
Andrew Anglin #transphobia dailystormer.name

Being 50 or whatever and being tricked into turning your son into a tranny is confusing to me. It seems that at that age, you probably should have figured out your views on these things.

People often change their views during their 20s, but any major changes in a worldview after the age of 30 is very strange.

Further, Musk is supposed to be some kind of Tony Stark genius, so how is it so easy to trick him?

That having been said, he likely is legitimately mad about this situation. I don’t know how any human could not be mad about it.

Saying “my son is dead” is pretty hardcore. At least for him.

I am certain some of you are dealing with the situation of a divorced wife turning your son into a tranny, and you really have to take this position of “he’s dead” and just write him off. There is nothing else you can do. You don’t have the ability to stop it. If you tried to stop it, the government would send men with guns to kill you or lock you in a cage. And even then, you wouldn’t stop it, you would just be dead or in prison and your son would still be a tranny.

But listen: do not try to have a relationship with a tranny child. It’s not going to help anything – it is only going to break your heart further. You can have more sons. You can’t save a tranny son.

Robert Spencer #transphobia #sexist pjmedia.com

The mind reels with lurid possibilities. What are Vance’s “weird views on gender”? Does he think that men can magically turn into champion female swimmers and women of the year? Does he think drag queens should be sent into primary schools to teach children the glories of the latest LGBTQWTF fantasies? Does he think parents should lose custody of their children if they don’t affirm their delusions that they belong to the opposite sex?

Nah. Politico would think all that was as normal as pink hair and nose rings. What Politico finds “weird” is that Vance is “staunchly opposed to abortion” and has even compared the left’s sacramental child sacrifice to slavery, another moral evil that once enjoyed the protection of a Supreme Court ruling. Even worse, as far as Politico is concerned, is the fact that Vance has “promoted Viktor Orban’s pro-natalist policies in Hungary, which offer paybacks to married couples that scale up along with the number of children.” Good heavens! He wants people to have more children? But what about their carbon footprint?

Vance also “opposes same-sex marriage.” He had the audacity in 2022 to suggest that “the sexual revolution had made divorce too easy (people nowadays ‘shift spouses like they change their underwear’), arguing that people in unhappy marriages, and maybe even those in violent ones, should stay together for their children.” This is a canard Vance has heard before, and Politico was minimally gracious enough to include his response: “His campaign said such an insinuation was ‘preposterous,’ but you can watch the video yourself and be the judge.”

Maria Tenebre #sexist deviantart.com

In fact you can do child friendly drag shows. I mean what people like RuPaul, Flip Wilson etc did is in many cases very child friendly. RuPaul even hosted a talk show that was very child friendly and alot of the shows she stars in have been more child friendly.

In fact I hope sexualized media causes little girls to feel bad about themselves and improve their appearance so they don't end up single and alone as feminist cat ladies. Just like boys should try to be Adonises.

SoctaticMethod1 #transphobia #conspiracy kotakuinaction2.win

You know, if we didn't hear it was transphobic to demand repercussions for a tranny grooming minors, we wouldn't think trans was linked to pedophilia.

Like when was the last time you heard attacking some White pedo was racism towards White people? You're inferring it's a feature not a bug that trans have a higher chance of messing with kids..

Scott Pinsker #conspiracy #pratt pjmedia.com

In no particular order, when the Harris Honeymoon comes to a close, here are the 10 questions we dare the media to ask the Vice President:

“Nearly 92% of your White House staff has either quit in anger, resigned on their own, or been fired during your first three years as vice president – which seems like an unusually high number. Was the problem racism, Donald Trump, or that gosh-darn Russian misinformation?”

“Your first responsibility as vice president was solving the problem on the border. Bravo on a job well done! Which one of your clever strategies that fixed the border will you redeploy to tackle, say, high inflation?”

“Have you noticed that Hunter Biden seems all jittery and scatterbrained whenever he returns from the bathroom? Weird, huh?”

“In 2019, you claimed that ‘voter suppression’ was why Democrats Stacey Adams (Georgia) and Andrew Gillum (Florida) lost their elections. Have you ever apologized for being an election denier? I mean… don’t you realize that democracy dies in darkness?!”

Pedro de Alvarado #racist vdare.com

Of course, white GIs were men of their times. Note that whites from the South and North felt the same way, and in nearly equal numbers. They unapologetically believed in preserving America's white European character and maintaining segregation and traditional roles for women.

Those views, of course, are “racist” and “sexist,” and if openly expressed today would absolutely exclude those men from military service.

While Ruane’s piece maintains a facade of neutrality, note how it began: with a white soldier’s advocating “white supremacy,” not with the black soldier’s calling whites “crackers.” Whites, you see, are always the villains.

Besides that, though, consider this: the story continues the larger effort to diminish the dominant, heroic role white Americans’ played in winning World II, and to retcon the war to help erase white history altogether.

After all, the white soldier’s remarks Ruane featured in his lede were one of the “uncensored results of dozens of surveys the service administered to soldiers during the war.”

Message: we may have won the war, but the important thing to remember is that whites were racists!

Don’t be surprised if when and if future historians and journalists whitewash the legacy of Imperial Japan—a voraciously expansionist power that committed scores of atrocities prior to and during World War II—and portray it in a more positive light [Japan’s Prelude to Pearl Harbor, by Roger McGrath, Chronicles, December 2013].

Scott Lively #homophobia scottlively.net

The most significant evidence for me, however, was what I saw at my own eyes at Disneyland (the Anaheim campus) on Gay Pride Day itself, June 28, 2024. As it happens, my wife and I recently reconnected with a 9-year-old granddaughter we haven’t seen or spoken to in five or six years. She lives in Southern California within driving distance of Disneyland, and her greatest wish as we planned a reunion was to have a Princess Day at the park. So that’s what we did. I bought tickets for the 27th and 28th without any thought on my part about the significance of the 28th. Strange as it might seem considering my 30 years of pro-family activism, I didn’t mentally connect the fact that we’d be there on “Gay Pride Day” – so completely separate in my mind are family matters and politics.

When, the day before, I suddenly did realize the timing, I had a moment of dread that we would be engulfed in “pride” propaganda on our special day. But when we reached the park that morning of the 27th there was really nothing but a few rainbow accent banners near the entrance to placate the woke (without any other indication that it was LGBT-related), despite it being “Pride Month.” The next day – Pride Day – the most sacred day on the woke calendar – the only difference was the addition of a single flower arrangement in the shape of Mickey ears next to a 2×3 informational sign outside the park in the shopping area called Downtown Disney, off to the side of the main walkway next to the ever-present Jehovah’s Witness team and display. I was frankly astonished – and pleased – that even Disney had largely shut out the faux “pride” pushers. There was a little more wokeness on the Disneyland App, but the overall real-world experience was gloriously non-woke.

In contrast, Disney World in Florida is in many ways just another theme park, but Walt’s spirit seems still to reside, and thrive, at Disneyland. He’s no doubt been spinning in his grave for years now over the rise of anti-family quackery in the company he founded, but if so, his pain is likely lessened recently by the rising tsunami of public demands for a return to family-centered normalcy across America.

Kevin Downey. Jr #transphobia #conspiracy pjmedia.com

Gov. "Comrade" Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) recently passed a law stating that schools cannot alert parents if their teen boy mentions wanting to "Hassan Chop" his twig and berries.

Would they notify the parents if the kid claimed he was suicidal?

The sexualization of children is for two demonic reasons: first, to separate kids from their parents so "the state" can brainwash them. And, what's more insidious, I have a feeling that the Maoists want to add an "M" to the LGBTFBI crew. The "M" stands for "MAP" or "minor-attracted person." They won't use the word "pedophile" because they'd hate to offend a child rapist and also because they want to destigmatize and normalize the sexual assault of kids.

Your liberal, pink-haired sister will fight for the genital mutilation of kids and will think she is better than you for doing it because she is in a cult, and her desperate need to belong to something, as well as her burning desire to feel superior to you, is more important to her than anything else.

So how do we fight the cultural Marxism worming its way through every institution in America? You do what Americans have always done: fight back.

Leo656 #pratt #crackpot #transphobia forums.thetechnodrome.com

Nope. Real-life people recognize it as a marketing trend, same as any other. It's an unfortunate side-effect of the fact that nowadays you get tons more word-of-mouth from a Tweet than you would with a commercial. As such, companies think that it's "good business" to pander to the interests of people who spend all their time online... Which, as it turns out, are predominantly overweight, rainbow-haired, perpetually-offended, sexually-confused, easily-triggered, Gender Studies Majors and other (barely) high-functioning social misfits.

That's who's online all the time, sharing Tweets and memes and "making themselves heard", and so in turn, companies feel forced to pander to them. Because it SEEMS like there's a lot of them, but the thing is, they're just incredibly loud. As we see in Real Life by how most "woke"-infested movies fail hard, the growing number of lawsuits nationwide to stop letting schools indoctrinate impressionable kids with their nonsense, and the fact that people really, REALLY love Chick-Fil-A, MOST people are definitely NOT on the bandwagon.

Companies are slowly coming around to this. By now they've figured out that most of these people don't have real jobs and are barely scraping by under the crushing debt of their Liberal Arts degrees, and so in turn it makes no sense to bend over for them.

Grayson Bakich #transphobia #fundie web.archive.org

Back in March, MRCTV described how another 11-year-old student appeared before the county school board and caught sight of him in the girls' locker room, saying she was "panicked" and "wanted to cry" because of how uncomfortable she was with the prospect of changing in front of him.

Nice going, Lebanon Middle School.

This story sounds very similar to a similar incident that occurred at Pennbrook Middle School a bit further east in North Wales, Pa. My friend Stephen Green covered it earlier this week, describing how a transgender "girl" supposedly kept a "hit list" of actual girls he intended to attack, blindsiding one of them at lunch and pulverizing his victim with a Stanley cup and sending her into the hospital, screaming about how he was going to kill her all the while.

The worst part about that one was that another girl had warned teachers and staff that it was going to happen (five hours in advance), but the school just brushed it off saying that nothing would happen.

As Stephen put it, "It never does happen. Right until it does."
In all seriousness, I am convinced that being "trans" is just an excuse for men to act out their worst impulses, and the media will keep it under wraps because the trans victimhood narrative is still a hot (albeit cooling) commodity.

For instance, two weeks ago I wrote about some loony named Kyle Calvert, a self-described "trans non-binary" man who unsuccessfully tried to nail-bomb the Alabama State Capitol, and supposedly had issues with violent impulses.

That same day, my buddy Matt Margolis briefly touched upon what has been happening at Planet Fitness facilities, but I don't think he covered enough of the sort of perverted stuff going on there (my indispensable guides in finding stuff to write about at Libs of TikTok can elaborate, but bring eye bleach).

Then the week before, PJ Media's resident funnyman Kevin Downey Jr. shared with us the absurdly evil words of Jason Lee Willie, arrested twice for making vile, unhinged threats of shooting up schools, bombing churches, and molesting kids.

Of course, that doesn't mean that women who "identify" as men are immune from being as equally despicable, as the Covenant shooter from last year and a would-be copycat named Andrea "Alex" Ye demonstrate

Ann Coulter #dunning-kruger #racist archive.ph

Thus, for example, once you get past the paywall, you will find that Piquero and Bersani's joint study, "Comparing Patterns and Predictors of Immigrant Offending Among a Sample of Adjudicated Youth," used as its base group "adolescents who were found guilty of a serious offense."

THAT'S NOT A REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE OF AMERICANS! It's a representative sample of teenagers who are convicted criminals.

Similarly, professor Bersani's oft-cited, but never-read study, "An Examination of First and Second Generation Immigrant Offending Trajectories," looked at a population group that included "an over-sample of Hispanic and African-American youth."
Instead of immigrants who are less crime-prone than our native blacks and Hispanics, we were hoping for immigrants less criminal than our Norwegians.

True, as Bersani explains, "because many immigrants initially settle in disadvantaged environments and are exposed to a number of crime-inducing risk factors, their experiences may be similar to many native-born minorities—particularly the African-American population."
But here's an idea: How about NOT taking in immigrants who are poor, uneducated, come from dysfunctional families and settle in disadvantaged environments?

Kevin Downey Jr. #dunning-kruger #pratt pjmedia.com

For starters, the suggestions in Project 2025 are not nearly as dangerous as BLM's intent to defund the police, which has happened with deadly effect nationwide, leading to an explosion in crime that has mostly affected black communities. Despite the carnage, BLM still calls for defunding the police, because that is what Marxists do.

And honestly, I can't assure you Project 2025 wasn't written in part by never-Trumpers looking to make trouble before November.

As expected, Democrat fear-peddlers are treating Project 2025 like it's the Republicans' "Mein Kampf."

Social media is bursting with memes spewing fake details from Project 2025 and the left is screeching in their Crocs.

Here's the fun part: Trump has already denounced it, but that doesn't stop the namby-pamby Chicken-Little types from trying to terrify low-info barely-thinkers into panic mode.
Whereas I do not agree with everything posted, most of it is spot on.

The document largely calls for Trump to—if he wins—"de-woke" our government. It's pro-family and pro-life. It states that the "next HHS secretary should immediately put an end to the department’s foray into woke transgender activism" (page 284).

I'm cool with that.

It does not suggest:

Making birth control illegal
Putting illegal immigrants in "concentration camps"
Ending overtime pay
Ending school lunch programs
Cutting veterans' benefits
Project 2025 is nothing more than 922 pages of opinions and recommendations, many of which make sense.

If you want to do battle with factless chuckleheads on Facebook—which is pointless, they never learn—you can read Project 2025 below.

Arthur Schaper #homophobia aschaper1.blogspot.com

What is loving about telling a segment of the population that they are "born that way" when clearly they are not?

How is it loving to lie to parents and children, teaching them that they are in bondage to feelings which are just that .. feelings.

Sentiments about sexual attraction and behavior are never the final determinant for anyone. Lets celebrate men being men, and women being women.

Let's celebrate the truth about familiy: one man and one woman.

For those who challenge these values, let's state the truth plainly:

1. Biology

2. Morality

3. Reality

As for all the mantras about equality, the whole movement has been anything but.

Churches get slammed because they do not want to celebrate a perverse, destructive set of lifestyles. Charities and small businesses are under attack from bullying LGBT special interest groups. Every citizen in the United States is finding their rights under attack, the rights enumerated in the United States Constitution.

I am tired of being silenced for reporting the truth. I will not back away from the fight for natural law, natural rights, life, family, biology, and just plain truth.

Natural Law and Natural Rights must stand firm, and everyone of us must stand for truth.

Aero #transphobia #homophobia #pratt #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot archive.ph

One, said kids do it because it’s trendy. All their friends are doing it. The mainstream media presents it as fashionable or glamorous to fuck those of the same sex, or to be willfully confused about what’s between your legs and hard-coded into your DNA. To sexually identify as an alien hermaphrodite with a barbie doll crotch. We do think of kids as being rebellious and so quick and eager to stick it to the man, or those in authority.

The only problem is, kids tend to only direct that rebelliousness towards their parents. Not towards the man, nor the establishment, nor towards crony capitalism, except maybe in word.
As much as we like to make fun of the regressive left for pretending to be edgy and rebellious despite having BEEN the establishment for a decade or longer, it’s easy for children to forget that. Many of them lack the maturity or the experience to understand that they are not being “liberated” or “freed” or being “authentic” or “true to themselves.”

I digress, but the point is, if the culture tells children that it’s cool to be a sodomite, they will take it to heart. They seldom have the cognitive ability to withstand that propaganda on their own. If sexual orientation were truly inborn or innate, this would be extremely harmful, probably even more so than forcing heterosexuality on adolescents who are clearly gay. They’re essentially persecuting those who carry society, carry the human population. Just because they’re jealous and angry at them.

But if homosexuality were made, not born, that provides an even stronger incentive to not normalize homosexuality. Like I said earlier, for even a large minority of the population to be LGBTQ is a disaster for any future population growth, or the well-being of future generations, as few in number as they may be. If homosexuality were made, not born, the last thing that you want would be an environment that actively fosters homosexual orientation in children. It doesn’t fucking matter how much society kisses the LGBTQ community on the ass. Being gay, or especially trans, significantly reduces your quality of life.

And the fewer people who are willing or able to bear children the natural way, or at least provide existing children with a stable home environment with parental role models of both sexes, the more likely society will collapse.

Boskov01 #fundie #transphobia #homophobia deviantart.com

Yet the rainbow mob who circles the wagons and denies the pedos exist among them, or if they do, they proudly extoll them.

Unlike the alphabets however, Christians/Republicans excise the pedos from among our ranks. We DO police our own. We don't defend them, we get them removed. We don't wagon circle and deny they exist. We do, however, tend to wait for proof to emerge first, and once we have proof, then we go after them and get them removed. We don't just accept blind accusations at face value. We require proof first. That's why it may seem to our opponents that we defend the pedos within our ranks, but if we do, it's only because there are accusations made without proof to back it up.

The alphabet mob on the other hand cheer and parade their pedophilic acts for the world to see. They extoll the likes of "Desmond is Amazing," a boy who dances in drag for grown men and even strips for them, like it's wonderful.

Arthur Schaper #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia aschaper1.blogspot.com

Singapore made a grave mistake when the national government repealed Section 377a.

Repeal of that moral sanction sent the false message that homosexuality and transgenderism are normal behaviors, and therefore should face no moral sanction or approbrium.

And look what has happened.

LGBT themed museums, classes, programs are becoming all too common in the city state.

When public sanction is rolled away for private perversion, private perversion becomes public pollution.

Dear Singaporeans, you should have looked to the West, and you would have seen what a foolish move it was to repeal Section 377a.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia dailystormer.name

Repel Trump, execute gays, fuck democracy.

I don’t want anything to do with this anal lunacy.

You know what I want?

An AK and a Hilux.

End of.

Fuck Trump and fuck all of his supporters.

I’m not doing this anal bullshit.

I’m not doing it.

I’m with Jesus.


MariaTenebre #transphobia deviantart.com

That isn't grooming. Growing up into a sexual and sexualized adult is a part of life. If that is grooming, then by your own standard nature is the biggest groomer of all as nature turns children into sexualized adults. Boys grow into sexualized adult men; girls grow up to be sexualized adult women. Sexualized women and men should be role models for girls and boys as that is what an idealized mature adult looks like and that is what most women and men regardless of sexual orientation are attracted too. That isn't grooming unless you think that nature, puberty and sexual maturation is grooming which from a MAP's point of view I can see why you would argue that.

Plus, that isn't even the definition of grooming. Showing sexualized adults as the natural idealized role models for children is not grooming. A person using explicit sexual material on the pornographic end and manipulating a child for sexual and rape purposes is grooming. Showing a sexualized woman or man as the natural ideal for women and men aka the Venus and the Adonis is not grooming it is nature and the idea that being a mature sexualized and idealized adult is the ideal end for girls and boys as it always has been. Honestly the route people like you take of keeping people perpetual children is why the West is falling apart. Also Drag is about satire, parody and it does so in many cases by using highly sexualized humor, modes of dress etc. They dress to be outrageously sexual for humor and arousal. Many Drag Queens even admit they like to have sex with their adult male fans at these meetings. It is transvestite sexual humor. Now it can be made to be child friendly but much of what we no as Drag is highly sexualized male transvestite material that people do find arousing and that is the point.

Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia #fundie pjmedia.com

SHOCKER! Biden's Cross-Dressing Dress Thief Scores Sweetheart Deal

DRAG-O-RAMA! Brinton is a member of a troupe of drag queens called
"Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence." You may remember them as the needy men in dresses who make hapless attempts to annoy Catholics by dressing as nuns. Brinton's drag name is "Sister Ray Dee O'active," though he is no longer employed by the federal government as the nuclear waste master-blaster. Another member of the same troupe, Clinton Monroe Ellis-Gilmore, was arrested for publicly "arm wrestling Mr. Richard," if you get my drift.

Ben Bartee #homophobia #conspiracy pjmedia.com

They like to hubristically believe that they have achieved narrative hegemony, so it’s as perplexing as it is infuriating when a provincial outpost on the geopolitical scene has the gall to defy their programming.

The immorality of imposing the West’s gender ideology on countries like Uganda should not be glossed over. I have written previously about this phenomenon, which I have branded LGBTQ+++™ new-age neo-colonialism, because that’s exactly what it is.

While I don’t subscribe to the belief that gays should be imprisoned or executed ISIS-style just for being gay, it is nonetheless refreshing to see Uganda assert its national sovereignty so firmly, even against such immense international pressure from the degenerate UN, U.S. and European Union governments.

Boskov01 #homophobia #elitist #fundie deviantart.com

It's why I proudly display the hashtag #NotAnAlly in my profiles, because we were warned, loudly, repeatedly, what allowing gay marriage to become legal would lead to. The Slippery Slope was proven true. I defy anyone to prove me wrong. The argument was that they'd come for our children, and here we are, fighting tooth and nail to try and protect our kids from being mutilated or groomed by these sick bastards!

Yeah, you have the ones that just want to live their lives, but they do nothing to police and stop the pedophiles and child mutilators. When we started calling out the groomers that wanted to dance in front of kids, the groomers went and hid behind a pride flag, pointing at us and screaming "Homophobes!" rallying the rest of the alphabet mob against us.

And do I need to mention things like the Hogwarts Legacy controversy, where innocent people like Pikamee/Henya got bullied and harassed by the troons and their supporters? It's shit like that, that only turns more people against them.

But like I say, we were warned what would happen. And it's not like we had much choice once Obergfell came down from SCOTUS. God willing though, we'll get a SCOTUS one day in the future that'll overturn Obergfell so that then we can move to ban and outlaw the alphabets once again, to bring us back to sanity and decency again.

And history shows that day is likely to come sooner than some of us believe. Just like when the Roman Empire fell, the alphabet nonsense that was running rampant in their day, saw a hard snap back to morality and decency, sending the alphabets screaming back into the closet for nearly 2000 years. And America is tracking just like the Roman Empire is in its decline. It's only a matter of time.

However, I will say that it does feel like this year's pride month was more subdued and mellow by comparison to last year. I suspect the troons got such a huge backlash to their disgusting behavior that they toned it down to avoid the headlines highlighting their disgusting behavior. Plus it's an election year and they probably realize that their degeneracy is going to cost the Democrats votes. We'll see what happens next June. After all, troon acceptance has been in steady decline as of late. So hopefully the alphabet sickness will be coming to an end before we know it.

Noose #homophobia #pratt #ableist ropeculture.org

Despite there indeed being several sources for faggotry, they nevertheless always come down to choice. Regardless of the origins of faggotry, it is in the end unified by its nature as degenerate behavior. You can thus equate it to a vice. Faggotry must be treated as a vice and not as a social group. Vices have to be overcome, or else you’re just a degenerate. That’s why by and large, regardless of the roots of faggotry, it becomes a choice of either indulging in it or denying it – so it is always a choice. Just like how one has a choice not to eat themselves into a hamplanet, but if they do so it betrays a weakness of character, weakness of will, lack of integrity and ultimately selfish and narcissistic behavior.

So what if you are “born that way“? Either get treatment or simply overcome it by sheer will-power. Psychological disorder? Same thing. Perversion? Fucking stop it. This ultimately comes down to the subject of one’s inherent inferiority and the test of Free Will.

If the choice was out of their hands (forced labor, slavery, forced exercising) the material change would follow, because all of that is merely material and subject to changeability. But as soon as you let them off that leash their weak spirit will surrender to material desires. What makes them inferior is their inherent nature, their weak spirit. That is what you are born with, everything else simply follows from there. There are those of strong will who succumb to degeneracy all the same, as it is hard to escape the decay of the world around us, but it is possible. It is easy to fall from grace and it is hard to climb back up, but for the inferior there are no options.

That is the Test of Free Will, which exists only for those who have strong spirit and strong will, they are given a choice: succumb or overcome.


C.A Skeet #homophobia #transphobia #fundie pjmedia.com

Drag queens and drag shows are intentionally targeting children. Some of these drag queens have turned out to be registered sex offenders. But even if they weren't, nobody, neither gay nor straight, has made a convincing argument as to why drag queens or drag shows are appropriate for kindergarteners. Rather than make such an argument, drag shows simply use armed Antifa brownshirts to protect their exhibitions in child predation.

Is this what you're proud of?

You who are so brave in donning priests' and nuns' gear to mock Christians would never dream of doing so to Muslims, whose compatriots are doing far worse to gays today than the meanest Christians ever did to gays, at any time in the history of their religion. Your "pride" seems inversely proportionate to the reasonable expectation of violence derived from its expression. The less the threat from your "enemy," the more "pride" you rub their faces in. Nuns don't shoot up gay nightclubs in Florida or hang you from cranes in Tehran, so it's safe to make fun of them.

And you'll notice that Queers for Palestine does not have fellow travelers in Jihadists for Gays. Nor will it ever. This alliance of convenience ends one way and one way only.

Is this what you're proud of?

Women's sports face the challenge of mediocre male athletes who never would have blipped on anyone's radar but are now shattering women's records, stealing women's scholarships, and breaking women's bones. In the darker corners of all-gender safe spaces, they are raping teenage girls. This is all happening under the protection of the LGBTQ banner.

Is this what you're proud of?

Wait, what's that you say? You never intended for pedophiles, rapists, misogynists, and little punk totalitarians to hijack the gay rights movement? Guess what? They did exactly that.

You can argue (and I would agree with you) that these ne'er-do-wells have piggybacked you with their own selfish and perverse agendas. But your movement's leadership (with noble exceptions) has fully embraced them out of fear of social cancellation or a sincere and dogmatically fanatical delusion that the traditional nuclear family, free market capitalism, and Western civilization are existential threats that must be annihilated at all costs and that this justifies defending the worst excesses of misogynists and sexual predators. To make an omelet...

SfcMac #elitist archive.ph

Union thugs have a habit of assaulting anyone who confronts their corruption. They harass businesses for the “crime” of backing the “wrong” political candidate, they show off their frothing hatred, racism, and bat-shit crazy behavior when they gather in mobs, and they’re teaching these methods in college.

That’s the way they operate. Intimidation, assault, arson, threats, and murder. Unions started out with an anarchist/socialist agenda, ended up with bed with the mafia, and went downhill from there. The leaders spend member’s dues to suit their own political agendas, and line their pockets. So much for looking out for the “working class”. And they wonder why their membership has plummeted.

MARK TAPSCOTT #transphobia #conspiracy pjmedia.com

Off all the Left's revolutionary movements seeking to transform traditional American liberties and culture, none is as senseless and barbaric as that of transgenderism. It's the "T" in the "LGBTQ++++Etc..." formulation.

Transgenderism is simple to understand but difficult to contemplate why anybody in their right mind would adopt it as their fundamental worldview. But they do, and here's the rationale: Think you were born in the "wrong" body? Don't worry, we've got the drugs and surgical procedures to fix that!

Through its deadening control of most precincts in public education and public health, as well as a mainstream media that dares not include critical coverage of any sort regarding the movement, transgenderism is being forced into the deepest corners of American daily life, including most dangerously elementary schools.

Increasingly, parents, especially but not exclusively in blue states, are not allowed to know if their elementary school sons or daughters have been brainwashed into thinking they should be of the opposite sex.

The costs of GAS can vary widely, ranging from $5,000 to $75,000 or more. And that doesn't include the costs of drugs that must be continued long after the surgical procedure has been performed and healed. Take a mid-range figure of $35,000 as the average and multiply that times 48,019. The total is $1.6 billion.

If that seems like a tiny market for a huge special interest group like PhRMA to be concerned about, remember that the market is expected to expand significantly and a huge proportion of those who undergo such surgeries will need medical services, including pharmaceuticals, for decades afterward.

Boskov01 #pratt deviantart.com

Modern Who is quickly destroying itself. Between the previous two "doctors" being unwanted and the most disliked, and now Tennent, arguably the most popular doctor of the modern generation, destroying himself, the IP is joining Star Wars and Disney, holding on by a thread.

The only problem is Dr. Who has some padding and protection against Get Woke, Go Broke as the BBC survives off of the TV Licenses that UK citizens have to pay for to watch TV (There's a lot more to it than that but in a nutshell it's essentially state funded. A British person can explain it better than I can). It has protections but is not at all immune from Get Woke, Go Broke. Toy and merch sales are plummeting and I've spoken to a few guys, one of whom is an avid Dalek cosplayer who has said he's not going out to any more Who conventions after what's become of the IP in the last decade.

GRAYSON BAKICH #transphobia #racist pjmedia.com

I have written about the crimes of illegal immigrants — *ahem* newcomers — and transgender individuals, but this marks the first time I have ever seen a twofer.

In Denver last week, police officers shot and killed a 52-year-old man pretending to be a woman named Miguel Tapia (no, not the Chilean singer, and yes, a lot of the news outlets still call him a woman) because he was on the intersection of Broadway and Lawrence holding a hunting knife and apparently yelling angrily.

Because this guy fits into two categories that the left considers more valuable than Americans' lives, only people on X are getting these details out to the wider public, and Google isn't displaying much about this story. Whatever results you find when you search still refer to Tapia or Gonzalez or whatever his name was as a woman and do not bring up those two facts about him.

Given those details and the fact that, thankfully, nobody else was injured or killed in the encounter, expect this to be swept under the rug.

But hearing these news stories that the mainstream media would prefer you not know about is precisely why sites like PJ Media exist and why those same media companies and their allies in Big Tech and government try to silence us.

Lincoln Brown #transphobia pjmedia.com

On Father's Day, a lesbian couple decided to take their family to the Angel City Brewery following a Dodgers game. No surprise there. As expensive as things are in L.A., it was probably cheaper to go to a restaurant than to eat ballpark food. The last time I was at a ballpark, I darn near needed medical attention after seeing the price for a dog and a beer.

According to The Publica, the Angel City Brewery is known as a family-friendly restaurant and brew pub. One of the women named Alexis, along with her partner, took her four-year-old nephew to the women's bathroom. If you have ever been out and about with small children, you know that such a necessity arises from time to time. Alexis noticed a family with three little children and a trans woman who was staring at her and her nephew.

Since the incident, Alexis and her partner have been the subject of attacks by Danesh Noshirvan, who describes his work as a “fee-for-service online and telephonic cyberstalking service.” Noshirvan has publicly exposed Alexis and her partner and put their safety and her partner's business at risk. She has received odious messages from other people, hoping that she dies or that child protective services will take away the family's children.

What was Alexis' crime? Did she attack the trans man? Did she denigrate or belittle him? Did she deny his right to exist? None of the above. Her alleged "crime" in this case, was asking the man to show some consideration for others. Her offense was asking this person to show some consideration. As Alexis commented, “Women’s rights are slowly fading away thanks to men. Women’s rights matter! Women are being forced to accept trans identity by people who don’t even accept their own.”

Conservapedia #fundie #pratt conservapedia.com

Carl Sagan was also an avid marijuana smoker who claimed marijuana gave him scientific insights.[2] Sagan's avid pot smoking and agnosticism no doubt inspired Sagan's pseudoscientific fantasies that he foisted on his gullible fans. For example, Sagan alleged that evolution was a "fact".[3] Thomas Henry Huxley, the English biologist, known as "Darwin's Bulldog" for his vehement advocacy of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, was an agnostic. The Barna Group found that those who hold to the worldviews of agnosticism and in atheism were more likely, than theists in America, to look upon the following behaviors as morally acceptable: illegal drug use; excessive drinking; sexual relationships outside of marriage; abortion; cohabitating with someone of opposite sex outside of marriage; obscene language; gambling; pornography and obscene sexual behavior; and engaging in homosexuality/bisexuality.[4]

Wrongthink Radio #homophobia redstate.com

Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin was attacked over his statements that homosexuality is not supported by the Catholic faith, which is true, but this is indicative of the problem with pride. Pride is not about getting society to treat people equally, that has been happening for decades, it’s about people supporting, celebrating, and assaulting anyone who questions homosexuality. Pride isn’t about love, homosexuals can celebrate love the same way anyone else can, nobody is stopping them from celebrating their relationships like everyone else, this is about mass endorsement being conflated with acceptance.

The only true difference between gays and everyone else is the physical act of their sexuality, and therefore, the only point in Pride is the celebration of that specific physical act. Pride parades are a good example of this because that act is on extreme, near pornographic display, most certainly as a way for them to “get back at the man” in typical childish fashion. The fact that television networks are pushing rainbow flags, and stores are selling children’s shirts with Pride flags on it is something I think we should all speak out against, nobody wants their young child exposed to sexual ideas, but the mob of Pride will attack you for even suggesting otherwise.

The issue with the emotional rhetoric surrounding Pride is that we aren’t having a “discussion” about homosexuality, it’s a hostage negotiation. If you aren’t waving a rainbow flag and telling your children that they should be gay you are a hateful awful monster who should be thrown in the gulag. It is time we start having the hard discussions about what is acceptable to push on children, and you’re going to have to put your foot down and accept that the unreasonable Left is going to call you names for it, but it’s unacceptable that our children are the targets of political rhetoric specifically to weaponize them against their parents.

Ward Clark #homophobia redstate.com

It stands to reason that big-box retail establishments like Walmart or Target should be places where families feel comfortable taking their kids. All year around, that is. But there's a problem, and it stems from a phenomenon that one sees in social issues.

Every social controversy - civil rights, same-sex marriage, you name it - starts with some legitimate grievances. But the problem is that there is a lot of money in social activism, and plenty of the more vocal advocates end up as minor-league celebrities, and so when the movement achieves their goal, they can't just fold up their tents and go back to their regular lives. No, the movement has to keep going so the graft can be kept up, and that requires the issue to become more and more ridiculous, and the request for acceptance becomes demands for approval and then for celebration until the whole thing descends into absurdity.

Amanacer-Fiend0 #transphobia deviantart.com

Personally I think that one of the major problems we have is how easy it is to just declare yourself to be trans and do the bare minimum of looking like a man or woman and Leftists just go along with it because they are afraid of looking transphobic. No amount of questioning what so ever about the "trans" person's intentions.

Like remember Jessica Yaniv? That one "Transwoman" who would go to women's spas and demand the owners give them a bikini wax that they couldn't do due to not being properly trained for the male anatomy? And then filing a lawsuit against the spa for discrimination so that Yaniv can get money from them? And doing this to multiple different spas?

Or Chris-Chan. One of the internet's most infamous lolcows who became a transwoman simply because it can increase his dating pool with lesbians? And Leftists actively defend them since they declared themselves a woman when, going through his well-documented history, he really shouldn't be given any benefit of the doubt?

People like this are why we need to revitalize the term TransTrender, i.e. People who pretend to be trans because they get both social brownie points and a convenient shield to protect them against pushback whenever they do something screwed up. They are seriously making actual trans people look like a bunch of whiny bullies who use their weaponized victim card with impunity whenever they get any pushback for their antics.

MATT MARGOLIS #dunning-kruger #transphobia pjmedia.com

The differences between biological males and biological females explode during puberty," he began. "Girls, during puberty, develop 14% smaller hearts. Their lungs are 12% smaller... You cannot debate that. It's just a biological fact. That helps boys take in oxygen and pump blood more efficiently than girls can. That gives boys a clear edge in endurance sports like swimming, for example, cycling, rowing..."

Kennedy still wasn't done explaining the differences between boys and girls.

Girls develop a wider pelvis. That decreases the amount of force their legs exert when they're lifting, when they're kicking, when they're pedaling. That's another relative disadvantage, vis-à-vis boys or men, when you compare female athletes to their male counterparts. Now boys, in contrast, develop broader shoulders—a biological fact, folks—that allows them to make space for more upper body muscle mass and gives them a decided advantage when competing against a girl. It's hard to think—I can't think of a sport in which a higher muscle-to-fat ratio isn't helpful. The average boy will grow five inches taller than the average girl. It's just a fact. Even when men and women are the same height men have higher levels of bone density, which helps them move more forcefully and to escape more injuries.

Now, Democrats have, in the past sixteen years or so, gone all in on the idea that the physical and biological differences between males and females are irrelevant to what someone 'identifies" as, yet, as Kennedy so succinctly explains, the moment you let a male play on a women's sport's team just because he "identifies" as a woman, he's got a built-in advantage, and will steal opportunities from his female counterparts.

Will Democrats ever admit this?

Lincoln Brown #fundie #pratt #dunning-kruger pjmedia.com

I recently reviewed the new film "God and Country." Briefly, my first takeaway from the film was that the threat of Christian nationalism was being intentionally overhyped in order to frighten the viewer. The idea is presented that there is a vast, well-funded, and powerful network of people who will seize the day after the election to create an America that is forever stuck in the racist, sexist, dystopian 1950s. My other takeaway? Watching the various vignettes and examples of what the filmmakers call Christian nationalism, interspersed with the commentary, one is left with the impression that anyone who is not a progressive is a suspect. I felt like I was being presented with two choices: Us or Them. There is no middle.

Christian nationalism has always been a part of the Left's talking points, and thus far, it has taken a back seat to MAGA Republicans and white supremacy. But it is about to be fused with them to become the third part of a triumvirate designed to further isolate those who do not see eye-to-eye with Left.

Aero #transphobia #pratt #dunning-kruger archive.ph

It became more common for minors to troon out in the latter half of the 2010s, as gross perverts online became more emboldened in grooming children to be confused about their sexuality or “gender identity.” Identifying as queer or trans became a fashion statement for many zoomers, similar to punk or goth, but with far more self-mutilation and chemical castration. It’s gotten to the point where it’s estimated that as much as 40% of zoomers identify as being LGBTQ. An obvious disaster for any future population growth, a sure sign of future societal collapse. And also a major self-own, as it casts reasonable doubt on the “born that way” meme.

Hunter Wallace #pratt occidentaldissent.com

Occidental Dissent is listed as a “hate site.”

Can you think of a death or a murder though with a more hateful perp than this one?

Derek Chauvin had his knee on the neck of George Floyd because he was high on drugs and resisting arrest. Bionca Ellis stabbed a three-year-old White toddler to death and the media is silent about it. The coverage of George Floyd provoked months of violent riots during the 2020 election.

LordsFire #homophobia #fundie the-sietch.com

We told you so.

'Gay marriage' was only the surface issue. The deeper matter was 'who gets to be the moral authority? Who gets to tell culture and society what is morally right and wrong?'

And now that sex pests have seized that authority, you get to see what happens when it's godless degenerates, rather than imperfect Christians, who set the rules.

There are a lot of agnostic and atheists over the last ten years who've had some serious regrets over working to force Christianity out of the cultural center of America and the West, at this point including Richard Dawkins, the writer of 'The God Delusion.'

People are starting to realize what a profound epithet 'godless heathen' really is.

Brotherofsteel5 #elitist #pratt deviantart.com

Like many others he doesn't realise that, the real combat is the globalists against the patriot.

The world of the merchant, the money, the seduction by a totaly free and unregulated capitalism, who just want destroy everything who could limit his power, and his domination, and those limits, those last barriers are

- The love of peoples for their countries, their land, their culture.

- Everything who is about religion, spirituality.

-The familly, the education and everything who imply morals values.

- But also the freedom of mind, of thinking.

And things like that NPC don't realise or don't understand it.

EditorialTeam #homophobia #fundie gaybullyingitisreal.wordpress.com

The queer mafia never ceases to amaze me. One day they act civil the next they are completely unhinged. Queers, and tranies are nothing but deranged…but not at birth. This garbage happens thru gay clubs, parades, and even drag queen story hour. Parents are beginning to wake up to reality that these people need help badly. Sadly, they were the ones that got the government to cover for their bull shit. Can’t tell them their chosen lifestyle is wrong….its called hate speech. Hell, ANYTHING to say against they chosen life style choice is considered hate speech. Perhaps one day people will see this kind of lifestyle as a threat to their children and put a stop to it….like sending these people to see real doctors….not someone that will agree with their bad choices.

Conservapedia #crackpot conservapedia.com

Spider-Man is a conservative Marvel superhero, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1962. The Spider-Man comics were considered groundbreaking from their inception in that the hero's alter-ego, the shy and conservative Peter Parker, often faced personal struggles more closely associated with everyday life than usual superhero fare. Notably, Parker has held a wide variety of jobs, depending on his status at the time, ranging from photographer to dishwasher to high-school science teacher. He is also notably humorous, unlike many superheroes, such as Batman. Some fans have called his ability to enrage enemies through endless taunting and sarcasm his "extra superpower".

Spider-Man is a religious Christian, known to pray during moments of great emotion—whether in desperation during a pitched battle or in quiet gratitude while lying in bed watching his wife sleep[1][2]. His Aunt May is also shown praying the Our Father in the original Spider-Man (2002) film. Many also point to Christian symbolism clearly used in the films, where he is depicted as a Jesus-like figure in multiple ways.[3]

Jormungandr #homophobia #transphobia the-sietch.com

There are normal people who are gay/Bi/lesbian than straight, and then there are the, to use old cultural terminology, "mincing gays" which pretty much have become the face of the Rainbow Tumour. The latter are the ones who have gone mainstream.

And the "non-binary" folks I've seen? 90% of the time they're just ugly women, and 10% they're basically gay men in denial.

Unfortunately, when people think Rainbow Tumour, they don't think of the "normal but different orientation" people as a first thought; they automatically think of "fucking grooming weirdos" and "everything must be gay!" nutjobs.

Sadly enough, a lot of older gay men and women have said that if they'd have known what their campaigning would've resulted in thirty or forty years or so down the line, they'd have put down their picket signs and lived out their lives quietly somewhere. Even they're disgusted, and the fact that many want to retro-group back into just the LGB community than the LGBTQIA+Kitchen Sink community kinda says it all.

John C. Wright #homophobia #forced-birth #kinkshaming #crackpot scifiwright.com

{from 2014}

And you did not retract your statement, where you defined masturbation, which is the act of discharging semen not in the act of sexual reproduction to include discharging semen in the act of sexual reproduction. This is like saying black is white or night is day. It is inexcusable. Before leaping up to make additional false accusations and saying additional arrant logical fallacies, please acknowledge your defeat on this point before moving on to the next.

The next point will be just as disappointing to you, however: the act of sexual reproduction is the act of sexual reproduction, otherwise known as coitus, whether or not the act culminates in reproducing the young. So, after saying black is white, you say white is not white.

The reason why sex should and must be defined as the reproductive act is that anything else is illogical, insane, and, frankly, unhealthy. Humans have allowed new venereal diseases to spread in the modern generation which were unknown in the ancient world, since the pursuit of perverse sexual pleasure, involving the abuse of sexual organs by thrusting them into orifices where nature never intended them to do, is unhealthy, and spreads disease.

To me, sex is sex and perversion is perversion. That is because a thing is what it is. I am not ignoring what you call other applications: to the contrary what I am doing is correctly identifying them as sexual perversions, that is, namely, an unnatural abuse or misuse of the sexual organs by those to whom the natural pleasures of the natural uses thereof are insufficiently stimulating.

To me, the sex act is the sexual reproductive act. Masturbation is not the sex act, it is self gratification by an abuse of those organs.

You see the problem you are having is that facts and logic are on my side. All you have is a dark, turgid, hysterical emotion based on a frantic denial of reality and a love of wrongdoing. I am not from the generation where everyone is given a participation trophy. You speak in ignorance. Your thoughts are not in order. You misuse common philosophical terms. Your behavior is a simple and neurotic trick of merely accusing me of your own shortcomings, and when that accusation is proved false, merely making the next, and the next, without once actually thinking about what you are saying.

Conservapedia #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

(Conservapedia is cherry picking)
Science journal and science magazine quotes about atheism and mental processes

“A slew of cognitive traits predisposes us to faith.” - Pascal Boyer, in the British science journal Nature[81]

“Atheism is psychologically impossible because of the way humans think... They point to studies showing, for example, that even people who claim to be committed atheists tacitly hold religious beliefs, such as the existence of an immortal soul.” - Graham Lawton in the New Scientist science magazine [81]

(From the later source: https://web.archive.org/web/20160413003609/https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22229670-600-losing-our-religion-your-guide-to-a-godless-future/ It doesn't say what Conservapedia claims it says)

Conservapedia #homophobia conservapedia.com

(Two entries from “Conservapedia proven right”, consisting of a prediction, “liberal claptrap in response”, and the supposed vindication.)

Conservapedia states that the homosexual population has a significantly higher incidence of a number of diseases.

Liberals deny this and refuse to accept the science and statistics.

The homosexual Elton John fell ill in 2019

Conservapedia predicts the marriage of Marxism and the homosexual agenda in a united front.

Right-wing conspiracy theories.

Gay marriage becomes the law of the land.

Terthna #enbyphobia the-sietch.com

Honestly, I've gotten to the point where I've lost all patience with almost the entire "LGBT" crowd; I get that not all, or even most, of them support the insanity, but I don't think it matters anymore. Whenever I see someone say they're "non-binary" now, all I can hear anymore is "death to Jews", "death to America", and "we are coming for your children"; just them asserting that as part of their identity immediately ties them irrevocably to a monstrously evil ideology in my mind, and I feel like I'm only a few steps away from no longer seeing them as human anymore.