Mack Major #fundie #kinkshaming

So this is what it's coming to: male sex dolls for women complete with 'bionic penises' - set to be on the market by 2019.

This is what happens when women rebel against God: they end up becoming silly, laden with sin and destroyed by their own unbridled sexual lusts. *2 Timothy 3:6

If your homegirl suddenly stops taking your calls next year, no longer wants to hang out and rarely ever leaves home - now you'll know why! She'll be too busy playing house with mechanical Ken to be bothered!

The proper term for this is digisexual. It's someone who gets off on having sex with mechanical things. Like those dildos and vibrators some of you keep in your dresser drawer or closet.

Since when did it become normal to rub a mechanical object on yourself for sexual pleasure?

This actually is nothing new. I wrote about the history of this in at least two of my ebooks: "Diva Goddess Queen" and talked about digisex in "Porn: When Pleasure Becomes Possession."

Dildos and sex dolls are simply modern twists on old concepts such as idols and fetishes. When you bring one of these items into your home you are in fact bringing idolatry into your home.

Idolatry is the worship of demon spirits hidden within statues and items that are designed to be replications of the actual real thing.

If you already own a dildo you are actively engaged in idolatry. And God will eventually judge idolatry with the sentence of eternal death.

That's why whenever you read a message like this one, don't harden your heart. This may be your last chance to get right with God before judgement falls on you.

Or you can choose to ignore and take your chances with the judgement of Almighty God.

Be sure to read my two ebooks:

?? Porn: When Pleasure Becomes Possession

?? Diva Goddess Queen: Breaking The Power of Soul Ties, Lust and Sexual Demons.

And get them before they are taken down at midnight and made unavailable. Most of all repent and get rid of those mechanical demon-houses you have hidden at home. Trash them and start taking your walk with Jesus Christ seriously.

Find a church that teaches sanctification and holiness and start attending regularly. You can't make it by yourself. The temptations will just be too strong for you.

If you don't find yourself a solid church home where sanctification is being taught, Satan will simply eat you for lunch. So GET IN CHURCH and STAY there! That's how you'll defeat the enemy in this hour



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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