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Speak Venusian ( Understand Womens Language 100%)

Women have their own language for quite along time , also women are more socially intelligent then men , most women at least. I came across an mp3 that let’s you think like a woman , but it was created with the intention for transgenderism. I want too still be myself , but speak Venusian with perfection.
26 Audio Spells:

Extreme attraction – – this has similar power output to 700ct but it’s for attraction, the extreme attraction, and main goal is: sex. It can be something insane, (of course set for attracting/manifesting women for love/sex relationships).
gain favors
learn fast
learn languages
fun in learning
boost intelligence
power erotic male
boost sexual arousal
a new love
excellent communication skills
quick correct response
gain important evidence
Programmed with these chi energy suggestions:
I am now a master of communication with the opposite sex
I now speak Venusian naturally with clarity
I now manifest the ability to understand women and their secret language now and always
I now understand the secret meaning behind women’s language
I now know what women want
I now manifest the ability to know what women want just like Mel Gibson in the movie what women want
I now manifest the ability to know what women want on deeper subconscious and conscious levels
I now the develop the ability to read women’s mind with clarity
I now use my ability to read women’s mind for the highest good
I now manifest the ability to read women’s mind emotions thoughts and body language in all dimensions perfectly
I now manifest the ability to hear what women think
In AT3 (Audio Talisman) there are two trance engines, quite heavy ones, and another pretty strong one based on Silent4D Image Mp3s. Dynamic music.
In mp3s for listening via headphones, there is light trance engine and one light Silent4D Image Mp3s engine. More ambient, so it is applicable to listen while doing other things.