behindyourightnow #transphobia

Good for Jude here, she's doing our job for us. The sooner more people realize that there is no pleasing these people, that the slightest and most polite digression will have them accusing you of murdering children and saying you need to be murdered yourself, the more people will simply give up on pleasing them and the more they'll be left out in the cold.

Non-TRA: Men can't get pregnant.
TRA: but have you considered.... this??
(pulls out a picture of a hairy woman with mastectomy scars who is visibly pregnant)
TRA: whoa did I just blow your mind? This man is pregnant.
Non-TRA: no that's still a woman.
TRA: learn some biology you disgusting bigot



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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