These children will suffer when mothers and fathers in normal relationships prohibit their children from spending time in homes in which perversion is embraced and affirmed. Homosexual activists will try to blame conservatives for the sadness children raised by homosexuals will feel when their friends cannot play at their homes. But the ultimate cause for their sadness will rest with the selfish decisions of homosexual adults who insist not only on embracing perversion as identity but also on acquiring children. No responsible parent ought to allow their young children to spend time in a home in which homoeroticism is affirmed. Prohibiting young children from being exposed to such wickedness is not hateful even though, tragically, other young children will feel sad. Homosexuals intuitively know that young children and even teens have a limited capacity for moral reasoning. Homosexuals know that if children perceive someone as kind, they are predisposed to think of everything they do as good. Through their relationships with other people’s children (including in public schools), homosexuals seek to transform their moral views of homoerotic relationships.
Children will suffer when mothers and fathers in normal relationships prohibit their children from spending time in homes in which self-righteous ass-holery is embraced and affirmed.
Oh wait, they already do.
I grew up in a group home, where were people like you when I and kids like me were sad that we did not grow up in a normal family? You didn't care. You don't care about children you just don't want homosexuals to care more then you do. A loving same sex home is better then being a nameless kid in the syste!m.
Way to go, Laurie, giving the homophobic fundies permission to act like jerks toward children. You will note that YOUR children as well as theirs will suffer sadness at your refusal to allow them to play with their school friends, and "...the ultimate cause for their sadness will rest with the selfish decisions of heterosexual adults.." Because the sadness has nothing to do with the same sex parents, but with the BIGOTRY expressed by you and your ilk, which can poison a whole community.
Please go and find a mirror, and see if you can still look yourself in the eyes.
So, she's basically arguing that if kids spend time with their friends' gay parents then the kids might realize that gay people can be "kind" and "good". And that's bad (for some reason). Apparently, it's more important to keep children isolated from gay people to make sure the children never find out that gay people can be kind and good.
Does Laurie even notice that her homophobic argument presupposes the kindness of gay parents? And her alternative is basically that children should be isolated and lied to in order to make sure they think gay people are bad? Basically, she's acknowledging the existence of nice, kind gay parents and arguing it's the homophobic parents' job to conceal this fact from children. Otherwise, the kids might let their firsthand experience get in the way of the hate-filled indoctrination.
You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!
"These children will suffer when mothers and fathers in normal relationships prohibit their children from spending time in homes in which perversion is embraced and affirmed."
'Bigotry is the problem of everyone BUT the bigots!' # no idea
These children will suffer when mothers and fathers in normal relationships prohibit their children from spending time in homes in which perversion is embraced and affirmed. Miscegnation activists will try to blame conservatives for the sadness children raised by mixed-race couples will feel when their friends cannot play at their homes. But the ultimate cause for their sadness will rest with the selfish decisions of those black and white adults who insist not only on embracing perversion as identity but also on acquiring children. No responsible parent ought to allow their young children to spend time in a home in which miscegnation is affirmed. Prohibiting young children from being exposed to such wickedness is not hateful even though, tragically, other young children will feel sad. Mixed-race couples intuitively know that young children and even teens have a limited capacity for moral reasoning. Mixed-race couples know that if children perceive someone as kind, they are predisposed to think of everything they do as good. Through their relationships with other people’s children (including in public schools), mixed-race couples seek to transform their moral views of miscegnated relationships.
Same shit, different decade.
I would prohibit my children from spending time in homes in which perversion is embraced and affirmed, too. If the parents left pornography lying around, or abused their children, or had extra-marital affairs, or let their older kids molest their younger kids, I would not want my children to play there.
Homosexual activists? You mean people who want to get married to their consenting adult love-of-their-life, make a home and create a family together? The nerve of them!!!
What about the selfish decisions of heterosexual adults who insist not only on embracing perversion as identity but also on acquiring children?
Hetero-eroticism is just as perverse as homo-eroticism.
Religious fundies intuitively know that young children and even teens have a limited capacity for moral reasoning.
Through their relationships with other people's children, homosexuals seek to show that they are just like everyone else, and that homo- and hetero-eroticism is best kept in the bedroom.
Well, no matter how you put it, if you don't have an objective reason to discriminate a person, you can't shift te blame to the discriminated part. Now, what if parents prohibited their kids to play with yours because you're a Christian? See the point?
"Homosexuals know that if children perceive someone as kind, they are predisposed to think of everything they do as good."
In other words, we can't let children find out that we're telling lies about other people. It's bad enough that when the children become teenagers they're going to meet people of other races/beliefs/sexuality and realize that they're kind and rational people. How else are we supposed to raise the next generation of bigots?
Yammer, yammer, yammer ... homosexual activists ... blah, blah, blah ... homo-eroticism is affirmed ... Sis, Boom, Bah ... limited capacity for moral reasoning ...
The extremely young don't understand reproduction. They understand love and nurturing. And you are not the arbiter of who may do those things, and guide the young to maturity in a responsible way. You're spin on this is absurd. Mind your OFBusiness. The rest of us will get along fine. Joy comes from being loved and being treated with loving consideration, not from your moral position, capiche?
But the ultimate cause for their sadness will rest with the selfish decisions of homosexual adults who insist not only on embracing perversion as identity but also on acquiring children.
Yeah, if those homos wouldn’t demand equal rights, we wouldn’t have to deny them to them. So it’s all their fault!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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