
Arthur Schaper #wingnut aschaper1.blogspot.com

Left-wing rags like The Atlantic are panicking about Justice Thomas' far-reaching influence.

As they should.

He has been a true legal cultural warrior, and we need more justices like Thomas, who are committed to fighting for our constitutional republic against all odds.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

Did you know that every Tesla automobile has a built-in security camera? The idiots committing these acts of terroristic vandalism don’t seem to be aware of this security feature, and the fact that they could spend years in prison doesn’t seem to have occurred to them, either. And I just want to say, Thank you, stupid Democrats, for giving us an excuse to send you to prison with a felony conviction that, in most states, will prohibit you from voting. Wile E. Coyote could not be reached for comment.

Our good friend Deb Heine had the story of Justin Thomas Nelson, a/k/a “Lucy Grace Nelson,” a 42-year-old Democrat who is facing multiple felony charges in Larimer County, Colorado, after police say he/“she” repeatedly visited a Tesla dealership and committed acts of vandalism. The charges include “Explosives or Incendiary Devices Use During Felony.” But while contemplating this criminal’s stupid, could we just mention that no one will ever mistake Justin/“Lucky” for a woman?

He does not pass. Period. Until rather recently, the inability to “pass” as female would have deterred a person like Justin Nelson from transgenderism. What is the point of this masquerade if no one believes it? That is the question any sane person concerned with facts and logic would ask about such behavior, but facts and logic are transphobic, you see, and thus sane people are deprived of the First Amendment right to speak the blunt truth: “That’s not a woman. It’s a lunatic in a dress.”

We are not supposed to notice the bullying inherent in the transgender agenda, where people are compelled to play along with this nonsense. And the fact that lunatics like Justin/”Lucy” feel empowered to engage in terroristic crime — well, isn’t that a logical consquence of this?

Arthur Schaper #homophobia aschaper1.blogspot.com

Second, homosexuals who want to play pretend will talk about the thousands of so-called rights that they will lose if they are not “married.” However, they had no business being allowed to marry in the first place. They can marry someone of the opposite sex because marriage has always been the union of a man and a woman, for that is the only coupling that can sire and rear children.

Tatoruzux #transphobia #dunning-kruger twitter.com

I believe prohibiting the release of evidence of a violation of another person's rights and physical well-being isn't censorship of speech. It's a practical reality of a good and just government, especially when it's not a matter of public interest, and when it comes to horrendous crimes against children, the specific video or photographic evidence is never a matter of public interest.

I'm not a libertarian or anarchist — I don't believe in lawlessness and I recognize the duty of a government to restrict sensitive evidence as a separate thing entirely from censorship.

On the topic of prohibiting trans books from schools, that is not censorship either. It is necessary to curate children's reading to ensure a proper education. We pick the books that kids read. If high school libraries didn't have books for preschoolers, would that be considered censorship? Would those books be labeled "banned" by the general public? Nope.

hosarcher19 #homophobia deviantart.com

For those not in the know, Bryke retconned Kya, Aang and Katarra's daughter who could have been written out of the story and nothing would have changed, into being a homosexual too. Of course it had to be a character with no personality.

Right out the gate, we have proof this is a world that works on Tumblr-shipping logic. Two people just go on a trip together? THEY ARE GAY! These two were barely friends before! Also I know it's a nitpick, but you were never so happy as you were with your "first girlfriend"? "First" implies the relationship is over and she's had others. Are they admitting that homosexuals rarely have monogamous relationships?

I actually predicted that Bryke would retcon Kyoshi into being bisexual because she was a tough, strong woman. I'm sorry, who is re-enforcing gender roles? Because it's not the conservatives here. Why does every tomboy a sexual deviant by default when so called progressives are writing? Also, "real progress"? You mean like when she saved her people from a tyrant? Oh no, Real Progress™ is forcing other people to agree with your point of view. Heck, since the world sees the Avatar as something of a god, why didn't at least most of the world immediately change its tune?

Of course it was super-duper until Sozin showed up! Real-life Asian cultures tend to view homosexuality negatively. While Japan (the culture the Fire Nation was based on) did have a more positive view of it, it was/is seen as a niche fetish, not an alternate lifestyle per say. Its attitudes shifted more to a negative stance when they saw Western civilization cringed and went "Ew." And then that dumb look on Korra's face when she says, "That guy was the worst!" YES! IT WASN'T HIM BETRAYING HIS BEST FRIEND TO ACHIEVE HIS AMBITION THAT MADE HIM THE WORST! IT WASN'T HIS AMBITION ITSELF TO UNITE THE WORLD UNDER HIS RULE! (Because Korra has implied she's for something like that.) NOT EVEN HIS GENOCIDE OF THE AIR-NOMADS! HE'S THE WORST FOR MAKING HOMOSEXUALITY ILLEGAL! Before some stooge says anything, I don't want the government involved with people's personal lives. But priorities, woman!

Mr.T #homophobia #fundie gaybullyingitisreal.wordpress.com

It’s sad to see a state opt out of licensing marriage, but the truth is real marriage as a legal construct essentially ceased to exist with the legalization of gay marriage. It’s like removing the legal distinction between real money and play money. Real money means nothing once play money becomes legal tender– and everyone is made poorer– same story on gay marriage.

Gays kid themselves if they think they their marriages are of the same substance as marriage prior to gay marriage. Put a drop of fine wine from a wine bottle into a bottle of sewer water and you still have a bottle of wine and a bottle of sewer water, but put a drop of sewer water into a bottle of fine wine and you have two bottles of sewer water. Things of higher value are diminished when mixed with things of lower value. Alabama’s move to eliminate marriage licenses recognizes that reality

doodoocaca #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.st

Creativity has been warped to serve The Message™ or completely destroyed. The amount of masturbatory paracosms that are being spun up where it's "you actually can change sex but you still go 'trans' to be cool and serve my ego but also people can be furries for realsie reals" is ridiculous. As far as discussions go, trans-jacking to make everything about muhtranzitiongoals or future surgeries or "morphological freedom" and hijacking the equally cringy "transhumanism" is rampant. They stick their noses into everything, demand everything be made about them, and demand to have furry ears added in too as the cherry on top.

Even if discussions have nothing to do with bodies or gender or sex or anything remotely biological, they'll say "I'm Vegan" by calling some mechanical thing "transition goals".

To think that WH40K went from a parody of Fascism and darkness to an escape from overwhelming liberalism and, in a sense, a positive fantasy. Hah.

John C. Wright #conspiracy #pratt #fundie scifiwright.com

Newly elected Dem Nat’l Cmte Vice Chair David Hogg is using party resources to funnel donations into his own PAC—where he pays himself a six-figure salary. He could face arrest for money laundering.
My comment: One is left to wonder whether grifters naturally gravitate to the Leftists, or Leftism naturally gravitates toward grifting. Leftism is based on Marxism, which is a grift, and Marxism is based on Gnosticism, which is a grift, so the correlation goes all the way back to Simon the Magician trying to buy the Holy Spirit from St Peter for cash.

TatoruzuX #sexist #fundie twitter.com

This is nonsense. It is the Biblical duty of wives to satisfy their husbands.

You people are seeking to take everything away from men, from entertainment to video games. If at the very least your bastardized modern-day version of Christianity cannot guarantee to men that their wives have a duty to satisfy them, as Christianity traditionally did for hundreds of years, then your bastardized modern-day version of Christianity will not have men.

In the ideal world, men would be perfect. Men would be like Jesus. Men would be completely celibate. Men would not marry. As Paul said, it is good for a man not to touch a woman at all (1 Corinthians 7:1) and his guidance on marriage was merely only a concession/permission, not a commandment (1 Corinthians 7:6), because celibacy is preferable and inherently less sinful than sex even within marriage, which is at best just a distraction from prayer and devotion.

However, Paul recognized that a compromise was necessary. There was something extremely obvious to Paul that is apparently not obvious to "Christians" today: most men are not able to withstand celibacy and they have natural uncontrollable lustful urges. Something must be done about this. And something had to be done about this in the first century. Otherwise, Christianity wouldn't have ever attracted men and it would've died off in the first century.

And so:
Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. (1 Corinthians 7:3)

If women are not fulfilling their Biblical role to act as dutiful wives and "personal porn stars" for their husbands, whether that's due to letting themselves go, rejecting marriage in favor of hypergamy, career-chasing, or whatever it is women do to fuck up the sexual marketplace, they are equally as culpable for the sins of lustful men who cannot find wives to fulfil their Biblical role.

Ben Bartree #transphobia pjmedia.com

I will hand it to Senator Tim: whatever he had to do to get those vocal cords to act right and impersonate a female voice — a snip here or there, perhaps — hats off to him. If one were just listening and not looking at his impressive jawline, one might believe he was a real bio-lady.

Is the House misgendering petty?


But before we break out our tiny violins for Tim, let’s remember that he’s not just an adult trying to live his life as a woman; he’s also a bona fide groomer.

Tatoruzu #racist twitter.com

Kanye's racist tweets are funny and all, but you guys didn't really think he should be president, did you? lmao

I hate to be an "elitist" or whatever, but I don't know if an 80 IQ black rapper has what it takes to navigate the intricacies of the government

Tatoruzux #racist #pratt twitter.com

The distance between Jerusalem and Samaria was 35 miles. I travel that far to Walmart. That's where my "neighbors" shop.
Do people really think the Good Samaritan parable and "love thy neighbor" was about opening the gates for savages living hundreds or thousands of miles away?

Robert Spencer #transphobia pjmedia.com

Zuckerberg has recently taken a turn toward rationality, renouncing his former embrace of leftist authoritarianism and censorship of dissenting voices and rolling back the silencing of dissidents on Facebook. The New York Post reported Friday that several weeks ago, Zuckerberg “overhauled a variety of Meta’s internal and external policies, ranging from lifting restrictions on speech to ‘restore free expression’ across his platforms to changing its ‘Hateful Conduct’ policy to allow criticism of gender identity.” That’s all to the good, but when Zuckerberg attempted to swing the pendulum back even farther toward common sense, he ran into an angry gaggle of Meta employees who would much rather cling to their delusions, thankyouverymuch.

The Post noted that “after Meta removed tampons from men’s bathrooms in company office buildings earlier this month, some employees started coordinating ‘quiet rebellions’ by bringing in their own.” Oh, for Pete’s sake. The lunacy, it burns. From this “quiet rebellion” at Meta, we learn not only that staffing the place is a significant number of women who think they’re men, but that these women are so determined to cling to these fantasies that they believe that a quiet and reasonable move to nudge them back to reality is some kind of oppressive measure that they must righteously resist.

Boskov01 #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

I don't think we have to worry about this movie turning a profit. Even before Mackey shot his mouth off with a 5 caliber foot, this movie was fraught with problems and has seen a number of reshoots that've ballooned its budget, making it all the more unlikely it'll turn a profit. There is zero buzz for this film. Nobody wants to see Steve Rogers' DEI Replacement take up the shield.

If it were Bucky being named Captain America people might go for it since Bucky's the natural successor. Falcon is Falcon and there's no way he could really take up the shield and have it fit him.

But even Disney insiders have been fretting that this movie's gonna bomb what with all the reshoots and other headaches. Add to that Mackey's comments insulting American audiences, the rejection of Wokeness, and the general fatigue towards Marvel movies (which should've ended after Endgame) and this is just a recipe for disaster.

Ben Bartee #transphobia #dunning-kruger pjmedia.com

The researchers found “increased rates of bipolar disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use disorders” in the transgender population, among other negative disparities like schizoaffective disorder, panic disorder, and agoraphobia.

The study examined the records of 53,449,400 patients, so it was a huge sample size.

Of course, as one would expect from a medical journal called Transgender Health, the researchers were obligated to add the caveat that the divergent mental health outcomes were due to “the high rates of discrimination and violence transgender individuals experience” rather than anything inherent to the experience of literally believing you are living in an alien body that does not match your psychological identity.

Ever committed to the ideology, the researchers also take the opportunity to advocate for transing children as young as possible, suggesting that “the emerging field of transgender pediatric research has demonstrated improved mental health outcomes when children are allowed to socially transition at a young age.”

Ben Bartree #transphobia pjmedia.com

Based Slovakian Culture Minister reverses state funding of transgenderism, immediately smeared

You see, pulling public funding for transgender propaganda is a “playing to Russian tunes” and “suppressing democracy” — even while it’s done by a democratically elected regime that ran on doing exactly what it’s doing and got a mandate to do what it promised to do.

Because, in our postmodern utopia, words and concepts mean nothing to these people. There is no truth. It’s all rhetorical warfare, all the time.

ApparentlyImAHeretic #transphobia kotakuinaction2.win

Imagine your kid told you he needed wings. he identifies as a bird or some shit, and therefore needs wings to be able to fly. Being a parent wanting to indulge in your child's playtime, you buy your kid some Halloween wings, but the kid turns them down, and tells you he wants real wings! that being able to fly is part of his core identity, and without wings he can't live a happy life.

Do you A) invests tons of money into experimental surgery that just implants a pair of movable wings on your kids back, but the wings will never allow him to even glide because he weighs at least 60 lb and would need wings the size of a car.

Or B) Tell your kid the truth: that he is human and is not able to innately fly. if he wants to fly, he can take up piloting, or even a hobby like hang gliding or parachuting, but innate flight will never be possible. if he's really so distraught at this, invest in professional help to bring him back to reality.

Groomers would have us believe A is the better option.

Massresistance #homophobia massresistance.org

Arthur Schaper, our MassResistance field director, was the last person to testify in favor of this resolution. Speaking via Zoom, Arthur enumerated the legal and constitutional reasons this resolution is necessary. The Obergefell decision improperly removed the discussion entirely from all the states and the people. He also responded to several of the Left’s talking points. He pointed out that since people are not born homosexual, the comparisons to race and other “discriminations” have no merit.

ThatZenoGuy #homophobia the-sietch.com

Argentina's Javier Milei says LGBT "gender ideology constitutes plain and simple child abuse. They are pedophiles."

The truth is of course that no, not every LGHDTV person is some child diddler.

But when people started shouting 'groomer!', they started acting as if they were being singled out, targeted, and that something they wanted secret was being leaked.


Why would 'that' be?

Tatoruzux #racist twitter.com

As if that isn't your goal: eliminate White Americans by mongrelizing the American population with multiculturalism and endless immigration until everyone is indistinguishable mystery meat.
The new Spider-Man is brownoid slop; a representation of what you hope America becomes.

No, the context is the same. Because despite your best efforts, the real-world Queens does NOT look like your brownoid utopia as seen in the new Spider-Man. Not only does Queens have more White people than black people, but the White people and black people do not live amongst each other like some kumbaya fantasy. Do some research into District 28, one of the most "diverse" areas in Queens, located right in the middle of the borough. The Whites live in the North and the blacks live in the South. When people have freedom of association, they tend to choose to associate with their own kind. Crazy, right?

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie scottlively.net

“The Pink Swastika” opened innumerable doors for me across the world to sound the warning about LGBTism and help raise international resistance against it, including a major speaking tour through the former Soviet Union, sponsored by a Russian-speaking denomination based in Riga, Latvia. Its founder Pastor Alexey Ledyaev had read “The Pink Swastika” 4th edition (my final collaboration with Kevin Abrams) and invited me to speak at their annual conference in Riga in 2006, leading to dozens of invitations to cities across Russian and Eastern Europe. I went home to California, closed down my law practice over the next six months, and then spent a year nation-hopping to strengthen the global pro-family movement in churches, universities, media and governments. I believe that tour played a small but significant part in bringing about the Russian ban on “gay” propaganda to children, starting as municipal law in the final city of my tour, St. Petersburg. That legislation was adopted in many other Russian cities, eventually being adopted by the national Duma and signed into law by President Putin in 2013 (triggering Obama’s epic globalist freakout and restart of the Cold War).

The main purpose for this article, however, is to applaud Russia’s victory in preventing NATO from using Ukraine as a weapon to defeat, subjugate and plunder the Russian Federation – and to highlight some of the geopolitical consequences of that victory both good and bad.

posh-goofiness #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming the-sietch.com

...you understand that's the problem, right? The entire reason it's disordered and not "normal" is that the focus of their purpose is the sexuality to the exclusion of other things. It's why under pressure, they get more degenerate and not more "normal". It's why they turn a blind eye to the predators in their midst. It's why they think it's an injustice to in any way curtail their sexual activities. "Normal" people accept limitations on their sexuality all the damn time. America is pretty damn prudish in this regard with both legal and cultural restrictions on our sexuality from censorship to indecency statutes. The things "normal" people do stay in the bedroom or in closed circles. And that ignores that your sexuality is a distant second or third on the priority list.

The worst part is that it's a multi-faceted problem that intersects with the failure modes of "normal" people as well. Incels share the same problem with the alphabet people and share the same problems with the entirely depraved or either side of this issue.

There is a reason sexual immorality has been such a big problem for humanity. In all its forms it is highly corruptive and corrosive to social cohesion and trust, let alone to individuals. So, to be fair to the alphabet people, this problem is not unique to them and I don't hold that much animosity toward individual alphabet people... until their shit touches me or mine. However, I hold anyone in contempt that let's their degeneracy effect me or mine.

So to be frank, this problem isn't really about alphabet people at all. They're just in the way when we, as a society, try to limit this utterly destructive aspect of the human condition.

Jormungandr #kinkshaming #homophobia the-sietch.com

Here's what a lot of them don't want to accept: If someone's a regular, normal person who happens to be gay/Bi than straight, the broader strokes [I say this because there will always be parents/families who will stupidly disown their kids for coming out -- they're the ones who need help/support] of Western society? No one cares. Seriously, it's a "whoopey fucking do" thing.

We all have gay/Bi/lesbian friends or acquaintances, even if they're on the outskirts of our friend groups, communities, or workplace. No one cares.

If they're a, well, an utter weirdo that walks around in leather fishnets and a dog mask, or someone who makes their entire personality their orientation, and yes we see this especially in media with certain stars/actors like Ncuti Gatwa, or someone who writes an agenda into their work because they can't just help themselves, like Russel T. Davies, that's who people dislike/think are the fucking freaks, and these people have become the face of the Kitchen Sink community.

Let's put it this way and flip the orientations around: If a straight man went around loudly proclaiming about fucking women constantly, or doing everything he can to prove his, er, "heteroness", you're gonna think he's an utter douche/cunt and think, "what the fuck is wrong with you?" after three seconds on meeting him.

What about if the guy in question wrote a drama of a much older guy, e.g. his late twenties/early thirties, lusting after a sixteen/seventeen year old naive girl, to much "critical acclaim"? Oh, wait, that was the remake of Queer as Folk, which had a 29 year old dude falling in love and regularly fucking a 17 year old boy.

And, of course, not mentioned in the above are the predators, abusers, exploiters, and kiddie-fuckers who are using the Kitchen Sink Community as a shield/cover, like that soprano group in America that was literally saying "we're coming for your children" and it turned out over two-thirds, IIRC, were actual convicted kiddie-fuckers, or "Jessica Yaniv" who follows little girls into bathrooms and locker rooms, or male athletes who "transition" because they're too much of a bunch of fucking losers to succeed in men's sporting leagues [e.g. "Lea Thomas"].

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia scottlively.net

Today is the day we “right-wing” Americans have all been waiting for, the return of Donald Trump to the presidency, driving a bulldozer. For the first time since Ronald Reagan we have a Republican president devoted not to “conservatism” but to a vision of a better America that requires demolishing Marxist cultural and political infrastructure and rebuilding the constitutionalist structures the left has been systematically supplanting since the 1920s.

Most Americans are focused on the MAGA pushback against the outrages of this generation such as DEI, two-tiered justice, open borders and the near death of parental rights, but I am hoping Trump intends not just to trim the hedges of Marxism but to cut them down to the ground and dig out the roots. In order to do that he must eliminate ALL its elements, including its first principle. atheism, and its central strategy for conquest, LGBTism.

First a word about time-horizons and their importance to reformers. As my long-term readers know, I was in my teens and 20s a sometimes homeless alcoholic and drug addict who drifted around the U.S. sleeping under bridges and begging spare change to survive. My time horizon – the furthest point in the future I planned for and cared about – was about six weeks. Sometimes it was just a day or even hours. I plumbed the depths of Maslow’s “Heirarchy of Needs,” focused totally on short-term gratification and largely unconcerned about the long-term consequences of my decisions. Through countless reckless adventures and wrong turns, it was only by the grace of God I escaped death or long-term institutionalization.

Years later as a Christian, saved and healed from my addictions through a trauma-inspired prayerful surrender of my life to Jesus Christ, I became an avid student of history – both biblical and secular – and acquired the longest possible timeline, stretching from the Creation to Eternity. In my mid-30s, with only a high school diploma under my belt, and a wife and two small children to support, I set a goal to become a lawyer, which took six years of diligence and determination. At Simon Greenleaf University (now Trinity Law School) I studied both biblical and constitutional law and graduated Magna cum Laude with a Juris Doctor degree (J.D.). I then immediately pursued and earned a Doctor of Theology degree (Th.D.)

Stephen Green #racist pjmedia.com

You may safely assume that it was a beautiful pen. The most gorgeous pen ever used to wipe out six decades of discriminatory hiring and admissions policy, established without a single Congressional vote.

The Manhattan Institute's Christopher Rufo explained that Trump's rescind order is wide-ranging, "banning all federal contractors and publicly-funded universities from practicing race-based discrimination, including DEI." If Rufo's name sounds familiar, he's been a powerful force in taking back America's institutions from the radical left. Rufo was appointed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis two years ago to reform the state's New College into a place where students can get a classical education, based loosely on Michigan's Hillsdale College.

Time magazine shrieked about Rufo's "alarming and deceptive" crusade against DEI and gender studies, and the New Republic called him "a disturbing figure." That's endorsement enough for me.

But I digress.

The universities will scream bloody murder over losing their racial/sexual/whatever preferences. But it will be much more illuminating than one of their "Various Victimhood Studies About Studies" degrees to learn whether they'd rather give up their cherished admissions spoils systems or their precious public funding.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #sexist dailystormer.name

It’s very obvious that if Intergalactic had featured a normal white male protagonist, as was the standard for video games up until the day Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the response would be overwhelmingly positive. In fact, if it had simply been an attractive woman, the response might not have been as good but they would not be facing this avalanche of hatred they are facing now.

These companies all know this, and they hire Jewish perverts like Druckmann to push this stuff anyway.

While Disney has made a move to pull back on “woke” in order to make money, as evidenced by their decision to contract the Chinese to make their shooter game, some of these companies appear heavily committed to it and will go bankrupt before giving the public what it wants.

It is a little bit scary when you think of supposedly profit-driven corporations being willing to sacrifice hundreds of millions of dollars in order to push a social engineering agenda. Although the popular explanation is that this has something to do with BlackRock owning such large percentages of the stock in these companies, that explanation has not ever fully made sense to me, given that unless they owned a majority of the stock, the rest of the shareholders would be pushing back against this agenda.

Corporations sacrificing profits in order to emotionally and psychologically abuse the public is certainly much worse than any of the “out-of-control capitalism” dystopias portrayed in science fiction. In fact, we are presently in a kind of dystopia that was never predicted by science fiction authors.

Tatoruzux #transphobia twitter.com

The thing that annoys me about the pronoun people is the complete abandonment of objective pronouns.

They started out using pronouns like he/him, they/them, etc. and this format least made grammatical sense because they were referring to one's respective subjective and objective pronouns.

-Subjective pronouns: He, she, and they
-Objective pronouns: him, her, and them

But now the pronoun people have started using formats like "he/they" or "she/they" and that doesn't make sense because both of those pronouns are subjective pronouns. So what's implied is that they either somehow don't use objective pronouns or they want to use subjective pronouns in place of objective pronouns.

I know this isn't intentional, but grammatically what that signals to me is that you want to use the word "they" in place of an objective pronoun.

To see how weird this would be used in a sentence, here's a couple examples:

- "He knew that everyone relied on they to lead the group."
- "He realized that everyone was talking about they."

If you want to signal that you use both "he/him" and "they/them" pronouns, then find a better way to communicate it. Because when I see "he/they" I just assume you're a retard who doesn't know grammar. You freaks.

Conservapedia #dunning-kruger #fundie conservapedia.com

Hollywood "values" (also known today as HollyWOKE or HollyWEIRD "values") are immoral behaviors originating in or popularized by the American film industry, characterized by spreading sexually-transmitted diseases, public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, abortion, adultery, lawlessness, violence and the promotion of the homosexual agenda and cultural marxism. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death.

Stanley McDaniel #transphobia statelymcdanielmanor.wordpress.com

It will be interesting indeed to see how and whether the Senate follows up on the bill. What remains absolutely clear is men have unquestionable physical advantages over women in sports. That’s why, until the Biden Administration began to support the Trans Superiority Narrative, men did not compete against men. It makes a mockery of the concept of fair competition. It’s also why there are weight classes in contact and strength competitions for men, and for women.

But it’s not just a matter of unfair performance advantages. At least one female high school volleyball player suffered brain damage from being spiked in the face by a trans player, and in the Olympics, a female boxer had to forfeit after being punched harder than she had ever been hit in her life by a man pretending to be a woman. The potential for serious injury or death is very real, which is why until schools, coaches and sports bodies lost their minds, men did not compete against women.

A never-mentioned fact is there is no parallel controversy over women pretending to be men competing in men’s sports. That’s because a mediocre female athlete can’t pretend to be male and immediately vault to the medal stand, quite the opposite. That fact of nature rather proves the point that men and women are very different, and trans women aren’t women, but guys pretending to be women.

Mr Metron666 #transphobia #homophobia kiwifarms.st

I can still hardly believe it myself. The LGBT community has spent years earning the public's trust and sympathy, convincing them they're not pedos and sexual deviants and managing to get laws passed in favour of them such as the gay marriage & adoption laws. Now they're in danger of throwing it all away with these kinds of antics. Drag kids, Drag Queen Storytimes (seriously, do these people really think that they're increasing acceptance of gays by choosing to represent the biggest stereotype of them to children), gender-neutral parenting, accepting all these made-up genders without second thought, openly displaying their kinks at a public event, and now this. Hell, they even denounce individual gays/bis/trannies like Blaire White who call out this kind of shit and call them "internalized bigots" & "cishet stooges". It'll be their own fault when public opinion turns against them and the aformentioned gay marriage & adoption laws start to get rolled back. By that point, even the crooked mainstream media may turn against them and it may also become acceptable to portray gays as pedos again. Eventually, the left itself may abandon the LGBT Community and they'll end up pretty much how they were pre-stonewall, all because of their own stupidity.

MassResistance #homophobia aschaper1.blogspot.com

Of course, the gays took to social media with furious anger and profanity in their typical childish manner. But we’ve seen a lot of positive feedback on this in Michigan. People are feeling free to speak the truth again!

This should not be a shock. Throughout human history, the idea of legal “gay marriage” would have been considered completely insane. No one ever considered the possibility. The concept is certainly not rooted in our nation’s (or any nation’s) history and tradition.

Its acceptance today is a product of decades of constant widespread psychological “jamming,” intimidation, and skillful hardcore propaganda. Thus, “gay marriage” is like a house of cards and can be collapsed. If more people were to speak freely and honestly, the concept would once again be considered lunatic and fringe.

NeoGrendizer #pratt deviantart.com

And so, as though God decided to act early before Trump took his rightful throne in the White House, the state of oranges and failed social experiments is literally ablaze, with Gavin Newsome doing his best to dodge any sort of criticism:

because as we all know, things like knowing how to handle a fire hose that can shoot out 120-180 gallons per minute, rescuing people in a dangerous situation, or even basic first aid and medical care(https://cosumnescsd.gov/537/Why-Does-a-Fire-Engine-Come-With-an-Ambu#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20these%20calls,Emergency%20Medical%20Services%20(EMS).) is not NEARLY as important as DEI practices, recognizing one's privilege, and most importantly making the number of diverse "firefighters" equal the numbers of the competent ones. But don't worry, I'm sure the people who lost their homes, property, and livelihoods can take heart knowing that a hefty check of $750 is waiting for them, just like the residents of Georgia and the Carolinas when Helene did her tour.

Todd Starnes #transphobia toddstarnes.com

Most three-year-olds are learning how to sing the ABC’s. But children at a New York City preschool were given a lesson on the LGBT’s and parents on the Upper West Side are furious and demanding answers.

A substitute teacher at the taxpayer-funded New York Kids Club, who claims to be transgender, read children a storybook promoting ideas about gender identity.

The book is titled, “It Feels Good to Be Yourself.”

“There are so many ways to be a boy or a girl,” read a passage in the book. “Not everyone feels like either a boy or a girl.”

Parent Vivian Cialini told television station WPIX that parents were not notified in advance and many children came home asking lots of very uncomfortable questions.

“Most of the parents were in shock and clueless of the decision that the school made,” she said. “I believe it’s too early for them to understand. They barely have awareness of their body.”

New Yorkers sounded off on social media platforms accusing the preschool of using a classroom to groom innocent children.

“Absolutely sickening,” one parent wrote. “As a mom of a three-year-old I find this disturbing. Leave these babies alone.”

“A 3 or 4 year old is not your ‘target audience,’” another parent said the LGBT activists. “Leave the youngsters alone. The world is already confusing enough for them. Teaching (this) is inappropriate and groomy.”

BoneDryDeath #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

True, but bear in mind, outside of Reddit, outside of the internet, nobody actually buys that bullshit. We all pretend to play nice because of the mods, but at the end of the day? We can tell who is a man and a woman. All it's going to take is one little thing and the whole charade comes crashing down. And it's going to be delicious when it does.

Arthur Schaper #homophobia aschaper1.blogspot.com

Angeleno: "All the Gay People" Started the Fires

We need more people who have the guts to tell the truth like this.

Just one like at the three LGBT "women" who head the Los Angeles Fire Department gives a lot of credence to this sentiment.

Instead of focusing on H20, LA City has been focusing on LGBTQ, and now we are all questioning:

How long will it take for LA County residents to realize that the Democrats are the party of destruction, failure, and danger?

How much longer are they going to tolerate this dangerous incompetence in their communities?

Jormungandr #transphobia the-sietch.com

There are normal people who are gay/Bi/lesbian than straight, and then there are the, to use old cultural terminology, "mincing gays" which pretty much have become the face of the Rainbow Tumour. The latter are the ones who have gone mainstream.

And the "non-binary" folks I've seen? 90% of the time they're just ugly women, and 10% they're basically gay men in denial.

Unfortunately, when people think Rainbow Tumour, they don't think of the "normal but different orientation" people as a first thought; they automatically think of "fucking grooming weirdos" and "everything must be gay!" nutjobs.

Sadly enough, a lot of older gay men and women have said that if they'd have known what their campaigning would've resulted in thirty or forty years or so down the line, they'd have put down their picket signs and lived out their lives quietly somewhere. Even they're disgusted, and the fact that many want to retro-group back into just the LGB community than the LGBTQIA+Kitchen Sink community kinda says it all.

SfcMac #homophobia sfcmac.com

I’m also in agreement with amending history texts with information that was heretofore omitted; such as the contributions of women who fought and sacrificed for their country in war, those who battled for civil rights, and those who made a difference in science, politics, and athletics. Those are based on accomplishments, not sexual preference. Those are the kind of updated revisions that are necessary in order to better educate students, not “so-and-so prefered the same-sex”, somehow quantifying that as “history”.

David Guyll #transphobia #dunning-kruger awfulgoodgames.substack.com

Overall the episode feels shallow. Rushed. A stream of predictable nonsense further burdened by millennial-tier writing and DEI-driven assthetics. In other words, precisely the sort of post-modern slop you’ve come to expect with anything associated with the current version of WokeC’s Greygoo Skinsuit Dungeons & Dragons derivative.

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Basically, you’ve got four characters and let me know if any of this surprises you:

None of them are human

One is a half-orc (ie, tall human with grey skin and tusks)

Another is a goliath (ie, tall human with grey skin and face tattoos)

One is a World of WarCraft gnome but they never explain how she was punted into a different franchise

Only one is male

The male is a dwarf

The dwarf is black

All of the women are ugly

I’m not sure if they are all actually women

There is no fighter or rogue/thief (ie, someone without inherent magical powers). Instead you have an ugly paladin, ugly druid, ugly wizard, and then there is Token Black Dwarf monk. You know, classic D&D party.

The ugly paladin has a mental illness haircut

My wife thought the ugly paladin was a man at first glance, and I can see that so I am calling him Troon Paladin.

In normal fantasy you might call this a cliffhanger, and wonder how the party will emerge victorious or even escape? Will they all make it? Will they all make it in one piece? Pffft, this isn’t normal fantasy: from the hilariously impractical-and-overdesigned armor and clothing, to the near absence of (boring) humans, visual overload, pervasive magic and complete lack of anything even vaguely resembling beauty it’s post-modern power fantasy pandering.

In other words: the party isn’t in any genuine danger.

TatoruzuX #dunning-kruger twitter.com

People don't get it. Even those who might view history through a more sympathetic lens toward WWII era Germany are not members of the NSDAP (which was banned in Germany 80 years ago), and thus, are not Nazis by technicality alone.

Sure, there is the meaningless term "Neo-Nazi," which few people would willingly identify with. You'll scarcely find someone label themself a "Neo-Nazi" even if they do have sympathies toward WWII era Germany, so if you do put that label on someone you're already in the territory of false accusations.

But the reason why it's a meaningless label is because it's completely oxymoronic. A "Neo-Nazi" can't exist because the NSDAP was a uniquely German phenomenon for uniquely German problems of the mid-20th century.

The NSDAP's primary goals were to:
- Unite German-speaking European territories
- Abolish the Treaty of Versailles and St. Germain
- Abolish unearned income
- Expand protections for German works (in the face of the peace treaties that diminished quality of life for German workers)
- Remove foreign influence from German government
- And, yes, minimize the role of Jews in German society

Why would an American in 2024 be so concerned about the Treaty of Versailles, a document signed over 100 years ago? Or why would an American in 2024 be seeking to united the German-speaking territories of Europe?

Obviously, those are not the primary concern of any American in 2024. Because they are uniquely German positions for uniquely German problems of the mid-20th century.

As such, the term Neo-Nazi doesn't make sense. There are no Nazis in 2024. There are no Neo-Nazis. The term "Neo-Nazi" is used as a catch-all term for all unsavory characters who dislike Jews. Using this loose definition for "Neo-Nazi" you can find all sorts of unlikely people to be Neo-Nazis. The Palestinians are Neo-Nazis! The Iranians are Neo-Nazis! Revisionist historians are Neo-Nazis! Twitch streamer Hasan Piker is simultaneously a communist AND a Nazi!

Uhhh... but the Ukrainians, who allied with the actual Nazis in WWII, and still wear swastika patches on their uniforms in 2024? Nah, they can't be Nazis because Putin and "muh Russia" are Nazis.

See how absurd all these "Nazi" accusations are?

Catherine Salgado #transphobia #conspiracy #fundie pjmedia.com

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) reportedly drafted its standards of “care” with advice from members of a fetish forum founded by a convicted pedophile. Turns out all of us “conspiracy theorists” who said transgenders are sexually grooming kids were right.

Reduxx published an exclusive on Jan. 3 about former youth hostel operator Thomas Pidel, a child sex predator who founded a forum that WPATH found very helpful in recommending how to mutilate and castrate young people. Transgenderism truly is a sort of modern pagan anti-fertility cult, as sick as any Satanic rituals.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

By the way, “Moon”/Harader’s friends and family won’t say that “his”/her death was suicide, but if it wasn’t foul play or an accident or natural causes, the process of elimination leaves few alternatives.

The promoters of transgender ideology don’t want the larger public to be aware of how often medical “treatment” yields such outcomes. Young people with profound mental health problems are vulnerable to recruitment into transgender identity, which is presented to them as a panacea for adolescent woe. The teenage/young adult years are difficult for most kids, and the appeal of transgenderism is that, for a certain subset of young misfits, it seems to explain all their problems, and provides them with a sense of belonging to a sort of community. The obvious downside is that this “community” is full of damaged freaks. Belonging to the Transgender Freak Club doesn’t confer any real benefits on its members, and tends to alienate them from the world where successful, happy and emotionally stable people live. Your “community” is essentially a free-range lunatic asylum, and that’s not a good life.

“Apollo Moon” may be an extreme example of this, but “he”/she is in many ways typical of what’s wrong with transgender ideology. Hannah Harader traveled the same path as many other such people, the only difference being that “he”/she went farther down the path than most, gaining a certain level of notoriety (it seems wrong to call it “fame,” and perhaps the better word is infamy) as a porn performer.

That officials of the Univerity of Rhode Island would celebrate such a person as a heroic role model of “LGBTQ+ Liberation” raises a lot of questions about what kind of “liberation” they are advocating.

ShoFuKan #transphobia kiwifarms.st

Is it any wonder why people have a Pavlovian instinct to reject them when they see these colors/flag? This is a dog whistle, essentially. People sympathetic to this cause put it in as an empty virtue signal but it's really Aposematism to anyone not sympathetic. "This creation has been subverted by ideologically aligned people and buying it or playing it is at least acknowledging trans ideology, which is what they really want, so stay away." Is what it's saying when the "out group" looks at these colors.

The sad thing is trannies will never understand that if they don't force their ideology they might be accepted. The way they're doing it now is like using a crowbar in dentistry.
And all of this isn't talking about legitimate reasons to dislike trannies, namely being the pedastry that's practiced in the community.

Jinska #crackpot #sexist deviantart.com

Maturity is when a organism enters sexual maturity. Sex is the thing which separates an adult and child and this show forces an sexuality and sexual themes on children. Instead of having a mature She-Ra in where she could take part in the themes where the show caster actually show true queer themes, they created this monstrosity where they push their moronic sexual themes on children or late teens which are portrayed as if they are children so they can push bullshit through the censors.

Jinska #homophobia #sexist #wingnut deviantart.com

Also, yes Maturity means becoming settled in your sexuality as well in your sex. Also one push of feminism was for power of sex. In other words to be feminine is not a sin as you see it and to be sexy is not a bad thing as you puritan virtuous ideology present it. She-Ra is no longer a symbol for femininity, but for LGBT, which your ideology pushes.

Sister Toldjah #conspiracy #racist redstate.com

Because the left loves to play word games in an effort to deliberately misinform and gaslight people, this was a critically important correction to make in light of the current situation at the border and in so-called "sanctuary cities" across the country.

Trump's pledge wasn't to mass deport "immigrants." It was to deport illegal immigrants, again with the focus first being on those who have committed criminal offenses.

It's something that law-abiding citizens should support, especially considering the wave of violent, often deadly crimes we've seen happen this year, including the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley in February at the hands of an illegal immigrant, and more recently, the unidentified woman who was set on fire and killed on a New York City subway, allegedly by an illegal immigrant.