Various commenters #wingnut

It’s hard to think they forget abortion is murder

Didn’t hitler convince his followers that Jews weren’t really people? Huh…

Wow, such an interesting parallel🤔ᴴᴹ

The nazis denied that their victims were human. Just like abortion advocates.

I don't think it's right to compare the 2 at all. It gives our movement a bad name.

Why not tho? Both include the dehumanization of certain human beings to justify their killing.

Too much logic. PC liberals don’t like logic. They get too focused on the racial part of the argument and equating something evil that they agree with to something evil and race related means in their small capacity of ideological understanding that we must be calling them racist. So they will get defensive and name-call us racists in response, even though race wasn’t the point whatsoever - dehumanization is the point.

Could you imagine if hitler could have convinced the Jews to kill their own children before taking a breath and commit a self genocide?

What we have here is a very large group of people convinced to kill their own. The leaders of this movement don’t even have to lift a finger to do the dirty work. Why does this even happen today?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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