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Washington Almeida #ableist

<Machine translated into English from Brazilian Portuguese>
"The devil is visiting the wombs of the unprotected," said Pastor Washington Almeida. The prejudiced speech occurred during a service at the Assembly of God in TucuruĂ­, last Friday (12). Since then, the video of the sermon has been circulating on social media.

The religious leader told the faithful that many babies are being born with the disorder. "Of every 100 children born, we have a huge percentage of people in wombs visited and manipulated by darkness. Today, out of every 100 children, we have 30 who are autistic, to varying degrees," he stated.

The pastor still tries to explain why this would be happening. "What is happening? The devil is visiting the wombs of the unprotected, those who do not have the grace, the instrumentality to know how to deal with the spiritual world. And he [the devil] only looks for the vulnerable, the unassisted," he concludes.