Caamib #psycho
(In a thread titled “Could you just imagine penetrating a 12 year-old girl's pussy?”)
It must be the most heavenly feeling on Earth. Like hot knife through a butter. Your dick must be in heaven.
(In a thread titled “Could you just imagine penetrating a 12 year-old girl's pussy?”)
It must be the most heavenly feeling on Earth. Like hot knife through a butter. Your dick must be in heaven.
Leviathon is a spirit I have battled as well. It was a hard battle but was won. It was about four months or more ago. My wife and I were in McDonalds and were having a conversation with an angel and Leviathon had come up. I told the angel that i wanted to fight this demon and he said I could. On the way back to the hotel I asked the angel if he could bring the demon to a predestinated place and he said yes. I figured that since Leviathon was from the depths of the sea he would be used to the cold water so I filled the tub up with scalding hot water and blessed the water. The angels (there were two now) brought Leviathon bound to the tub and fought with me. We all pulled our swords from our hips and began running this demon through with all my strength and everything I had. I would say it took atleast half an hour or more. We were all spent but the battle was won.
(On the case of Brandon Clark, who murdered 17 year old internet celebrity Bianca Devins, photographed her nearly-decapitated corpse and uploaded the photo to 4chan)
I did send her mom my condolences together with a cum tribute to the bitch getting rekt. She died coz she was a thot and I hope that she takes this as a lesson on how hard she failed at parenting.
Ohio bill orders doctors to ‘reimplant ectopic pregnancy’ or face 'abortion murder' charges
Ohio introduces one of the most extreme bills to date for a procedure that does not exist in medical science
A bill to ban abortion introduced in the Ohio state legislature requires doctors to “reimplant an ectopic pregnancy” into a woman’s uterus – a procedure that does not exist in medical science – or face charges of “abortion murder”.
This is the second time practising obstetricians and gynecologists have tried to tell the Ohio legislators that the idea is currently medically impossible.
The move comes amid a wave of increasingly severe anti-abortion bills introduced across much of the country as conservative Republican politicians seek to ban abortion and force a legal showdown on abortion with the supreme court.
Ohio’s move on ectopic pregnancies – where an embryo implants on the mother’s fallopian tube rather than her uterus rendering the pregnancy unviable – is one of the most extreme bills to date.
“I don’t believe I’m typing this again but, that’s impossible,” wrote Ohio obstetrician and gynecologist Dr David Hackney on Twitter. “We’ll all be going to jail,” he said.
An ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening condition, which can kill a woman if the embryonic tissue grows unchecked.
In addition to ordering doctors to do the impossible or face criminal charges, House Bill 413 bans abortion outright and defines a fertilized egg as an “unborn child”.
It also appears to punish doctors, women and children as young as 13 with “abortion murder” if they “perform or have an abortion”. This crime is punishable by life in prison. Another new crime, “aggravated abortion murder”, is punishable by death, according to the bill.
The bill is sponsored by representatives Candice Keller and Ron Hood, and co-sponsored by 19 members of Ohio’s 99-member House.
Mike Gonidakis, the president of the anti-abortion group Ohio Right to Life, declined to comment on the bill, and said he was still reading the legislation because, it’s “approximately 700 pages long”. He said his office is “taking off the rest of the week for Thanksgiving”.
The Guardian also contacted the Susan B Anthony List, a national anti-abortion organization. The organization did not reply to a request for comment.
Keller, Hood and eight of the bill’s 19 co-sponsors did not reply to requests for comment. The Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association also did not reply to a request for comment.
Ohio passed a six-week abortion ban last summer. The “heartbeat bill”, as supporters called it, banned abortion before most women know they are pregnant. Reproductive rights groups immediately sued, and the bill never went into effect. Abortion is legal in all 50 US states.
In May, researcher Dr David Grossman argued reimplanting a fertilized egg or embryo is “pure science fiction” in a Twitter thread that went viral in May, when the bill was first introduced.
“There is no procedure to reimplant an ectopic pregnancy,” said Dr Chris Zahn, vice-president of practice activities at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. “It is not possible to move an ectopic pregnancy from a fallopian tube, or anywhere else it might have implanted, to the uterus,” he said.
“Reimplantation is not physiologically possible. Women with ectopic pregnancies are at risk for catastrophic hemorrhage and death in the setting of an ectopic pregnancy, and treating the ectopic pregnancy can certainly save a mom’s life,” said Zahn.
(Title: I had a sex dream about my daughter)
In it she was 12 and we were having sex with her legs on my shoulders. I don't know how I knew she 12 in a dream but it's one of those things you're sort of "aware" of in a dream. I didn't really see her face or remember it... Anyway, I was railing her snatch like there was no tomorrow (I know the feeling in this position since I had sex with some girl in it couple of times) and I came in her, only to suddenly wake up disappointed and... well, messy down there. I am a no-fapper so I have such dreams occasionally (if I haven't ejaculated in a woman for a longer time) so this is not new to me but none of my previous dreams were that graphic.
(Just one of the many horrible things she thinks about and does to her autistic son)
It is very strange not to know what your autistic child knows, and not to know how responsible you need to be for making sure he knows the basics — including the consequences — about sex.
I am still deeply worried about the idea that he could get someone pregnant and yet could never be a real father — which is why I will insist on having medical power of attorney, so that I will be able to make the decision about a vasectomy for him after he turns 18.
If I'm mixed black white how will I do with japanese girls?
is there any hope?
Japanese girls have melanin receptors inside their vaginas that are wired to distress neurons. Basically, the more melanin your body has the less pleasurable it will be, which is why Jap girls prize white men (especially gingers)
Sundays at Hephzibah house were dominated by Church.
I sat in a metal folding chair trying not to squirm since I had no fat left to cushion the hard seat beneath me. I was in the last of 5 rows of 6 girls interspersed with 4 staff ladies. The Hephzibah girls and Hephzibah staff, along with their children made up the entire congregation in the little unfinished basement room. Behind me I heard the familiar sounds of little baby S nursing away during the service. It felt good to know that sweet Mrs. K. was behind me. She would not be quick to find fault in my posture or how my hair was curled. The rhythmic sounds of a suckling baby were soothing and normal sounds in this surreal world.
Back straight, eyes forward. I tried to pay attention to the long winded sermon and take good notes. Notes were turned in after every service and checked to make sure we paid attention to the service and were not daydreaming. If staff did not like your notes it was a paddling offense. Ron Williams had a theory that young people who were not engaged in busy work were lusting and enjoying lascivious fantasies.
My feet were cold and my back ached but otherwise the sermon was a nice reprieve from the normal stress of daily life at Hephzibah house.
Ron Williams deep voice filled the small room. He dwarfed the tiny podium.
Patti Williams sat on the left side of the room with all eight children in a row. There was always a well worn paddle laying on the seat beside her. It was not unusual to see her paddle her children for wiggling or making noise during the long sermons. The youngest was Seth, perhaps two years old and the darling irrepressible Benjamin was just four years old. I do not recall a service where that poor little boy did not get a severe beating. I was amazed how undaunted and happy he remained. Seth seemed dull. He just sat and sucked his fingers. He showed no signs of normal 2 year old curiosity and wonder. Maybe that is what a successfully broken will would looked like in a two year old. I found it profoundly disturbing.
Suddenly there was movement. I sensed rather than saw Mrs. K. stand up behind me. I dared not turn my head but up front Mrs Williams also hefted her wide girth out of her metal chair. It creaked loudly in protest. At just 40, Patti Williams was fat, slovenly and mean as a snake. Her grey hair in a stringy bun she stood looking back behind me towards the Mrs. K. and baby S. She had picked up the small paddle. A hard, tight smile crossed her humorless face. Mrs. K. had now made her way into my line of vision.
Mrs. K. was clearly upset as she carried her tiny baby towards the front of the chapel.
Ron Williams just droned on.
My stomach clenched. What was this???
Patti guided Mrs. K. into a small walled off area at the front of the room. The area was meant to be a closet one day. Now it had no door and served to store extra folding chairs. The two women entered the narrow room I had a partial view of the inside of the room but could no longer see Mrs. K. and the baby past Patti’s wide back.
Ron Williams kept preaching.
“NO! Oh NO!”
I was frozen. Staring straight ahead and gripping my pencil in horror.
The baby SCREAMED.
We heard every powerful, stinging blow of the paddle hitting that tiny baby. It went on and on, every time there was a pause and I thought it was over it started up again.
Ron Williams actually stopped preaching. Grinning from ear to ear he made a fist and moved it enthusiastically across his body like a diabolical cheerleader, “Hit him again Sister! Hit him again!”
No one moved. No one DID anything. The babies cries were becoming strangled as he choked and he seemed to gasp dangerously between blows.
“Go get that baby Susan!” The voice in my head was screaming, “DO SOMETHING!”
I stared straight ahead as Ron Williams resumed his droning sermon. I thought of twenty scenarios where I saved that baby, but I sat glued to my seat. My blood ran cold.
The crying stopped before the blows stopped. Soon Mrs. K. stepped out from behind the wall she was sobbing and clinging to her baby Patti was right behind her with a huge self satisfied smile on her corpulent face, now red from exertion.
The baby was quiet. A spooky unnatural quiet. I watched the little bundle for signs of life intently until I saw his little chest heave showing he was indeed breathing.
How hard would you have to hit a baby to make him stop crying? Why would we all just sit there and let it happen?
I realized I had not taken any notes for several minutes. Somehow, knowing I would be paddled for that offense gave me a bizarre moment of satisfaction . A form of penance for my cowardice.
Everyone took their places.
Ron Williams droned on.
Give $600 to a poor person & it's gone in a week.
Give $600 to a rich person & it's multiplied 10X in a few years or less.
When someone points out that poor people need to buy food and pay rent…
Exactly. Because investing in liabilities instead of assets is how poor people use their money and therefore lose it.
I mean even if the rich person was stripped of all his riches and put in the position of the poor, with the rich person’s mentality he or she could figure out how to be rich again from that situation.
(Talking about a video in which a 10 year-old girl giving birth can be seen)
Jesus fucking christ... that segment with her giving birth got me so horny that I had to masturbate right away even with me being a no fapper. I don't think it will do anything to cause penile sensitivity again in any case, since I came in about 10 seconds of fapping, barely having to touch my dick.
Autistic people are disgusting, and they should be locked in cages like the sick dogs they are.
Whenever I encounter those sad shit-sacks in real life or online, they are either:
1. Talking about some hentai or furry porn
1. Complaining about everything wrong in their life, and then explaining how it's somehow linked to their autism, even if it is something completely normal (i.e taking a wrong turn on the highway)
3. Bragging about being literal sociopaths (i.e saying stuff like "My aUTisM makes it difficult to care about other people's welfare and I consider that an advantage")
4. Bitching about their "social anxiety" or "fear of touch", but completely lacking sympathy for people with real problems like AIDs or schizophrenia.
5. Dying their hair some retard pastel color in order to get attention or "look edgy."
6. Cross-dressing or shitting themselves in adult diapers.
They also talk about themselves in such conceited ways, saying things like "Autism is my superpower that makes me smarter the teh normies lel." Meanwhile, half of those fuck-ups would easily have a mental breakdown over their favorite loli girl being outed as a trap. Autistic people are arguments against evolution, and it genuinely makes me sad that they are allowed to exist alongside us as equals.
[From "[Rapefuel] Don't forget, there's such a thing as second-chance adoptions"]
OP of the thread by Leucosticte:
You can adopt a 10-year-old girl and not have to wait as long for her to hit puberty. When Families Un-Adopt a Child - The Atlantic - Pocket
Sadly, a lot of them are niglets instead of cute white forbiddens:
Comment by Zesto:
Idk we have a fucked up system in this country.
What's the difference between that and foster children?
Seems like a better deal with the foster kids, the government pays you plus they get raped all the time.
Especially by the government.
Dispelling the “Women are Like Dogs” Fallacy
I am sick and tired of seeing our Aryan women compared to dogs.
This is a disgusting and offensive practice, and it simply needs to end.
The idea that women can be compared to dogs is a myth propagated by weak beta males who have never even had a girlfriend and so feel a need to act like they’re big and bad.
It’s time to put this lie to rest.
Dogs, bruh…💪😍😏😇😉
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) August 24, 2019
In the above video you can see a dog do three things:
1. Move the phone out of master’s hand so master doesn’t break the phone
2. Make sure the blanket is properly covering master so master stays warm
3. Turn the lights off so master can sleep well
A woman would not do any of these things for you if she found you in this situation, and instead:
1. Best case, she might sit on your phone and knock it onto the floor, carelessly
2. She would only strip you of your blanket by taking a corner of it and rolling up in a tube like a burrito so you freeze
3. She wouldn’t turn the lights off even though she was also sleeping there because women, unlike dogs, are too absolutely stupid to know that it is easier and healthier to sleep with the lights off (she also doesn’t think about the electricity bill, because she’s not paying it)
Women are so far below dogs, that to compare a woman to a dog is an extreme form of white knight cuckoldry. Anyone who has ever been around both a woman and a dog will not make this comparison, so anyone you find comparing a woman to a noble dog you can mark as an absolute virgin.
A woman can be more appropriately compared to an intestinal parasite.
Having sex is overrated and mostly boring. Certainly, it is less enjoyable than video games or going to the gym.
And it is actually the only and single thing that a woman has to offer, and what does she demand in return?
Your human soul.
Women deserve to be beaten and raped, NOT treated like they are humans, because they are NOT humans.
I truly enjoy listening to the book of Revelation, particularly chapter 18 about the utter doom of Babylon (which is very clearly the United States). I think there will be a nuclear attack in the future, and America in one hour will be made desolate. We deserve what we get! Legalized queer marriages? Legalizing child-murder by abortion? Legalized smut, nakedness and indecency? Legalized screwing of the public by greedy businesses? Thug lawyers are tools used by ungodly people to hurt other people. We live in an insane society, where women dress like sluts, but then insanely expect men to respect them! I am 100% against harassment of any kind, but I am also 100% against women having “a right” to walk around promiscuous and lewd. They belong in prison!
If I were made a king, with absolute control over American society, I'd rip the flesh with a whip from the back of any woman who wore whorish attire! It would be a done deal. The Holy Bible says God will appoint us as rulers, to reign with Christ during the Millennium. In my city, women WILL wear proper modest attire, or you will beg for mercy when I finish with you! I am sick and tired of sluts and whores, who are contemptible compared to female dogs, walking around dressed provocatively in public, while the crazy law is waiting to put men into prison for life who as much as touch them. That is evil beyond words! That is nothing less than setting a trap for men! Men are aroused BY SIGHT (Matthew 5:28), and the Devil knows that! Argue as you may, the crime statistics PROVE my point. America is awash in sexual crimes nowadays, because women don't believe in modesty anymore. Sadly, being a whore in behavior and appearance is woefully promoted by the music video industry, magazines, fashion designers, television and Hollywood!!! Hell will be hot enough! The average country music video today is a scantily clad, slut-filled, short porno film! God damn America! I would NEVER ask for God to bless this cesspool of iniquity!
[Experiment] Amputee fetish, or "acrotomophilia", and why it is the most refined of all fetishes
Of course I am only talking about quad amputees.
A woman without arms or legs is an ideal girl. It is easy to make her your bitch. Best of all, she cannot resist. She has no arms to claw you with. She has no legs to run away from you. She can scream, yes, but she cannot run or fight back. It is easy to make her your bitch.
An amputee bitch is completely reliant on you. She needs you to feed her, clean her, clothe her. Without you, she will rot and die. This also adds an added degree of power, from you, the guy, over the girl. It makes her obedient, because she knows that you can just leave her there to rot, and she can't take care of herself.
Of course, this is only for quad amputees. I feel nothing but disgust for those who aren't cute little nuggets.
See what happens when you outlaw bullying?
Bullying is the natural and healthy way society keeps itself in line. Ostracizing deviants and discouraging deviant behavior. Stop that, and you get this. A filthy society run by degenerates.
1) This is the USA, we will not get rid of guns. It is our right to own guns so we can shoot home invaders or someone stealing our vehicle or protect our basic rights... like owning guns.
2) Yes teenagers shoplifting and running should be brutalized. DON'T STEAL.
3) Yes, "stuff" is worth more then a criminals life. If I see some guy bash in my vehicles window to steal my laptop I should have every right to kill him on the spot, with any means I have, be it shooting or bashing his skull in with a tire iron.
4) Criminals are a detriment to society. Once you steal gum or a car, your are a thief and should be put down. Its really, really easy: Don't steal, don't vandalize, don't rape, don't mug people, and you will be fine and live life without being beaten up or killed by police. Why is this a hard concept?
[From "Japan: Rape Samurai Tracks Down Cute Pop Star From Eyeball Reflection in Selfie, Surprises Her With Sex"]
The Spirit of the Samurai is still alive.
This J-pop teen idol:
Was forced into a surprise meet and greet by this Rape Samurai:
What makes this interesting is that the Rape Samurai tracked her down by identifying what was reflected in her eye in a social media selfie.
True dedication. Determined to rape.
An obsessive stalker has sexually assaulted a Japanese pop star after he tracked her down from a selfie she posted online.
The man, who has been named by authorities as Hibiki Sato, said he found Ena Matsuoka after identifying the train station reflected in her eye from a selfie she uploaded.
Any sane government would grant this man full access to the J-pop idol as a reward for his brilliant display of Will To Rape.
Men that can track things down by looking at eyeball reflections and curtain placement in pictures are much more valuable than any woman, no matter how famous or “talented” she is.
This warrior has proven his worth.
He should be given his rightfully-earned teen idol.
Re: Ever noticed how waitresses all refer to their easy 6 hour plate carrying shifts as "busting my ass"? For the size of the tips they want I'd like to bust their ass with my peepee
For this very reason, I always go to the washroom and shove each of my fingers on my right hand in my asshole, and then piss on them. Then, I make sure at the end of the meal I shake the waitresses hand.
How do you tell a 10-year-old little girl who got a Ruger 10/22 with a pink stock for her birthday that her rifle is an assault weapon and she has to turn it over to government or be arrested for felony possession?
From the June 5 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Almost every nation on Earth has fallen under the yoke of tyranny -- the metric system. From Beijing to Buenos Aires, from Lusaka to London, the people of the world have been forced to measure their environment in millimeters and kilograms. The United States is the only major country that has resisted, but we have no reason to be ashamed for using feet and pounds.
JAMES PANERO: I am joining you tonight as an anti-metrite. I'm taking a stand against the metric system -- the original system of global revolution and new world orders.
CARLSON: God bless you, and that's exactly what it is. Esperanto died, but the metric system continues, this weird, utopian, inelegant creepy system that we alone have resisted.
What's wrong with murdering innocent children if it's for a good cause? And it is a little bit funny.
(The following paragraphs are fragments from an article called “The World of The Handmaid’s Tale: Not Completely Bad”)
I have already addressed the fact that the nation of Gilead was wrong in usurping the authority of father’s over their daughters. But what if fathers willingly gave their young daughters, even those in their early teens as portrayed in arranged marriages to older men – is this a violation of Biblical morality?
The answer is a resounding NO. It is not immoral or “abhorrent” or “horrific” in the eyes of God. The Scriptures tell us in two passages when God says a young woman is ready for marriage.
In the book of Ezekiel God portrays his marriage to Israel as an older man taking a young woman who has shown the signs of puberty as his wife:
“7 I have caused thee to multiply as the bud of the field, and thou hast increased and waxen great, and thou art come to excellent ornaments: thy breasts are fashioned, and thine hair is grown, whereas thou wast naked and bare.
8 Now when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, behold, thy time was the time of love; and I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness: yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord God, and thou becamest mine.”
Ezekiel 16:7-8 (KJV)
And in the New Testament the Apostle Paul gives us another qualification for when a girl becomes a woman and is ready to be married:
“36 But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry.”
I Corinthians 7:36 (KJV)
The phrase “if she pass the flower of her age” refers to if she has had a period.
So, God’s allowable age for marriage to a woman is when she shows the signs of puberty, development of her breasts, growth of pubic hair and she has had a period. At that point it is perfectly moral for her to be married.
And her “consent” is not required by God. And God does not grant her the “agency” that we believe women have today. It is her father’s decision (Exodus 22:16-17). And there is absolutely nothing unbiblical about arranged marriages (Jeremiah 29:6). Also, it is not immoral for men much older to marry younger women.
Per reports, both parents, 48-year-old Timothy and 35-year-old Tina were appointed by the court to serve as guardians for the 7-year-old boy Ethan…
Ethan was one part of a set of twins. Although both twins were ordered to memorize verses from the Bible, Ethan was the one who suffered the most from his family’s punishments.
After Tina and Timothy realized that Ethan had not done as they had asked, they reportedly killed him, according to reports related to the boy’s untimely death. Timothy led the punishment. He ordered the little boy to pick up a large wooden log and carry it around the family’s property for hours as a punishment for failing to memorize passages from the Bible. The family had a path around their property and used it as a way to punish Ethan when he did not do his Christian duty of memorizing parts of the Bible after he was told to do so. The log that Ethan was expected to carry weighed as much as forty-four pounds, which was much heavier than the little boy was able to carry by himself.
Timothy may have been the one to dole out the punishment, but he made Ethan’s fifteen-year-old brother Damian supervise the punishment. Damian followed Timothy’s orders and would kick and hit Ethan when he slowed down or otherwise could not complete the task of carrying the heavy log around the family property. Sometimes Damian would stand on Ethan’s back and push his face into the icy ground. Another report suggested that the fifteen-year-old enforcer also rolled the log across Ethan’s chest to make him suffer more. During one punishment, Damian ordered Ethan to hide his body in a massive pile of snow. Ethan did as his older brother ordered, but he passed away only a few minutes later from hypothermia because the temperatures were so low.
In addition to battling the frigid elements, Ethan also suffered blunt force trauma to his head, chest, and abdomen, which did not help him at all. When the police interviewed Damian, he denied everything. However, he did confess to being the one who buried Ethan in the snow. He explained that the burial was part of a punishment for Ethan after he failed to memorize thirteen Bible verses. As part of his punishment, Ethan was ordered to carry the heavy log around the family property for two hours.
[Theory] if you have a daughter, you aren't a real man (100% male). you're 1% female.
the fact that your daughter was a fetus inside your mother, which is because she was originally a sperm in your testicles, means there was a foid in your testicles, therefore not all of your body was male because there was a part of your body that was female. now before you think this means mothers with sons aren't 100% male, that argument doesn't work and its different because the male fetus was originally a sperm in the dad's balls and therefore came from the dad's balls originally NOT the mom's womb, thus it was part of the dad's body NOT the mom's body. therefore, if you have a daughter, you aren't 100% male. you're 99.9% male and 1% female. Real men can only have sons. and it's also cucked to have a daughter because you raise her for 18 years to become a slut who has sex with dozens of chads but that's just water is wet the sky is blue grass is green.
”BRB forcibly removing my X chromosomes from my body.”
The other prevailing theory is that the foid's egg selectively bars X or Y from entering it through the walls, depending on her own femininity/masculinity. But since slightly more males are born than females, even Y chromosome sperm seem to be physically faster and more powerful than X chromosome sperm, mirroring what we see IRL in terms of physicality. Given that, it seems that a more testosteroned or hypermasculine male will produce, if not more Y chromosome sperm, at least Y chromosome sperm with greater mobility and physical strength
this doesn't surprise me. why would hypermasculine men have daughters?
Bro can you chill out on the Nazi hate? U sound deranged. Nazi’s are people too. I love my Jewish friends.
It's true I get frustrated some times, but this is never about hate with me:
Blacks can't win.
There is a process from outside our planet that is working thru the ecosystem to reclaim desert animals as plants. (I've explained how that process is based in physics, and is not arbitrary)
Blacks are just white people with a broken Chlorophyll molecule in their skin called "melanin".
Even if blacks SUCCEED in tricking the planet into targeting the wrong group and turning some part of WHITE PEOPLE back into plants...
All they have done is created a disease that will kill all blacks along with the whites.
Their melanin MUST be targeted to turn back into a plant or the entire human race is over.
I'm not playing a guessing game, what if, or proposing a theory. Either you target melanin or we all die.
In other words, if u.v. doesn't return to serving plant behaviors, the animals (people included) that are manipulating u.v. are only going to succeed in obliterating their entire race, as u.v. continues flicking over the dominos of information that CREATE us.
That's probably why some blacks were certain they couldn't be racist... They understood that attacking whites meant their OWN demise also.
The way blacks "won" with women was because u.v. targeted females to SUCCEED AS THE OPPOSITE OF PLANTS, thereby cancelling the plant reclaiming occurring on black women, and u.v. treated most blacks as women.
But now I'm the one being targeted, and you haven't been trying to make me as female as possible.
And you are currently watching the result of that decision spread virally, and the death has only begun.
If you use u.v. to target DICKS to turn back into plants... you just recreated AIDS. Congratulations my theory that sex is a plant behavior will come true.
Plants aren't stupid, and they are going to COMMUNICATE quite well thru human sex.
I'm not xy so my information isn't TO BUILD DICKS.
I'm white. I'm the angel of His Garden.
My rna doesn't care what you think my name is.
You are not sounding like "innocent accidental black skin, u.v.". You sound like you are desperately trying to figure out how to kill anything but black people.
I already recently exposed you as playing "the white person name game" with u.v.
"What do you want to do tonight, Brain?"
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky..."
Please don't bother commenting, unless you are an Angel of His Garden, I'm not very interested in your hot takes.
To everyone else, enjoy your hateful virtue-signaling gaslighters below, none of whom are capable of communicating their "correct information". 🤣
Experience: I paid to have my daughter kidnapped
That first day I grieved. I knew deep down I was right, but I didn’t know if my daughter would forgive me.
It was 3am. I went into my daughter’s room, woke her, told her I loved her and that she was going on a trip. She was drowsy from the sleeping pills I’d slipped in her drink a few hours earlier. Then the two strangers I’d hired to take her away went into her room. She tried to get her bag and makeup. “Where you’re going, you don’t need anything,” they told her. I stood outside the door, shaking. Had I just created a situation in which I would lose my 17-year-old for ever?
I’d quit a successful financial career and moved across the country to bring up my daughter and son in Florida, so we’d have time as a family after their father and I divorced. I loved them fiercely and we were close. They knew I had high hopes for them. But at 17, my daughter started hanging around with different people; her straight-A grades dropped and her attitude changed. We started to fight about her going to school. “Even if you drive me there, you can’t make me go inside,” she would say. Then she told me she had decided to quit school to become a high-end hairdresser and wanted me to pay for her to go to beauty school. I was distraught. There is nothing wrong with hairdressing, but I wanted her to get a proper education first, so she would have choices.
Around the same time, police twice caught her 14-year-old brother with drugs. I wasn’t having it a third time, so I sent him away to a strict boarding school in another state. On a weekend visit, it struck me how much he’d changed and how my daughter would benefit from the same intensive treatment.
But I had to act fast. Her beauty school fees were due the coming Saturday. And, legally, I had control over her only while she was still under 18. I found a boot camp for troubled children in Utah and hired a private service to escort her there, whether she wanted to go or not. That Friday night we went to dinner on the pretence that it was to celebrate her new school. It was actually to stop her seeing friends and ensure she’d be home for the escorts.
After their appearance in the middle of the night, the security service flew with her to the Utah desert. That first day I grieved. I knew deep down I was right, but I didn’t know if my daughter would forgive me: I had to be prepared to lose her in order to help her. Her friends called and I said she’d gone on a trip. “Where did she go? When will she be back?” they asked. I told them I didn’t know.
I had paid $16,000 (£11,380) for seven weeks of gruelling physical and mental challenges. The other kids were in desperate situations: young offenders, drug addicts, some were suicidal. I was aware my daughter didn’t share their circumstances. They lived like cavemen: they didn’t see a roof the whole time, took care of their sanitary waste, learned survival skills and did physical labour; some cut off their hair because they couldn’t bathe.
They had daily therapy and wrote letters to their parents. My daughter’s were full of apology: how she had made mistakes, wanted to be forgiven, how she loved me. Sure, she was angry at first when she didn’t know what was going on, but she soon understood why I’d sent her there and was embarrassed.
Experience: my plane was hijacked
Read more
At the end, parents were taken into the desert to be reunited with their kids. We could see them walking towards us from a mile away. I was scared. I didn’t know how my daughter would react. Then I spotted her; she was muscular and dirty. We hugged and cried. She was back to the daughter I knew, the one without the attitude.
She finished high school with straight As, went to college, then did a master’s. She works in the legal system now. Both my kids joke that I’m a psycho mom, but they forgave me and we remain close. It’s the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. Could they have got where they are today without such drastic action? Perhaps, but it wasn’t a chance I was willing to take. I believe the more we suffer in life, the more we grow. I have two strong, amazing kids, and I’d do it again.
• As told to Candice Pires. Raye Johnson is a pseudonym.
Some children really should be abused.
I look around, and I see kids/teens who are completely undeserving of living a decent life. They are stupid, ugly, awkward, and just plain wastes of space. It saddens me that there are good, normal children who are constantly abused or killed in some third-world shit hole everyday, and then you have these fucked-up retard brats in the west who are loved by their parents and indulged---only to grow up to say they identify as a plantsexual or some other tumblr bullshit. Why can't fucktards like them get beaten everyday?
On yesterday’s livestream of “The Dilley Show,” MAGA “life coach” Brenden Dilley told his audience that they had “better start developing a stomach for death” because President Donald Trump will soon start executing his political enemies en masse in order to save the nation.
Dilley, a fundamentally amoral right-wing broadcaster who openly brags about creating and spreading lies against his political opponents, reiterated his recent assertion that the only way to save America is for Trump to essentially wipe out those who oppose him.
“You better start developing a stomach for death, because you’re about to see a whole shit ton of it publicly,” Dilley said. “You can’t escape it. The crimes that have been committed against the United States of America are punishable by death, and I fucking firmly believe that should this Justice Department do their job to the fullest extent of the law, you will have to deal with and cope with more and more people being put to death as a result of their crimes.”
“Develop a stomach for it,” he added. “Develop a will for it. You want to save your fucking country? This is what it’s going to take. It’s going to take you having the stomach and the spine and the fucking testicular fortitude to support the president of the United States and the Department of Justice firmly imposing the law of the land.”
Dilley pointed to a poll showing that 7 out of 10 younger voters would be willing to support a socialist candidate as proof that such harsh measures are necessary.
“You prosecute people spreading communist propaganda. That’s the only way,” he said. “You’re going to lose your fucking country. It might not be this week, it might be in 10 years, if you don’t push back. If the restoration of law and order doesn’t happen, you got a real problem.”
Darwin didn't really jump the gun. He proposed a theory. He himself readily admitted his theory was based on a simple cell and that his theory would be false if the cell were proven to be complex.
His theory was in fact based more in socialism, his extreme racist version of it, than science.
(tl;dr: They want to drag Germany back to the Middle Ages. Literally.)
100 Day Programme of the Monarchist Movement in Germany
The current dire situation of Germany, Europe and the entire world urgently demands the immediate cessation of Experiment Democracy. Therefore, the Monarchist Movement will restore liberty, law and order and bring about in the following measures within the next 100 days in order to set the path for the restoration of the German Empire.
The Programme
Removal of Democrat Rule via the installation of the Imperial Governor
* Installation of the Regnum Teutonicum, as dominion of the German King in the territory of Germany and Austria
* Dissolution of all “state” organs, incl. parties, trade unions, bussiness associations, clubs,
* Replacement of the “states”, “federated states” and “free states”, all their agencies and subordinate partitions, organisations etc. by the traditional estates of the Realm,
* Appointment of a Reichstag consisting of the representatives of the Christian nobility of the German nation; whose language of publication is Latin;
* Termination of the entire body of law on German ground since 31.12.1802,
* Eternal prohibition of the ideas of the French Revolution and of Democracy,
* NATO and other occupier troops are heartily encouraged to get out of the country within 14 days,
* Dissolution of the EU,
* Restoration of war and peace as terms of international law as well as realities of foreign politics,
* Unilateral declaration of peace of the Imperium Sacrum, declaration of a global Pax Imperii according to the status quo of 31.12.1802,
* Invitation of Liechtenstein, Belgium, Netherlands, Alsace, Lorraine, Burgundy, Provence, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Transylvania, Slovakia, Buchenland (Translator’s Note: Bukowina, a historical region that was once part of the Habsburg monarchy and now is part of Romania and Ukraine), Czechia, Silesia, Poland, Prussia to be integrated into the Empire with the possibillity of retaining an empire-royal regnum. All partitions and estates of the Empire enjoy Autonomy. Only the partitions of the regnum teutonicum are vassals of the German King.
Installation of the German King
* After the restoration of the law, the Reichstag appoints the German King.
* He is souverain, supreme souzerain and supreme legal authority of the German Regnum,
* after previous spiritual probation, he is consecrated and anointed in the Magdeburg Cathedral by the Primas Germaniae,
* the instution of the Elector-Princes is suspended, the Elector-Princes are removed from their duties,
* Reichstag, Reichsrat, Reichskammergericht and Reichshofrat remain in place.
The Rights of the King
* The German King is elected for a life-time
* he may nominate his successor to the Imperial Assembly, which he may have elected in his life-time,
* he suggests the Bishop appointments to the Primas Germaniae/to a orthodox head of the Church,
* he administers duchys, earldoms, marchies and territories without a lord,
* he leads the army, the yeomen and all armed forces,
* he warrants the protection of non-subjects, of foreigners and travellers,
* he is the owner of the authority over toll, coinage and market,
* he possesses the exclusive authority to build palantines and strongholds,
* he appoints the consuls and royal ambassadors,
* he possesses the authority over the traffic roads, especially the Hellweg (Translator’s note: major far-trade roads in Medieval times)
Restoration of the Imperial German Church
* termination of all state church treaties
* strict audition of the bishops, nuntii, delegates and prelates
* dissolution of the Lutheran provincial churches, confiscation of all their wealth and all their properties.
* installation of a non-modernist bishop in apostolic succession in agreement with the Imperial Governor as the Arch-bishop and Primas Germaniae in Magdeburg.
* The blameless Lutheran clergy may be consecrated as priests by the Primas Germaniae. Those for whom this is not possible cannot remain within the clerical estate.
* The same applies to religious educators. Only priests may become religious educators at universities and seminaries.
* Ban of all cults and sects, even those of alleged Christian alignment.
* Sufferance of Islam. The holdings of islamic associations are property of the German King,
Restoration of the Status as Subjects
* Restoration of personal right by establishment of the status as subjects.
* Legal and subject capable as freemen on German ground are only subjects of the German King and of his tenants.
* Only the baptised may be vassals and subjects
* Every freeman on German ground can subordinate himself as a subject to the German King.
* Non-subjects enjoy tolerance.
Restoration of the Feudal Order
* The German King restores the duchies, marchies, earldoms, Erzstifte, Hochstifte (Translator's note: territories ruled by a prince-archbishop and by a prince-bishop, respectively), abbeys, cities, dominions and villages as they were on 31.12.1802.
* The Ecclesiastical Principalities are restored.
* The estates that have perished since the beginning of the Reformation are restored according to the principle of opportunity.
* Investiture of the duchies and other lordships by the German King.
* The Ecclesiastic Estates of the Realm are canonically invested according to suggestion and after confirmation by the German King.
* The secular vassalages are heritable.
* The law of reversion comes into force necessarily if no direct male or female heirs exist.
* Rights from vassalage are forfeited in the case of loss of freedom.
* Rights from vassalage are forfeited if no heirs exist.
Restoration of Law and Order
* Restoration of freedom of mind, thought and speech via the establishment of a strict censorship office that is part of the Imperial Church
* Irreversible loss of freedom for propagators of democratic and pornographic materials.
* Discontinuation of all public attorney’s offices.
* Discontinuation of the criminal judgements and of civil law.
* The rights of judgement are property of the German King and his vassals and are bestowed as vassalages.
* Extensive suspension of long-term imprisonment.
* Demolition of the penitaries and transformation in monastries and hermitages
* Establishment of stocks and court pavillon at every place of judgement
* Grave crimes and repeated crimes are punished with death.
* After death penalty, obligation for prayer and pilgrimmage take center-stage as elements of legal custom.
* The fulfilment of the obligations for prayer and pilgrimmage are controlled electronically.
* The done prayers enter into the church’s treasure.
* Non-subjects are punished according to the law of their own realm.
Restoration of the Family
* Registries of personal status and all public registries are administered by the Imperial Church.
* Only canonical priests have access to the registries.
* Divorce is discontinued.
* Persons without family status lose the status as subjects.
* Adultery and procuration are punished as capital crimes.
* Mothers and wives are on life-long fully-paid leave for the purpose of childrearing work. If the children have moved from home, they are allowed to dedicate themselves to charitable work.
* Pr0hibition of contraception and family planning
Creation of a Germany Worth Living In
* Demoliton of all Autobahnen and Schnellstraßen (Translator’s note: different kinds of German highways)
* Demolition of the large-scale housing settlements
* Restoration of an expansive railway net fitting with the landscape.
* Restoration of the Imperial Forests, primordial and border forests, which have to remain completely free of roads.
* Restoration of the rivers and creeks, their meanders and meadows.
* Strict prohibition of factory farming and of industrial agriculture.
* Restoration of the free Catholic peasant estate, which will completely re-cultivate the Regnum.
The Restoration of Christian Love’s Labour
* Discontinuation of all forced social insurances.
* Subjects only have claims towards their sovereign, according to their estate-status.
* All forms of social welfare are transformed in voluntary charity.
* Promotion of Christian love’s labour via the transfer of all hospitals and care institutions to the Church. All services are offered voluntarily and free of charge.
Stopping the Cultural Catastrophe
* Each estate of the Realm is allowed to maintain broadcast and television channels.
* Exclusive promotion of Christian culture and Christian creators of culture.
* Mandate to the German College to build a Museum of Democracy.
* Refounding of the medieval faculties.
* Restoration of the ideals of unity of Christian faith, Church doctrine and ascetic lifestyle at the German university
* Ban on political science, sociology, psychoanalysis, Darwinism and socialism.
* Decan or rector of the university is the Ordinarius of Theology.
* Division into Protestant and Catholic theology is discontinued.
* Language of education and lecture at the faculties is Latin.
* Latin is a compulsory subject from 3rd Grade onwards at all Gymnasien (Translator’s note: a kind of secondary school in Germany, not gyms)
* Teachers and priests are trained at Church seminaries.
Completed on the Day of Memory of the Holy Emperor Henry in the Year of Salvation 2005.
The reverse dogpill is the theory that women would love to fuck dogs but won't because dogs are too nice.
btw i can tell when your toddler is performatively coughing when you walk past me on the sidewalk as i’m smoking a cig
and it’s pathetic
And the government just lets it happen. These virgin creeps are just allowed to walk the streets freely. And it seems like every day one of them snaps and murders an innocent. Imho, any man over age 20 who is still a virgin should be rounded up by police, issued an ankle monitor, placed on a public list, and bared from owning knives and firearms. We can make the world a safer place for good people if we act now to crack down on these needledick freaks. But knowing law enforcement probably nothing will happen. 🤦♂️
At least there's a little hope with cancer. There's no hope for children with autism. My daughter has Asperger's and she's constantly embarrassing everybody with her lack of social graces. She refuses to participate in any sort of therapy. Medications don't quiet or calm the symptoms. There's no palliative for it. She's always going to be autistic and she's never going to fit in anywhere, I don't care how smart she is. At least with cancer there's a cure or there's death. Autism isn't that easy.
Disabled people should be taking this month instead to thank all of US for putting up with their useless, crippled asses. Every day workers slave over disability “accommodations” like ramps when 10,000 years ago we would have just left them to die.
Where’s my thank you?
Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past.
I followed a girl who must have been 11 years old shopping with her mother in the Mall on Sunday. The girl had ass cleavage in shorts, toned thighs, curves and low cut top and perky c-cup breasts already. So proof she was menstruating, but I don't think she'd had cock yet.
I'd taken an unspoiled virgin slit vagina over a 21 year old roastie any day of the week. Men who say 21 are fearful and trying to appease normies, instead of letting nature take its course. Male sexuality is a tool for making him horny and guiding him into making the right mating choice. All while warning him to avoid used up women unable to conceive healthy babies with paternal certainty.
(regarding Juliana Wetmore, a child with Treacher-Collins syndrome)
Little Juliana is missing 30-40 percent of the bones in her face, so she can't bite down if you decide to rape her in the mouth, if for some reason you would want to stick your dick into a face that looks like it has been through a garbage disposal.
[From "UK: Three Paki Apes Sentenced to Prison for Two-Year Sex Campaign with Schoolgirl – Girl Goes Free"]
Here’s a beautiful Valentine’s Day story for you.
BBC Three men have been jailed for sexually abusing a schoolgirl in Oxford following an investigation into child sexual exploitation.
Naim Khan, 41, Mohammed Nazir, 44, and Raheem Ahmed, 42, were found guilty of 35 offences against the girl when she was aged between 13 and 15.
Oxford Crown Court heard the girl was used as a “sexual commodity” by older men between 1999 and 2001.
Meanwhile, the girl who had sex with these men is literally walking free!
Not only that, they’re claiming that she is a victim!
In an impact statement read to the court, the victim said she had suffered from “severe stress and anxiety” as a result of the crimes committed against her.
She said she struggled to live a normal life day-to-day and she still had a fear of going outside.
“My life has been destroyed,” her statement said.
Rot in hell, you filthy cunt.
You will never fix this Pakistani sex problem as long as you refuse to whip the girls involved, and permanently brand them on their faces with something that marks them as having been a whore for Pakis.
They aren’t even naming the slut!
What even is this? How does anyone go along with this hoax that these women are victims of these men that they had sex with for years, without ever being coerced?
Then we’re supposed to believe the problem is with the Pakis. Okay, well why are there all of these Pakis in the UK? Because of compensation for the British Empire or something? What does that mean?
There is no Paki that isn’t filthy. And dumb sluts are going to keep having sex with them. So if this is a problem, then you either have to deal with the Pakis or the sluts, and putting individual Pakis in jail does absolutely nothing.
All of these men know that white girls are such dirty whores that they can just pick them up outside of school and take them back to their pads and have sex with them. And the overwhelming majority of the time, this behavior has no consequences.
Obviously, a conquering army that you are letting take over your country is going to have sex with your women. “We want to give our country to you but you should only have sex with white girls over the age of 16” is a completely insane doctrine. Like, it is actually insane. That isn’t hyperbole.
My hands are going up in the air here.
Whatever, Britain.
You do you.
I don’t care anymore.
On Monday’s livestream of “The Dilley Show,” MAGA “life coach” Brenden Dilley declared that he will not be satisfied with President Trump merely winning re-election in 2020 because he believes that Trump must completely destroy his political enemies and have them executed.
Dilley, a fundamentally amoral right-wing broadcaster who openly brags about creating and spreading fake news against his political opponents, insisted today that simple political victory will not be enough to satisfy his blood lust.
“I want to win and I won’t consider it total victory without destroying our enemies,” Dilley said. “I don’t want to hold your hand. I want to stomp you into the fucking ground. I want Donald Trump to bury you treasonous pricks under the prison. I don’t want to just win. Winning is a formality at this point. Destroying you motherfuckers is way more important.”
“I won’t consider it a total victory without destroying you, entirely,” he added. “Your entire fucking life. Everything you’ve built, I want to ruin it. I won’t be done, and this won’t be a job well done, and none of us will be satisfied until all of you pricks are gone. Not just gone; gone like totally gone.”
“There is no room for mercy,” Dilley continued. “We don’t have any time for weakness. I don’t want anybody on this team that wants to lift their foot off the throat of the Democrats right now. None of them. It won’t be enough. I want to win in November of next year and I want to keep curb-stomping these motherfuckers well beyond that.”
“You’ve got to destroy your enemy,” he said. “You have to make sure that your enemy can never play the game again and the only way you do that is with total annihilation … You have to lock up these treasonous motherfuckers and they all have to go to jail.”
Pointing to a photo of a noose, Dilley declared that “there is one solution and one solution only to save America and I think you know what it is. It’s a zero-sum game and if you don’t have the stomach for it, I don’t know what to tell you.”
(from: Symptoms of Ghost Affecting or Possessing a Person)
4.1. Homosexual attraction
The main reason behind the gay orientation of some men is that they are possessed by female ghosts. It is the female ghost in them that is attracted to other men. Conversely the attraction to females experienced by some lesbians is due to the presence of male ghosts in them. The ghost’s consciousness overpowers the person’s normal behaviour to produce the homosexual attraction. Spiritual research has shown that the cause for homosexual preferences lie predominantly in the spiritual realm.
- Physical causes (5%): Due to hormonal changes.
- Psychological causes (10%): Having an experience with a person of the same sex as a teenager or young adult that was pleasurable and therefore wanting to experience it again.
- Spiritual causes (85%): Mainly ghosts.
Homosexuality can be overcome by regular spiritual practice as per the 6 basic principles. SSRF suggests some simple steps.
‘Om Rudraya namaha’
1. Chant this chant 108 times each in the morning, afternoon and evening.
2. Light an incense stick when chanting.
3. Apply the Holy ash (vibhuti) on the body
(specific position of fingers to channel the Divine energy into the body and subtle body)[...]
Join the tips of thumb and index finger with slight pressure using thumb. Keep the rest of the fingers straight as much as possible. Duration: Daily till the homosexual tendency goes away. Generally, the mudra should be done continuously for 45 min. It can be done for longer duration also.
General Kelly, accompanied by another dozen individuals including Sean Dominguez and Joe Annino, approached the door to the private residence. The door was opened for them and they entered the residence. Obama looked at them.
“What are you doing in here I have not summoned you, get out now!” He demanded.
They just stood there staring at him. Obama repeated himself in a much louder “Get out.”
General Kelly did not say a word. As Obama watched dumbfounded, Kelly pushed the play button. Obama heard his speech from the East room of the White House to the mullahs. A frantic look came over him, as he screamed at the Secret Service and FBI agents.
“Arrest him, get them out of here!”
No one made any move; Obama sank down onto the sofa and began to whimper.
“I am The President of the United States.”
They all just stared at him. General Kelly spoke in a voice filled with contempt. “You were never worthy of holding the office of President of this great republic. In the name of the people of the United States of America, I arrest you and charge you with treason, with failing, no not even failing, with deliberately lying to the American people, violating our laws both knowingly and intentionally, and I will tell you, coming very close to destroying this country. Get him out of here.”
As soon as the general spoke, Secret Service Agents grabbed Obama by the arms and pulled him to his feet. Obama fell to the floor and cried hysterically. The agents picked him up bodily and carried him out to the waiting marine helicopter; he would not be travelling on Marine One or Air Force One ever again. The Obama family had watched in silence as the scene played out before them. They silently followed the agents out to the helicopter and, along with a dozen agents, boarded the copter that would take them to Camp David where Obama would be held in isolation until the next President decided his fate.
As the copter was lifting off from the White House lawn, a motorcade carrying Senator Rand Paul entered the White House grounds.
Merry Christmas to Melania Trump. The 1st female First Lady In U.S. history. Thank you Jesus!!! #MerryChristmasEve
I just decided to just Google aaah… what the Bible says about vaccinations. There’s nothing in the Bible that talks about vaccines. So I just want you guys to think about that. So if God knew in the future that he was gonna create these amazing things that were gonna just change our health and be the best, you know, scientific advancement, it’s just “Oh my Gosh, they’re so great, it’s like wow,” why isn’t there any thing, any inkling, of talk about these things called vaccinations coming into being later to save people? If that was really God’s plan and they’re so amazing, they why isn’t it in there at all? Maybe there’s a chapter where they talk about something like it like injection, like this health injection, right, like why didn’t God talk about that if he knew it was gonna come and save the world?
I really believe that believing in vaccines is a mental disorder.
We have previously discussed tutorials from Islamic clerics on how to beat your wife (here and here and here). The latest such grotesque lesson is from a leading cleric Abd Al-Aziz Al-Khazraj Al-Ansari in Qatar. Using a young boy as a stand-in for his wife, Al-Ansari, explains how to beat a wife “out of love” and how some women secretly want beatings because their want “violent and powerful husbands.”
Al-Ansari instructs that Islam bars striking or slapping a women’s face: The Prophet Muhammad “Look how merciful Islam is. The Prophet forbade striking the face. He forbade men from beating their wives on the face. Slapping the face, hitting the head, punching the nose — all of this is prohibited. The beating is for discipline.”
He further states that “we must understand that the man is the leader of the house. A leader has authorities, just like a company manager.” He instructs how to first admonish wives for failing to do what they told and then resort to “painless beating that does not leave bruises or cause bleeding.”
All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.
This was done by men who hate women more than any other men who have ever walked the Earth, the worst men that have ever existed, trans women, men so worthless they can't even admit the most obvious thing about themselves that is obvious to the dogs and rats who can smell their manhood and should be obvious to every mother on Earth.
Trans women are vile, weak, disgusting, whiny, fake-victim masturbators who should be ashamed of themselves.
No woman should ever pity a weak man. Tear your f***ing blinders off, b****, what the f*** is wrong with you? Your pity rewards weak men for their weakness. You have sacrificed your children's futures on the altar of that pity.
I have looked thousands of adult men in the eyes and have not met one man, not once, who believed that trans women are women. No one believes that trans women are women. Trans women know they are men. They are forcing you to pretend to believe that they are women to rape your minds and the minds of your children.
Trans women are men. Say it. Own it. Know it. Hold the f***ing line, b****. Michfest held the line. When Michfest fell, so fell Western Civilization!
This is a pedophile cult. It's been here the whole time.
Trans women are men.
Trans women are evil.
Trans women are rapists.
Trans women are predators.
I committed voter fraud for Joe Biden. Joe Biden put a pedophile monster in charge of Health and Human Services so that the process of trapping your children with that lifetime commitment to pharmaceuticals can be honed ever further into the path of least resistance. Joe Biden knows that's a man and he knows that's a pedophile and he knows that's the agenda.
I thought pedos got the wall?
I thought chomos got the rope?
Cancel this so hard that no man dare walk the path of the trans woman in public ever again! Enough is enough. Lynch Kaitlyn! Lynch the "Sisters" Wachowski! Lynch Laurel Hubbard! Lynch Fallon Fox! Make these men stand up as the men you all know they are and hold them accountable for their shame.
The mayor of a city in Texas reportedly wrote a Facebook post telling residents it was not the government's job to care for them during trying times, telling them "the strong will survive and the weak will parish [sic]" as an unprecedented winter storm leaves millions without power.
"Let me hurt some feelings while I have a minute!!" Mr Boyd said in his post. "No one owes you are [sic] your family anything; nor is it the local government's responsibility to support you during trying times like this! Sink or swim it's your choice! The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING!!"
He then complained that residents were looking for a "hand out" and told people they should have been personally prepared to deal with catastrophic circumstances like the massive winter storm that struck the region, leaving Texans in some areas without heat in single digit temperatures.
"I'm sick and tired of people looking for a damn handout! If you don't have electricity you step up and come up with a game plan to keep your family warm and safe. If you have no water you deal without and think outside of the box to survive and provide water for your family," he wrote.
Mr Boyd then accused people of being "lazy" because they are waiting for their power to come back on. He did not offer suggestions as to how individual people could restore Texas's failed power grid amid the devastating storm.