the view that we can see
Of all her pretties well as we!

Methinks this rule be better far
And in such way the fashion bar
Of crude display of coarse crevasse
By some near unskirted lass!

That tempteth men with low desire
To plumb her depths beneath with spire!
Or else be nigh repulsed with spasm
By sinking sight of stinking chasm!

So lift your eyes unto the hills
And set your thoughts on rocks and rills
And keep your mind on things above
And let your heart be filled with love!

Let's hope for nobler, loftier scene
And lower parts from mankind screen!
Let's have top, midriff revealed
Not bottomless abyss unsealed!

I guess I'll take what I can get!
Enjoy each view, that you can bet!
For there are those who'd plant a kiss
Upon each passing friendly miss
And if you'd show a friendly nipple
they 'd kiss that too without a ripple!

They'd satisfy the bearer too
As each new mountain heaved in view,
And they'd not stop, but ask for more
Until they've made of you a whore
Give you a parting friendly squeeze
Leave you with nothing but a sneeze!

So let the barers thus beware
Of other bold ones that would dare
Imbed the distaff of their pride
In virgin soil beyond the tide!

Some dauntless might desire for more
And daily dream to you explore
To claim some new discovery
And leave it will posterity!

So you watch out, my maiden fair!
For if you choose to beauties bare
Don't let some drag you to their lair
And plant that distaff you know where!

Be on the lookout for each knave
Who'd leave his mark within your cave!
Please save the touching for your own
If you want mounts for him alone!

xFamily #fundie #homophobia xfamily.org

The "Loving Jesus revelation" calls on Family members to do three things:

1. They are to visualise their sexual activity as happening with Jesus.

2. They are called on to masturbate to Jesus.

3. They are told to say "love words," or talk dirty, to Jesus as they are having sex.
Karen Zerby has published a list of sexually explicit expressions that her followers could use during sex with Jesus.
In order to avoid a homosexual relationship with Jesus (male homosexuality is an excommunicable offense within the cult), men are instructed to visualise themselves as women "in the spirit" during these activities.

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