
“Mainstream society is savagely judgmental of sexual pleasure, and cruel towards anything and anyone that stands out as different.” https://www.consensualdominance.com/?p=224

Stupid Clown #racist #conspiracy #kinkshaming incels.is

[Serious] Jews hate when you jerk off to skinny women. They want you to worship cattle like Indians

They hate when men are attracted to skinny white women. They want us all to adopt the standards of the negro and worship borderline obese fatties. Remember that there is nothing more white and sophisticated than diddling yourself to a skinny white specimen. Arguably, jerking off to hentai is more white than actually having sex with a modern 170+ pound white woman.

Jormungandr #kinkshaming #homophobia the-sietch.com

Here's what a lot of them don't want to accept: If someone's a regular, normal person who happens to be gay/Bi than straight, the broader strokes [I say this because there will always be parents/families who will stupidly disown their kids for coming out -- they're the ones who need help/support] of Western society? No one cares. Seriously, it's a "whoopey fucking do" thing.

We all have gay/Bi/lesbian friends or acquaintances, even if they're on the outskirts of our friend groups, communities, or workplace. No one cares.

If they're a, well, an utter weirdo that walks around in leather fishnets and a dog mask, or someone who makes their entire personality their orientation, and yes we see this especially in media with certain stars/actors like Ncuti Gatwa, or someone who writes an agenda into their work because they can't just help themselves, like Russel T. Davies, that's who people dislike/think are the fucking freaks, and these people have become the face of the Kitchen Sink community.

Let's put it this way and flip the orientations around: If a straight man went around loudly proclaiming about fucking women constantly, or doing everything he can to prove his, er, "heteroness", you're gonna think he's an utter douche/cunt and think, "what the fuck is wrong with you?" after three seconds on meeting him.

What about if the guy in question wrote a drama of a much older guy, e.g. his late twenties/early thirties, lusting after a sixteen/seventeen year old naive girl, to much "critical acclaim"? Oh, wait, that was the remake of Queer as Folk, which had a 29 year old dude falling in love and regularly fucking a 17 year old boy.

And, of course, not mentioned in the above are the predators, abusers, exploiters, and kiddie-fuckers who are using the Kitchen Sink Community as a shield/cover, like that soprano group in America that was literally saying "we're coming for your children" and it turned out over two-thirds, IIRC, were actual convicted kiddie-fuckers, or "Jessica Yaniv" who follows little girls into bathrooms and locker rooms, or male athletes who "transition" because they're too much of a bunch of fucking losers to succeed in men's sporting leagues [e.g. "Lea Thomas"].

posh-goofiness #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming the-sietch.com

...you understand that's the problem, right? The entire reason it's disordered and not "normal" is that the focus of their purpose is the sexuality to the exclusion of other things. It's why under pressure, they get more degenerate and not more "normal". It's why they turn a blind eye to the predators in their midst. It's why they think it's an injustice to in any way curtail their sexual activities. "Normal" people accept limitations on their sexuality all the damn time. America is pretty damn prudish in this regard with both legal and cultural restrictions on our sexuality from censorship to indecency statutes. The things "normal" people do stay in the bedroom or in closed circles. And that ignores that your sexuality is a distant second or third on the priority list.

The worst part is that it's a multi-faceted problem that intersects with the failure modes of "normal" people as well. Incels share the same problem with the alphabet people and share the same problems with the entirely depraved or either side of this issue.

There is a reason sexual immorality has been such a big problem for humanity. In all its forms it is highly corruptive and corrosive to social cohesion and trust, let alone to individuals. So, to be fair to the alphabet people, this problem is not unique to them and I don't hold that much animosity toward individual alphabet people... until their shit touches me or mine. However, I hold anyone in contempt that let's their degeneracy effect me or mine.

So to be frank, this problem isn't really about alphabet people at all. They're just in the way when we, as a society, try to limit this utterly destructive aspect of the human condition.

creekbluess #fundie #kinkshaming reddit.com

Purity culture is good actually

I think when men and women didn’t have sex until marrying, times were better because they really loved each-other for their mind and personality, true love is dead nowadays. The whole act is degrading, disgusting, inherently wrong and men know it, that’s why saying “suck my d*ck” is used as an insult. I honestly believe people should only be allowed to do it in the dark for reproduction if they want (after marriage).

I know people have their opinions on porn and whatnot, but all ideologies aside for a second, and ignoring the fact that it encourages the mistreatment and objectification of women which has a broader effect on society: what the f am I looking at? In my 18 yrs of life, I have never intentionally watched it only when I get those ads on free movie sites because I’m a cheapskate. Don’t even get me started on the “barely legal” content, it’s legit thinly veiled pedophilia. Truly mind numbing stuff.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #racist #quack #crackpot #kinkshaming barnhardt.biz

[From “Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” can’t be truly appreciated and understood until you know that it is the story of the miraculous healing and conversion to Christianity of a Diabolical Narcissist Jew”]

Thanks for the patience with all of the reposts this week. Unpacking takes ten times longer than packing, and doing it in the run-up to Christmas is… logistically challenging. It’s Christmas Eve, and that means the traditional viewing of “Scrooge” from ARSH 1951[…]Let us pray with Holy Mother Church:

for the faithless Jews: that Almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord[…]

The ARSH 1951 film “Scrooge” starring Alastair Sim is the definitive film version of “A Christmas Carol”[…]
“A Christmas Carol” took on a whole new life and depth of meaning for me when, after my in-depth study of Diabolical Narcissism several years ago, I realized that the reason why “A Christmas Carol” is such a compelling story[…]
The pre-conversion Scrooge character is a classic DN. He is a cerebral narcissist – highly successful in his profession, a miser, caring for nothing but “his work” – which just happens to be usury (Usury? In London? Nooo…)[…]
Scrooge descends into psychopathic usury, and, as we have discussed, even descends into that horrific sexual perversion – ASEXUALITY, by dumping his fiancée and living a life of LOVELESS, MISERABLE, ELITIST SOLITUDE[…]
The other point here which is TOTALLY lost on the modern world is the fact that EBENEEZER is quite possibly the most HEBREW name ever, and that EVERYONE understood when Dickens wrote the book that Scrooge was one of the many JEWISH USURERS in London[…]
The story closes with the words, “And it was always said that he knew how to keep Christmas well”[…]

That, friends, means that Ebeneezer Scrooge, an ethnic Jew and atheist (as almost all ethnic Jews today are), received baptism and became a believing Christian

TheSimbul, WinterWitch & Wristfevers #kinkshaming #transphobia ovarit.com

Genital fetish uwu

( TheSimbul )
The phrase kink-shaming should never be used.

People are going to judge you on your sexual habits. Get over it.

( WinterWitch )
If you are going to try and force other people to participate in your kink they get to judge you for it. Don’t want to be judged? Keep it in your own home.

( Wristfevers )
Kinkshaming and refering to ppl depending on their sex assigned at birth is my kink and if you don't like it then you are a hater, a bigot, you have cooties and stop genociding mee. UwU.

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Mahō Shōjo ni Akogarete… is an extremely sinful wicked licentious and abhorrent Japanese animated work designed solely to appeal to the prurient interest. This work got an English Blu-ray release in the United States despite its distribution being illegal under the Comstock Act as it is patently obscene and has no true artistic value under the Miller test…

The series follows Utena Hiiragi … She is told her goal is to fight Tres Magia, under the syndicate Enormita, which she resists until she finds carnal satisfaction in sadistic type actions against the girls, from restraining them and tickling them to pouring candle wax on them and much more. She is eventually given the villain name “Magia Baiser…”She struggles being given over to a reprobate mind, becoming addicted to lesbian pornography and engaging in these vile acts against Tres Magia. She eventually meets other members of Enormita… episode 6 involves Alice turning Magia Magenta into a baby, and graphically involving her being tortured by tickling until she urinated into her diaper, an extremely obscene and disgusting display. The following episode involves Magia Azul, by far the largest breasted of the magical girl trio, submitting to Utena’s sinful dominatrix behavior in a vile display, all while Utena rejects her and continues her onslaught after admonishing Azul for her vices in the most hypocritical manner possible…
Utena eventually topples the leader of Enormita, Lord, by imagining her as a bratty child she torments with her usual sadistic brand of torture including spankings and other extraordinarily sinful practices. Utena… becomes the new leader of Enormita and moves the goal from the destruction of magical girls to using them to appeal to her sick and twisted fantasies of same-sex domination…
This series is of utmost wickedness and is not recommended for anyone, especially not the youth that are likely to be attracted by its animated nature and cute girls. At least in the US, its distribution is illegal and it should be banned and the American distribution company Sentai prosecuted by the DOJ for obscenity. It is utterly obscene and without any legitimate artistic value due to its utterly abhorrent, tempting, sinful, wanton, insidious, wistful, tantalizing nature and explicit depictions of BDSM lesbianism…

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

The Comstock Act of 1873 is a series of current provisions in United States Federal law that generally criminalize the involvement of the United States Postal Service, its officers, or a common carrier in conveying obscene matter, crime-inciting matter, or certain abortion-related matter.
This law prohibits the Post Office from distributing anything related to abortion including materials to perform one to literature about abortions, and Planned Parenthood donation solicitations.
The law also prohibits mailing anything through the mail that is found to be obscene under the Miller test, which includes much of the smut of this wicked age whether domestic or imported. If applied properly, the law bans shipping smut romance novels like “50 Shades of Grey,” sinful coarse sitcoms like “Two and a Half Men” and the myriad of imported Japanese animated smut and many other things like pro-sodomite advocacy and “children’s books” featuring graphic pornography of minors like the now infamous book “Gender Queer.”
In 1873, Anthony Comstock was successful in pressing Congress to enact the Comstock Act to prevent "obscene, lewd or lascivious" items in the mail, with penalties up to ten years in prison. This included any pornography as well as information on contraception, birth control or abortion,... It is estimated that fifteen tons of pornographic books and publications, and four million photographs, were destroyed as a result of his labors during his long career. The Comstock Act was amended in 1923 to remove the prohibitions on distributing information on contraception and birth control due to sinful racist eugenicist Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.
The problem with modern liberal governance is that this Act has not been properly enforced in so long, but under a righteous government we could ban so much sinful garbage that makes its way to our shores. Along with a total ban on online obscenity and a firewall system akin to the Great Firewall, which totally passes constitutional muster as it would only ban unprotected obscenity, the Comstock Act would be a vital tool to restore morality in America.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist #kinkshaming #dunning-kruger sinfest.xyz


Panel 1: Bill Maher: “Why do people hate the Jews?”
Panel 2: The Twin Towers burning down, with images of Jewish caricatures, the Soviet flag, and John F. Kennedy superimposed on.
Panel 3: A building, with logos of Mossad, AIPAC, Mossad, the Federal Reserve, the ADL, the Rothschilds, HIAS, PornHub, and OnlyFans superimposed on.
Panel 4: Bill Maher, with a smug look on his face: “Because we’re successful.”

Young Dixie #sexist #forced-birth #racist #kinkshaming identitydixie.com

[From “Young Dixie’s Proposals to Combat Feminism in a Free South”]

Upon the agreement of the Young Dixie Executive Board, we have decided to put forward publicly an aggressive platform to defeat feminism in a Free South. The platform below is a work in progress, as we seek feedback from our fellow Southerners

1)Young Dixie seeks a criminal ban on OnlyFans and the seizure of all its assets by a proposed Confederate government. In this measure, we hope to end a parasitic cycle of degeneracy[…]
2)Young Dixie seeks a total ban on abortion initiated on a state-by-state level[…]
3)Young Dixie seeks a ban on “no fault” divorces[…]
5)Young Dixie seeks a total end to alimony, as it is nothing more than legalized theft and violates a man’s honor and rights
6)Young Dixie seeks to raise the voting age for women to 21 years of age, possibly even increased to 29. It should be said, a significant reason for lowering the voting age (in 1971) was that men could be drafted at 18[…]
7)Young Dixie seeks a ban on birth control pills and other associated birth control measures. In this, we seek to reinstate responsibility and consequences to sexual intercourse and decrease sexual promiscuity[…]
8)Infanticide (abortion) will be considered as a capital punishment offence in a Free South. The mother, as well as, any willing accomplice to the act, including the father, medical professionals, and infanticide activists, will be subjected to this judgement[…]
9)Young Dixie seeks to expand the description and definition, including prosecution, of prostitution to include women engaged in commercial pornographic content and thus liable to criminal punishment for prostitution
10)Young Dixie seeks a Southern-wide ban on gender (and racial) based affirmative action schemes in colleges and in the workplace

Aimee Terese and Glypticfille #crackpot #dunning-kruger #homophobia #kinkshaming #quack #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Aimee Terese:

“Men who eat pussy are spiritual lesbians”


“There is likely a direct correlation between men who do this (99% of leftist men) and modern leftism. It is my suspicion that there is something in the vaginal fluids that is capable of estrogenising the body, cuckolding the spirit, hence thousand year prohibition against it.”

DavyMichael #sexist #fundie #kinkshaming instagram.com

A warning to younger men!!!!

‭Proverbs 5:3-9
For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it. And now, O sons, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth. Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless.

John C. Wright #homophobia #forced-birth #kinkshaming #crackpot scifiwright.com

{from 2014}

And you did not retract your statement, where you defined masturbation, which is the act of discharging semen not in the act of sexual reproduction to include discharging semen in the act of sexual reproduction. This is like saying black is white or night is day. It is inexcusable. Before leaping up to make additional false accusations and saying additional arrant logical fallacies, please acknowledge your defeat on this point before moving on to the next.

The next point will be just as disappointing to you, however: the act of sexual reproduction is the act of sexual reproduction, otherwise known as coitus, whether or not the act culminates in reproducing the young. So, after saying black is white, you say white is not white.

The reason why sex should and must be defined as the reproductive act is that anything else is illogical, insane, and, frankly, unhealthy. Humans have allowed new venereal diseases to spread in the modern generation which were unknown in the ancient world, since the pursuit of perverse sexual pleasure, involving the abuse of sexual organs by thrusting them into orifices where nature never intended them to do, is unhealthy, and spreads disease.

To me, sex is sex and perversion is perversion. That is because a thing is what it is. I am not ignoring what you call other applications: to the contrary what I am doing is correctly identifying them as sexual perversions, that is, namely, an unnatural abuse or misuse of the sexual organs by those to whom the natural pleasures of the natural uses thereof are insufficiently stimulating.

To me, the sex act is the sexual reproductive act. Masturbation is not the sex act, it is self gratification by an abuse of those organs.

You see the problem you are having is that facts and logic are on my side. All you have is a dark, turgid, hysterical emotion based on a frantic denial of reality and a love of wrongdoing. I am not from the generation where everyone is given a participation trophy. You speak in ignorance. Your thoughts are not in order. You misuse common philosophical terms. Your behavior is a simple and neurotic trick of merely accusing me of your own shortcomings, and when that accusation is proved false, merely making the next, and the next, without once actually thinking about what you are saying.

Gaedhal and C.T. #homophobia #kinkshaming westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Contra atheismum”]

by Gaedhal

As much as I criticise Christianity, atheism is probably worse. At around the 1:06 mark [of this YouTube video], objectively Dan—who has a nose piercing, even though he is a man—says that he is ‘unironically antinatalist’[…]
Veneloid, Rachel Oates, Captain Cassidy, Rationality Rules all appear to be antinatalists, at least practically

And so if you find the atheist movement distasteful—and I do— then, demographically, it probably won’t be around for much longer

The reason why I personally reject antinatalism is because I do not positively affirm materialism

Transgenderism is also, arguably, a form of antinatalism, as is homosexuality, and we know how frequent these pastimes are in atheism[…]
Such behaviour, in my view, is wholly consistent with atheism. The sun will eventually explode, its protons will eventually decay, and the universe will eventually be a uniform temperature. As Bertrand Russell says: this is a philosophy of unyielding despair[…]
As I said before: I disbelieve in the gods of revealed religion and the gods of classical theism. However, there is still a wide gulf between this and atheistic materialism[…]
Given the heap of ruins that, anon, the universe is fated to become—The Atheism of Astronomy calls this: ‘drift’—then why not neuter oneself and dedicate one’s life to orgy and fetishes?

The Atheism of Astronomy’s image of ‘drift’ is certainly a dreadful one. We are all slowly drifting into non existence. It is like there is a malevolent god, with a rubber eraser, rubbing us out, and thus erasing us

[b}Editor’s two cents:

That is why I don’t consider myself an atheist and why Hitler and Himmler also repudiated ‘atheism’. Instead, I respect the archetypes represented by the Aryan Gods, and there is a category on this site (genuine spirituality) which shows that it is possible to reject the god of the Jews and, at the same time, intuit a kind of panentheism in the universe

Ray Comfort #dunning-kruger #fundie #kinkshaming christianpost.com

So, when I speak to an atheist, I ask this question: “Can you be brutally honest with me?” When he says that he can, I ask, “this has little to do with the existence of God and everything to do with you having sex with your gorgeous girlfriend. Am I right?” And, in almost every case, the reaction is an admission that his problem isn’t God’s existence but His moral demands. That’s the point of offense.

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Sermon 11: Dazed and Confused

By The Rev. Steven Roland

James 3:16 "For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work."

These days, we got people trying to call good evil and evil good! Being a normal straight man in this society is WEIRD but wanting to date elementary school kids as a 6'5 drag queen is okay according to the DNC and other progressives these days!!!!! Even the weak sauce Republicans have enough sense to know how awful this is, except the extreme RINOs like Mormon Willard and Dick Cheney! What is it with these REAL weirdos going to sodomite "pride" parades with their ball and chain and full BDSM and furry gear, and not only allowing but DEMANDING your kids see this vulgarity! They see it as a legitimate form of "self-expression" that is "edifying" to kids who need to be in a real IFB church instead learning right from wrong and to stay away from these bozos! A REAL Church because plenty of liberal sodomites in the Roman "Church" and Southern Baptist "churches" want to get at your kids in "nurseries" too instead of having young ones in the sanctuary listening to sermons with their parents next to them!

We all have accepted sodomites and predators as a "normal" part of society. But we should never!! Being a good steward of God's youth means to keep them trained in the faith, rear them in discipline, and keep them away from worldly predators no matter how "weird" Kacklin' Kamala and Tampon Tim think you are for not letting RuPaul diddle your kid after reading them a story! Only weirdos put tampons in the boys' bathroom when they have no biological physiological need for such a thing! PERVERSION!!!!!!!

Sunnykit00 #kinkshaming #sexist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

(from a Reddit thread where the original poster wanted advice on a “friends with benefits” situation. This user started to accuse people in casual sexual relationships of being rapists; this is a collection of their quotes from throughout the thread)

No relationship is casual once you have sex. Sex has consequences whether people want to admit it or not. It's physical.

(“I have had plenty of casual relationships, mainly just having sex and maybe watching movies or whatever.”)

You raped people?
Sex by deception is a criminal act of rape.

(“You think no one can consent to casual, no strings attached sex?”)


(“It didn't create an emotional response in him. All he led her to believe is that he was down to nut, just like her. She shouldn't have led him to believe she wouldn't catch feelings.”)

Take a biology class child.

(“So you're saying that sex is inherently damaging to people?”)

It is the most emotionally damaging thing that ever happens to anyone.

(“I've been the naive girl who caught feelings from a FWB situation, and you're talking bullshit.”)

You "caught feelings" because that's a normal human response you learned the hard way; that there is no such thing as simply FWB. You were used.

(“Chill out, dude.”)

Why, because guys can't be called out for using someone? Lying by actions? Women do this as well at times. But yes, usually men because other men tell them it's ok to do. Just like the hundreds on this sub who are supporting casual rape.

(It goes on and on like this…)

Monica Cole #fundie #wingnut #kinkshaming #conspiracy onemillionmoms.com

Amazon Prime Video has taken a dangerous step into the darkness with its new animated series Hazbin Hotel, which was released on Friday. This wicked cartoon portrays Lucifer (Satan) and demons as the “heroes” and angels (elders) in heaven as the “bad guys.”

The show’s premise is that Charlie, Lucifer’s daughter with a she-demon, wants to save hell’s residents from extermination by the elders through rehabilitating them at her Hazbin Hotel, where they can learn to act better and hopefully move from hell to heaven. Her first resident is a former adult entertainer; he discusses p*rn numerous times and uses vulgar s*xual references.

Hell is a dark, miserable place, but Charlie, bubbly and optimistic like a Disney princess, sings and dances her way down the streets of hell during her song “Happy Day in Hell,” where we see (among other disgusting scenes) cannibalism on the sidewalk and briefly witness a s*xual encounter.
Foul language is pervasive throughout the show; the trailer alone includes the s-word and – even more shocking – the f-word … five times.

God is never mentioned, adding more misdirection for those who are spiritually confused. Angels are demonic-looking creatures with halos and horns. These “elders of heaven” (led by former-human-turned-angel, Adam) are not only vindictive and cruel, but they are even more foul-mouthed than the demons!

This series will attract children because of the animation, but it is far from kid friendly. It will confuse not only children but adults as well, as it distorts what the Bible teaches about the reality of hell and its finality. It will also mislead viewers to think that God does not give every soul the opportunity to repent from their sins, which is in opposition to 2 Peter 3:9, which tells us that God does not want any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

Bernard Lane #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

Excerpts from a guy explaining why fan fiction turns girls Trans

“And ‘gay ships’ online, gay erotica, can provide a vector for the girl to explore relationships and sexuality with the male objects of her infatuation — without confronting all that resentment, insecurity, hatred and self-doubt that is triggered by female love interest and male-female relationships.

“When it's two men it can be very seductive, because these girls love men, and they don't want to see the women — and it's like this weird, perfect storm for them.”

“The fandom community is going to have that hierarchy — if you are a cis-het white person, you're evil, you're terrible, you're horrible, you're disgusting, you're an oppressor. But if you're trans, if you're gay, if you're not white, then you are amazing. And everybody needs to be super nice to you.

“The LGBT spectrum is really elevated in these fandom communities, partly because of that love of the male-male pairings where these girls are obsessed with the very idea of gay men. They almost think they're being pro-LGBT by sharing gay fan fiction.

“They're developing an aversion to male-female relationships. They can start to over-identify with the ‘gay ships’, in this [online 24/7] environment where there are no checks and balances on the fantasy. It's all these young girls identifying as trans together, ‘shipping the ships’ together. It's so easy to have your identity lines blurred, to start to over-identify with being a gay trans boy. And then gender ideology comes along and says, this is all a sign that deep down, you really want to be a boy.”

David Wright #kinkshaming #crackpot #fundie facebook.com

I don't care if there is consent or not. I simply don't understand why two people WOULD even have sex in the first place. Even if it isn't rape, it's still dirty and perverted as fuck. I mean, you're invading someone's genitals with your own genitals. You're basically helping someone masturbate. How is that even remotely "beautiful" or "romantic"? Going to the toilet is a private thing you do alone. So should having sex be. Sexual pleasure is an awkward thing, not meant to be shared. I am literally against sex, unless meant for the purpose of reproducing, which is necessary, but that's it. We humans should be able to understand, that true love comes without sexual attraction, and that truly being in love means that you've stepped up and away from everything that is considered sexual. Explained in a simple way: Love is an anti-sexual feeling, and thank god for that. Sex is NOT beautiful. No matter if it's consensual, rape, porn, or whatever... Intimacy is great, kissing is great, physical contact is great, but keep those genitals in your pants, if you want to show someone that you love them. That's how I see it.

various commenters #transphobia #kinkshaming ovarit.com

Pornhub Wants to Turn Straight Men Gay Says Michael Knowles - Metro Weekly

( Clarus )
Pornhub has been exposed pushing a lot of transgender content, even saying it can help people find their sexual identity.

Over time, we see more and more that most transgender individuals are just perverts created by mass porn-watching, who want to emulate what they see. Porn-addiction is a major factor in transitioning.

( Mandy )
And all of this has gone hand in hand with a societal push not to kink-shame.

I think we need more kink-shaming. Keep it in the bedroom, don't parade it around in public. Let the private stay private.

( Mandy )
Pretty sure it's not possible to "turn someone gay" unless they are that way inclined already.

AGP men are straight men obsessed with becoming the object of their own desires. Other TIMs are gays in denial.

In the same way, a lot of TIFs are yaoi-addled girls and women who yearn for that perfect gay relationship of two equal partners devoted to each other through thick and thin. Or lesbians in denial.

Hypno sissy porn has nothing to do with lesbians, just as yaoi is nothing to do with real gay sex and relationships.

( happy-harpy )
I think that men’s sexuality is more opportunistic than women’s. They famously stick their dicks in anything and prison gay is a thing and all that. Turning people gay is stupid, right-wing fear-mongering but it doesn’t surprise me that porn is warping the sexuality of men who watch it. It’s basically propaganda that you masturbate to.

Jason Evert #fundie #kinkshaming chastity.com


When I played college baseball, we were expected not to use steroids. Sure, some athletes do it anyway, but no coach would ever walk into the locker room and say, “We want you all to abstain from using performance enhancing drugs. But since we know some of you will do it anyway, we’ll have a basket of free, clean syringes in the dugout,” with a special class for those who don’t want to abstain.

Alan Shlemon #fundie #kinkshaming str.org

I’ve always loved the power and sleek look of the Aventador, the Diablo, the Veneno, and several other models. So, when I heard you can tour the assembly line, I persuaded my wife to drive a few hours for the rare opportunity to see firsthand how these beauties are built.

During the drive to and from Modena, where the factory is located, it was no surprise to see several Lamborghinis being road-tested. Immediately I began daydreaming about taking one out for a test spin, feeling the g-force during acceleration, and effortlessly cornering winding mountain roads.

What would it be like to take one of these low-profile supercars off road, though? Instead of humming along on the smooth asphalt streets of Modena, imagine turning sharply onto a dirt road and attempting to climb a mountain on steep and rocky terrain. It’s obvious what would happen: tears...lots of tears. The front spoiler would crack, the rims and doors would dent, and the car would high center on a bulging boulder, rendering the car inoperable in a matter of seconds. The Lamborghini would incur tens of thousands of dollars of damage in an instant.

No (sane) owner would ever do that. They know how a Lamborghini is designed to function and what conditions it’s made to handle. They know its limitations. No driving on sand. No driving on rocks. No driving through rivers. No driving off jumps. That’s a lot of “no.” Lamborghini owners don’t regard the car’s lack of off-road capability a weakness. They certainly wouldn’t name-call the Lamborghini designers or think they’re killjoys. In fact, Lamborghini owners would consider the engineers heroes to be lauded for their innovation and automotive brilliance. When you drive a Lamborghini on the open highway or along a winding mountain road, you enjoy the engineering excellence of a high performance sports car, the way it was meant to be driven.

That’s why I’m mystified by Christians who think God is a killjoy. They wonder why God restricts sexual activity to a married man and woman. That seems to leave out a lot of opportunities, many people reason. No sex before marriage (fornication). No sex outside of marriage (adultery). No sex with people of the same sex (homosexuality). No sex with animals (bestiality). No sex with close relatives (incest). That’s a lot of “no.”

“Understanding Transmisogyny” #moonbat #sexist #kinkshaming transmisogyny-explained.tumblr.com

(trying to argue that the term “femboy,” even when used by and about cis men, is transphobic)

Enter femboys. Femboys often look exactly like the standard trap — a very young, semi-androgynous, flat-chested, thin, white anime girl — though they’re frequently depicted even more salaciously because the artist has no reason to “conceal their masculine traits,” instead drawing attention to their genitals.

The default reasoning people use as to why this concept isn’t transmisogynistic is that femboys are gender-nonconforming boys who aren’t trying to trick anyone into believing that they’re girls. […] However, this argument completely ignores that half of the issue with traps and futanari is that they are a fetish. In every instance, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the penis — it’s shocking and unexpected; it’s connotative of a cis boy in disguise; it’s accentuation goes hand-in-hand with male femininity, designating male femininity as inherently erotic. […]

This is what you’re contributing to when you normalize the fetishization of “femboys,” the fetishization of the juxtaposition between a feminine presentation with a so-called “masculine” biology.

Tatsuya Ishida #transphobia #conspiracy #racist #kinkshaming sinfest.xyz

[From “July 29, 2024: Paris Olympics”]


spoilerPanel 1: Cartouche reading “Meanwhile, in, Paris…”, while “Liberté” and “Égalité” are written in golden letters above Barbara Butch
Panel 2: “Perversité” (“Perversion”) is written in golden letters above Philippe Katerine standing as Dyonisos, while eggplants and mushrooms are raining around him
Panel 3: A man wearing a beret and carrying baguettes is saying “Qui écrit ces conneries?” (“Who’s writing this shit?”)
Panel 4: A man is seated in his office, wearing a kippah. On his office is a mug on which an Israeli flag has been painted; a rainbow flag is flying from his office. From his windows, the Eiffel Tower can be seen

Kamuroshiryu #biphobia #kinkshaming deviantart.com

No one should be ashamed of making straight ships between fictional characters and this is where Genshin Impact sets the most despicable example since My Hero Academia. As a hetero lad, I could not care worth a fin if LGB ships exist but if there are artists that are threatened to delete a straight ship off of Pixiv or any other art site by cyberbullies, then I must express annoyance to it.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "A Quick Note About Freemasons"]

It should be well established that there is no such thing as a “Former Freemason”. As the saying goes, “Once a Freemason, Always a Freemason”[…]unless of course if someone did some truly dishonorable act[…]even still, that person remains as a liability[…]because the thing is, only ill-witted Men ever join[…]
The same is true for pretty much any other Alphabet Soup Organization that we know so well, including Intel Agencies[…]
There are some generally otherwise well-meaning people who join Freemasonry, but are usually only relegated to becoming only in the First 3 Levels[…]
They end up being proxy agents for the Satanic Energy that comes from the very top of the Pyramid[…]
Only those who have been vetted[…]are permitted above these levels, and even more so to the 32nd and 33rd degrees, and especially the degrees above those[…]
32nd Degrees are pretty much almost up on par with their 33rd Degree Brethren[…]they sure have done many things to win their place[…]Many of them engage in homosexual activities and also sex orgies involving “Wife Swaps”[…]
We here at PSA do not recommend anyone to associate with someone you know who is a Freemason[…]
Even Benjamin Franklin, however, while a staunch defender of Liberty and even making claims about the Jews, was also a Freemason as were many of the other American Founding Fathers. They all were actually Satanic and part of something sinister, if even just for themselves[…]
There is not a “Benevolent Brotherhood[…]All of them are sinister, and all of them are aimed at destruction and subversion of European Aryan Peoples[…]
Only informed members know that they “God” they worship is “Lucifer”, and that Christians also worship that God, which is actually not a real God whatsoever but is a creature which is half-alien and half of Artificial Intelligence design

Jon Watkins #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming exposingsatanism.org

One of the articles Cynthia sent me is entitled “Pleasures of the Fur” and subtitled “Welcome to the world of “furries”: the thousands of Americans who’ve gotten in touch with their inner raccoon, or wolf, or fox. Judging from the Midwest FurFest, this is no hobby. It’s sex; it’s religion; it’s a whole new way of life.” This article is from Vanity Fair a perverse publication that panders to deviates. It was penned in 2007.

Notice that the writer says “Americans who’ve gotten in touch with their inner”. The inner what, is the question at hand? It is a demonic Spirit manifesting as a “raccoon, or wolf, or fox”. Any animal they want to conjure up. Also note he says “It’s sex; it’s religion; it’s a whole new way of life” Yes! It is the religion of sexual perversion and a life which is contrary to the Word of God!


All of this acting out is probably a result of the LGBT movement and specifically to the Transgender issue. Transgender is changing into something you are not! “denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender. See this article Transgender now as mainstream as baseball, apple pie?

If you have ever seen a witch doctor ritual or a healing ceremony, you probably heard the drums beating, the Chanting, the music if you will being rhythmically played. They do that to conjure up the spirits. Please do not go looking for witch doctor videos to view unless you are Born Again and secure in Christ. You take a chance of becoming demon possessed if you are not already!

various commenters #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist ovarit.com

RE: The number of gay men defending porn is disturbing.

( Artemis_Lives )
Being exploitative and predatory is a fixture of male sexuality, gay or straight. The sex industry only exists because men in general create the demand.

( Unicorn )
To be honest, I'm not surprised, gay men are still men. Males are the group of people who overwhelmingly watch and are addicted to porn. I'm sure gay porn is just as harmful to a healthy sexuality as the porn aimed at heterosexual males, so yeah, "my porn only objectifies and dehumanizes men" isn't the great argument they think it is.

( sanitycheck )
Men are who they are. And who they are is largely testosterone-driven great apes with terrible socialization that encourages them to be selfish and repress any emotions. I think its a straight womans fantasy that gay men will somehow understand or care about our oppression. Gay men are still men, they can be misogynistic and awful, and they can believe that women would think it is their biological destiny to be oversexed dolls for men to play with. Watch ru pauls drag race if you dont believe me.

Not all gay men are like this- but I think youd set yourself up to fail if you start off expecting them to be wonderful like Kurt from Glee or Mitch and Cam character from Modern Family.

( Philogynist )
Yes, they aren't all like this in my experience but they aren't all wonderful. I've spoken to many gay men who are now "identifying as asexual" simply because they don't fit in with the hypersexualized gay male culture and have normal, healthy boundaries. And there are many disconnected from mainstream gay male/"LGBT" culture who don't fit in with the focus on gay porn, the flamboyant misogyny disguised as jokes, or the stereotypes.

However, I can no longer stand to socialize with any gay or bisexual men who can be found around gay bars, gay events, or parties. And I've worked with many in jobs even outside of these places who are just terrible people and have regretted assuming they were more trustworthy than heterosexual men. I think how "plugged into" mainstream "LGBTQ" culture, drag, and the gay party scene they are makes a huge difference.

H_T1998; Reasonable-Design_43; SnowMiserForPres; AliceLoverdrive #kinkshaming reddit.com

(from a thread discussing AI-generated deepfake porn)

Porn is degenerate unless you make it yourself with your partner

I absolutely agree. Tried to explain this to someone and they fought me tooth and nail over it

That person 100% cranks it to the hub daily. Porn just melts peoples brains it’s crazy

"it's my God given RIGHT to jerk off to and objectify a human being. If you don't support that, you want my rights and my freedom taken away"

Why yes, I want all the coomers to be stripped of rights and sent to uranium mines, why do you ask?

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie #conspiracy #kinkshaming stewart1611.blogspot.com

Over 90% of American women have little to no morals. They take off 95% of their clothes at the beach, or wherever there is water, causing ungodly men and lesbian women to lust. Ninety-nine percent of American men will commit fornication or adultery if given the chance. The Luciferian elite lurking behind the scenes to corrupt America's families have sexualized the United States. Read the prolific words of former retired Canadian Navy commander, William Guy Carr (1895-1959):

“Lust is sexual desire outside the Natural Law of God. Therefore Christ Himself seems to have confirmed that Satan was lustful and is father of the Synagogue of Satan as those who are Satanists teach and believe. Satanists have always used sex-bribery and the depravities and perversions of sex to obtain control of men and women they wished to use to further the secret plans of their diabolical conspiracy. Satanism makes a God of sex. They worship the human body because of its sexual abilities. When men and women prove they are unyielding to all other forms of devilish temptation, they often fall as the result of becoming involved in illicit relationships and perversions. Did not David commit abominable sexual crimes, including incest?” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Satan: Prince Of This World, by Commander William Guy Carr, p. 22

I highly recommend that you read William Guy Carr's numerous books. Satanists teach that Satan had sex with Eve in the Garden of Eden (which claim I totally disagree with). Satanist's entire belief system is rooted in human debasing with sex-perversion. Thus, Satanism and sex are inseparable. With this disturbing truth in mind from Commander Carr, it will become obvious to you just how evil and dangerous the sensual, promiscuous and sexualizing music videos of Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Carrie Underwood and thousands of other Satanic servants are! We are now living in Sodom and Gomorrha on earth in America!!! We truly have become The Great Satan.

Brythonic Princess #sexist #racist #conspiracy #kinkshaming #wingnut archive.is

(From “An open letter to the entire feminist community.” Written in 2017.)


To the radical feminists: You are closer to me than you think you are. However, you will never abolish the porn industry fighting the wrong group of people. I strongly urge you all to look up the Jewish porn moguls and the statistics of Jewish people in the media and big business, despite being less than 3% of the American population they manage to be the majority in most of these things while holding a large portion of the wealth as well as being the group with the lowest rates of poverty. Stop blaming white men for every single issue in society, Porn alone has always been a communist and Jewish creation used specifically to ruin society, I have said before that this is bigger than the oppression of women, they are teaching our young boys to only be aroused by incest, Gang banging and bestiality to destroy him. Hitler knew this, that is why he made it his business to burn pornographic literature and general media. Pre-Hitler Germany was riddled with porn culture which of course lead to rape rates going way up and mass demoralisation of the public, Hitler managed to abolish most of this and brought peace and high trust societies back to the German public, which flourished even under a global depression. He did this just by trying to deport the Jewish elite to Palestine and purging Their nation of what those elites had created. Hitler released his people from massive, Crushing loans and debt, created hundreds of thousands of jobs, gave mothers generous financial support and time off from work, Ran the world’s first anti-smoking campaigns and made it the government’s business to protect their environment. He created the socialist Utopia you would all die for, the media then went on to lie about him and make you afraid of him, because they don’t want you to succeed.

various commenters #transphobia #kinkshaming ovarit.com

RE: Trans is a red flag for domestic abuse.

( TheEthicalHedonist )
I would think many paraphilias correlate with abuse and trans is simply the latest in a long line of methods men use to abuse women. Part of what brought me to this movement was recognizing the scary similarities between the things said to me by my abusive ex-husband (BDSM paraphilia) and the TRAs.

( Calliope )
I think you're correct. It's not just AGP or transness, it's so many kinks, fetishes, paraphilias.

Editing to add: Most of these men have more than one gross kink or fetish. It seems pretty rare to find an AGP with only AGP.

( Luckystar )
I feel like trans fetish (sissy, crossdressing, shemale, whatever they wanna call it) is on the rise too. I saw a Pornhub infographic series of the year's trends and "transgender" was all over the top search hits for various demographics. I'm not exactly a porn trends expert but I don't remember that really being a thing even 10 or so years ago

( RuneOwl )
Trans ideology is really attractive to all sorts of sociopathic men, from incels to neo Nazis to pedophiles. And of course, they’re all entitled misogynists who deeply resent women and want to control us. This isn’t the least bit surprising.

They’re not even safe from each other. I knew a couple who are both TIMs—one was extremely financially and emotionally abusive towards the other, then cheated and left him for another TIM. I have never seen one in what seems like a healthy normal romantic relationship, and the trans community at large is full of infighting and unhinged toxicity. They absolutely are a mob of abusive people.

( CheshireBat )

Something startling I realized today is at probably around 40-50%% of the women I've dealt with in that capacity have revealed that their abuser is transing themselves, or has participating in cross dressing in a sexual context, or has stolen their underwear and been caught wearing it.

JFC. Is AGP just inherent to the male condition at this point???

( RuneOwl )
I honestly think the Y chromosome is a disability. I’m not even saying that in a glib “lol misandry” sort of way, I am convinced men are prone to self-destruction and overall degeneracy on a fundamental, genetic level.

I’d feel sorry for them if women weren’t always the collateral damage.

thedeadflag #moonbat #kinkshaming #sexist thedeadflag.tumblr.com

(arguing that the male pregnancy/”mpreg” kink is transphobic and wrong)

Trans men are being ignored in favour of cis men, despite the cis men characters embodying traits of trans men in order to create/progress a certain narrative. This is textbook fetishization.

[…]So essentially, cis men are used instead of trans men, which is fetishistic, but even when trans men are used, it’s nearly always fetishistic in how the characters and narrative are handled.

[…]any media content that doesn’t explicitly humanize trans people will end up being transphobic.

[…]if they’re not trans, then the work is a transphobic write-off

[…]In reality, mpreg doesn’t explicitly claim to be related to trans (or intersex) people, but it cannot be viewed outside of that context in a world where trans and intersex people are also displaced from our bodies and our realities by cis dyadic people, in a world where our body parts are literally objectified and fetishized and removed from our humanity. I literally don’t give a crap what anyone’s intent is, that’s the reality of it, that’s representation that harms trans and intersex people, and if people fail to realize that, then they’re harming trans and intersex people, categorically.

lo_zamoyski #kinkshaming news.ycombinator.com

Pornography is one of the most powerful forms of control, because you cooperate in your own enslavement. Because of the deranging and darkening effect it has on the mind, you become increasingly less aware of what's actually happening to you, less conscious of the self-destruction you are employing against yourself.

And because it functions this way, it has also been instrumentalized. Sexual "liberation" is political control. Wilhelm Reich essentially wrote the playbook here, though we see plenty of precursors, and in the Enlightenment tradition, Marquis de Sade stands out (though he did not have access to mass media like we do).

As Chesterton observed, such "freedom" is the most transparent of all bribes that slavery can make to rob us of our freedom. Pleasure is far more effective than pain because it conceals the coercive nature of the act. Marcuse saw such things as a conservative force masquerading as "liberation", one intended as a distraction (like bread and circuses) and a way of sapping the attention and energies (and I would add intelligence) of those who partake that could otherwise be used toward criticism. The deranging effect is the worst effect of all, as such, but also because its effects can far outlast the period of consumption.

That people can use VPNs is not a substantive argument against bans or restrictions on pornography.