
doodoocaca #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.st

Creativity has been warped to serve The Message™ or completely destroyed. The amount of masturbatory paracosms that are being spun up where it's "you actually can change sex but you still go 'trans' to be cool and serve my ego but also people can be furries for realsie reals" is ridiculous. As far as discussions go, trans-jacking to make everything about muhtranzitiongoals or future surgeries or "morphological freedom" and hijacking the equally cringy "transhumanism" is rampant. They stick their noses into everything, demand everything be made about them, and demand to have furry ears added in too as the cherry on top.

Even if discussions have nothing to do with bodies or gender or sex or anything remotely biological, they'll say "I'm Vegan" by calling some mechanical thing "transition goals".

To think that WH40K went from a parody of Fascism and darkness to an escape from overwhelming liberalism and, in a sense, a positive fantasy. Hah.

Sargon's wife's son #homophobia kiwifarms.st

You know all of these effeminate homosexuals need to have their face smashed into the floor the way these people lie so brazenly just kind of sickening like they treated trump with kid gloves I'm like man does leftism just require complete denial of objective reality like if a leftist was told that trump said the sky was blue they say it was green

Book Thief #transphobia #psycho kiwifarms.st

Earlier this year, I met a tranny,
Who said, "put your cock inside my fanny,
"And while you're at it, suck my dick,
"Or else I'll call you transphobic."

But I had no time for this crossdresser.
She seemed confused, misguided, God bless her.
I knew exactly what had to be done,
And thought I'd have a little bit of fun.

I said, "I'm not interested in your fetish,
"Your shoulders are broad, your face is blemished.
"I know this response will inspire your fury,
"But you're just a dude obsessed with yuri."

"Don't kid yourself, women don't have a dick,
"And demanding sex makes you a prick.
"Straight men don't want to have sex with dudes,
"You've confused reality with your futanari nudes."

"Porn is just art. Not real, it's fiction,
"But you've made it your life, a total addiction.
"And you act like your vices are moral fiber,
"As you inject yourself with more sissy cider."

"You seek out kids like the sex offender watch list,
"While telling us, 'we won't hurt them, pinky promise!'
"Then you convince them to join your cult,
"Where drugs and mutilation is the end result."

"When other catch onto you and become smarter,
"That's when your start acting like a martyr.
"You feign victimhood and cry 'genocide'
"To get unsuspecting Samaritans on your side."

"You'll harass, dox, and seek to cause harm.
"Funny, isn't that what you accuse the Kiwi Farm?
"You're nothing but bullies and sexual predators,
"And you diddle more kids than the average Senator."

I opened my eyes as I finished my speech,
Expecting to hear a tranny's vile screech,
But for the sanctity of my ears and to my surprise,
The tranny had already met her demise.

I looked up to examine a nearby lamp.
Swinging from a rope was the manly tramp.
In her pants, she had pitched a large tent,
As she finally became the Forty-One Percent.

Mr Metron666 #transphobia #homophobia kiwifarms.st

I can still hardly believe it myself. The LGBT community has spent years earning the public's trust and sympathy, convincing them they're not pedos and sexual deviants and managing to get laws passed in favour of them such as the gay marriage & adoption laws. Now they're in danger of throwing it all away with these kinds of antics. Drag kids, Drag Queen Storytimes (seriously, do these people really think that they're increasing acceptance of gays by choosing to represent the biggest stereotype of them to children), gender-neutral parenting, accepting all these made-up genders without second thought, openly displaying their kinks at a public event, and now this. Hell, they even denounce individual gays/bis/trannies like Blaire White who call out this kind of shit and call them "internalized bigots" & "cishet stooges". It'll be their own fault when public opinion turns against them and the aformentioned gay marriage & adoption laws start to get rolled back. By that point, even the crooked mainstream media may turn against them and it may also become acceptable to portray gays as pedos again. Eventually, the left itself may abandon the LGBT Community and they'll end up pretty much how they were pre-stonewall, all because of their own stupidity.

Blood Bath & Beyond #elitist #transphobia #racist kiwifarms.st

Thank God Linux is open source so that just because some group of faggots go around calling themselves “The Linux Foundation” all it takes to to make them cope, seethe and dilate is to fork it, call it Sneed Linux and make “intentional tranny exclusion” a core value of the code of conduct all wrapped up neatly under a +NIGGER GPLv2 license.

Tour of Italy #pratt kiwifarms.st

I’ve noticed this when visiting parts of the south that paid a direct toll for the war, the confederate iconography tends to be more open and more part of the culture. You can try to shame them all you want from a modern perspective of presentism, but you’re not going to win any hearts and minds if you ignore the fact that their culture took root back when there were still people around who had their farms burned, their daughters raped and their sons murdered. A decade of harsh winters starving in Shenandoah or Savannah, experienced first hand, is going to shape the post-war culture and if you try to engage with people from those cultures without acknowledging that, then you’re doing it more for your own sense of self-superiority than you are for any real attempt to find common ground or change people’s minds. That very real, very human pain tends to supersede a the more distant morality of overall conflict.

That plus when you strip away the fact that now people understand that slavery and racism are fucking wrong, the Civil war becomes a narrative of rural life versus urban imperialism. Can you take a wild fucking guess as to why that message might still resonate with people today, oh educated urbanites constantly showing your disdain and ridiculing rural culture? And that’s when you’re not actively trying to snuff it out.

People like Atun who build their whole historically narrative about the Civil War based on a modern sense of empathy for the very real suffering of the slaves and post-war African American struggles ironically tend to show little empathy for the people who actually fought it, and who are degraded and dismissed as racists for trying to find some modern angle to justify what they see as heroism from people with whom they share a culture.

ShoFuKan #transphobia kiwifarms.st

Is it any wonder why people have a Pavlovian instinct to reject them when they see these colors/flag? This is a dog whistle, essentially. People sympathetic to this cause put it in as an empty virtue signal but it's really Aposematism to anyone not sympathetic. "This creation has been subverted by ideologically aligned people and buying it or playing it is at least acknowledging trans ideology, which is what they really want, so stay away." Is what it's saying when the "out group" looks at these colors.

The sad thing is trannies will never understand that if they don't force their ideology they might be accepted. The way they're doing it now is like using a crowbar in dentistry.
And all of this isn't talking about legitimate reasons to dislike trannies, namely being the pedastry that's practiced in the community.

ShoFuKan #transphobia kiwifarms.st

Trannies feel the need to place their politics everywhere because that's their one and only personality trait. Being Trans is political. It's why they always say "Trans Rights, Trans Rights" to each other without defining what those rights actually are. When they post the flag, it's to signal to other members of the "In group" that they're an ally/friend.

So the bumper sticker on Claire's truck in 2077,

the graffiti in A Hat in Time,

And now this,

Is it any wonder why people have a Pavlovian instinct to reject them when they see these colors/flag? This is a dog whistle, essentially. People sympathetic to this cause put it in as an empty virtue signal but it's really Aposematism to anyone not sympathetic. "This creation has been subverted by ideologically aligned people and buying it or playing it is at least acknowledging trans ideology, which is what they really want, so stay away." Is what it's saying when the "out group" looks at these colors.

The sad thing is trannies will never understand that if they don't force their ideology they might be accepted. The way they're doing it now is like using a crowbar in dentistry.
And all of this isn't talking about legitimate reasons to dislike trannies, namely being the pedastry that's practiced in the community.

Jacques1194 #transphobia kiwifarms.st

I'm copying and pasting what I said on the main thread with these "suicide attempts". Even if we believed the majority of these people were happy with "gender affirming care" all this proves to me is that these people are delusional. If they think they're changing their gender/sex all because they pumped themselves full of drugs, or think that their inside out dick turned into a vagina then they are delusional. The fact that they think they changed their sex because they removed certain organs just screams enough to me that these people are delusional. Look at how much Tony gets angry when people "misgender" him. Tony really believes he transitioned into a woman. In fact, there was a thread where he straight up argued with people that his neo vagina operates like a real vagina. Tony has no way of knowing what a real vagina is like, so his statements are just his delusions.

The Rockafire Explosion #wingnut kiwifarms.st

That would almost work, but the Church of the Woke will always just throw back at you that it's the stereotypes which are based in racism, and because Orcs get an Intelligence penalty, black people are stupid. I learned this when I tried pointing out that Gruumsh, an evil god, made evil orcs in his image, and then was told this was just an example of Dan 'Massive Faggot' Olsen's Thermian Argument, and that nearly 40 decades of lore should be changed because some bored troons on Twitter discovered D&D during the lockdown. Like someone upthread said, you can't win with them, so the best thing to do is laugh and say "my orcs are badass and metal as fuck, guess that makes me racist."

Sweeter and Savoury #transphobia kiwifarms.st

You'd have to be fool to even think that any MSM organization would ever dare to say anything that would reflect badly upon the troonsphere. They have somehow become the untouchable caste despite being proven to be nothing but a bunch of sexual misogynists and pedophiles.

This is why the west is doomed, we glorify the worst people and castigate the best. No society can operate like that for very long before reality comes trudging long to remind them whose boss.

behindyourightnow #transphobia kiwifarms.st

Good for Jude here, she's doing our job for us. The sooner more people realize that there is no pleasing these people, that the slightest and most polite digression will have them accusing you of murdering children and saying you need to be murdered yourself, the more people will simply give up on pleasing them and the more they'll be left out in the cold.

Non-TRA: Men can't get pregnant.
TRA: but have you considered.... this??
(pulls out a picture of a hairy woman with mastectomy scars who is visibly pregnant)
TRA: whoa did I just blow your mind? This man is pregnant.
Non-TRA: no that's still a woman.
TRA: learn some biology you disgusting bigot

Lidl Drip #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.st

RE: Official Kiwifarms Man-Hate Thread

This thread is a DMZ (De-Moidified Zone) and is strictly for women. Men and trannies (men) shitting up the thread will be removed from the entire Lolcow Salon for a month.

I tried to get ChatGPT to write a poem about men being annoying and having stinky butts and instead it gave me a long ass poem about not being bitter and setting our differences aside.


So men have apparently programmed this AI so it can't make fun of them. I guess we gotta do all the work ourselves.


More like pick-me-GPT

There's nothing gendered about comic books. It's like saying men are invading women's spaces if they show an interest in skincare, or fashion, etc (women welcome men into these interests).

When men say that women have invaded "Men's spaces" they unironically mean Schools, Universities, Jobs and really anything outside of the home. For this crime we are now punished by trannies. That's what they actually think.

Made the mistake of glancing at A&N to see them gleefully cackling at lesbians unable to prohibit troons from their groups, commiserating on how feminists cause this and we get what we deserve.
We are just a bimbo collective in their minds. Tiresome, emotionally stunted retards think punishing half the population via their more broken subspecies is deserved. How are we meant to like them? They realise this worldview punishes their mother's, daughters, sisters and girlfriends and they still think like this. It almost makes me think birthing a son would be an exercise in self loathing.

Yup, men are individuals and we are all a hivemind. So if a liberal woman supports troons on twitter that means all women support troons. They don't even know that there are different types of feminism other than liberal sex-positive feminism. They don't care to learn about it either because men's minds are very simple so they need to be able to fit women into very small narrow boxes.

NoLoveDeepWeb #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.st

(Submitter’s note: This is about a YouTuber who has been exposed as a serial sexual harasser. A deadname has been removed.)

I cannot fathom what Emile must be going through right now as some of his closest friends are turning their backs on him over virtually fucking nothing. No proof from any of the rogue's gallery coming forward to speak up against him and the laughably shit proof from the troon, and yet they're treating him like he went out on a raping spree or something. Fuck Masae, fuck AntDude, fuck Jon and Lucah for being backstabbing cunts, and most of all fuck [Emily]. More than anything, I really hope Emile isn't letting all of this bullshit get to him. These kinds of overblown accusations are what lead to autists like him an heroing.

ShoFuKan #transphobia kiwifarms.st

Trannies feel the need to place their politics everywhere because that's their one and only personality trait. Being Trans is political. It's why they always say "Trans Rights, Trans Rights" to each other without defining what those rights actually are. When they post the flag, it's to signal to other members of the "In group" that they're an ally/friend.

Is it any wonder why people have a Pavlovian instinct to reject them when they see these colors/flag? This is a dog whistle, essentially. People sympathetic to this cause put it in as an empty virtue signal but it's really Aposematism to anyone not sympathetic. "This creation has been subverted by ideologically aligned people and buying it or playing it is at least acknowledging trans ideology, which is what they really want, so stay away." Is what it's saying when the "out group" looks at these colors.

The sad thing is trannies will never understand that if they don't force their ideology they might be accepted. The way they're doing it now is like using a crowbar in dentistry.
And all of this isn't talking about legitimate reasons to dislike trannies, namely being the pedastry that's practiced in the community.

MeltyTW #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #fundie kiwifarms.st

i never realized just how miniscule breadtube really was and how astroturfed the push for it from youtube to replace right wing content was. i checked their sub counts and i think donught operator alone probably has all of them combined counting vaush xanderhal even bigger ones like contra and hbomber maybe pushing it including philosophy tube. seems like any right wing leaning channel that wasnt banned for being too political too often is just leagues more popular. they dont understand the "rw pipeline" was just peoples natural preferences and the only artificial pipeline is breadtube and hasan where corpos try to lead their audience to tainted water and make them drink.

and even then hasans only popular for the same reason kpop stars are, and even then iirc hes starting to be eclipsed by people like kai cenat who openly hate trannies and tranny faggots.

edit forgot to say what prompted me to glance at views and subs was hearing alot about xanderhal only to see him with apparently under 100k subs.

edit edit apparently not homophobic just told some faggot to not mock christianity and some people got uppity because he almost said the faggot word, because someone can mock your sacred holy beliefs that inform your entire life and unites you and a community of worshippers but forbid you almost disrespect cocks going into bumholes. silly me i forgot that in current year words (like homophobia) dont actually mean things.