The Last Trump #fundie #transphobia

(on a story about the Girl Scouts of America allowing transgenders to join)

So sad to see the Boy and Girl Scouts of America victimized by the militant LGBT agenda once again. These predators just can't seem to leave our children alone.

You want to be a special "class"? Then form a special group. The Transgender Scouts of America. No reason to integrate with the boys and girls who have "accepted" the fact that they were born boys and girls. No reason to subject these well adjusted kids to gender confusion when there doesn't need to be any. Transgenders get their own bathrooms in many places in mentally ill liberal America today. Time to get their own clubs too.

Our kids are off limits. Recruit elsewhere. Thanks.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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