doodoocaca #pratt #transphobia
Creativity has been warped to serve The Message™ or completely destroyed. The amount of masturbatory paracosms that are being spun up where it's "you actually can change sex but you still go 'trans' to be cool and serve my ego but also people can be furries for realsie reals" is ridiculous. As far as discussions go, trans-jacking to make everything about muhtranzitiongoals or future surgeries or "morphological freedom" and hijacking the equally cringy "transhumanism" is rampant. They stick their noses into everything, demand everything be made about them, and demand to have furry ears added in too as the cherry on top.
Even if discussions have nothing to do with bodies or gender or sex or anything remotely biological, they'll say "I'm Vegan" by calling some mechanical thing "transition goals".
To think that WH40K went from a parody of Fascism and darkness to an escape from overwhelming liberalism and, in a sense, a positive fantasy. Hah.